ABSTRACT Calculation Analysis of Unit Cost On Tonsillectomy Service with Activity Based Costing Method (Case Study at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital of Yogyakarta) Elga Ria Vinensa1, Ietje Nazarudin2, Triyani Maryati 3 Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Background : Private hospitals should strive to have the technical capability to manage and calculate costs based on the condition that both hospitals and facilities that can use the Indonesian Case Based Group (INA CBG) appropriately. RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta as one of the private hospitals that participate and support the government's program of the Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional. Calculating the unit cost of a tonsillectomy was done as a study of the correspondence between the cost of services and a health claim Methods :The study was a descriptive qualitative case study design. Tonsillectomy unit cost calculation using activity based costing (ABC) with the goal difference obtained unit costs plus a margin to claim CBG INA in 2012. Result : Based on the calculation, the unit cost of services tonsillectomy with activity-based costing method is Rp. 2.265.732. ABC unit cost calculations result in a greater cost than the claims of INA CBG so get the difference in cost of Rp. 785.034. Conclusions : There is a negative difference between the calculation of service bi tonsillectomy ABC method with INA CBG claim. So that needs to be done by the hospital cost efficiency. Key Word : Tonsillectomy, INA CBG, Activity Based Costing. 1 INTRODUCTION Health care costs will increase continuously. Hospital as a health care provider has the burden to be able to provide quality health services and for the community fair. This encourages all elements of both the hospital and stakeholders (providers or government ) to calculate exactly how much it costs needed services . There are two major forces in determining the cost of health care: 1. related groups based on similarity of case ( cased -based groups ) and related capitation and 2. opening of competitive pressures within the industry has increased the major structural changes become manage care1. The Birth of Law of Undang Undang Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional (UU SJSN) Nomor 40 Tahun 2004 sourced fromUndang Undang Dasar (UUD) 1945 showed that the government's plan to establish the national health insurance for all indonesian citizens . The security system will come into force in 2014 . As per Law Undang Undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2011 the program will be held by Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial ( BPJS ) which represents the union of some of the Badan Umum Milik Negara (BUMN)were appointed, namely:PT. Jamsostek, PT. Askes, PT. Taspen, dan PT. Asabri2. Health insurance refers to the quality control and cost control by applying the principles of managed care is to enable the efficient financing with guaranteed quality remains appropriate medical indication.Control financing is one of the effective and efficient by using a pattern that is capitation and prospective payment Indonesian Case Based Groups (INA CBG)3. Analysis of the cost per unit ( unit cost) can be used to measure hospital performance as the basis for preparing the budget, subsidies, and financing negotiation tools to stakeholders. Calculation of unit cost by activity based costing ( ABC ) can accurately measure the cost out of each activity. This is because the number of cost drivers used in imposition of overhead costs in order to improve the accuracy and precision of the cost breakdown charging more accurate4. 2 Tonsillectomy is not free of morbidity and mortality that is necessary to realize that the action is the same as the other surgery and should be done optimally 5. In the United States classified tonsillectomy surgery because of fears of major complications, whereas in Indonesia tonsillectomy surgery is classified as being due to the short duration and not difficult enough 5,6. Tonsillectomy is the case for most surgical services in the field of Telinga Hidung dan Tenggoro (ENT) are handled by the hospital. Tonsillectomy is a servant of action which ranks 15th on the amount of service equal to 67 actions in 2012 at the Hospital of the PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital is a private hospital in Yogyakarta that support the Social Security program in the field of health. PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital located at Jln. KHA Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta with 12 service areas of type B. CBG INA package rates are applicable also regulate the rates of tonsillectomy action. Rates INA act of CBG for tonsillectomy is Rp. 1.699.571 while the cost of real rates of tonsillectomy action at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital of Yogyakarta is Rp. 3.275.100, the difference that occurs between CBG and real cost is Rp. 1.575.529 or by 93 % . The issue of cost efficiency and important role in the health care process and actions tonsillectomy procedure above lead researcher sees the need of research on the calculation of unit cost analysis of the ABC method in tonsillectomy at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital of Yogyakarta. From the background described above, it can be formulated: 1. How much the unit cost of tonsillectomy using the ABC method in RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta? 2. What is the difference between the ABC method of tonsillectomy rates in RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta with INA rates CBG? 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS Types of Research The study was conducted using qualitative descriptive method by conducting case studies at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital of Yogyakarta. Calculation of unit costs were calculated using activity based costing (ABC). Subject and Object Research Subjects of this study was the Chief Financial Officer, Doctor Specialist of ENT, Head of Medical Records, Nurse of ENT clinic, administration section, Laboratory Chief Pharmacist, Head of Radiology, cashier, Physician Anesthesia Specialist, Head of Surgery Central of Surgical Installation , Laundry to obtain comprehensive data on the RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Object of this study is all activity that occurs when the patient entered the hospital to go home. Tosilektomi in patients on government health insurance Jamkesnas with a diagnosis of chronic tonsillitis and tonsillectomy in action diagnosis of PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital Research Variables The variables of this study is the unit cost and activity in the unit tonsillectomy in ENT clinic, Arafah, Central of Surgical Installation , Admission. Research Instruments 1. Studies of document that is to examine the documents that are related to cost analysis of tonsillectomy actions 2. Interview guide: The interview is one method of data collection by asking directly or communicate directly with the respondent. 3. Observation guide using clinical pathways by direct observation on the object of research. 4. Stopwatch to count of length of time of each activity undertaken, ranging from enrolling patients until the patient home. 4 Stages Of Research Table 1 Stages of Analysis Research Unit Cost Calculation Tonsillectomy Action in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital of Yogyakarta Name of Activity June 2013 July 2013 Month Ags Sep Okt 2013 2013 2013 Nov 2013 Des 2013 Jan 2014 Administering licensing Preparation of a research proposal Research proposal exam Implementation research Calculating and analyzing data Exam results of research Revision The data collected is secondary data from the financial and medical records of the period of January to December in 2012. Data collection was conducted during the months of May to December 2013. Data Analysis Analysis of secondary data tonsillectomy action period January to December 2012 in the RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. 1. Determine the activity centers and cost drivers related to the unit. 2. Direct charge consumed in the act of tonsillectomy. 3. Determining the cost of direct and indirect resource overhead of resource overhead consumed each time the proportion of activity per ENT Clinic , Central Surgical Installation, Arafah. 4. Determine the activity centers associated actions contained in Tonsillectomy Clinial Pathways. 5. Overhead charge into each activity centers Tonsillectomy Clinical Pathways. 6. Summing the direct and overhead costs are included in Tonsillectomy Clinical Pathways. 5 7. Compare the unit cost of tonsillectomy rates with ABC method and payment of INA CBG from government. RESULTS Picture of Research Subjects Based on interviews with a number of parts of the medical record tonsillectomy action during the year 2012 as many as 67 action. Tonsillectomy action is divided into three major parts, namely: Actions in ENTClinic, Actions in Arafah and Actions in Central of Surgical Installation. Presentation of Data in Action Tonsillectomy 1. Determine the activity centers on the each unit and cost drivers of each cost category 2. Direct charge consumed in the act of tonsillectomy Table 2 Direct Costs Tonsilekomi PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in 2012 Kategori Biaya ENT Clinic Registration Spesialist of ENT consultation Central of Surgical Installation Spesialist of ENT Actions Spesialist of Anesthesia Actions Instruments Instruments Sterilisation Laundry Medicine and Consumable Thing Braunol Sol Kasa Lipat 5 X 7 X 16ply Handscoend St 6,5 Gamex Handscoend St 7,5 Gamex Catgut Pln 1 Resorba Aquadest Opls 25cc Satuan Jumlah Satuan(b) Biaya Satuan(c) (Rp) 12.500 27.500 Jumlah(a) (Rp) Activity Activity 1 1 12.500 27.500 Activity Activity Count Count Kg 1 1 1 1 6.3 300.000 120.000 87.190 108.000 5.000 300.000 120.000 87.190 108.000 31.500 Cc Pcs Pcs Pcs M Flb 50 24 1 2 2 2 110 673 14.880 14.880 13.960 2.200 5.520 16.160 14.880 29.760 27.920 4.400 6 Spuit Terumo 2,5 Cc Spuit Terumo 5 Cc Ringer Lactate 500ml Ondansetron 4mg/2ml Inj Ett Non Kingking 7 Rusch 0.3 Fentanyl 0,05mg/Ml/2ml Ketorolac 30mg Inj Recofol 20mg/Ml 0.65 Atracurium Hammeln 2,5mg/5ml Tramadol Inj Forane 250 Ml N2o 25 Kg O2 Kap 6 Cefotaxime 1 G Ketorolac 30mg Inj Aquadest Opls 25cc# 2Flb Pcs Pcs Flb Ampul 1 1 1 1 2.960 3.520 9.520 7.760 2.960 3.520 9.520 7.760 Pcs Ampul Vial Vial 1 1 1 1 72.960 32.400 26.800 63.680 72.960 32.400 26.800 63.680 Vial Ampul Cc Cc Cc Ampul Vial Flb 1 1 1 200 200 4 5 2 75.920 6.480 144.000 97 11 7.700 13.376 2.200 75.920 6.480 144.000 19.360 2.160 30.800 66.880 4.400 count visite visite Eat Kg Activity 1 2 2 2 2 1 12.500 35.000 35.000 25.200 5.000 58.500 12.500 70.000 70.000 50.400 10.000 58.500 Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity 1 1 1 1 1 1 44.000 45.600 45.600 14.400 40.000 64.000 44,000 45.600 45.600 14.400 40.000 64.000 Ringer Lactate 500ml Flb 3 9.493 Cefixime Tab 100mg Tab 10 2.880 Tramadol Cap 50mg Tab 10 336 Total Information: a=bxc, a= total cost, b= unit, c= unit price 28.480 28.800 3.360 1.934.070 Arafah Materai Spesiailist of ENT Visite Spesialist of Anesthesia Visite Nutritions Laundry Administration of Arafah Supporting Blood test Ppt Aptt Strip Glucose Hbsag (Rapid) Test Thorax Examanation Medicine source: RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta In 2012 7 1. Determining the cost of direct and indirect resource overhead consumed resource overhead per each time the ENTClinic, Central of Surgical Installation, and Arafah. 2. Determine the activity centers of tonsillectomy actions contained in clinial pathways and overhead charge into each activity centers in clinical pathway Table 3 Indirect Resource Overhead Cost Of Activity in Tonsilectomi Service at ENT Clinic Activity at ENT Clinic Total Trasaction(a) Cost Driver Time (Minute) Indirect Resource OverheadCost Per Activity Unit Total Cost(b) Cost (c) 650 650 1.084 1.084 Patient acceptance 1 3 Vital sign examinations 1 5 Anamnesis, physical examination, diagnosis, medical explanation, doctor instructions 1 30 6.504 Doctor prescription 1 5 1.084 Charging administration hospitalized patients who will be 1 15 3.252 Consultations to other part spesialist 1 15 3.252 Escort patient undergoing inpatient 1 20 4.336 Total Overhead Cost Informations : c=a*b, a= Total transaction, b= unit cost, c= Tota cost 6.504 1.084 3.252 3.252 4.336 20.162 Table 4Direct Resource Overhead Cost of Activity in Tonsillektomy at ENT Clinic Activity in ENT Clinic Patient acceptance Vital sign examination Anamnesis, physica Examination, diagnosis, medical explanation, Doctor Instruction Total Cost Tran Driver saction(a) 1 1 3 5 1 30 Direct Resource Overhead Cost Per Activity Unit Total (b) Cost Cost(c) 127 127 212 212 1.273 1.273 8 Doctor Prescription 1 5 212 Charging Administration Hospitalized patient who will be 1 15 637 Consultation to the other spesialist 1 15 637 Escort patient undergoing inpatient 1 20 849 Total overhead cost Information : c=a*b, a= Totaltransactions, b= unit cost, c= total cost T 212 637 637 849 3.947 Table 5Indirect Resource OverheadCost Activity in Tonsellectomy Service at Arafah Activity at Arafah Preparation room Patient Acceptance Handover medica record Room orientation Mounting identity bracelet Vital sign examination Assesment of patient history of pain score, risk of fall, and allergy Intra vena line Filling medical record (nursing care) Pre operation preparation Preparation and administration of drugs Bleeding observation Wound care Fluid Balance Assesment of gastrointestinal function Personal hygiene Remove the identity bracelet and intravena line Return the excess drug to the pharmaceutical Preraration of patient to go home Providing cover letter administrative settlement Total Tran saction(a) 1 1 1 1 1 5 Indirect Resource Overhead Cost Per Activity Cost Unit Total(c) Driver Cost (b) 15 6.426 6.426 5 2.142 2.142 3 1.285 1.285 15 6.426 6.426 5 2.142 2.142 5 2.142 10.710 5 1 15 15 6.426 6.426 32.130 6.426 5 1 5 20 2.142 8.568 10.710 8.568 3 3 3 4 15 5 15 5 6.426 2.142 6.426 2.142 19.278 6.426 19.278 8.568 3 5 5 20 2.142 8.568 6.426 42.839 1 5 2.142 2.142 1 1 15 10 6.426 4.284 6.426 4.284 1 5 2.142 2.142 9 Delivering patient 1 15 6.426 6.426 221.908 Total Informations: c=a*b, a= Total Transactions, b= unit cost, c= total cost Tabel 6 Direct Resource OverheadCost Of Activity in Tonsilectomi Service at Arafah Activity Arafah Preparation room Patient acceptance Handover of medial record Room orientation Mounting identity bracelet Vital sign examination Assessment of patient history of allergy, risk of fall, pain score Intra vena line Medical Record filling (nursing care) Pre operation preparation Preparation and administration of drug Bleeding observation Wound care Fluid balance observation Assesment of gastrointestinal fungtions Preparation of medical drugs Personal hygiene Remove the identity bracelet Return the excess drug to the pharmaceutical Preraration of patient to go home Providing cover letter administrative settlement Delivering patient Total Total Transactiona) 1 1 1 1 1 5 Direct Resource OverheadCost Peraktivity Second Unit Sage Total(c) Cost(b) Cost (Rp) (Rp) Driver 15 634 634 5 211 211 3 127 127 15 634 634 5 211 211 5 211 1.056 5 1 15 15 634 634 3.168 634 5 1 5 20 211 845 1.056 845 3 3 3 4 15 5 15 5 634 211 634 211 1.901 634 1.901 845 5 5 1 1 20 5 5 10 845 211 211 422 4.224 1.056 211 422 1 1 5 15 211 634 211 634 1 1 3 10 194 581 194 581 22.654 10 Informations: c=a*b, a= Total Transactions, b= unit cost, c= total cost Table 7Indirect Resource Overhead Cost Of Activity in Tonsilectomi Service at Central of Surgical Installation ActivityCentral of Surgical Installation Total Transaction(a ) Indirect Resource Overhead Cost Per activity Cost Unit Total (c) Driver Cost (b) 5 1.004 1.004 5 1.004 1.004 5 1.004 1.004 3 602 602 Patient identification 1 Medical record handover 1 Checks surgery tools and materials 1 Pre operation check 1 Checks anesthesia equipment and materials 1 15 3.011 3.011 Do time in,durante, time out 1 15 3.011 3.011 Implement anesthetic by a specialist anesthetist 1 15 3.011 3.011 Carry out operations 1 30 6.022 6.022 Write operation report 1 5 1.004 1.004 Writing instruction postoperative 1 5 1.004 1.004 Monitoring patients after surgery 1 30 6.022 6.022 Decision permission to get out of recovery room by anesthesia specialists 1 5 1.004 1.004 To call into the inpatient room to pick up patient 1 2 401 401 Medical record handover 1 5 1004 1004 29.106 Total Informations: c=a*b, a= Total Transactions, b= unit cost, c= total cost Table 8 Direct Resource Overhead Cost Of Activity in Tonsilectomi Service at Central of Surgical Installation ActivityCentral of Surgical Installation Patient identification Medical record handover Checks surgery tools and materials Jumah Transaksi(a) 1 1 1 Direct Resource Overhead Cost Per activity Cost Unit Total(c) Driver Cost(b) 5 1.168 1.168 5 1.168 1.168 5 1.168 1.168 11 Pre operation check 1 3 701 701 Checks anesthesia equipment and materials 1 15 3.505 3.505 Do time in,durante, time out 1 15 3.505 3.505 Implement anesthetic by a specialist anesthetist 1 15 3.505 3.505 Carry out operations 1 30 7.011 7.011 Write operation report 1 5 1.168 1.168 Writing instruction postoperative 1 5 1.168 1.168 Monitoring patients after surgery 1 30 7.011 7.011 Decision permission to get out of recovery room by anesthesia specialists 1 5 1.168 1.168 To call into the inpatient room to pick up patient 1 2 467 467 Medical record handover 1 5 1.168 1.168 33.885 Total Informations: c=a*b, a= Total Transactions, b= unit cost, c= total cost 3. Summing the direct and overhead costs are included in clinical pathway Table9 Unit Cost of Tonsillectomy Service on 2012 Kind of Cost Cost (Rp) Direct Cost 1.934.070 Indirect Direct Overhead Cost Resource Resource Overhead Overhead 3.947 Overheadcost at ENT Clinic 20.162 Overhead cost at Arafah 221.908 22.654 33.885 Overheadcost at Central of Surgical Installation 29.106 2.265.732 Total cost DISCUSSION 1. Expanses in the calculation of the unit cost of tonsillectomy service From above calculations to obtain unit cost of tonsillectomy with ABC Methot is Rp. 2.265.732. Tonsellectomy cost consist of : 12 a. Direct Cost in Unit Cost ofTonsillektomy service Direct cost in unit cost of tonsillectomy service is Rp. 1.934.070 or 85 % total tonsillectomy cost .Cost of medicine and consumable thing Rp. 686.804 (36% of total direct cost), the cost of medica service specialist is Rp 767.500 (40% of total direct cost), the cost of other facilities is Rp. 479.766 (24% of total direct cost). The cost of drugs and the cost of consumable materials are the biggest cost in tonsillectomy services, yet when traced the use of drugs and consumables materials are in accordance with formulary Jamkesnas that the use of generic drugs. In this case can not be done to more efficiency because drug should right dose, right time, right quantity. Physicians in providing medication compliance in accordance with formulary Jamkesnas influence on the quality and cost-efficiency measures in the hospital 7. Salary of ENT specialist and anesthetist also consume a considerable cost burden that medical services in outpatient, like otolaryngology consultation, preoperative visite, visite post surgery, tonsillectomy surgery and anesthesia procedures inCentral of Surgical Installation. Hospitals only provide physician salary for Jamkesmas service by 50% of patients other general medical services. So it can not be done in terms of the magnitude of the efficiency of medical services. b. Overhead costs in the calculation of unit cost of tonsillectomy service. The overhead on tonsillectomy service is Rp. 331.662 or 15% of total costs of tonsillectomy service . The costs are divided into, the overhead tonsillectomy at ENT Clinic is Rp. 24.109 or 1%, at Arafah is Rp. 144 562 or by 11%, and at Central of Surgical Installation is Rp. 62.991 or 3% of the total cost of tonsillectomy. Overhead costs for each unit is divided into indirect and direct resource overhead. At the ENT clinic unit of indirect resource overhead 13 costs in the amount of Rp. 20.162 greater than the direct resourceoverhead that is Rp. 3.947. In Arafah, indirect resource overhead costs in the amount of Rp. 221. 908 greater than the direct resource overhead that is Rp. 22.654. In Central of Surgical Installation unit of indirect resource overhead costs in the amount of Rp. 29.106 is smaller than the direct resource overhead that is Rp. 33.885. The small overhead costs than direct costs on consumption due to depreciation expense tonsillectomy medical devices, non-medical, and buildings which are already depleted in economic value. Direct resource overhead costs in tonsillectomy service greater than indirect overhead costs, mean that are non functional unit consume expanse more. Costs of indirect resource overhead to maintance non functional, they are directors, training, support, procurement, security, etc. The consumption cost in nonfunctional caused by a number of nonfunctional employees is equal to 264 employees of 581 employees or 45% of total employees in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital of Yogyakarta. The cost of direct overhead resources consumed largely reflect the employee directly in contact with patients such as nurses. In calculating the unit cost of the direct costs of resource overhead is smaller than the indirect resource overhead in the ENT clinic and Arafah. If traced further then the number of nurses compared to the number of beds has been 1:1, with details of the number of nurses is 215 and number of beds is 207. This is in accordance with government regulations is the ratio of nurses and hospital beds for type B is 1:18. 2. Tonsillectomy service prices with the ABC method and price INA CBG The results of the calculation of unit cost measures tonsillectomy using the ABC is Rp. 2.265.732 and from the rate calculation ( unit cost + margin ) use management policy with a profit of approximately 10 % was Rp. 2.484.605 . 14 While claims of Jamkesmas is Rp . 1.699.571 in 2012 . In 2014 Jamkesnas claim to tonsillectomy service is Rp . 2.301.4639 . Unit cost of tonsillectomy service with the ABC method is Rp. 2.265.732 with direct costs in the amount of Rp. 1.934.070 and overhead of Rp. 331.662. While the rate INA Claims CBG is Rp. 1.699.571 which means only able to finance the operational costs ( direct costs ), while the overhead expenses of Rp . 331.662 is very small due to the cost of building and medical and non-medical equipment has run out, which means that the economic value of its large CBG INA rates can not be used for investment in private hospitals In the calculation of cost are not all originators cost margin of 10% , it is a kind of stamp duty and registration . Stamp duty and registration does not calculate a margin at all. Table 10 Comparison Between Rate Method of Activity Based Costing (ABC) + gain with ± 10% and INA CBG Real Cost Claims Cost Type ENTClinic Indirect Resource Overhead Direct Resource Overhead Direct Cost Registration Medical salary Stamp duty Central of Surgical Installation Indirect Resource Overhead Indirect Resource Overhead Direct Cost Drugs and Consumables Thing Tonsillectomy payment Salaries of doctors for surgery Tonsillectomy salaries of doctors for anesthesia Laundry Unit Cost ABC ± Margin 10% Real Cost INA CBG 22.178 4.342 - - 12.500 30.250 6.000 12.500 55.000 6.000 - 32.017 37.274 - - 735.064 35.300 - 1.560.000 - 330.000 - - 132.000 - - 34.650 - - 15 sterilization of instruments Equipment Arafah Indirect resource overhead Indirect resource overhead Direct cost Arafah price Administrative inpatient Drugs ang consumable thing ENT Spesialist salary for visite Anesthesia Spesialist salary for visite Laundry Nutritions (food and snack) Supportings Routine blood checks Ppt Aptt Glucose checks strip Hbsag (Rapid) Test Thorax x ray Total cost 118.800 95.909 - - 244.099 24.919 - - 58.500 66.704 77.000 75.000 58.500 75.800 140.000 - 77.000 140.000 - 11.000 55.440 - - 48.400 55.000 50.160 57.000 50.160 57.000 15.840 18.000 44.000 50.000 70.400 80.000 2.484.605 3.275.100 1.699.571 Table 11 Differences Between ABC Unit Cost + Margin ± 10% with cost INA CBG (Jamkesnas) Tonsilektom Claims In 2012 INA CBG Claim Differences Differences (Jamkesmas) (Rupiah)(c) (%)(d) (Rupiah)(b) 2.484.605 1.699.571 785.034 32% information: c=a-b, d=c:a*100%, a= unit cost abc± 10%, b= jamkesmas claim c= differences in rupiah , d= differences in percentage Unit Cost ABC± 10% (Rupiah)(a) It is also in accordance with previous studies conducted. Based on the results of research on the suitability of the cost of medical operative action Mohammad Hussein Hospital in Palembang isn’t appropriate with INA CBG claim (Jamkesmas claim). it is concluded that the cost of medical action operative measures undertaken in Mohammad Hussein Hospital Palembang 98.6% do not fit and greater than the rate INA DRG10. 16 Difference that arises between the unit cost is calculated by using the method of activity based costing (ABC) with the amount of claims due Jamkesnas calculation method used is not the same. The amount of claims fare price Jamkesnas given by the government obtained from the calculation of some hospitals according to hospital type, Calculation of Jamkesmas claim is influenced by factors such as BOR, hospital base rate, extreme tariffs, adjusting the level of severity, type B Hospital Education and non-education, and regionalization region 11. Determination of cost of health measures such as hospitals are complex. This is due to the number of variables or factors that need to be considered so difficult to find a practical formula to calculate it, even to some extent, the tariff determination hospitals also use the "trial and error" 11. How many actions that has only a minimal profit or even not have a profit in hospital , but because of the actions at the hospital is very complex and the products are sold diverse services so that hospitals always apply a system of cross-subsidies to cover some kind of action is minimal profits, such as for example is the action tonsillectomy operations that keep the hospital running. Under these conditions, it is necessary to efficiency costs. Efficiency in economics is used to refer to a number of concepts related to usability and maximizing the utilization of all resources in the production process of goods and services. Under these conditions, the RS PKU Muhammadiyah need to know what the cost structure is not efficiency so as to reduce their costs. Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) membership maps illustrate the framework that the new 2014 will be the start of diversion participants Jamkesmas, Jamsostek, Askes PNS. Askes Sosial, Jaminan TNI dan POLRI into SJSN where 148.2 million participants have secured a range of insurance and 90.4 million have not been guaranteed by any insurance. 257.5 million in 2019 as many participants (all of Indonesia's population) will be managed by BPJS kesehatan2. To face BPJS, hospital must be readiness to manage the action as possible if they do not want to defisit. 17 Implementation of the national security system in private hospitals, especially RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta is not run expected because of differences between the private and government management cost. The presence incongruity between the unit cost of PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital and INA CBG cost to Tonsillectomy Rp. 706 866 (31%) requiring hospitals to re-evaluate the waiter tonsillectomy. The evaluation is based on clinical pathways in order to be able to clearly see the non-value added so as to reduce costs. CONCLUSION Unit cost tonsillectomy service at RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta by using activitybased costing method is Rp. 2265732 Value unit cost calculated by the method of activity based costing RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta plus a margin (profit 10%) smaller than the cost of INA CBG claim (Jamkesmas) for tonsillectomy service. The difference is Rp. 785 034 (32%). 18 DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1. Davis, K, Schoen, C, Schoenbaum, S, C, Audet, AMJ, Doty, M, Holgren, A, & Kris, J 2006, Mirror on the wall an update on the quality of American health care Through the patient lens, The Commentwealth Fund. 2. Depkes, RI 2011, Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI Nomor 903/Menkes/PerV/2011 Pedoman Pelaksanaan Program Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat, Departemen Kesehatan RI, Jakarta. 3. Sulastomo, 2007, Managemen Kesahatan, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta. 4. 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