Committee for IT Planning around Academic

Committee for I.T. Planning around
Academic Priorities
Prof Judyth Sachs (Chair), DVC
Mr Paul Bowler, DVC and COO
Dr Maree Gosper, Centre for Professional
Prof John Hedberg, Chair ICT in
Ms Maxine Brodie, University Librarian
Prof Mike Johnson, Acting Vice-Pres,
Academic Senate
Prof James Dalziel, Professor of Learning Prof Stephen Marshall, Executive
Director Centre for Professional
Prof Ed Davis, Dean Economic and
Ms Mary Sharp, Director IT Services
Financial Studies
Prof Liz Deane, Dean Environmental and Prof Stephen Thurgate, Dean Information
Life Sciences
& Communication Sciences
Mr Mark Ellis, Manager Research Office
In Attendance
Ms Barb McLean, Executive Officer, Office of the Provost
Mr Paul Bowler, DVC and COO
3.00-4.00p.m. Wednesday 23rd May 2007
Function Room, level 2, E11A Chancellery Building
1. Minutes of the Meeting 2nd April 2007
2. Report on current activities in I.T.
Mary reported that ITS is working on the Stabilisation Program, including
getting rid of the leased hardware and replacing it with a series of smaller
boxes to facilitate load-sharing (especially around periods of peak demand,
such as enrolment).
WebCT is being upgraded (using Learning and Teaching Performance
Fund money). CFL is managing the upgrade. Automated tools will
transfer about 75% of current content, CFL will undertake the rest.
Intervention will be required in the area of quizzes, assignments and tests.
The upgrade is being done in stages, with OUA courses being transferred
to version 6 by the end of August, the rest of Macquarie will be transferred
ready for 2008 academic year. The plan for the upgrade will be available
in June, once contractural details have been finalised. After the Upgrade
academics will continue to work with CFL and the usual arrangements for
the Help Desk will remain.
Some WebCT plug-ins are not compatible with WebCT Ver 6, such as
iLecture and electronic journals. These will continue to be hosted at
Macquarie, while the rest of WebCT will be outsourced to NetSpot Pty
Ltd, who already support the Australian Catholic University (this will
enable 24X7 support).
The Student Portal is moving to Oracle during the Semester break, which
will incorporate Google Mail and collaboration tools. Calendars and
addresses will not change; neither will the use of the student number as
On Friday 18th May all public PCs in the Library were upgraded, from
Learning and Teaching Performance Fund money. This money will also
allow the Library to pilot new furniture for potential use in the New
3. Appointment of a consultant to draft I.T. Strategy 2007-2009
Mr Chris Bird has been appointed for a 4 month period, to develop an I.T.
Plan for 2008-2009 that aligns with the University’s strategic directions
and is implementable. He will meet with members of this Committee.
It was recommended that Chris meet with the Divisional Manager of EFS
Mr Garry Grocott. It was also recommended that Chris attend this
4. Report on progress towards new Library
(See Update on the New Library Building Project, document included with
meeting papers)
The Library Building Project is currently at the stage of a limited design
competition. A representative panel, including students, will select the
The Communication Plan is called “Watch this space” and will involve a
website with key documents, blog and web cam. The Committee for I.T.
Planning around Academic Priorities is a key stakeholder group for
ongoing consultation. Focus groups will also include Year 10 high school
students (as potential users of the new library).
Design principles include sustainable design, automated storage and
retrieval, a focus on a variety of space designs (for individuals, teams,
classes, etc). Flexibility in power and data connection will be important.
5. Principles to form a basis for a prioritised and costed Strategic Plan
for I.T. for Academic Purposes
a. Focus on student learning and student engagement
b. Align with Macquarie@50 and University strategic directions
c. Align with University policies and strategies
d. Balance innovation with risk
e. Plan for the whole developmental life cycle – sustainability
f. Design for mixed mode – maintain in-house what we are good at;
outsource the rest
g. Design for the inclusion of open source
h. Efficient design – positive impact on staff workload
6. Learning and Teaching in an Information Age: a symposium
It was recommended that, in addition to placing the Powerpoints and key
documents resulting from the day up on the Web, that the day be videoed
and edited highlights be also included on the Web.
7. Any other business
Maree Gosper alerted the Committee to the ACODE Benchmarking
project in elearning. Macquarie rated poorly in the area of Policy and
Governance. It was recommended that this Project be reported on at the
next meeting.
It was also recommended that Maree Gosper and James Dalziel report on
the Carrick exchange on elearning at the next meeting.
8. Next meeting
The Committee will meet Monday 4th June 2.00-3.00p.m., Function Room
level 2 of the Chancellery Building E11A