Welcome to Christ the King Kids Club 2012 summer program. We

Welcome to Christ the King Kids Club 2012 summer program. We have a wonderful fun filled summer
planned for your child. The following should outline all of the important information you and your child
need to know to help make our summer a success.
Contact information
If you need to contact us for any reason during the day you may contact us at 515-285-2888
ext.134 or at Ctkkidsclub@yahoo.com. The easiest way to reach me is by e-mail. I am able to
check e-mail using my cell phone, and will be checking it often.
Communication is #1
to me.
Hours of Operation
Christ the King Kids Club is open daily from 6:30 am until 5:45 pm. Please ensure your child is
picked up by 5:45 to avoid additional charges.
Daily Schedule
The following is our daily schedule. If you need to pick up or drop off your child during the times
we are out on a fieldtrip or at the swimming pool please notify me or one of your child’s
teachers so we can ensure you child is ready when you arrive.
6:30- 8:00 Drop off and Breakfast in the Lunchroom
8:00-10:00 Put things away, play in the gym or out on the playground
10:00- 12:00 Group 1 fieldtrip
10:00-11:30 Group 2 Weekly Camp
11:30-12:15 Group 2 Lunch
12:15-1:00 Group 1 Lunch
1:00-3:00 Group 2 Fieldtrip
1:15- 2:45 Group 1 Weekly Camp
**12:00-3:30 On Swimming Days the Weekly camp will be held earlier in the morning, and all
kids will go swimming together at the same time.
3:30 -5:45 Snack and Pickup in the Gym
Pick up and Drop off
We ask that you drop off your child in the School Lunchroom, and pick them up in the Gym.
The gym entry door is located on the East end of the school. Please make sure you sign them in
and out when they arrive and leave using the sign in sheet located in the Lunchroom and at the
Gym doors.
To ensure the safety of your child and all of the other children, once you arrive at Kids Club to
drop off or pick up your child you assume full responsibilities for your child while you are in our
facility. Kids Club then assumes full responsibility once the parent has left our facility. We
encourage each and every parent to make sure their child knows that once someone arrives to
pick them up that it is time to go, this helps to avoid confusion to the Kids Club staff, as well as
unnecessary injuries to other children.
We ask you send a sack lunch with your child every day. We have a microwave and refrigerator
for Kids Club use if any of the items need to be refrigerated or prepared. We ask that you
please keep microwaved items to no more than 1 per child, this helps to ensure everyone's
lunch is ready on time and we are able to stay on our schedule. On the field trip days that are
labeled ALL DAY we ask you send a lunch that doesn’t require preparation or refrigeration as
we will be outside and do not have access to a microwave or refrigerator. If for some reason
you forget a lunch for your child we can prepare one for your child for $5.00 per meal (this fee
needs to be paid at the time of drop off).
Fees for Summer Kids Club are as follows:
Fulltime- $105.00 per week for the entire summer
Fulltime includes breakfast in the mornings, snack in the afternoons for all 5 days of the
Part time- $85.00 per week for the entire summer
Part time includes breakfast in the mornings, snack in the afternoons for 3 days per
week, they must be the same 3 days each week. If you need your child(ren) to attend
on an additional day or two in any given week, it will be an additional $45.00 per day.
Drop in service is offered for any parent needing Kids Club on a random basis. Please
call or e-mail at least one week in advance to ensure there is a spot for your child.
Late Fee- If your child is picked up after 5:45 there will be a $5.00 per minute charge that your
child is in Kids Club. This needs to be paid directly to the Kids Club Staff that are there with your
child(ren) at the time you pick them up in cash.
*If more than 10 minutes have passed and we haven’t heard from you, and we are not able
to reach you by phone we will contact the local police department.
**Fulltime and Part time rates are due each week on Monday; whether your child is
attending Kids Club or not.
All payments will be automatically withdrawn from the account you have provided. These
payments will be drawn from your account on Monday’s unless you have made other
arrangements with Stephanie.
Christ the King Kids Club offers weekly, bimonthly and monthly ACH bank withdrawal.
There is a $15.00 per week fee that will be charged to all accounts that are not paid in full each
week. Late charges are assessed every Tuesday to accounts that have not been paid in full.
If your form of payment is dishonored for any reason you will be charged a $35.00 returned
item charge and will also be charged our bank processing fees.
Activities and Activity Fee
The activity fee the activity fee this year is $200.00 per child and will include the registration
fee, swim pass fee, 2 Kids Club shirts, and admission to all activities with the exception of
Adventure land. If you wish to pay this onetime fee we ask that it be paid prior to or on the
first day of Summer Kids Club.
If you choose not to pay the activity fee prior to the start of Summer Kids Club, we are offering
the option to pay an additional $20 weekly over the course of the summer. This will be added
to and deducted with your weekly fee.
Withdrawal Policy
If for any reason you choose to remove your child from our program we require a 2 week
written notice. Please understand that our Summer program is a 10 week program and even if
you choose to remove your child from the program you will still be charged until the end of the
summer program.
In an effort to reduce our weekly fee we have combined the week of vacation into the weekly
fee. Therefore we will NOT be offering a week of vacation this summer.
Field Trips
Every Tuesday and Thursday as well as some Fridays we will be attending field trips that are
located away from Christ the King. Please make sure your child is wearing their Kids Club
shirt. It helps us to easily identify all of the children. We will be leaving Christ the King at the
time specified for your child’s group; please refer to the calendar. Please allow some extra time
for us to return, it might be a little later than you expect us. Please keep in mind your child’s
safety is our number one concern. On the calendars provided you will see field trips labeled
ALL DAY these days we will be leaving between 9:00 and 10:00am and will return around
3:30pm. Please remember we do a lot of walking; so please ensure your child is comfortable in
their shoes and clothing. If you have memberships to some of the businesses that we will be
visiting they will not allow us to use them on our field trips. Also, I always welcome Parents,
Grandparents or other family members to attend any or all of our field trips with us. Please
make arrangements with Stephanie in advance so I can add them to the count.
We ask that each child bring one bottle of SPF 50 sunscreen, and one face stick that we will put
together for everyone’s use. On swimming days we ask you send a bathing suit, towel, and any
safety device that your child might need or want while in the pool. We attend NAHAS
swimming pool located on Porter Ave. right next to the South Des Moines Public Library. We
will be leaving around 12:00pm and will return around 3:30pm. We apply sunscreen to every
child before we leave our facility, and again at the pool check time which is usually around
2:00pm. If you would like it to be applied more frequently arrangements can be made with
Stephanie or one of your child’s teachers, considering some children are more sensitive to the
sun than others. If you would like to pick up your child at the pool please make arrangements
with Stephanie or one of your child’s teachers so we can have them ready when you arrive.
Cell Phones
Christ the King Kids Club holds the same policy on cell phones as Christ the King School. If your
child is caught with or using their cell phone while in Kids Club the phone will be taken from
your child. The parent will be required to get the phone from your child’s teacher upon picking
them up. If your child is caught a second time the phone will be kept by Christ the King Kids
Club until the end of the summer.
If a child for any reason is not following the rules established by Christ the King Kids Club, a kids
club staff member will discipline your child in a manner that they feel is appropriate for your
child. Each time your child is placed in a time out or disciplined a note will be sent home with
your child explaining why he or she was disciplined; if the behavior continues or becomes
excessive, abusive, disrespectful, disruptive etc. Stephanie will hold a meeting with the child’s
parents to establish a plan of action for the child. If for some reason you feel that your child is
being treated unfairly or you are not happy with the service you receive from Kids Club, please
follow the following grievance procedure: First contact the Director Stephanie Babic, Second
point of contact is Christ The King Business Manager Chris Aldinger, Third Carol Weyer Christ
The King Parish Council Chair person, Finally contact Monsignor Frank Bognanno.
Christ the King Kids Club ask if your child has a communicable disease or illness that you please
keep your child home; this includes but is not limited to strep throat, influenza, head lice,
impetigo, etc. If your child is running a fever of 100.0 or greater we ask that you keep the child
home for at least 24 hours after they no longer have a fever. If you have any questions on
when your child should return please feel free to contact me at 515-285-2888 ext 134.
Items and Toys brought from Home
We do allow children to bring DS’s, Gameboys, MP3 players, IPods, Leapsters, and other items
they would like to have to play with. Please remember that Christ the King Kids Club will not be
held responsible for lost, broken, or stolen toys and games. Heeley’s with the wheels in them
will NOT be allowed in Kids Club due to the safety of the children. Your child may wear Heeley
shoes as long as the wheels are not in them and are left at home.
Bullying and Harassment Policy
Christ the King Kids Club has a zero tolerance bullying and harassment policy. If any type of
bullying or harassment is observed a teacher will hold a conference with the child and child’s
parent. If bullying or harassment is observed a second time the child will be suspended from
Christ the King Kids Club for a period of 3 days, or removed from Kids Club permanently.
Medication Policy
If for any reason you child is on medication and has not taken the prescribed dosage for that
day they will not be allowed to attend Kids Club until the prescribed dosage has been
All children may wear any type of clothing that they are comfortable in. We do ask that you
please do NOT allow your child to wear flip flops, or spaghetti string tank tops. The only time
flip flops we will allow the children to wear flip flops is when they are walking to and from the
swimming pool. For girls: we do also ask that you please wear appropriate length dresses or
skirts; and shorts under them if they do not have them built in.
Please fill out the following forms and return to
Stephanie in Kids Club by
March 30th, 2012
Christ the King Kids Club Summer 2012 Registration
Childs Name:________________________ Grade Entering:_____ Shirt Size:_____
Childs Name:________________________ Grade Entering:_____ Shirt Size:_____
Childs Name:________________________ Grade Entering:_____ Shirt Size:_____
Home Address:_______________________________________
Parents E-mail Address:________________________________
Home Phone Number:_________________________________
Parent Information
Parent Name:__________________________ Parent Name:____________________________
Parent Place of Work:____________________ Parent Place of Work:______________________
Parent Work Number:____________________ Parent Work Number:_____________________
Parent Cell Number:_____________________ Parent Cell Number:_____________________
Emergency Contacts
Name:_______________________________ Phone Number:____________________________
Name:_______________________________ Phone Number:____________________________
Name:_______________________________ Phone Number:____________________________
Authorized Persons to pick up child
Name:_____________________________ Relationship:________________________________
Name:_____________________________ Relationship:________________________________
Name:_____________________________ Relationship:________________________________
Name:_____________________________ Relationship:________________________________
Swimming Pool Authorization
I____________________________ authorize Christ the King Kids Club to take my
child______________________ to NAHAS aquatic center on Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays beginning June 4th through August 10th 2012.
I__________________________ give permission for my child
_______________________ to go down the waterslide at NAHAS aquatic center.
I________________________ give permission for my
child_____________________ to take the deep end test at NAHAS aquatic center,
once they have passed the test they then have my permission to be on the deep
end side of the pool.
I _________________________give permission to Christ the King Kids Club to
apply sunscreen to my child _____________________.
(Please fill out one sheet for every child attending Christ the King Kids Club)
Please list any information that we should know about your child while visiting
the Pool.
Swimming Pool Authorization
I____________________________ authorize Christ the King Kids Club to take my
child______________________ to NAHAS aquatic center on Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays beginning June 4th through August 10th 2012.
I__________________________ give permission for my child
_______________________ to go down the waterslide at NAHAS aquatic center.
I________________________ give permission for my
child_____________________ to take the deep end test at NAHAS aquatic center,
once they have passed the test they then have my permission to be on the deep
end side of the pool.
I _________________________give permission to Christ the King Kids Club to
apply sunscreen to my child _____________________.
(Please fill out one sheet for every child attending Christ the King Kids Club)
Please list any information that we should know about your child while visiting
the Pool.
Swimming Pool Authorization
I____________________________ authorize Christ the King Kids Club to take my
child______________________ to NAHAS aquatic center on Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays beginning June 4th through August 10th 2012.
I__________________________ give permission for my child
_______________________ to go down the waterslide at NAHAS aquatic center.
I________________________ give permission for my
child_____________________ to take the deep end test at NAHAS aquatic center,
once they have passed the test they then have my permission to be on the deep
end side of the pool.
I _________________________give permission to Christ the King Kids Club to
apply sunscreen to my child _____________________.
(Please fill out one sheet for every child attending Christ the King Kids Club)
Please list any information that we should know about your child while visiting
the Pool.
Field Trip Permission Form
I ____________________________ give permission to my child
_____________________________ to attend all walking and bus riding field trips
with Christ the King Kids Club beginning June 4th through August 10th 2012.
I ____________________________ give permission to my child
_____________________________ to attend all walking and bus riding field trips
with Christ the King Kids Club beginning June 4th through August 10th 2012.
I ____________________________ give permission to my child
_____________________________ to attend all walking and bus riding field trips
with Christ the King Kids Club beginning June 4th through August 10th 2012.
(Please fill out one blank per child attending Christ the King Kids Club)
Medication Authorization
I _____________________________ authorize Christ the King Kids Club to
administer medication to my child ______________________________ per my
I _____________________________ authorize Christ the King Kids Club to
administer medication to my child ______________________________ per my
I _____________________________ authorize Christ the King Kids Club to
administer medication to my child ______________________________ per my
I _____________________________ authorize Christ the King Kids Club to
administer medication to my child ______________________________ per my
I _____________________________ authorize Christ the King Kids Club to
administer medication to my child ______________________________ per my
(Please fill out one blank for every child attending Christ the King Kids Club)
*Please list any known medical conditions or disabilities your child has that we
need to know about:
Photograph, Publish in Newspaper Authorization
I _____________________________ give Christ the King Kids Club permission to
photograph my child_________________________________ and use the
resulting photographs for any purpose that Christ the King Kids Club deems
I _____________________________ give Christ the King Kids Club permission to
photograph my child_________________________________ and use the
resulting photographs for any purpose that Christ the King Kids Club deems
I _____________________________ give Christ the King Kids Club permission to
photograph my child_________________________________ and use the
resulting photographs for any purpose that Christ the King Kids Club deems
(Please fill out one blank for every child attending Christ the King Kids Club)
Permission for Emergency Care
I ________________________ hereby give Christ the King Kids Club permission to
take my child __________________________ to the Emergency Room or to the
Dentist in case of an emergency.
I ________________________ hereby give Christ the King Kids Club permission to
take my child __________________________ to the Emergency Room or to the
Dentist in case of an emergency.
I ________________________ hereby give Christ the King Kids Club permission to
take my child __________________________ to the Emergency Room or to the
Dentist in case of an emergency.
Hospital of Choice:___________________ Dentist of Choice:_________________
(Please fill out one blank for every child attending Christ the King Kids Club)
I wish to enroll my child in Christ the King Kids Club Summer Program :
_______ Fulltime at $105.00 per week per child
_______ Fulltime at $125.00 per week per child
_______ Part time: Please mark the 3 days your child will be attending
M___ T___ W___ TH___ F___
_______ Drop In
I will be paying the $200.00 one time summer activity fee per child due payable
by June 4th 2012.
_______ Yes
_______ No
I have read and understand all information listed in Christ the King Kids Club
Summer 2012 hand book. I also understand that if my child is enrolled fulltime or
part time I am required to pay the weekly amount due each week for the entire
summer whether my child has attended or not.
Signed:__________________________________ Date:_____________________