Deputy Headteacher Job Description - Heather Garth Primary School

Heather Garth Primary School
Deputy Headteacher
Job Description
1. This job description outlines, within the terms of your conditions of employment, the
range of professional duties attached to the post. It is not a comprehensive definition of
those duties.
2. The terms and conditions of employment are referred to in the Statement of Particulars
provided at the time of your appointment.
3. You will be required to perform duties described in the School Teachers’ Pay and
Conditions document.
4. You will be available for work for the number of days and hours of duty, which conform
with current statutory requirements.
5. This job description may be reviewed annually and may be amended at any time of the
year after consultation with you.
Individual Job Description
1. The post of Deputy Headteacher is one of vital professional, personal and organisational
significance. The overall success of the school is highly dependent on the quality of
leadership displayed by the holder of this post. In addition to being an exemplary
classroom practitioner, deputising for the Headteacher is a major element of the post.
The post of Deputy Headteacher is also vital in supporting and developing the positive
ethos of the School.
2. The Deputy Headteacher is a member of the Senior Leadership Team and shares
responsibility with the Headteacher for the daily management of the school. The role of
the Deputy Headteacher has the following specific management responsibilities, some of
which may be delegated to or shared with other staff, but the Deputy Headteacher will
retain responsibility :
Finance and resources
3. Staff management includes:
 staff duty rotas and other arrangements for pupil supervision (break times, etc..)
 assisting the Headteacher with reviews of staff responsibilities
 delegation of supervisory duties
 liaison between the Headteacher and staff
 advising on staff development
 participation in the Performance Management process
 attendance at Governing Body meetings
 attendance at Senior Leadership team meetings
mentoring and coaching members of staff
staff meeting minutes and agenda planning
4. Finance and resources responsibilities includes:
 assisting with monitoring and managing the school budget
 school budget related administrative procedures
 budget allocation to identified priorities
 working with Subject Leaders to ensure all areas of the curriculum are well
 supporting the school’s Business Manager with project-based funding
5. Curriculum management includes:
 school strategic and development planning linked to self-evaluation and review
 responsibility for developing and enhancing the school curriculum, which includes
the review and further development of whole-school planning documents, teaching
plans and record-keeping systems
 responsibility as a Subject Leader for aspects of the curriculum
 the preparation of curriculum development plans in conjunction with Subject
 evaluating the quality of curriculum development
 monitoring and assessing teaching and learning and the quality of curriculum
 monitoring teaching plans and records in conjunction with Subject Leaders
 ensuring a close match between the curriculum, the educational direction of the
school and the continuing raising of standards
6. Community involvement includes:
 engage with parents and the community in the promotion of the educational and
social aspirations of the School
 reporting to Governors on matters relating to these responsibilities
 developing community links
 maintaining and developing links other schools
 being effective in promoting pupil well-being
7. Standards includes :
 always displaying teaching of an exemplary standard
 working with the Senior Leadership Team to ensure that the quality of teaching
and learning throughout school, enables all pupils to achieve to their full potential
 working with senior leaders and governors to track, analyse and take
accountability for standards of pupil achievement throughout school
Other duties may be allocated at the Headteacher’s discretion according to the
developmental needs of the School and the professional needs of the individual.