
ADA Awareness & Accessibility Committee
October 10, 2012 Meeting Minutes
1. Attendance
2. Review and approval of meeting minutes for September 2012.
a. Motion to approve; 2nd
b. Minutes approved unanimously
3. October Month
a. ADA Awareness Month Posters are on display and Dancing Wheels flyer is
being distributed
b. Messages on Athletics Marquee
c. Melissa Stockwell event—Thursday @ 7:30 pm, SSB
i. Informal discussion with Melissa--Thursday in Library 201 at 4:45pm
ii. Community dinner with Melissa—Faculty Dining Room at 6:00
d. Low Vision Presentation—no update
4. ADA Awareness Day next year—Thursday, Oct. 3, 2013
5. Committee Reports
 Funding: We currently have a balance of $542.02. Mark informed new
committee members and reminded current members about the donation form
for the ADA Fund.
 Volunteer Opportunities: Mark, Dave
 October Month: Andrew, Mark, Minh, Polly
 Campus Accessibility: Ed, Sandy, Brian, Kim, Laurence, Mary Ellen, John
 Technology: Gene, Mark, Marco
 Interpreting Services: Jessica, Shirley, David
New Business
 622 - 4ADA
o Kim and Teresa have been working on a recorded message for a
call-in line (622-4ADA) for anyone who needs information about
physical access to various buildings on campus.
o No date for completion has been set.
 Universally Accessible Seating in each classroom—Sandy
o There are students who have a physical need for a high-back chair
at a table rather than traditional desks in different classrooms on
o Some of these chairs that have been purchased in the past and
placed in classrooms across campus have gone missing because
they aren’t picked up and placed into storage.
o Other pieces of furniture that have been placed in classrooms to
meet accommodation needs have also gone missing.
o The Deans’ offices purchase the classroom furniture.
o Andrew suggested that if a letter came from Teresa’s office
regarding these furniture needs the ADA Committee would sign it
to support the requests.
o There will be funding for some basic classroom modification this
year, so now may be a good time to submit such requests.
o Dave suggested that the Purchasing Office should be involved in
these furniture requests.
o Mark suggested that our committee should have representation
from the Purchasing Office. We can’t get a representative officially
on it this year, but it would be great to have someone start coming
just to advise and/or be part of our discussions. We will look into
it for next year.
Any additional topics
o Mark mentioned that we consider installing lifts in the campus
o Who determines priorities for addressing accessibility issues?
 For most physical facility accessibility issues, Facilities
Services addresses them during renovations or
additions to campus buildings.
 Was suggested that the committee create a priority list
and submit that to the Strategic and Financial Planning
o On Thursday, November 1, there will be a conference at the
University of Louisville for information on ADA Compliance.
 Will include people from HR, Housing, Facilities
Services, etc.
 If anyone is interested in attending, cost is $70.
o Kim mentioned that he is working with Theresa Belluscio, Val
Parks and Virginia Underwood on a regulation about explaining
ADA 504 Compliance and regulation rules.
o Things have been going much better at the Center for the Arts in
regards to interpreting services.
 Gay has been helping them get interpreters and set
things up. They have welcomed her support. She put
together a book about interpreting services and will be
sharing that and other resources in an upcoming
meeting with Center for the Arts staff.
 The Center for the Arts website now has a prominent
link to info about accessible seating for patrons.
 Still some questions about ticket prices for lower-level
seats where a deaf person would need to sit in order to
be near the interpreter. Lower-level seating is higher
priced than upper-level, but there is no viable
interpreting services option for upper-level seating.
o Can we request an interpreter for the Melissa Stockwell event?
Prefer to have 10 days notice.
Since it is an ADA event, specifically the keynote
speaker, we should try to provide it.
Gay said it would be helpful to have the dates of
Chautauqua events well in advance so that her office
can plan for interpreters to be there.
Gay suggested putting a statement on the Chautauqua
Series website indicating that attendees can request an
interpreter, but that s/he needs to send the request well
in advance.
Previous Business
 ADA Awareness Day
 Samuel Comroe event