IATA Self Evaluation (ISE) Form IATA Self-Evaluation Form AIRLINE(S) INVOLVED: DATE SELF EVALUATION COMPLETED: DATE OF COMPLETION OF ANY PREVIOUS SELF- EVALUATIONS : (IF APPLICABLE) COMPLETED BY: REVIEWED BY: INTRODUCTION As specified in the IOSA Program Manual (IPM) Section 7.7, “Reporting Responsibility”, airlines on the IOSA Registry are required to report any significant changes to IATA, as per the events listed under IPM 7.7.1. This IATA Self-Evaluation form (ISE), is designed to record the details of all operational and structural changes to airline(s) that have, or are, taking place, when any major event such as a merger, takeover, acquisition, consolidation, cessation of operations, etc., has occurred. To enable IATA to fully evaluate all circumstances and the impact of the changes that have taken place, the airlines involved should ensure that all relevant details are provided. GENERAL DISCLOSURE This IATA Self-Evaluation Form is completed/reviewed by and signed, as of the date as stated below, as so declares, (insert he or she) to be duly authorised for this purpose. By completing and signing this Report, (insert complete name of airline) hereby represents and warrants that it has exercised due care in evaluating the current status of (insert complete name of airline) as required hereunder and with reference to the applicable IOSA standards (ISARPs) and that, to the best of its knowledge with due inquiry, all data, document and other information submitted hereunder are true and correct as of the date hereof. (Insert complete name of airline) shall be responsible for ensuring that no misrepresentations are made hereunder and shall indemnify IATA and keep it harmless of any damages it may incur as a result of any error, omission, misrepresentation, incompleteness or inaccuracy made with respect to any data, document or other information required to be disclosed (Insert complete name of airline) in this Report, and as a result of any non-conformity that may be discovered thereafter or during any future IOSA audit. All data, documents or other information retrieved from this ISE Report shall only be used by IATA and its agents for the benefit of the IOSA Program and in accordance with conditions thereof and shall remain confidential. This IATA Self Evaluation Report is duly signed; as of (insert dd-mm-yyyy) , in (insert city, country) by a duly authorised representative of (insert complete name of airline) . Any developments thereafter are not included in this report. (Signature) Name: Title, Department Company IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 2 of 33 DEFINITIONS OF TERMS USED Changes: Changes result from various inputs anywhere from audit findings to proposals from employees within the company. The IOSA objective, as stated in the IPM, is to be accurately informed about any major organisational, operational and aircraft maintenance changes made within the applicable IOSA certified organisation. By doing so, it will enable IATA to continuously monitor the compliance of its IOSA certified members with the program requirements. Organisational changes: Organisational changes shall be notified to IATA SO&I Quality Department within 30 working days from the moment they become effective. The organisational changes include: Name of the organisation Relocation of the organisation or its facilities Additional locations for (parts of) the organisation The Accountable Manager The Nominated Post Holders The Quality Manager Any other issue that could affect the AOC or the IOSA certification These changes shall be adopted where relevant in the applicable manuals, including all other organisational changes which affect or have an indirect effect on the safety management, quality assurance, operational and maintenance procedures. Major Changes: Major changes are changes that will affect procedures, standards, limitations, processes, contracts, programs, and/or their status. All changes, other than editorial changes made to handbooks, are considered a major change. Minor Changes: Minor changes are considered to be all other changes than major changes including the text and layout of handbooks, minor procedural changes (name, number, more restrictiveness) and the use of different software, which will not affect the primary procedures. Note: Changes to software affecting a core part of a primary process is considered to be a major change. Contracted activities: Activities delegated and executed by a contracted party, other than the original organisation, that has the final responsibility for the correct implementation and results of the total final product. The original organisation fully depends on the skills, processes, resources, etc. of the contracted party, actually certified for the agreed deliverables, activities and products as stated in the contract. Sub-Contracted activities: Activities delegated and executed by a sub-contracted party, other than the original contracted organisation that has and will keep the final responsibility for the correct implementation and results of the total final product as agreed upon per initial, original contract. The sub-contracted party has no certification for the agreed deliverables, activities and products as stated in the contract. For this reason the sub-contracted party will operate under the original contracted organisation’s Quality Management System. The original contracted organisation decides to what extent they will provide input, data, guidance, know how, procedures to follow, instructors, training syllabi etc. to the sub-contracted party related with the activities as stated in the sub-contract. IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 3 of 33 IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 4 of 33 COMPLETING THE FORM Use the following guide to fill in the form. A B C D E A: Item number (do not change) B: IOSA content or question C: No changes – mark this if applicable D: Changes – mark this if applicable E: In response to the questions, provide a description of changes to: 1. management and operational structure, 2. fleets, 3. resources and logistics, 4. any hazards identified, 5. actions put in place (i.e., protective actions, preventative actions, etc.) 6. any other information needed for IATA to assess the full impact of all changes made to the airlines involved. IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 5 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form SELF EVALUATION FORM 1 ORGANISATION (ORG) 1.1 General 1 2 3 Provide the proposed new organisational structure together with the latest organisational structures of the organisations prior to the change/merger. Note: Please be as detailed as possible and include the following names: Previous post holders New post holders Locations (Sub) Contracted organisations Person(s) held responsible for the change/merger project Where will the new organisation be accommodated? Compared to the original organisations of the changed/merged airlines, will there be in change in; one home base to two or more subsidiaries the number of subsidiaries time zones from one continent to more continents different (native)-languages Note: Include the locations, countries, etc. (if applicable). Does the change/merger affect all departments or will it be limited to a specific department? Note: Please state the departments involved, using IOSA disciplines to differentiate them (FLT, DSP, MNT, CAB, GRH, CGO or SEC). IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 6 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 4 Will the new or changed organisation continue to sub-contract services? Note: Please provide details about services with sub-contracted parties that will be discontinued and those that will remain active or will become active, using IOSA disciplines to differentiate them (FLT, DSP, MNT, CAB, GRH, CGO or SEC) 5 6 If required, were the financial status evaluations for all involved airlines approved by the National Aviation Authority(ies)? Note: Are there any significant changes expected in the financial structure and/or status? If so, describe briefly. Will there be changes to the methods of communication within and between the different departments? Include details about meeting structures, bulletins, intranet, etc. 7 IOSA registration. (Only relevant for change/mergers which incorporate non-IOSA certified airlines). If one of the merging airlines is not IOSA certified, then what are the objectives, plans and timeframe regarding the IOSA registration for the new organisation? Consider the following; Will a request for an IOSA audit be made? Will the request be made before or after the change/merger is materialised? IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 7 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 8 In the six months following the change/merger, is the planned production going to increase, decrease or remain equal to the total production sum of the involved airlines? Please be specific. 9 Will the organisation’s complexity increase as a result of the change/merger? Consider the following: Range/size of fleets; Organization (diversified or at one location, time zones); National to international carrier; Maintenance; Dispatch; Cargo: from non-DG carrier to DG carrier; From one language to multilingual; Sufficient in-house expertise. 10 Did any of the companies experience or expect strikes or labour disruptions in its organisation or with subcontracted organisations? Note: Please advise if there are existing labour contracts that will need to be negotiated. IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 8 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 1.2 Quality and Safety Management 1 2 3 What arrangement is in place to maintain the current standards and to assure the quality monitoring during the change/merger between the various Quality Assurance (QA) departments involved? Note: If one Quality Manager is appointed, who will coordinate the QA during the change/merger? Will all departments involved be required to monitor their own quality standards? Will each airline involved maintain its own QA-manager/department until the change/merger is in effect? Will there be any changes in the Safety and Quality Assurance areas, specifically: Policies; Management; Scope; Position in the organizational structure of the company; Employees (number and specialisation); If so, then please describe. Will the QA programs be merging, and from what date? Note: Please include the effects on implementation for the sub- contracted organisations. 4 Will the Quality and/or Safety Manual(s) be revised? Note: Please briefly describe the changes involved. 5 Will there be a Quality and/or Safety meeting structure? Note: If so, then please state the frequency of meetings and who will IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 9 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form attend. 1.3 Improvements, Findings and Recommendations 1 2 3 4 Have the involved company(ies) in the change/merger experienced any accident (as defined in ICAO Annex 13) in the last five years? If so, then please give a brief summary about the accident including: Date; Brief description; Status of the investigation; Parties involved in the investigation. Note: Include current corrective actions taken to prevent re-occurrence. Have the involved company(ies) in the change/merger experienced any serious incident (as defined in ICAO Annex 13, Att. D) within the last five years? Note: If so, then include a brief summary and state the corrective actions taken to prevent a reoccurrence. Are there any unresolved issues resulting from audits and/or investigations? Note: Please include details and how they will be handled and finalized during or after the change/merger. Safety management and trend analysis Has a policy been developed on how the safety databases will integrate and merge? Note: Describe topics, including classification and risk evaluation. IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 10 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 1.4 Facilities and Equipment 1 2 Will the new or restructured organisation acquire or build new facilities? Note: If so, then describe where, when and for what departments. Does the change/merger of the airlines involved create reasons for concern about the fleet integration? Note: Include the following details: What will the average age of the total fleets (before and after the change/merger) be? Does the fleet integration include aircraft from different manufacturers? Differences in flight deck layout; Equipment installed on- board the aircraft. 1.5 Personnel 1 What is the expected total number of employees before and after the change/merger? Note: If possible, state the numbers per airline before and after the change/merger and per applicable department. 2 What will be the percentage of permanent employed personnel versus the number of contracted employees, before and after the change/merger? 3 What proportion of personnel of the new organisation after the change/merger meets the ICAO (annex 1-Chapter 1-1.2.9) Language Proficiency Requirements? IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 11 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 1.6 Document Control 1 Will manuals, forms and documents in use require revisions and updates? Note: If so, then please include the names of the manuals, forms or documents. 2 Will the change/merger require a migration of any paper documents to electronic document management and control? If required, please list the manuals and documents involved, as well as the implementation plan and time frame. 3 Within the new or restructured organisation, who will be responsible for the maintenance and protection of all applicable manuals, documents, records, and/or forms? Consider: Editorship; Distribution of amendments to manuals, documents, forms in use; Retention of documents and accessibility; External sources document data exchange. 4 Will the “privacy act” for records, personal files etc. be assured during the change/merger? Note: How will they be maintained? IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 12 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 1.7 Emergency Response Planning (ERP) 1 2 3 4 Does the Emergency Response Plan (ERP) require restructuring due to the change/merger and what is or was the completion date? Do all of the airlines involved in the change/merger have departmental ERPs? Note: If so, will any plans be restructured during/after the change/ merger? Describe any significant changes. Will there be a change of members and/or personnel involved in the actual ERP(s) or the newly issued ERP(s)? Note: Will the personnel involved with the ERP(s) require training after the change/merger? Will there be a drill executed for all ERP(s) after the change/merger? IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 13 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 2 FLIGHT OPERATIONS (FLT) 2.1 Management and Control 1 Are the Air Operator Certificates (AOC) of the airlines involved in the change/merger issued by the same authority? Note: Include the authorities involved. 2 What authority will issue any new AOC(s) after the change/merger? 3 Is the delegation of Operational duties and managerial continuity ensured during and after the change/merger? How is this documented? (Transition plan, schedule etc.) 2.2 Fleets 1 List all fleets (types and totals) immediately before the change/merger, followed by fleet types and totals after the change/merger. Provide any additional information on the phasing of fleets in or out, as applicable to the change/merger. Fleets before: Fleets after: Comments: 2.3 Flight Deck – Crew 1 Will flight crew from the merging airlines be operationally mixed? Note: What is the projected time frame for complete integration of crews? 2 Will the Operations Manuals (OM) from the merging airlines be integrated and revised to one new OM? If so, then please indicate the areas that will be revised and the effectivity date(s). IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 14 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 3 If a new issue of the OM is required, then what will be the implementation period given for relevant users? 2.4 Training 1 2 Will the flight deck crew from the merging airlines require training before they can operate together? Note: If so, then what is the projected completion date of the training? If not, then please explain why there will be no training requirement prior to the mixed operation. What will be the total number of Captains, First Officers and cruise (relief) Pilots (if applicable) per division for the new organisation after the change/merger? Note: If applicable, include the numbers per division for the each organisation after the change/merger. 3 Please include the number of available: Flight Simulator Instructors; Line Instructors; Check Pilots; Inspectors; Examiners; Other(s). Note: If applicable, then include numbers per division for each organisation after the change/merger. 4 Will the simulator training be done in house, or sub-contracted? Note: If the training is sub-contracted, which organisation will be contracted? IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 15 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 5 Besides required training resulting from a new OM, will flight crews require other training resulting from the change/merger on the following topics: Route and aerodrome familiarization; Security procedures; Extended range Twin engines Operational Performance Standards (ETOPS) – procedures; Fuel policies; Crew Resource management (CRM); MEL dispatch procedures; Area Navigation (RNAV); Flight safety; Dangerous goods; Documents/forms in use; Supporting departments; Other(s). IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 16 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 3. OPERATIONAL CONTROL AND FLIGHT DISPATCH (DSP) 3.1 Personnel 1 As a result of the change/merger, will the functionality of operational control and flight dispatch change from a nonshared system to a shared system between the Pilot in Command (PIC) and Flight Operations Officer (FOO). 2 Will sub-contracted services obtained before the change/merger, continue to be sub-contracted after the change/merger? Consider: New services involved; Certification(s) required; Workload; Accessibility; Training involved; Administration and reporting requirements. 3 Will the route network expand or change due to the change/merger? Consider: Extended over water flights; Isolated airports; RVSM? ETOPS? Polar flights; Winterization; Mountainous terrain; Any other operational changes. 4 Will all operational control and flight dispatch personnel be familiar with the different types of fleets? Note: Will their function be specific aircraft type-related or will they be trained to handle all fleet types? IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 17 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 3.2 Training 1 Will the operational control and flight dispatch personnel need training on the following topics: Routes and their exposure; Aircraft types; Adopted policies; MEL procedures; Mass and balance; Dangerous goods; CRM; Security; Other(s). 2 If operational control and flight dispatch training has to be conducted, then is there a specified training plan with completion dates and are sufficient resources available to meet agreed deadlines? 3.3 Operational Control and Flight Dispatch Facilities 1 Is the equipment appropriate for the required functionalities, planned activities and active personnel? IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 18 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 4 AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING AND MAINTENANCE (MNT) 4.1 Management and Administration 1 Will Aircraft Maintenance personnel from the merging airlines be operationally mixed? Note: What is the projected time frame for completion? 2 Is the delegation of duties and managerial continuity ensured during and after the change/merger? If yes, then how is this documented? (Transition plan, schedule etc.) 3 Will fleet maintenance and administration be accomplished by the new organisation or a sub-contracted Maintenance Organisation (MO)? Note: If applicable, then provide the name of the MO and stipulate up to what level the following maintenance activities have been sub-contracted. Administration; Log books; Aircraft Maintenance Program (AMP) and its maintenance; AMP reliability evaluation; Service Bulletins (SB) and Airworthiness Directive (AD) notes from type-certificate holders? Maintenance Review Board (MRB) advisories? Extensions; Airworthiness review certification; Scheduled and non-scheduled maintenance; Structural repairs; Deferred defect administration; Inspections; De-icing. IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 19 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 4 5 Will sub-contracted services being used before the change/merger, continue to be sub-contracted after the change/merger? Consider: Involved new services; Certification(s) required; Workload; Accessibility; Training involved; Administration and reporting requirements. Is there a defined process and deadline for the merging of databases used by maintenance? Consider: AMP reliability program; AD and SB’s data bases; Spare part tools; Modifications; Structural Repairs; Components certificates; Logbooks (Aircraft, Engines, APU, other); Deferred Defects; Applicable extensions; Maintenance Review Board data; Escalation programs. 4.2 Training Maintenance Personnel 1 Will training of maintenance personnel be required due to the change/merger? Note: Which personnel will require training and will this training be complete before the change/merger? 2 Will the company Minimum Equipment List (MEL) be revised? Note: Will training of aircraft maintenance personnel, flight operations crew and dispatch personnel be needed? IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 20 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 3 Will sub-contracted parties need to be trained for revised maintenance policies and procedures? Consider: Administration forms in use; Release for service procedure; Safety reporting system; Pre flight – walk around; Deferred defect procedures; Structural repair procedures; Spare parts and quarantine room; Communication system; EDP system; Other maintenance procedures). 4.3 Maintenance Equipment and Facilities 1 Is the MO certified and adequately equipped for all existing and new aircraft type(s) it will be maintaining? Consider: Calibration tools; Applicable Maintenance data; Approved repair manuals, such as, Aircraft Structural repair(s) history data and/or manuals, Illustrated Parts Catalogue (IPC) and Wiring Diagram Manual (WDM), etc.; Jacks, Ground Support Equipment, specific tools; Hangar size and lay-out; Emergency equipment; Sufficient adequately licensed and trained aircraft maintenance technicians; Communication work stands; Other maintenance functions. IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 21 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 5 CABIN AND CARGO COMPARTMENT OPERATIONS (CAB) 5.1 Cabin and Cargo Compartment Operations 1 Will cabin crew from the merging airlines, be operationally mixed? Note: What is the projected time frame for full integration? 2 Is the delegation of Cabin and Cargo duties and managerial continuity ensured during and after the change/merger? If yes, then how will this be realised? Is this documented? (Transition plan, schedule etc.) 3 Will the Operations Manuals from merging airlines be integrated into one new Operations Manual? Note: Will this change affect cabin and cargo compartments operations? Consider: Cabin Flight safety procedures; Communication procedures; Emergency procedures; Security procedures; Line qualification; Pre-flight, in-flight and post-flight inspections (i.e., cargo inspection requirements); Fuelling procedures; Other cabin procedures. IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 22 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 5.2 Training Cabin Crew 1 Will the cabin crew from the merging airlines require training before they can operate together? Note: If so, then what is the date for completion of the training program? If not, then explain why there will be no training or integration requirement, prior to the combined operation. 2 What will be the total number of staff for the following positions for the restructured organization after the change/merger: Cabin Attendants Cabin Supervisors; Line Evaluators; Crew Leaders. Note: If applicable, include the numbers per division for the each organisation after the change/merger. 3 State the number of available: Cabin Training Instructors; Examiners; Other(s). Note: If applicable, include the numbers per division for the each organisation after the change/merger. 4 Will the required cabin training be conducted in house or will it be subcontracted? Note: If sub-contracted, then what parts of the training will be sub-contracted and to which organisation? Please provide details. IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 23 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 6 AIRCRAFT GROUND HANDLING (GRH) 6.1 Management and Control 1 Will Ground Handling personnel from the merging airlines be operationally mixed? Note: What is the projected time frame to have this in place? 2 Is the delegation of Ground Handling duties and managerial continuity ensured during and after the change/merger? If yes, then how is will this be documented and controlled? (Transition plan, schedule etc.) 3 Will the Operations Manuals from the merging airlines integrate and be revised to one new Operations Manual? Note: Will this affect Aircraft Ground handling? Consider: Emergency procedures including response plans; Communication procedures; Handling activities; Security procedures; Administration activities; Automated recording systems; Documentation and data control; Managerial Continuity; Aircraft maintenance related activities; De-/Anti-icing program. 4 Have ground handling responsibilities been clearly determined for the period during the change/merger and after the change/merger, including the subcontracted services (when used) and/or activities. IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 24 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 5 Will one of the merging carriers become a “dangerous goods” carrier because of the change/merger? 6.2 Training of Ground Handling Personnel 1 2 Will ground handling personnel from the merging airlines require training before they can operate together? Note: If so, then what is the projected training program? If not, then explain why there will be no training requirement prior to the combined operation. If training has to be conducted, then will there be enough resources for the peak demand? Note: Please state the total number of instructors and personnel involved. 6.3 Ground Handling Operations 1 Will the supervision of the ground handling operations be assured during the change/merger and when the change/merger becomes effective, with respect to the following: Passenger handling; Airside operations; Load control; Aircraft aft loading. IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 25 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 7 CARGO OPERATIONS (CGO) 7.1 Management and Control Cargo 1 2 3 Will personnel involved with cargo acceptance, handling etc. from the merging airlines be operationally mixed? Note: What is the projected time frame for completion? Is the delegation of cargo related duties and managerial continuity ensured during and after the change/merger? If yes, then how will this be documented and controlled? (Transition plan, schedule etc.) Will sub-contracted cargo handling services obtained before the change/merger, continue to be subcontracted after the change/merger? Consider: Involved new services; Certification(s) required; Workload; Accessibility; Training involved; Administration and reporting requirements. IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 26 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 4 Will the Cargo Operations Manual (COM) from the merging/changed airlines integrate and be revised to one new COM? Note: Will this affect the Cargo handling procedures, administration routings, database integration and forms in use? Consider also: Emergency procedures including response plans; Communication procedures; Handling activities; Security procedures; Administration activities; Automated recording systems; Documentation and data control; Training requirements; Protocols to follow; Quality Requirements. 7.2 Training of Personnel involved with Cargo Handling IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 27 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 1 2 Will cargo handling personnel from the merging/changed airlines require training before they can operate together? Note: If so, then when will the training be completed? Consider: Dangerous goods training; Changes to recurrent training requirements ; Security and emergency procedures; Integration of training records and subsequent training schedules Communication system; EDP system; If no training is required, then explain why there will be no training requirement prior to the combined operation. If training has to be conducted, then will there be enough resources for the peak demand? Note: Please state the total number of instructors and personnel involved. Also take into consideration external service providers, sub-contracted organisations. 7.3 Cargo/Mail Acceptance and Handling IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 28 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 1 If the integration or adoption of new cargo activities from one of the merging airlines into the organisation(s) of the other merging airline(s) was planned, then were the following subjects reviewed for valuable cargo, unit load devices (ULDs), dangerous goods, live animals and perishables, mail, human remains, heavy, fragile or outsized goods? Checklist adoption; Applicable required documentation(s) and administration(s); Required equipment; Security requirements; Applicable laws, regulations and rules for the new adopted facilities at all new adopted locations. 7.4 Cargo Handling Facilities 1 Is the cargo handling equipment and facilities at all new adopted locations (if applicable) appropriate and adequate for the required functionalities, planned activities and active personnel? Consider the following: Storage rooms for corrosives, explosives and other dangerous goods, perishables and livestock; Weighing equipment; X-ray equipment; Calibration tools and documentation of equipment in use Communication systems; EDP systems. IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 29 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 8 OPERATIONAL SECURITY (SEC) 8.1 Management and Control 1 2 3 Will the Security Management structure from the merging airlines be integrated and into one new Security Program? Note: have the effect of the following topics been taken into consideration: Relevant states and their requirements and procedures; Communication procedures; Required equipment, facilities and documentation; Administration and documentation requirements, equipment and tools; Automated recording systems; Documentation and data control; Aircraft maintenance related activities; (Sub) Contracted organizations activities; Ground handling procedures; Cargo and mail handling associated activities. Will the change/merger require the issuance of a new Security Manual? Note: Please confirm if any processes/procedures will be affected, and if training of personnel (include outsourced, sub-contracted organisations) will be required. During the change/merger, is the continuation of the supervision and control and development of the Civil Aviation Security Program(s) (of the states of the merging airlines and other relevant states) ensured? Note: Will this include the access as needed to the highest management level of the merging airlines? IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 30 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 4 Is the delegation of security related duties and managerial continuity ensured during and after the change/merger? Note: If yes, then how will this be documented and controlled? (Transition plan, schedule etc.) 8.2 Training of Security Personnel 1 2 Will security personnel from the merging airlines require training following the change/merger, due to the adoption / incorporation of each other’s security manuals or due to other reasons such as additional requirements from the relevant competent authorities? Note: If so, then what is the projected training program? Consider: Number of personnel involved; Availability of instructors; Integration of training records and subsequent training schedules. If no training is required, then explain how integration will be completed. Will operational personnel including flight and cabin crew, dispatchers, ground handling personnel, cargo handlers, and others such as outsourced personnel, require training due to the changes made to the security manual? Note: If so, then what is the projected training program? Consider: Number of employees involved Availability of instructors Integration of training records and subsequent training schedules If no training is required, then explain how integration will be completed. 8.3 Security Operations IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 31 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 1 As a result of the change/merger, have any adjustments or changes, including the introduction of new procedures and policies been made to the following operational security subjects; Access control procedures; Aircraft security procedures; Policies regarding the carriage of weapons; Passengers, supernumeraries, cargo attendants and cabin baggage processes; Special category passengers; Hold baggage process; Cargo, mail and supplies process? Note: If there were changes or newly introduced security procedures, then indicate how they were embedded into the new organisation. IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 32 of 33 IATA Self Evaluation Form 8.4 Security Threat and Contingency Management 1 2 Were the threat management procedures / processes revised as a result from the change/merger, the new organisation (including the new destinations, if applicable) or new competent authorities? Consider the following Assessment of associated risks Development of appropriate response measures Was the Contingency Plan evaluated and approved for the new organisation's use following the change/merger? Please be specific. 3 Is the security investigation procedure integrated throughout the new organisation? 4 Is the notification procedure (where applicable) communicated with all relevant parties? IATA, OF-011-05 Edition 5, 4 June 2012 Page 33 of 33