L I G P L O T v . 2 . 0 ------------------------Operating manual A program to plot schematic diagrams of protein-ligand interactions Andrew C Wallace & Roman A Laskowski C o n t e n t s --------------1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction How to run LIGPLOT Inputs to LIGPLOT Outputs produced by LIGPLOT Customizing LIGPLOT - amending the ligplot.par parameter file 6. Improving the plots 7. Adding/removing H-bonds and hydrophobic interactions Appendix A - Brookhaven file format Appendix B - LIGPLOT file formats 1. INTRODUCTION --------------These Operating Instructions describe how to run the LIGPLOT program (Wallace et al., 1995). The program automatically generates schematic diagrams of interactions in proteins from the 3D coordinates alone. (Some examples are given here). It is particularly useful for comparing different structures, such as the interactions of different ligands with the same enzyme. The inputs to LIGPLOT comprise: * the PDB file (Bernstein et al., 1977) holding the coordinates of the structure of interest, * a list of hydrogen-bonds and * a list of hydrophobic contacts within the structure. The latter two lists can be automatically generated using the HBPLUS program which is supplied separately from LIGPLOT, and is described elsewhere (McDonald & Thornton, 1994). A parameter file, called ligplot.par can be edited to alter the parameters that control the appearance of the plot generated - eg colours, text sizes, etc (see section 5). The outputs from LIGPLOT include: * the PostScript file showing the plotted schematic diagram, and * various files that allow the diagram to be amended to the user's requirements (see section 6). The LIGPLOT algorithm is described in detail in Wallace et al. (1995). In principle, it takes the 3D structure of the ligand and "unrolls" it about its rotatable bonds, flattening it out onto the 2D page. As it does so, it takes with it the hydrogen-bonded sidechains and sidechains involved in hydrophobic contacts, flattening those out too and placing them so that the overlap of atoms and the crossing of bonds in the final diagram is kept to a minumum. 2. HOW TO RUN LIGPLOT --------------------a. To run LIGPLOT with HBPLUS -------------------------To run LIGPLOT, with all hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic contacts computed by HBPLUS, type the following: ligplot filename [residue1] [residue2] [chain_id] [-h] where: filename is the name of the file containing your protein structure and should contain the full path unless your structure is in the default directory. The file must be in full Brookhaven Format (see Appendix A). [residue1] and [residue2] is the residue range for the ligand. [chain_id] is the ligand's chain identifier (optional). [-h] indicates that you would like to enter a heading for the output plot (the program will prompt you to enter the heading). This assumes you have installed both LIGPLOT and HBPLUS according to the installation instructions. For example, to run a LIGPLOT for 6tmn, in which the ligand has a range of 1 to 4 with chain identifier I, you might type: ligplot /data/pdb/p6tmn.pdb 1 4 I Alternatively, if the ligand range is unknown, you can omit the optional parameters and enter: ligplot /data/pdb/p6tmn.pdb In this case, the program will search through the PDB file 6tmn and will produce a list of chain and ligand ranges. It will then prompt you to enter one of these residue ranges as the ligand. b. LIGONLY - running LIGPLOT on its own -----------------------------------If you do not have HBPLUS, or wish to use your own list of hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic contacts (see Appendix B), you can run just LIGPLOT on its own by typing: ligonly filename [residue1] [residue2] [chain_id] [-h] The parameters are as before. The LIGONLY script is also useful where you have just run LIGPLOT and now want to generate a new plot (say having slightly modified the parameters in the ligplot.par file - see section 5). This saves running HBPLUS and recalculating all the hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic contacts. 3. INPUTS TO LIGPLOT -------------------The input files to LIGPLOT are: * filename.pdb - Input PDB file holding the coordinates of the protein and ligand. * filename.hhb - List of hydrogen bonds, either generated by HBPLUS, or supplied in LIGPLOT format (see Appendix B). * filename.nnb - List of non-bonded, hydrophobic contacts, either generated by HBPLUS, or supplied in LIGPLOT format (see Appendix B). * ligplot.par - Parameter file containing parameters governing the production of the plot (see section 5). Note that, for the PDB file, the file extension does not need to be .pdb. It can be anything other that .hhb, .nnb or .par. The extensions for the .hhb and .nnb files must be as stated, otherwise LIGPLOT will not be able to find the files. 4. OUTPUTS PRODUCED BY LIGPLOT -----------------------------The output files produced by LIGPLOT are: * ligplot.ps - Colour or black-and-white PostScript output file of the plot. * ligplot.pdb - Output file in PDB format of the final flattened molecules (ligand and interacting protein residues) as shown in the plot. * ligplot.hhb - Output file, in LIGPLOT format, of just those hydrogen bonds in the original filename.hhb file that were used by LIGPLOT in producing the final picture. * ligplot.nnb - Output file, in LIGPLOT format, of just those hydrophobic contacts in the original filename.nnb file that were used by LIGPLOT in producing the final picture. * ligplot.bonds - Output file listing of bonds and bond-types in the final LIGPLOT picture. * ligplot.frm - Output file in PDB format of the molecules shown in the plot, prior to flattening. 5. CUSTOMIZING LIGPLOT - AMENDING THE ligplot.par PARAMETER FILE ---------------------------------------------------------------The plots produced by LIGPLOT can be customised by amending the parameter file called ligplot.par. The file is created in the default directory when you first run LIGPLOT. You can then edit it with any text editor. The file contains a number of keywords, in capitals, below which the parameters are entered. The keywords are:- 1. PRINT OPTIONS 2. PLOT PARAMETERS 3. LINKED RESIDUES 4. SIZES 5. TEXT SIZES 6. COLOURS 7. TEXT COLOURS 8. COLOUR DEFINITIONS 9. MINIMIZATION PARAMETERS Other text can be inserted anywhere in the file and will be ignored provided that it is not in the block of parameters directly associated with one of these keywords. Throughout the file are various notes to assist you during editing. 1. PRINT OPTIONS ------------There are two print options, as follows:PRINT OPTIONS ------------Y <- Produce a colour PostScript file (Y/N)? P <- Orientation of plot: (P)ortrait or (L)andscape? Description of options:---------------------Produce a colour PostScript file (Y/N)? - The first option defines whether a colour or a black-and-white PostScript file is to be generated. Orientation of plot: (P)ortrait or (L)andscape? - The second option defines whether the orientation of the plot on the page is to be Portrait or Landscape. 2. PLOT PARAMETERS --------------There are 16 plot parameters, as follows:- PLOT PARAMETERS --------------Y <- Include: Hydrophobic interactions - (Y/N)? N <- Include: Water molecules - (Y/N)? Y <- Include: Non-ligand mainchain atoms - (Y/N)? N <- Include: Linked residues listed below - (Y/N)? Y <- Plot: Hydrogen bonds - (Y/N)? N <- Plot: Internal H-bonds in ligand - (Y/N)? N <- Plot: Simple ligand representation [see Note 1] - (Y/N)? N <- Plot: Accessibility shading [see Note 2] - (Y/N)? Y <- Plot: Ligand atoms (as spheres) - (Y/N)? Y <- Plot: Nonligand atoms (as spheres) - (Y/N)? Y <- Plot: Double- and triple bonds (for ligplot.pdb only) - (Y/N)? Y <- Print: Key to symbols in PostScript output - (Y/N)? Y <- Print: Residue names/numbers - (Y/N)? Y <- Print: Atom names - (Y/N)? Y <- Print: H-bond lengths on hydrogen bonds - (Y/N)? Y <- Print: Filename as title if title not explicitly defined (Y/N)? Description of the parameters:----------------------------Include: Hydrophobic interactions - (Y/N)? The first option defines whether all hydrophobic interactions between the protein and the ligand are to be shown on the plot. Include: Water molecules - (Y/N)? The second option defines whether any water molecules hydrogen-bonded to the ligand are to be shown on the plot. Include: Non-ligand mainchain atoms - (Y/N)? This option defines whether the mainchain atoms of the non ligand residues are to be shown on the plot. Include: Linked residues listed below - (Y/N)? This option allows you to include any residues that are not directly hydrogen-bonded to the ligand but which are indirectly connected via another residue (or water molecule) which is hydrogen-bonded to the ligand. For example, in the enzyme active sites of the serine proteases the His-Asp pair is essential for catalytic activity. Here the His is hydrogen bonded to the ligand whereas the Asp is hydrogen bonded to the His and not to the ligand (as for His 57 and Asp 102 in chymotrypsin). By setting the Linked residues to Y here, you can then define which linked residues you want included in the plot (see LINKED RESIDUES). Plot: Hydrogen bonds - (Y/N)? This option defines whether hydrogen bond interactions between the ligand and the protein are to be shown on the plot. Plot: Internal H-bonds in ligand - (Y/N)? This option defines whether internal hydrogen bonds within the ligand itself are to be shown on the plot. Generally, however, these comlicate the diagram unnecessarily. Plot: Simple ligand representation - (Y/N)? This option may be useful if the ligand is large (for example a peptide). It prints out the ligand residues as circles and the non ligand residues just have their names and atom identifiers printed out. Ligand sidechains not involved in hydrogen bonds are not shown. Plot: Accessibility shading - (Y/N)? This option defines whether the solvent accessibilities of the ligand atoms are to be shown on the plot. The accessibilities are represented by the shading behind each ligand atom. Solvent accessibilities can be calculated by running the NACCESS program. This generates an .asa file, and LIGPLOT should then be run on this .asa file in place of the original .pdb file. (If LIGPLOT is run on an ordinary PDB file, the values in the B-value column will be taken to be accessibilities). Plot: Ligand atoms (as spheres) - (Y/N)? This option defines whether the ligand atoms are to be shown on the plot (if this option is set to N, only the ligand bonds will be shown). Plot: Nonligand atoms (as spheres) - (Y/N)? As above, but for the non-ligand atoms. Plot: Double- and triple-bonds - (Y/N)? This option defines whether doubleand triple-bonds are to be plotted. At present, LIGPLOT assumes that all bonds are single bonds and needs to be told which are double and which are triple. This is done as follows:First, run LIGPLOT in the usual manner. Then, edit the ligplot.bonds file and change the "s" in the final column of any double-bond to "d", and, for any triple-bond, to "t". Finally, re-run LIGPLOT with the ligplot.pdb file as the input PDB file (ie run: ligplot ligplot.pdb [options], where the options defining the ligand are as before). Print: Key to symbols in PostScript output - (Y/N)? This option defines whether a key explaining the symbols used in the LIGPLOT diagram produced is to be included in the plot. Print: Residue names/numbers - (Y/N)? This option defines whether residue names and numbers are to be printed adjacent to the relevant residues. Print: Atom names - (Y/N)? This option defines whether atom names are to be printed next to each of the atoms. Print: H-bond lengths on hydrogen bonds - (Y/N)? This option defines whether the length of each hydrogen bond is to be printed on the plot. Print: Filename as title if title not explicitly defined - (Y/N)? If the -h option is omitted when LIGPLOT is run, the program will not prompt for a title for the plot. In which case, if the "Filename as title" option is set to "Y", the filename will be printed as the plot title instead. 3. LINKED RESIDUES --------------Up to 10 pairs of linked residues can be input, in the form:LINKED RESIDUES --------------HIS-ASP <- Residue-pair HOH-*** <- Residue-pair <- Residue-pair <- Residue-pair <- Residue-pair <- Residue-pair <- Residue-pair <- Residue-pair <- Residue-pair <- Residue-pair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Description:----------The above list defines which residues, not directly hydrogen-bonded to the ligand are to be included in the plot, provided they are hydrogen-bonded to a residue that is hydrogen-bonded to the ligand. Each residue-pair shows: the residue-type hydrogen-bonded to the ligand, and the residue-type to be plotted if it is hydrogen-bonded to this first residue. For example, "HIS-ASP" will include any Asp residues that are H-bonded to a His which is H-bonded to the ligand. More generally, "HIS-***" will show any residue H-bonded to the His. Similarly, "HOH-***" will include any residues in the protein that are connected to the ligand via a water molecule. 4. SIZES ----The sizes of the following symbols, plotted on the LIGPLOT diagram, can be defined. SIZES ----0.33 0.33 0.40 1.15 1.00 0.19 0.07 0.07 (All sizes are relative sizes given in Angstroms) <<<<<<<<- Radius: Ligand atoms Radius: Non-ligand atoms Radius: Water molecules Radius: Hydrophobic contact residues Radius: Ligand residues in simple-residue representation Line-thickness: Ligand bonds Line-thickness: Non-ligand bonds Line-thickness: Hydrogen bonds 5. TEXT SIZES ---------The text sizes of the various labels plotted on the LIGPLOT diagram can be defined as follows:TEXT SIZES (Relative sizes in Angstroms) ---------0.80 <- Residue names: Ligand residues 0.63 <- Residue names: Non-ligand residues 0.50 <- Residue names: Water molecule IDs 0.50 <- Residue names: Hydrophobic-interaction residues 0.25 <- Residue names: in simple-residue representation 0.31 <- Atom names: Ligand atoms 0.31 <- Atom names: Non-ligand atoms 0.44 <- Hydrogen-bond lengths 6. COLOURS ------The colours of the background to the plot, and of various symbols, plotted on the LIGPLOT diagram, can be defined as follows:COLOURS ------CREAM PURPLE BLACK SKY BLUE BRICK RED ORANGE YELLOW <<<<<<<- Background colour of page Ligand bonds [or ATOM - see Note] Non-ligand bonds [or ATOM - see Note] Hydrogen bonds Hydrophobic interactions Accessibility shading: Buried atoms Accessibility shading: Accessible atoms BLUE RED BLACK YELLOW TURQUOISE PURPLE PINK LIME GREEN BLACK BLACK <<<<<<<<<<- Nitrogen atoms Oxygen atoms Carbon atoms Sulphur atoms Water atoms Phosphorus atoms Iron atoms All other atoms Atom edges Circles in simple-residue representation The definitions of the different colours are given at end of file (see 8. COLOUR DEFINITIONS). Note that, if "ATOM" is entered as the colour of the ligand- or nonligand bonds, the bonds will be coloured such that each half is of the colour of the atom bonded at that end. 7. TEXT COLOURS -----------The colours of the various labels plotted on the LIGPLOT diagram can be defined as follows:TEXT COLOURS -----------BLACK BLACK BLUE BRICK RED PURPLE BLACK BLACK BLACK SKY BLUE <<<<<<<<<- Plot title Legends in key to symbols Residue names: Ligand residues Residue names: Non-ligand residues Residue names: Water molecule IDs Residue names: Hydrophobic-interaction residues Atom names: Ligand atoms Atom names: Non-ligand atoms Hydrogen bond lengths The definitions of the different colours are given at end of file (see 8. COLOUR DEFINITIONS). 8. COLOUR DEFINITIONS -----------------The colour definitions table allows you to modify any of the default colour definitions. You can also set up new colours of your own (up to 20 different colours are allowed). Each entry contains three numbers, each between 0.0 and 1.0, giving the ratios of red, green and blue, respectively, making up the given colour. Each colour also has a 'name', in single quotes, by which the colour is referred to when defining COLOURS and TEXT COLOURS. The default colours and their corresponding RGB values are:COLOUR DEFINITIONS -----------------0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.8000 0.5000 0.0000 0.5000 1.0000 0.0000 0.5000 0.0000 1.0000 0.5000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.5000 1.0000 0.3000 0.8000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.7000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.8000 0.0000 0.0000 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 0.9700 0.9700 0.9700 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 'BLACK 'WHITE 'RED 'GREEN 'BLUE 'YELLOW 'ORANGE 'LIME GREEN 'PURPLE 'CYAN 'PINK 'SKY BLUE 'CREAM 'TURQUOISE 'LILAC 'BRICK RED 'BROWN 'LIGHT GREY 'WHITE 'WHITE '<'<'<'<'<'<'<'<'<'<'<'<'<'<'<'<'<'<'<'<- Colour Colour Colour Colour Colour Colour Colour Colour Colour Colour Colour Colour Colour Colour Colour Colour Colour Colour Colour Colour 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9. MINIMIZATION PARAMETERS ----------------------The parameters that control the way that LIGPLOT minimizes a given plot (in terms of reducing the numbers of atom-atom, bond-bond and atom-bond overlaps) are given at the end of the ligplot.par file. It is unlikely you will need to alter these values, although sometimes you might get a better plot by altering the parameters by trial-and-error. A far better way of improving a cluttered or unclear plot is by modifying the ligplot.pdb file, as described in section 6. MINIMIZATION PARAMETERS ----------------------0.25 <- Atom-atom clash parameter 0.25 <- Bond-atom clash parameter 10.0 <- Bond-overlap score 1.00 <- Weight for bond-overlap term, relative to atom-clash term 50.0 <- Weight for term giving H-bond deviation from ideal value 7.0 <- Blow-distance for H-bonded groups (in Angstroms) 15.0 <- Furthest move-distance for H-bonded groups (in Angstroms) 6. IMPROVING THE PLOTS ---------------------The plots produce by LIGPLOT can be improved in one of two ways. a. Editing the PostScript file --------------------------If you are familiar with PostScript files, you can make simple amendments to the plot produced by LIGPLOT by editing the ligplot.ps file. The file is an ASCII text file, and so can be modified using any text editor. The sorts of amendments you can make are: changes to labels (in terms of size, colour and text), addition of other text, changes to colours, sizes, etc. Some changes, of course, can be made simply by altering the ligplot.par parameter file (see section 5) and re-running LIGPLOT. b. Editing the ligplot.pdb file using interactive computer graphics software ---------------------------------------------------------------For more radical changes (say to change the positions or orientations of sidechains/residues on the plot), you can use standard interactive computer graphics software, such as QUANTA to edit the output ligplot.pdb file. The ligplot.pdb file contains the coordinates of the flattened molecules, exactly as seen on the plot. You can read it in as a standard PDB file and then use standard molecular modelling operations to modify the structure in any way that will make the final plot clearer. For example, if you are using QUANTA, you might modify the plot as follows:1. First, import the ligplot.pdb file as a PDB file. 2. Then, use the "Distance" option of the "Geometry" panel to add dotted lines between hydrogen-bonded atoms. Click first on one, and then the other, of each hydrogen-bonded atom pair. A dotted line will be drawn between the two atoms, showing their distance apart in Angstroms. This will reproduce the hydrogen bonds shown on the LIGPLOT diagram, and will be useful in getting the distances between them to match the actual distances (printed on the plot) as closely as possible. 3. Use the "Move Fragment" option of the "Modelling" panel to manually move any of the non-ligand residues around the screen. Note that the residues corresponding to hydrophobic contacts will be represented by one (or sometimes more) single carbon atoms. These, too, can be moved around the screen to more favourable positions. 4. Use the "Torsions" option of the "Modelling" panel to rotate any of the residues or sidechains about any of their rotatable bonds. You can use the torsion angle monitors to ensure that the final torsion angle is always either 0 or 180 degrees (otherwise the molecule will lose its flatness, and subsequent operations may result in greater and greater distortions to the final picture). 5. Once all the required amendment have been made, save the file as ligplot.pdb, overwriting the previous version. (See note below). 6. Re-run LIGPLOT, this time using ligplot.pdb as the input file (ie run: ligplot ligplot.pdb [options], where the options defining the ligand are as before). This should produce a new LIGPLOT diagram with all residues laid out as defined on screen. Note that, when the ligplot.pdb file is saved by QUANTA, any blank chain ID's are replaced by the chain identifier "A". In this case, the residues in the ligplot.pdb file will no longer match the data in the ligplot.hhb, ligplot.nnb and ligplot.bonds files.Thus you will need to edit ligplot.pdb to convert the chain "A" back to chain " " (blank). 7. ADDING/REMOVING H-BONDS AND HYDROPHOBIC INTERACTIONS ------------------------------------------------------LIGPLOT uses the list of hydrogen bonds supplied in the file filename.hhb, and the list of hydrophobic contacts supplied in the file filename.nnb (where filename is the name of the original PDB file). These files can be automatically generated using the HBPLUS program, or otherwise supplied in LIGPLOT-format (see Appendix B). In the former case, using HBPLUS sometimes gives incorrect results as, when HBPLUS encounters a ligand it does not recognize, it may be unable to correctly calculate all the hydrogen bonds the ligand makes with the protein. For this reason, or otherwise, you may want to add or remove interactions from either the .hhb or .nnb files. One way, is to run LIGPLOT, edit the .hhb and .nnb files, and then run LIGONLY. However, the format of these files is a trifle cumbersome and awkward to edit. A simpler way is to use the files ligplot.hhb and ligplot.nnb, generated in the LIGPLOT format when LIGPLOT is run. The file format is a great deal simpler, and also has the advantage of showing only those interactions that were actually plotted, rather than all possible interactions in the original PDB file. Having edited in, or removed, the relevant interactions into either ligplot.hhb or ligplot.nnb, overwrite the original filename.hhb and filename.nnb files before running LIGONLY to regenerate the plot - this time with all the correct interactions shown. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------APPENDIX A - BROOKHAVEN FILE FORMAT ----------------------------------The table below shows the Brookhaven file format for the coordinate records (ie ATOM and HETATM) of your PDB file. Each record holds the coordinates and other details of a single atom. -------------------------------------------------------------------------Field | Column | FORTRAN | No. | range | format | Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------1. | 1 - 6 | A6 | Record ID (eg ATOM, HETATM) 2. | 7 - 11 | I5 | Atom serial number - | 12 - 12 | 1X | Blank 3. | 13 - 16 | A4 | Atom name (eg " CA " , " ND1") 4. | 17 - 17 | A1 | Alternative location code (if any) 5. | 18 - 20 | A3 | Standard 3-letter amino acid code for residue - | 21 - 21 | 1X | Blank 6. | 22 - 22 | A1 | Chain identifier code 7. | 23 - 26 | I4 | Residue sequence number 8. | 27 - 27 | A1 | Insertion code (if any) - | 28 - 30 | 3X | Blank 9. | 31 - 38 | F8.3 | Atom's x-coordinate 10. | 39 - 46 | F8.3 | Atom's y-coordinate 11. | 47 - 54 | F8.3 | Atom's z-coordinate 12. | 55 - 60 | F6.2 | Occupancy value for atom 13. | 61 - 66 | F6.2 | B-value (thermal factor) - | 67 - 67 | 1X | Blank 14. | 68 - 68 | I3 | Footnote number -------------------------------------------------------------------------Example:Four sample records are shown below:1 2 3 4 5 6 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678 -------------------------------------------------------------------ATOM 1751 N GLY C 250 32.286 1.882 43.206 1.00 22.00 ATOM 1752 CA GLY C 250 32.365 1.086 41.969 1.00 21.39 ATOM 1753 C GLY C 250 31.538 1.735 40.864 1.00 20.79 ATOM 1754 O GLY C 250 30.621 2.527 41.152 1.00 21.58 APPENDIX B - LIGPLOT FILE FORMATS --------------------------------a. Hydrogen-bonds file, .hhb ------------------------The table below shows the LIGPLOT file format for the .hhb file containing the listing of hydrogen bonds to be plotted. Line 1: 'ligplot.hhb' Line 2: (blank) Line 3: ' Donor Acceptor Distance' Lines 4 to end:-------------------------------------------------------------------------Field | Column | FORTRAN | No. | range | format | Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------1. | 1 - 3 | A3 | Acceptor residue standard 3 letter code - | 4 - 4 | 1X | Blank 2. | 5 - 5 | A1 | Acceptor chain identifier - | 6 - 6 | 1X | Blank 3. | 7 - 11 | A5 | Acceptor residue sequence number - | 12 - 13 | 2X | Blank 4. | 14 - 16 | A3 | Acceptor residue atom name (eg CA or ND1) - | 17 - 21 | 5X | Blank 5. | 22 - 24 | A3 | Donor residue standard 3 letter code - | 25 - 25 | 1X | Blank 6. | 26 - 26 | A1 | Donor chain identifier - | 27 - 27 | 1X | Blank 7. | 28 - 32 | A5 | Donor residue sequence number - | 33 - 34 | 2X | Blank 8. | 35 - 37 | A3 | Donor residue atom name (eg CA or ND1) - | 38 - 41 | 4X | Blank 9. | 42 - 45 | F4.2 | Hydrogen bond distance -------------------------------------------------------------------------Example of .hhb file A sample ligplot.hhb file is given below:1 2 3 4 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 --------------------------------------------ligplot.hhb output: Donor HIS 57 GLY 193 SER 195 TRP C 252 GLY 216 GLY C 250 TRP C 252 NE2 N N N N N NE1 TRP TRP TRP SER GLY GLY SER Acceptor C 252 OXT C 252 O C 252 O 214 O C 250 O 216 O 217 O Distance 3.13 3.03 2.69 3.00 3.15 2.92 3.12 b. Hydrophobic contacts file, .nnb ------------------------------The table below shows the LIGPLOT file format for the .nnb file containing the listing of hydrophobic contacts to be plotted. Line 1: 'ligplot.nnb' Line 2: (blank) Line 3: ' Atom 1 Atom 2 Distance' Lines 4 to end:-------------------------------------------------------------------------Field | Column | FORTRAN | No. | range | format | Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------1. | 1 - 3 | A3 | Atom 1: standard 3 letter code - | 4 - 4 | 1X | Blank 2. | 5 - 5 | A1 | Atom 1: chain identifier - | 6 - 6 | 1X | Blank 3. | 7 - 11 | A5 | Atom 1: residue sequence number - | 12 - 13 | 2X | Blank 4. | 14 - 16 | A3 | Atom 1: residue atom name (eg CA or ND1) - | 17 - 21 | 5X | Blank 5. | 22 - 24 | A3 | Atom 2: residue standard 3 letter code - | 25 - 25 | 1X | Blank 6. | 26 - 26 | A1 | Atom 2: chain identifier - | 27 - 27 | 1X | Blank 7. | 28 - 32 | A5 | Atom 2: residue sequence number - | 33 - 34 | 2X | Blank 8. | 35 - 37 | A3 | Atom 2: residue atom name (eg CA or ND1) - | 38 - 41 | 4X | Blank 9. | 42 - 45 | F4.2 | Contact distance -------------------------------------------------------------------------Example of .nnb file A sample ligplot.nnb file is given below:1 2 3 4 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 --------------------------------------------ligplot.nnb output Atom 1 ALA C 251 TRP C 252 TRP C 252 TRP C 252 TRP C 252 TRP C 252 TRP C 252 TRP C 252 TRP C 252 TRP C 252 GLY C 250 TRP C 252 TRP C 252 TRP C 252 TRP C 252 TRP C 252 TRP C 252 CB CE3 CZ3 CG CD1 C C CD2 CE3 CZ3 C CE2 CZ2 CH2 CZ2 CZ3 CH2 HIS SER SER CYS CYS SER SER TRP TRP TRP TRP GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY Atom 2 57 190 190 191 191 195 195 215 215 215 215 216 216 216 216 226 226 CD2 CB CB C C CA CB C C C CB CA CA CA C CA CA Distance 3.67 3.52 3.58 3.83 3.77 3.79 2.86 3.62 3.54 3.81 3.89 3.65 3.29 3.48 3.60 3.38 3.43 R E F E R E N C E S ------------------Bernstein F C, Koetzle T F, Williams G J B, Meyer E F Jr, Brice M D, Rogers J R, Kennard O, Shimanouchi T & Tasumi M (1977). The Protein Data Bank: a computer-based archival file for macromolecular structures. J. Mol. Biol., 112, 535-542. McDonald I K & Thornton J M (1994). Satisfying hydrogen bonding potential in proteins. J. Mol. Biol., 238, 777-793. Wallace A C, Laskowski R A & Thornton J M (1995). LIGPLOT: A program to generate schematic diagrams of protein-ligand interactions. Prot. Eng., 8, 127-134.