Class overview 2014

Honors English 9
J.S. Gardner
Welcome to Honors English 9! I look forward to working with you this year, and I hope that
you will find the class challenging and rewarding. Please read this handout very carefully so
that you will know what to expect, and then please ask your parents to read it also. Sign the
last page and ask your parents to sign it also. I will collect the last page, but the rest of this
handout should be kept in your notebook all year.
Reading List
The first book on this list was assigned as summer reading.
The Odyssey
The Bible as/in Literature
Romeo and Juliet
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Jane Eyre
A Tale of Two Cities
As time permits:
Dandelion Wine
Twelfth Night
If you should have a question or concern about any of the reading material on this year’s list,
please let me know. I will be happy to discuss your concerns with you at any time.
Our grammar book is Houghton Mifflin’s Grammar and Composition. We will be covering
parts of speech, parts of the sentence, phrases, clauses, and punctuation rules.
We will be using David Popkin’s Vocabulary Energizers: Stories of Word Origins. If students
wish to write answers in this workbook, they may purchase a copy for $10.00. Money is due by
September 16.
Students will be expected to spell the vocabulary words from the workbook. In addition to
those words, we will review lists of commonly misspelled words.
Writing is a major focus of English 9. We will be reviewing all steps of the writing process
with frequent writing assignments, often linked to the literature we study. Students will be
expected to turn in prewriting and rough drafts along with the final copies of their papers.
Once a paper is graded, rewriting is always permitted providing the student first comes for
an individual writing conference during CARE.
Specific assignments for each week are always posted in the classroom. Please copy them into
your planner each Monday. Papers, tests, and quizzes will always be announced well in
advance. I update my website each week, so you can check it for assignments as well. Please
do so if you must miss class for any reason.
30 %
35 %
15 %
20 %
Please note the following:
 Notebooks are graded twice the first marking period. They count as quiz grades.
 Quiz grades may also include vocabulary and grammar quizzes, oral reports, group
work grades, and some short writing assignments.
 Homework will be assigned most nights and will often be checked. It will sometimes
be collected. Each homework assignment will be worth 10 possible points unless
announced otherwise; your final homework grade counts 20% of the total grade.
Homework is always due at the beginning of the class period and is usually not
accepted late. You may drop one homework grade each marking period.
 The above grade distribution may change with the change of the quarter or semester. If
so, I will announce the change at the beginning of the marking period and post it on my
web page.
All students will take the first semester exam. Students who earn a 90 or above for second
semester may be exempt from the second semester exam if they meet all other requirements set
by the school. Please note that the exam counts 20% of the final grade for each semester. The
two semester grades are averaged together when determining the final grade for the year.
I offer extra credit questions on nearly every test. In addition, I will occasionally offer extra
credit projects to all members of the class. Extra credit is not granted at the request of
individual students.
Assignment book or Planner
English notebook
Book we are currently studying and vocabulary workbook
Blue or black pens – all work must be in ink or typed
One highlighter, any color
Bring materials to class every day.
No food or drink in class (except water).
Be polite. Respect each other.
Follow the dress code.
Follow Western’s Honor Policy (below).
Cheating and academic lies are honor code violations at Western. Students accused of
violating the honor code may be tried by the Honor Council (there is a complete explanation in
your student handbook). Please be aware that in this class, all of the following are considered
examples of cheating and are therefore honor code violations:
copying someone’s homework or allowing someone to copy your homework
studying for a make-up test from another student’s test
talking or communicating in any other way during a test or quiz
using a cheat sheet
talking about a test or quiz that you plan to take with someone who has already
taken the same test or quiz
copying someone’s words or presenting someone’s ideas as your own (plagiarism)
Please note that plagiarism includes presenting someone’s ideas as your own, not just
someone’s words. This is especially a danger if you turn to SparkNotes, Monarch Notes,
Monkey Notes or any other such summaries of literature. Students should not use these novel
summaries as doing so often leads to plagiarism issues. If you have questions about a book we
are reading, come to me instead of turning to literature summaries. When you are given an
assignment, assume that all work on that assignment is to be your own unless I tell you
otherwise. If you have any questions about what is permitted, please ask.
o My open office hours are Tuesday and Friday during CARE in Room B210.
o Additionally, you can make an appointment to see me on Wednesday or Thursday. If I
am available, I will be in my office, behind the main office.
o My email address is
o Please note that I rarely check my email or voice mail after 5:00.
Honors English 9
J.S. Gardner
I, ____________________________, have read the course outline and class policies for
(please print)
Honors English 9.
Student’s signature
I have read the course outline and class policies for Honors English 9.
Signature of parent or guardian
Parent Information
Names of parents or guardians:_____________________________________________
Phone number you wish me to use:__________________________________________
Email address:__________________________________________________________
Would you prefer to be contacted by phone or email? ___________________________
If you have any special concerns or questions, please write them on the back of this page
and I will address them by phone or email in the next week or so.
Thank you. I look forward to meeting you on Parent Conference Night.
Judy Gardner