bowfeb8.12 - City of East Chicago

City of East Chicago Board of Public Works
4525 Indianapolis Blvd. • East Chicago, Indiana 46312 • (219) 391-8355 • Fax # (219) 391-8401
Val Gomez, President; Jezreel Rodriguez, Vice-President; Carla Morgan, Member
Minutes for the Regular Meeting
Board of Public Works
Wednesday, February 8, 2012, at 4:30 pm
City Hall Council Chambers
1. Call to Order: The regular meeting of the Board of Public Works was called to order by
President, Val Gomez.
2. Roll Call: Mr. Val Gomez, President
Mr. Jezreel Rodriguez, Vice-President
Ms. Carla Morgan, Member
3. Minutes: Regular Meeting: January 25, 2012
Motion was made by Ms. Morgan to approve the minutes. Mr. Rodriguez second. No discussion.
Ayes: All
Morgan, Rodriguez, Gomez
4. Correspondence: None.
5. New Business: Bid Recommendation for Single Axle Dump Truck: Mr. Ronald Edmonds,
Director for Street Department reported he spoke with Groucho from Fleet Management and
recommended to award the bid to International. Mr. Gomez requested the reason behind choosing
International. Mr. Edmonds reported he wanted all trucks compatible. Totally the City has twenty
nine (29) 5 ton trucks; Street Department has two (2), Sanitary Solids has nineteen (19), and
Wastewater has one (1). Street Department also has four (4) free liner trucks.
Mr. Edmonds reported there is an additive required for the Freight Liner Trucks. The additive will
cost the City between fifteen hundred to two thousand dollars ($1,500-$2,000) a year for the life of
the truck. Mr. Gomez questioned the purpose for the additive. Mr. Edmonds reported the additive is
to meet EPA guidelines. Mr. Gomez questioned whether the other vehicle meets the EPA standards
without the additive. Mr. Edmonds replied yes. Mr. Gomez questioned whether there was anything
in the specs that made it conditional to add and additive. Mr. Edmonds replied no, the City wanted a
truck that would meet all EPA guidelines. Mr. Gomez reported this condition is more important than
the first. Mr. Edmonds reported the bid for Truck City was approximately one hundred forty six
thousand dollars ($146,000) International was approximately one hundred fifty thousand dollars
($150,000). Ms. Morgan indicated there was a discussion of lease purchase verses outright purchase.
Mr. Edmonds replied yes. Ms. Morgan questioned whether International was able to give the option
of lease purchase. Mr. Edmonds replied yes.
Mr. Gomez reported the Base Bid selling price is one hundred forty nine thousand six hundred
seventy three ($149,673); a three (3) year lease for $51,689.88, five (5) year lease for $31,903.23, and
seven (7) year lease for $23,552.35.
Motion was made by Ms. Morgan to approve the recommendation of Street Department Director for
International for base price of one hundred forty nine thousand six hundred seventy three dollars
($149,673). Mr. Rodriguez second. No discussion.
Ayes: All
Morgan, Rodriguez, Gomez
Request to Advertise for Fuel: Mr. Milton Reed, Global Consulting Solutions reported in an
ongoing effort to reduce cost and come into compliance with proper procedures. Mr. Reed requested
permission to advertise for fuel purchase for the Civil City housed at Cline Avenue Central Services.
Mr. Gomez reported Mr. Reed works for cost control. Mr. Reed replied yes; cost control/cost
containment and assisting in technical aspects of the project. Mr. Gomez reported the request is to
have the Board of Works to approve an advertisement. Mr. Reed stated, “Yes, we want to get going
on this with the process while we are putting everything together. We could be in the paper with our
first advertisement before the next meeting.” Mr. Gomez questioned if this request would come from
the Controller’s Office. Mr. Reed replied yes. Mr. Rodriguez questioned who would put the bid
specifications together. Mr. Reed stated, “I will.” Ms. Morgan questioned whether Mr. Reed would
lock in a price for the year or market price plus. Mr. Reed stated, “I’m inclined to do market price
plus. There are a couple different ways it can be done; I’m still doing some of the research. An OPIS
Standard plus a mark up of either percentage or mark up of number of cents. I want to nail down if
that is the best way because what our cost paying a premium, we might just do better on spot market
of cost plus. I really want to look into the specs before making that determination.”
Motion was made by Mr. Rodriguez to advertise for fuel bids from the Controller’s Office. Ms.
Morgan second. No discussion.
Ayes: All
Rodriguez, Morgan, Gomez
Request to advertise for an Online Auction (Date to be determined): Mrs. Elsie Arcuri,
Controller’s Office requested to advertise for an Online Auction on various vehicles and equipment.
The Notice will be published. Ms. Morgan the company the City is using. Mrs. Arcuri replied yes.
Ms. Morgan questioned whether the company qualifies under Indiana Law to conduct business. Mrs.
Arcuri replied yes, Joseph Montemayor from IT will be entering the vehicle information online.
There will be no cost to the City. The cost of 6-7% will be charged to the buyer. Mr. Gomez
questioned the number of vehicles to be listed. Mrs. Arcuri replied approximately sixty (60) vehicles.
Mr. Gomez stated, “This is part of our effort to reduce vehicle usage in the City and would save us on
fuel and maintenance cost.” Mr. Rodriguez questioned who would be selecting the equipment to be
entered in the auction. Mrs. Arcuri indicated the departments can do an inventory of equipment not
needed. Every Department can go online to and could see what different
municipalities are listing.
Motion was made by Ms. Morgan to accept the notice to advertise for the online auction. Mr.
Rodriguez second. No discussion.
Ayes: All
Morgan, Rodriguez, Gomez
2012 Vehicle Equipment Service Policy: Mrs. Elsie Arcuri, Controller’s Office reported under the
recommendation of the City Controller a service policy was created to assist in cost reduction for
vehicle maintenance. Vendors that want to do business with the City, rate schedules are listed and
vendors will be placed on a rotation scheduled. The vendors have to be licensed and bonded. The
cost for towing fees and oil changes has dropped from last year. Mr. Gomez reported the City sets
the prices and sends to vendors to be given a choice to accept and be placed on the program and if the
vendors violate any proposal, they can be removed from the rotation schedule. The City Vehicle
Maintenance will oversee to determine the Vendors are working properly. Ms. Morgan questioned
the policy and pricelist; whether it would be a cost savings to the City. Mrs. Arcuri reported there
would be a cost savings to the City. Mrs. Arcuri stated, “What we found was, the mechanics were
billing an hourly rate on top of the service (ex. Oil changes they would do $55 hour rate plus the $25
labor/maintenance).” Ms. Morgan questioned the billing terms. Mrs. Arcuri reported vendors should
bill immediately; however, the City is net thirty (30).
Motion was made by Ms. Morgan to accept the 2012 Vehicle Maintenance and Equipment Service
Policy. Mr. Rodriguez second. No discussion.
Ayes: All
Morgan, Rodriguez, Gomez
AT&T Service Agreements; 36 mo. Prime Agreement 5400 Cline Avenue – Central Services,
36 mo. Prime Agreement 2301 E. Columbus Drive – Public Safety Facility, High Volume
Calling Agreement, and ILEC Complete Link 2.0 Discount Program: Mr. Kevin Klocek
reported the four items on the Agenda are related to the telephone system. The first two items are
PRI T-1 for the phone services at Central Services as well as the Public Safety Facility. There are
five locations using T-1lines, which three were renewed in November 2011 and two were installed
later, which renew in February, 2012. The contract rate is four hundred ninety ($490) per T-1 line for
36 months. The cost is ten dollars ($10) difference from a few years ago. If the City does not utilize
the agreement unit pricing, it would go up to twenty eight hundred dollars ($2800) per line. Mr.
Klocek requested the approval of both PRI T-1 lines.
Motion was made by Mr. Rodriguez to accept the 36 month agreements for 5400 Cline and 2301 E.
Columbus Drive. Ms. Morgan second. No discussion.
Ayes: All
Rodriguez, Morgan, Gomez
High Volume Calling Agreement: Mr. Klocek reported he is assisting the Controller’s Office with
reviewing the telephone bills. The City did not have an agreement for Long Distance. AT&T was
the provider but we did not have an agreement. The City was paying 10 cents per minute. The
proposal is for 36 months at a permanent cost of 4.2 cents. The proposal will reduce the City’s long
distance bill by approximately sixty (60%). Mr. Klocek requested the Board approve the Long
Distance Agreement with AT&T.
Motion was made by Ms. Morgan to accept the agreement with AT&T. Mr. Rodriguez second. No
Ayes: All
Morgan, Rodriguez, Gomez
ILEC Complete link 2.0 Discount Program: Mr. Klocek reported this is a discount program the
City has had for the past thirty six (36) months. The discount is not as substantial because they apply
to the City Centrex Lines. When the contract was renegotiated with Centrex; the City will no longer
have a discount for Centrex lines through Complete Line; however some of the segregates and
outside lines would apply. This is a 36 month continuance of a discount program applied.
Motion was made by Ms. Morgan to accept the ILEC Complete Link 2.0 Discount Program. Mr.
Rodriguez second. No discussion.
Ayes: All
Morgan, Rodriguez, Gomez
Contract for Jim Bennett: Mr. Gomez reported this is a renewal for the present contract, which has
all the conditions required. Ms. Morgan reported the contract includes an hourly, number not-toexceed (only charges for the hours worked in the city), and has already executed the E-Verify
Affidavit. Last year Mr. Bennett lowered his rate. Mr. Gomez reported the rate is one hundred
twenty five dollars ($125) per hour and includes the termination clause.
Motion was made by Ms. Morgan to accept the contract for 2012 for Jim Bennett, the City’s
Financial Consultant. Mr. Rodriguez second. No discussion.
Ayes: All
Morgan, Rodriguez, Gomez
Dennis E. Both: Ms. Morgan reported Mr. Both is an expert witness who will be testifying in the
pending litigation against Morgan Lewis (lawsuit carried from the previous administration). The
estimate is twenty five hundred dollars ($2,500); however, the hourly rate is two hundred fifty dollars
($250) and charges .51 cents per mile for travel, which will be billed directly to the City. The firm
spearheading the litigation feels he is necessary to prevail in the litigation. Ms. Morgan reported the
billing for Morgan Lewis to handle approximately twenty five (25) wrongful termination cases
charged the City six million dollars ($6,000,000), which the previous administration paid the initial
three million ($3,000,000) and stopped payment on the remaining three million ($3,000,000). The
City’s exposure is not only the three million ($3,000,000) but another million ($1,000,000) in
litigation expenses. The City plans on taking this to trial. Mr. Gomez requested the timeline for the
trial to begin. Ms. Morgan reported this summer; however, she was not sure of the exact date.
Motion was made by Ms. Morgan to accept the contract with Dennis E. Both. Mr. Rodriguez second.
No discussion.
Ayes: All
Morgan, Rodriguez, Gomez
Meal Proposals (Police Chief): Mr. Milton Reed, Global Consulting Solutions reported in the
efforts to centralize our purchasing throughout the City and continue cost reduction, the prisoner
meals have not been bid out in several years. A market analysis was conducted on how much the
market could bare with Local Restaurants who provide prisoner meals. Kim Anderson, City
Controller has to be in compliance with State Board of Accounts that every supplier has a formal
proposal in place that matches a purchase order and invoice. The vendors that were solicited are as
follows; Columbus Gyros, Casa Lupita, and Doughnut Shop. The Police Department was informed
every step of the way. The annual savings will be over ten thousand dollars ($10,000) a year. Mr.
Gomez reported the rate is $3.50 and $3.49 a meal. Mr. Gomez questioned the total cost in the past.
Mr. Reed reported $5.00 a meal.
Motion was made by Mr. Rodriguez to accept he proposals for meals for the Police Department from
Casa Lupita Restaurant at 533 W. Columbus Drive for $3.50 each meal and Columbus Drive Gyros
for $3.49 meal with water and $3.99 for meal with a soda. Ms. Morgan second. No discussion.
Ayes: All
Rodriguez, Morgan, Gomez
Employment Agreement for Mark J. Becker: Ms. Morgan reported the City has decided to
contract Mr. Mark Becker to act as the Police Chief. Anthony Copeland stated, “One of the toughest
issues that I had to take on is what direction we would go in Public Safety. I have wrestled with this
from day one. I met with FOP, along the way and felt their concerns about the future of where the
Police Department was going to go. We are currently; FOP is voting on a new Merit Board. All of
these things point to the pledge that I gave for fairness in the Police Department and the new
direction for the future will be laid. When I became Mayor, the political climate was right for us to
have instability in the Police Department and I reached my hands out to the present Police Chief
Augusto Flores and he took my hand and he told me he would walk me through this. He promised
the previous Administration that he would give them two (2) years and he did one better; he went
three and a half (3 ½) because he took me through this transition. He gave us the ability to have
stability in the climate of political uncertainty. I am truly grateful for that. He gave me the
opportunity to reassure the workforce during that time. I have entertained looking within the
Department for the next leg of leadership but looking at the Merit System it mimics what I was able
to endure on the Fire Department (Fire Civil Service System). The Merit System is like the twin of
the Civil Service System. It allowed me the ability to reach my highest height and never had to
entertain the political climate. I should embark that among the next leadership that would come
within the Department. I stepped up and reached out. When I spoke with Mark Becker, I saw a
person who was setting a bar but he set that bar within himself, and I saw a sense of discipline. These
are the basic ingredients for a good Police Department. I also saw a sense of fairness but fairness
goes a long way. After hours of speaking with Chief Flores, I’m comfortable with my decision, to
enter into a contract with Mark Becker and allow him to be the Top Cop.”
Mr. Mark Becker stated, “I have approximately 36 years of professional law enforcement experience.
Thirty two (32) of those years were my time spent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I was
sworn in at the age of eighteen in Milwaukee. Working my way through school at the University of
Milwaukee Wisconsin. I have a bachelors of Science Degree in Criminal Justice. At the age of
twenty three (23) I became a Special Agent and transferred to Covington, Kentucky, then on to New
York City, two (2) years in Washington DC, and arrived in Northwest Indiana in March of 1987
assigned to Gary, and now known as the Merrillville resident of the FBI. During those years in
Northwest Indiana I became familiar with a variety of different criminal offenses. The most
memorable are the last ten (10) years when I was the supervisor of the Gary Response Investigative
Team and now known as the “Gang Response Investigative Team.” At the time of my retirement
from the FBI; I held the position of Senior Supervisor/Resident Agent. I supervised three (3)
different offices in Northwest Indiana; I had oversight of the criminal investigative program for
twenty one (21) Counties in Northwest Indiana and several dozen employees. I retired from the FBI
in 2007. In January 1, 2008, I took the position of Chief of Police for the Portage Police Department,
were I served until my resignation on December 17, 2011. In that assignment; I worked with sixty
one (61) Police Officers, initially twelve (12) Dispatchers and Animal Control prior to reporting to
the County. I am honored the Mayor has opted to recommend me for this position. I can tell you in
my years of work for the FBI as well as the Police Department that I bring a strong sense of
professionalism, continuing education to the officers, community outreach and commitment.
Mayor Copeland reported the contract will be for two years. “Implementing a New Merritt System
and the duration of the contract; if all merges right, then we will be leaning back to the existing
Officers and then the “Top Cop” will come from the inside. I thought at this juncture, we have to
instill a sense of the future. All Officers on the Police Department have to believe all the rules
pertain to them. We will have a Police Chief come out of this that we will be proud of and excel into
the 21 Century.”
Ms. Morgan reported this is an employment contract; an amount of compensation is paid bi-weekly
with the regular payroll. The number not-to-exceed is not quiet the same; he would receive the salary
for a two (2) year term. Mr. Gomez indicated Mr. Becker is not requesting Health Insurance
Coverage. Mr. Becker reported he maintains his health policy through the Federal Government and
will not require retirement benefits. Mr. Gomez reported Mr. Becker is not eligible for overtime
compensation. Mr. Becker stated, “I am aware.”
Motion was made by Mr. Rodriguez to accept the employment contract for Mr. Mark J. Becker for
the Police Chief for the East Chicago Police Department. Ms. Morgan second. No discussion.
Ayes: All
Rodriguez, Morgan, Gomez
6. Old Business: None.
7. Other Business: Proposal for Fiber Optics Loop Engineering Implementation Project;
Global Consulting Solutions: Adrian Mahommad reported the City for 15-20 years has been
consistently leering in the fiber optic infrastructure that requires Engineering and Planning
Departments to process quickly. Technology allows for mobile and data communication throughout
the City. The strategic process has almost created, what amounts to a state of the art infrastructure,
the project is to complete the network, which is approximately 15-20%.
Mr. Gomez requested the timeline for the project. Mr. Mahommad stated “It would be a six to nine
(6-9) month process. We hope to be able to accomplish the project within that timeframe.” Mr.
Gomez reported the Mayor’s Office along with the Mayor’s Financial Consultant and Corporate
Council is working on this project. The Legal Department was never informed. Ms. Morgan stated
“I was personally not in the last round of meetings, this Monday; I’m not familiar with all the terms.
Mr. Gomez reported there were concerns that were brought up. Mr. Gomez questioned whether the
concerns were addressed. Mr. Klocek reported the concerns were addressed; the scope of work has
not changed; however, the project would be broken down into phases. Global Consulting would be
responsible for the Engineering and Preliminary Design and assisting in putting together the
requirements to bid the construction phase of the project. The Financial Director concurred; because
of the cost of the construction involved, the City wanted to meet State requirements. Mr. Klocek
requested the board approve Global Consulting for the preliminary design of the project and send out
to bid for construction phase of the project. Mr. Gomez indicated the City Attorney was not
contacted in drafting the proposal. Mr. Klocek reported there was a meeting Monday afternoon with
Joe Allegreti and Jim Bennett. Mr. Rodriguez reported he received the document five (5) minutes
ago and did not receive it. Ms. Morgan reported a Special Meeting could be set to discuss and
consider for approval. Mr. Gomez questioned the length of time required to review the agreement.
Mr. Rodriguez reported he would need approximately one (1) hour. Ms. Morgan reported a 48 hour
notice is required for a special meeting.
Mr. Gomez requested the Board revisit this agreement in a Special Meeting on Tuesday, February 14,
2012 at 4:00 pm.
Motion was made by Mr. Rodriguez to approve a special meeting to discuss the Global Consulting
Agreement. Ms. Morgan second. No discussion.
Ayes: All
Rodriguez, Morgan, Gomez
Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 at 4:30 pm
9. Adjournment: Motion was made by Ms. Morgan to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Rodriguez
second. No discussion.
Ayes: All
Morgan, Rodriguez, Gomez
Board of Public Works
Val Gomez, President
Jezreel Rodriguez, Vice-President
Carla Morgan, Member