News Dirk Craeynest (ed) Offis nv/sa and K U Leuven. Email Contents Ada-related Organizations Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS) Ada-related Resources Ada-related Tools page 1 1 1 3 Ada-related Organizations Ada Resource Association (ARA) support for Ada From: Tucker Taft <stt@MX1.INMET.COM> Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 13:56:11 -0500 To: TEAM-ADA@ACM.ORG Randy Brukardt recommended that I reply in my role as president of the Ada Resource Association (ARA) about the kinds of things we are doing to promote Ada. Here are the five main things we do: 1) Fund the deployment and maintenance of the Ada Information Clearinghouse web site ( 2) Support the ISO WG9 Ada Rapporteur Group by providing funds for Randy Brukardt to attend their meetings, and to maintain the various issues, commentaries, technical reports, and amendment proposals relating to Ada 95. 3) Support the Ada Conformity Assessment Authority (Randy again ;-) in its role of maintaining the ACATS (aka ACVC) suite of tests, and in overseeing conformance assessment activities for Ada compilers. 4) Support SIGAda, primarily through supporting the appearance of their booth at various *non* Ada conferences, and through grants to students working with SIGAda and/or the SIGAda web site. 5) Support Ann Brandon, an Adasavvy technical writer and public relations consultant, in the creation of press releases, white papers, success stories, and magazine articles relating to Ada. Ann has also helped others who have been interested in writing articles about Ada for the popular press. If you would like Ann to review an article you are planning to submit somewhere, she can be reached at: A da Us er J o ur na l Unfortunately, the ARA has a rather limited budget (approximately $75K/year), and a majority of our funds are already tied up supporting Ada "infrastructure" things like the ARG and the ACAA, so full scale advertising campaigns are not practical. Most people agree that articles and news items in the popular press are more cost-effective than are pure advertising, so we have focused our public relations money there. Suggestions for other cost effective ways to promote Ada are very welcome. Send your thoughts to me ( or Ann (see above). -Tucker Taft Ada-related Events SIGAda'99 Daily Newsletters From: Hal Hart <Hal.Hart@TRW.COM> Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 17:56:53 -0800 To: TEAM-ADA@ACM.ORG X-cc: SIGAda Announcements <SIGAdaAnnounce@ACM.ORG> [...] PS: To relive last month's successful SIGAda'99 via its daily newsletters, go visit /Ada-WOW :-) -hh (Hal.Hart@ACM.ORG) operation where the update would take place. This tool is an ASIS program that runs where any ObjectAda Windows native or cross compiler has created a library. It is available at no charge and is unsupported. It's purpose: - Raise awareness of the kinds of external custom tools that can be created with ASIS. - Let you know that AONIX can create similar custom tools to meet your specific requirements. This simple check is just the tip of the iceberg when looking at the wide domains of possible code analysis tools. While it would seem nice for the compiler to do this and other kinds of checking, I would suggest that the compiler would quickly become too encumbered trying to perform any significant number of these kinds of analysis. Placing the responsibility on external tools has a number of advantages: flexibility, customization, implementation turnaround, and simplicity. Enough marketing. If you would like a copy of this tool just send me email: Since ASIS will be available in the new 7.2 release (enterprize edition), the source code for this tool will also be provided if you want it. I would like to see further discussion in this email forum regarding other kinds of checks, warnings, and static analysis you would like to see. I am collecting such requirements for a new "Ada Lint" tool. Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS) Rational Supports ASIS ISO Standard Tool to Check Uninitialized Out Parameters From: Currie Colket <> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 16:33:04 -0400 To: SIGADA-ASIS@ACM.ORG From: "Steve Blake @pulsar" <> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 16:37:57 -0700 (PDT) To: The recent discussion about warnings for out mode parameters that are never assigned has prompted a simple offer. I have created a tool that will analyze all the compilation units in your current library and issue warnings when out mode parameters are not assigned or not passed as actual parameters to another Dear ASISWG/ASISRG, Team-Ada, SIGAda-Announce, HRG: Great News! Rational has joined the ranks of ASIS implementors supporting the ASIS ISO Standard: ISO/IEC 15291:1999 Information technology - Programming languages Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS) Steve Deller of Rational has announced that "Apex 3.2 fully supports ASIS 2.0, and continues backward compatibility support of the ASIS 1.1 and ASIS 1.2 Ada 83 interfaces." V ol um e 22 , N um ber 1, M arc h 2 00 1 2 Implementors claiming conformance to the ASIS ISO Standard now include ACT, AONIX, and Rational. Tools written on one conforming environment should be easily ported to other conforming environments. This should be of benefit to the entire Ada community. Each vendor will be exhibiting at SIGAda'99. Please stop by at the ACT, AONIX, and Rational Booths at SIGAda'99 for additional information on their ASIS implementations. Detailed questions about the Rational ASIS implementation can also be directed to the Apex marketing team at the email address. We welcome Rational as the latest ASIS implementor! v/r Currie Colket Chair ASISWG/ASISRG ASIS for GNAT 3.12p From: Robert Dewar <> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 17:48:28 GMT Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada [ On the new public GNAT 3.12p release: see also further in the "Adarelated Products" section. -- dc ] Robert Dewar <> wrote: > A new public release of GNAT version 3.12p, is now available at > The matching 3.12p of ASIS is now available. Ada-related Resources Software Engineering and Ada Links From: Ehud Lamm <> Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 14:28:18 +0300 Organization: The hebrew University of Jerusalem Subject: Site Update Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada,comp.softwareeng,comp.human-factors, My list of SE and Ada links has been updated. It contains 180 links to various Ada and SE sites (categories: Ada related sites, Gerneral SE, New Paradigms in SE, Other Prog. Lang. of interest, patterns, readings, OOP, User Interface/HCI, Metrics, Misc.) The list is by no means complete, of course, but may still be useful to readers of this group. Direct link: [...] I hope you will find this resource useful. Ne ws Ada Resource Treasury at From: David Botton <> Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 20:28:34 GMT Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada The Ada Resource Treasury has been added to AdaPower at There is no charge to list yourself or your company in the resource treasury. Just fill in the form with your information or send by e-mail to Current categories are: Ada Training, Consultants, Staffing Firms, Vendors. If you can think of another category you would like to see, please feel free to contact me. Ada Resource and Career Gateway at From: Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 15:31:42 GMT Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada We are very proud to announce a web site that will bring additional value to the Ada community. is a gateway to Ada resources and careers. Traditionally resources and career information for the Ada developer have been spread among several sites and can be very time consuming to search. We at have spent a substantial amount of time bringing these Ada resources together, creating a virtual window to the entire Ada community. As this community grows we are committed to adding additional links and information. Our Mission 1. To help Software Engineers with Ada experience prosper in their careers. 2. Positively impact the Ada community and help it to grow. Dean Esposito 1-800-267-1355 Ada and Software Engineering Library and CDROMs From: "Richard L. Conn" <xenadu@MINDSPRING.COM> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 00:07:04 -0400 Subject: Notes about the Ada and Software Engineering CDROMs at SIGAda 99 To: TEAM-ADA@ACM.ORG As you may know, attendees at SIGAda 99 [ have received -- dc ] copies of the latest update (Update 2) of the Ada and Software Engineering CDROM from Walnut Creek CDROM. This two-disc set adds over 1.2G bytes of material to the existing two-disc November 1998 ASE CDROM many of you received at last year's conference and with the newsletter V ol um e 22 , N um ber 1, M ar c h 2 00 1 earlier this year. Update 2 combines with the baseline to form an integrated 4-disc set of material. Update 2 can also stand alone. There are many new features, and you will find a detailed, 4-page writeup of this CDROM set on my website at: Statistically speaking, this 2-disc set contains over 30,400 files in 486 directories. The byte count is about 1,268,121,000 bytes. Richard Conn, ASE and PAL Manager From: "Richard L. Conn" <rick.conn@MINDSPRING.COM> Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 04:27:36 -0500 Subject: Ada and Software Engineering CDROMs at MicroCenter To: TEAM-ADA@ACM.ORG Thought you would like to know ... I've just heard from different sources that the ASE CDROM is showing up in MicroCenter computer stores in several parts of the country [U.S.A. -- dc ;-) ]. Evidentally, MicroCenter has decided to carry the Walnut Creek CDROM line. It looks to me like adding the "Software Engineering" emphasis to the CDROMs (and reflecting it in the title) has given it a wider audience than it would have had otherwise, and this is all the better for the Ada Awareness effort. Richard Conn, ASE and PAL Manager From: "Richard L. Conn" <rick.conn@MINDSPRING.COM> Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 19:53:48 -0500 Subject: How large is the Ada and Software Engineering Library To: TEAMADA@ACM.ORG The Ada and Software Engineering (ASE) Library is duplicated three times on the Web to give the users easy access to the material: [...] The baseline ASE CDROM (dated November 1998) and the Update 2 ASE CDROM (dated October 1999) comprise a 4-CDROM set that combine to duplicate the entire ASE Library website, and instructions are included in the Update 2 ASE CDROM as to how to build your own. The ASE Library contains over 2G bytes of material, broken down as follows: Disc Files Dirs Bytes 01_01 6,859 415 579,877,798 01_02 2,838 271 565,864,983 01_04 29,715 431 578,886,732 01_05 719 55 627,427,344 support 416 1 7,796,557 Total A da Us er J o ur na l Ne ws ASE 3 40,547 1,173 2,359,853,414 The support directory (on ASE01_04, NOT on ASE01_05 as per the online instructions) is used to form an integrated website from the CDROMs. Thought you would like to know these statistics. Richard Conn, ASE and PAL Manager Ada Compiler Conformance Testing: from ACVC to ACATS From: "Brashear, Phil" <> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 06:57:50 -0400 To: gnatlist@SEAS.GWU.EDU [...], the current version of the ACVC is ACATS 2.2. (Note the name change [ from "Ada Compiler Validation Capability" to "Ada Conformity Assessment Test Suite" -- dc ].) It's available at If you want a formal conformity assessment, please contact me. [...] Philip W. Brashear, (937) 237-4510 EDS Conformance Testing Center, 4646 Needmore Road, Bin 46, P.O. Box 24593, Dayton, OH 45424-0593 on If you subscribe to this list, you will get all the posts as mails. You can choose from the WWW page whether you want to receive digests (once a day or when 30KB are reached, whatever comes first). Mail sent to from subscribers to this list will be redirected to the newsgroup. This is an experimental service. Please let me know if anything goes wrong. Tools and Components Links From: Michael Feldman <mfeldman@SEAS.GWU.EDU> Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 17:42:15 -0500 Subject: Updating tools/components section of education site To: TEAM-ADA@ACM.ORG I'm updating this page: es/tools_components.html Please look there and let me know which links I'm still missing. Thanks! Web based Ada FAQ From: David Botton <> Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 16:24:10 -0700 To: TEAM-ADA@ACM.ORG The web based AdaFAQ has been created and is now up and running at: Discussions concerning the FAQ, issues related to specific entries, etc. are discussed on the AdaFAQ-list @ To join send an e-mail to AdaFAQ-list-request @ with subscribe in the body. Everyone in the Ada community is encouraged to add entries to the FAQ and to join in discussing issues related to the FAQ. This FAQ is being released under the GPL license to insure that it not be compromised for the future. Mail Feed for comp.lang.ada Newsgroup From: Samuel Tardieu <> Date: 05 Nov 1999 12:59:28 +0100 Organization: TELECOM Paris Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada I just set up a new mail feed for comp.lang.ada. Information can be found A da Us er J o ur na l V ol um e 22 , N um ber 1, M arc h 2 00 1 4 V ol um e 22 , N um ber 1, M ar c h 2 00 1 Ne ws A da Us er J o ur na l