1 - World Probus

In servicsince
Monthly News Letter from
Probus Club of Chennai
(Sponsored by Rotary Club of Madras )
Registered under T N Registration of Societies Act 1975 (148 of 2004)
An Association of Retired Professionals, Businessmen, Govt Servants and Others.
K46, Anna Nagar East Chennai-102. Ph:26216767
Vol 19
No 12
April 2009
1.0 The First Column
From the President
Dear Probians,
Happy New Year.
I hereby extend my greetings to one and all
Probians and thank one and all for
entrusting to me the task of running the
Office of Presidentship of the Club.
I am sure that with your good wishes and
cooperation, we will be able to take the
Probus Club to new heights.
The month of March, very special for us,
which enabled us to celebrate the
International Womens Day on the
9th of March, jointly with the Russian Centre
for Science and Culture. We thank Mr. S. I.
Simakov, Director, Russian Centre for giving
all the facilities to us for conducting the
meetings at their Auditorium.
Kalaimamani Dr. (Mrs.) Sarada Nambi
Arooran, State Information Commissioner,
Govt. of Tamil Nadu, was the Chief Guest
and she lauded the activities of our Club for
its social activity, including in the field of
education by creating a separate Trust for
the education of poor children.
Dr. (Miss.) Kousalya Devi, Managing
Trustee, Gandhigram Trust, was presented
with the Probus Award of Excellence for
her valuable services in spreading Gandhian
philosophy and promotion of rural health.
Dr. Balambal, our Past President, also was
presented with the Probus Recognition
award for her proud achievements at
National and International levels.
This resounding success of the event was
possible because of the dynamic leadership
of Probn T. T. Srinivasa-murthy our Past
President and his hard-working team.
My special thanks to all the partici-pants,
volunteers and others who gave the full
support for the success of the event.
We have ambitious plans to take up many
projects in the month of April 2009. Master
Health Check-up for the Senior Citizens is
one of the desirous objects of the Club. We
have approached the R.M.O. of the General
Hospital, Prof. K. Narayanaswamy, for
providing facilities for this compre-hensive
Health Check-up at the General Hospital, at
a near 40% concessional rate of Rs. 150/per head. We hope our Members will
participate in the event in large numbers and
bring as many senior citizens as possible
to make it our Health Care Project.
There is also going to be a Seminar
on the 26th April 2009, “SENIORS’ HEALTH
CARE”. Our Secretary will give full details of
the participant- speakers. This will be the
main event for the month of April 2009.
A special mention I desire to make is that
our educational project is gathering
momentum with more and more members
coming forward to donate generously; funds
for educating poor children and for which we
are forming a separate Trust.
Regarding Membership, I am very
happy that membership growth is ever
increasing bringing quality members.
This augurs well for the future of our Club.
Yours Sincerely,
S. Krishnaram Davey
Hail our Hefty Helping Hands !
Probus Scholarship Scheme :
Donors of Rs. 10,000 and more:
1. Shri Charan Kumar
… Rs.10,000
3168, Yattica place Longwood,
Florida, FL 32779, USA
(Through Probn V. Sreenivas,
EC Member)
The title will raise a few eye brows, as all of
the present day – Seniors will not live to see
that day!
2. Sri Vel Kannan, MBA … Rs.10,000
Panal Pina China Ltd.
ATL Logistics Centre, (Top Floor)
Berth 3, Kwai Chung Container
Terminal, Hongkong
(S/o. Sri S. M. Chellaswamy,
Gen. Secretary, Federation of
Sr. Citizens Associations of
Tamil Nadu )
In our younger days, a ‘Vedavakyam’
(sacrosanct word) was “Health is Wealth”.
But, a day has come now when we wonder
whether the reverse is more relevant at our
late age.
… Rs.20,000
Note : Thank you for the handsome donations.
Once you donate Rs. 10,000/- (and above), its
interest will go to educate a deserving poor child
from Std. VI to Plus two. Your name will be
associated with the scholarship. You will be
provided with full details of the child you are
To spoil the food, ways are numerous,
Thereby people make it delicious;
Rich ones make them ostentatious,
But Alas! All these are erroneous.
NATURAL FOOD is easily digestible,
Cooked foods make us lamentable;
The boiled food is destructible,
Only God given good is indispensable.
Natural foods as such have life,
Can give you long healthy life;
Other foods will act like a knife,
And you may need surgeon’s knife.
The idea is a laudable one, a day came
when the world populace established an
organisation, in 1948, known now as World
Health organisation for attainment of
highest possible level of health by all
people. 7th April is the day on which the
WHO was established. This day is being
widely observed as WORLD HEALTH DAY.
Every year, a theme is selected for
implementation during the year, throughout
the world: besides promotion of Good
Health with requisite infrastructure, to
For eyes, ideal light is natural light,
Artificial lights harmful for sight;
Natural air current is right,
Conditioned air leads to plight.
Observe Nature’s every feature,
Make Nature your Teacher;
Let it be your excellent preacher,
Lest, there will be disaster.
By Dr. C. S. Raju
Courtesy: ‘Natural Health’ by
Dr. C. S. Raju, B.Sc., B.E., FIE, PGDPM, Ph.D.
Former General Manager, Neyveli.,Phone
No.: (044) 2486 5858
(A sane advice on ‘World Health Day’–Ed.)
2.0 Editor’s space
“Save lives : make hospitals safe
emergencies”. — WHO theme 2009.
This brings to my mind, what I heard in my
(communists in then princely states, now in
Kerala) promised a piece of land, about 4½
cents or so, absolutely free to every
landless citizen when the party comes to
power. But how? Simple... “Rob Peter to pay
I confess, still, this appealed to me too as
my father could not afford to buy even a
square inch of land then. Of course, the
comrades have had a few good innings,
most of the them are land lords (barring a
golden exception of a few, whom I still
respect for their uprightness). In the
euphoria of power, promises were
conveniently forgotten and went the way of
BHOODAN YAGNA, promoted by Sri
Vinoba Bhave, a saintly person of our times.
This is just to emphasis the fact the
proposition is much more difficult as
HEALTH is not a commodity.
This year the “World Health Day” creates an
awareness of the urgency of planning and
implementation of certain measures to
tackle certain ‘medical emergencies’. So it
addresses the medical emergencies
related to acts of God like Tsumani and
acts of man like Terrorism. Besides the
above, the WHO is monitoring the status of
its earlier recommendations to its membernations: especially General health of people.
What is health? AROGYAM, in Sanskrit,
means a status of absence of illness. It
appears that the word HEALTH is derived
from Heal.
Age-old ‘healing traditions’ of India and
China, dating as far back as 5000 years,
stressed on adoption of a HEALTHY WAY
As regards Western medical traditions, in
the 4th century BC, Socrates warned
against treating one part of the body
alone and said thus:
“The part cannot be well, unless the WHOLE
Jan Christian Smuts, in 1926, coined the
word “Wholism” (spelt as ‘Holism’). It was a
concept of viewing living things as “entities
greater than and different from the sum of
their parts”. However, the word ‘Holistic’
came in common usage only since 1970’s,
especially in healthcare.
As human beings, we are made up of separate PARTS or ASPECTS, such as Physical,
Mental, Emotional and Spiritual. Remarkably, these parts do not function in
isolation; on the contrary they
me of a story I read recently (Malayala
Manorama Weekly of March 2009).
A workholic and rich man always felt ‘run
down’ most of the time. So he went to
consult a doctor. The doctor after an
elaborate and careful physical examination
of the patient, found nothing wrong. After a
brief chat with the patient, the doctor
scribbled on his prescription pad “Advised to
spend half an hour daily in a cemetery
(grave yard). The patient aghast asked the
doctor to elucidate as it could not make any
sense to him. The doctor calmly added
“There you will be in close communion with
several of those like you who died (now lie
buried there) under the same circumstances. Hard work does not kill but the
killer is the in-built anxiety undergone.
require now is a time for your mental,
emotional and spiritual well-being.
Allot some time, regularly, for yourself; to
gain ‘holistic health’ and enjoy ‘Natural
health’ (without medication)”.
Now what is ‘Natural Health’? All of us are
part of the world around us and consistently responding to our surrounding
environment. The earth is made of air,
land, water, plants and animals. For a good
NATURAL HEALTH, live as close to
MOTHER NATURE as practicable IN THE
part of the individual). A scientific report
which appeared recently is a revelation.
Here it is:
US Centre of Disease Control and
Prevention reports that the key factor,
influencing the status of health of an
individual’s status of health, has not
changed significantly in the past two
decades. Further, according scientific
studies made by the Centre show
1. Medical care is only 10%. 2. Heredity
accounts for 18%. 3. Environment 19%. and
CULTIVATED HABITS 53%. Notably our
(Item 4) is the largest determinant of
WELLNESS. The choice of MAKING or
MARRING our wellness or health is our
By now, it is clear that a good health is not a
state of absence of illness; on the other
hand, it is an on-going process of a
conscious balanced-living addressing
the way of ‘Natural living’.
A good health, like education, is neither
CHORAHAARYAM (theft by thieves) nor
(Government) as tax). Majority of the
illnesses and premature deaths are now
being traced to LIFE-STYLE-CHOICES.
Notably, part played by Medical Care or
Medical shield, Modern or ancient, is
mostly insignificant; in the Healthcare
Very often, our Modern Medical Education
and Medical Practice is criticized as more
focused on cure of the symptoms rather
than the basic cause of the melody. This
trend is changing for the good with move
emphasis on prevention and rehabilitation of
the patients on recovery from illness. The
medical fraternity is also waking up to the
fact that there is NO PILL FOR EVERY ILL.
However, there are some ‘disturbing trends’
in our Medicare, both
Alternative Medicines.
No doubt, Scientific advances in Medicare
systems have increased the longevity of
man. But with declaration of HEALTHCARE
as an industry and encouragement of
MEDICAL TOURISM by the Governments,
MEDICARE has become more expensive,
even beyond the reach middle class
people. This problem is further compounded
by deliberate inclusion of in-built ambiguities
in Health Insurance Policies, now available,
throwing the elderly population in a tail-spin.
The need of the hour is a tangible solution to
the unethical practice of ‘Padding’ the medical bills with unnecessary branded drugs
and procedures. How? When?.
With the unethical practices, going unchecked; “Health for all” slogan will remain at best
a wishful thinking! Let us remember our wise
forefathers, whose philosophy was to ‘Hope
for the best and submit to the inevitable
stoically. Here is an oft-chanted prayer, at
bed-time daily, in Sanskrit.
“Aanayasena maranena vinadenena
Anarjitha Govinda, dehime Madhusudhana, dehime Madhusudhana”.
The prayer is to pray to God to give life that
is without dependence on others at any
time and the inevitable – a death without
On this WORLD HEALTH DAY, let us wish
each other thus: MAY NOBLE THOUGHTS
Reference :
1. SANKALP, Souvenir 2008, published by
Secunderabad, -500 026. Ph.:(040) 2770 2080
2. Article ‘Holistic Health’ by Padmaji, published
in YAGNA BHOOMI by Suddhananda
Tapovanam (Tapasvini Trust), Guthavaripalem
Village, Kadavedu Post, Gudur Taluk, Nellore
District, Andhra Pradesh, PIN 524 410.
Phone No.: (08624) 255388 / 399
E-mail : thapasvinitrust@gmail.com
3.‘Natural Health’ by Dr. C. S. Raju, B.Sc., B.E.,
FIE, PGDPM, Ph.D., Price Rs. 90/- plus postage
etc. Pages 136. Published by Sri Sai Publishers,
Plot 116, Rajagopalan Street, Devi
Karumariamman Nagar, Valsara-vakkam,
Chennai-600 087. Phone No.: (044) 2486 5858
E-mail : rajucsraju@rediffmail.com
3.0 Events and Activities
3.1 International Women’s Day celebrations, jointly with Russian Centre
at 3.30 p.m. on 9-3-2009, Chennai-18.
Soon after a high-tea, celebrations started
with cultural activities SHAKTHI MALAI, by
an all-women troupe lasting for about half an
hour. Uniquely, it started with an invocation
song by Krupa and Kruthi, two students and
sisters, well-known to the probians (Please
para 5 of this issue – Ed.).
As a pleasant departure from the usual practice, besides the compere Probn Vijaya
Ramachandran, this year, Probn Rtn. P. Sridharan was Sergeant at Arms for a smoother co-ordination on the dais and off it. Both
of them together conducted the programmes
with a clock-work precision.
Among the dignitaries on the dais, Smt.
Meena Muthiah also graced, even though
for a brief while.
Probn (Mrs.) Vijaya Ramachandran,the
compere, read the resume of Kalai -mamani
Dr. Sarada Nambi Arooran, the Chief Guest
of the evening.
Probn Prof. (Mrs.) Gomathi Narayanan read
the citation of Dr. (Miss) Kousalya Devi,
M.B.B.S., DGO, the recipient of this years
award was presented to her, a Gandhian, for
her life-long dedicated services to humanity,
promotion of rural health care, her great
administrative acumen and for pristine
humility; like that of Mother Teresa. Her
MAANAVA SEVA for more than four
decades is bound to continue for a few
decades more, with the same zeal.
Dr. Kousalya Devi’s acceptance speech was
replete with humour and wisdom. Like a
man, she had a strong will and like a
woman; she had her own way too. She
consciously accepted ‘single-blessedness’
to serve the humanity with her HEALINGTOUCH, as a Medical professional and with
a heart of Gold. Recalling her adolescence,
she told that her grand mother visited
several temples for a change of mind in her.
But her father, her role model, never
compelled her to marry. He used to joketelling “Let them go to temples to pray for
your sake, but, one day God will certainly
come in search of you!” As if it was a
prophesy: God gave an opportunity for her
by way of a deputation from Government
Medical Service to Gandhigram Hospital.
Thence, she became an integral part of
Gandhigram. Having availed a voluntary
retirement from Government service, she
continues her service, accepting not a
paisa from the Gandhigram Trust. As the
Managing Trustee of the Gandhigram Trust,
she is at the helm of affairs like Economic
Development of its surround-ing rural areas,
Social welfare and rural medical care for the
rural poor. She is known in that area as the
‘Doctor amma’ who has been assisting
child births for the past three generation,
by now. What better satisfaction can one
have in one’s autumn of life! The sprightly
lady of 77 years adds “I love what I do and
that is the reason why I have never felt tired
off the job so far! She has no message for
others. Her life itself is an example for
others to emulate!!
Smt. R. Meera Rao read the citation of
Probn Dr. (Mrs.) V. Balambal, M.A., B.T;
Ph.D. FRAS (London). She was presented
with this year’s PROBUS RECOGNITION
AWARD for her valuable services beyond
the defined activities of the Probus Club.
Her journey through a middle class-family
life proves the Tamil saying ‘Educate a girl
and you open a university’. Despite a
difficult task of juggling with her job
requirements and domestic compulsions,
she bagged several distinctions and prizes
in the fields of education, research and what
not; to rise to level of a Professor and a
principal of a Women’s College. The Award
is more by way of a recognition of her works
— in her ‘second career’ or second innings
i.e. her post-retirement stage. In the field of
her widening research subjects, other topics
in her hands are Social and Cultural History
of India, Women’s studies, Board games —
especially of South India, Religious studies,
Gerontology, bio-ethics, Human rights — the
latest one is the least popular one viz
problems related to transgenders! The
best part of her research, in the autum of
her life, is on Board games like
Pallanguzhi, Thayakattam,
Aadupuliaattam, Paramapaadam. She
virtually ferreted these out from the attics
of old households and brought those to a
proud place in the drawing rooms of
modern homes and schools for the
physically and mentally-challenged children.
This has enabled the mentally-challenged
to improve their cognitive powers. This
attracted the attention of the scholars
abroad (in European countries) and earned
rich encomium for her. She is a living
example of the saying “The wise man
reads both books and the life itself” (read
as woman).
Probn Dr. Balambal, in her acceptance
speech thanked the club for the distinction
bestowed on her. She had a word of
appreciation for the citation writer for having
cited the part played by Shri Ramaswamy,
her supportive husband! She remembered a
few more persons viz her mother, mother-inlaw and two well-disciplined children who
too were instrumental in her success!! She
was doubly pleased to receive the award
from a dignitary, who was her student in a
school. She remembered Dr. Sharada
Nambi Arooran as young nightingale who
sang prayer songs melodiously in the
Dr. Sharad Nambi Arooran, the Chief Guest,
honoured Smt. Kannammal, a sprightly
young lady of 102 years! The compere
was pleasantly surprised to see the grand
old lady climbing the steps to the dais, as
if she was thirty!! Smt. Kannammal is a
picture of good health and active life.
Besides the mementos and gifts presented
by the club, she was presented with gifts,
like sarees donated by Probn Armugam
and Shri Jagath Tarkas of Bombay
Sports and Trophies, Chennai. Shri
Jagath Tarkas is a patron and well-wisher of
our club.
Taking a cue from her Guru, Dr. Sharada
Nambi Arooran, the Chief Guest, began her
address with a melodious rendering of ‘Om
Shakthi, Om Shakthi, Om Parashakthi...”.
The learned speaker, in her opening remark,
said that ‘nothing worked for her as planned
in her life! She had to accept whatever
came in her way-good, bad or ugly.
However, two things helped her in life — the
first her singing talent an the other; her
training in public speaking. Like every
orator, she too stumbled in the
Speaking on ageing, she said that
there are three different yardsticks
for it. 1. Calendar years, 2. Physical years,
and 3. Mental years. She had to retire from
Govt. job based on Calendar years. She
was very happy on the day of her retirement
as it opened a vista for her to do what
ever she wanted and go places without
need of ‘No objection certificates’ of the
Government. However, she landed in the
present job as Chief Information
Commissioner, for which she was least
trained!! However, she feels gratified that
she could do something worthwhile,
doing a service to the victims of injustice
of “Bureautic bungling”, by accident or
design. She added that saying ‘Udhyogam
Purusha Lakshanam’ is out-dated now for
the simple reason that it has become an
economic necessity for most women to
work. But dual role of an office-goer and
home-maker could be possible with a
supportive husband. Thus feminism
should not be used
for a fight with men. She quoted extensively
Avvaiyar and added that her proudest
moment was when she saw Avvaiyar’s
words inscribed at NASA exhibition in
“Whatever you do – do it well”
— a lady poet from India.
She reminded the audience quotes like
‘Unnaal mudiyum, penne’ (O lady, it is
possible for your) and ‘Pennukku velai
kodu... aval maada uzhakum’ (Give
a job to a women; she will work like a bull).
She concluded her address, remember-ing
Mahakavi Subramania Bharathiar who said
“What independence are you going
to achieve; by locking up womenfolk
at home?”.
Very true, indeed, true freedom prevails
only where are women are free.
Probn V. Audimoolam, who chaired the
celebrations honoured the Chief Guest with
a Ponnadai.
Curtains were down after a vote of thanks by
Probn R. Subbaraj, Secretary and to the
chorus singing of National Anthem.
(For review of the cultural programme see
para 5 of this issue. – Ed.).
3.2 Proceedings of the E.C. Meeting held
on 14th March. 2009 at
10.30 a.m. at Automobile Asso-ciation
of South India Meeting Hall, Chennai.
• After a prayer, by Probn M. Chidambaram,
Sr. Vice-President, Dr. G. V. Rao welcomed
the members.
• The E.C. confirmed the minutes of the
E.C. meeting held on 14th February 2009
• The following new members were
admitted :
i. Rajendra Kumar Jalan – L 146
ii. Dr. V. Parthasarathy
– L 147
iii. Dr. (Mrs.) Sarada Nambi
Arooran, Ph.D.
– L 148
iv. Sri. P. M. Lourdusamy – A 356
v. Dr. P. Pandian, I.A.S. (Retd.)
A 357
• On the subject related to the approval
of Receipts and charges statement for the
month of February 2009 the Treasurer
furnished the statement for the period from
1-4-08 to 28-2-09. He was requested to
give details for each head at least during
Annual Statement. The special invitee
past president R. Manickam recollected to
mention about the formation of committee.
Since a new person has been entrusted to
recast the account it was resolved to
discuss after the completion of work.
• Letter of the General Secretary of
Federation of Sr. Citizens Associations of
Tamil Nadu was discussed as there was
no indication of the financial commitment
to the club, the President, Secretary and
Probn K. Venkatachari, PP, were authorised to finalise the same. With regard to
Medical Check up, the suggestion of Thiru
V. K. Subburaj, IAS, Principal Secretary,
Health and Family Welfare Dept., Tamil
Nadu Govt. was accep-ted. For poor (nonmembers) the club authorized to remit
either from club Funds or Sponsorship by
• On the Breakfast Meeting to be held on
25-4-2009 the following was decided.
Guest Speaker:
Ln. P. Badri Nath, B.Sc., MJF.
Topic:“Introduction to Bhagawad Gita –
on Personality Development”.
Host: Vasavi Builders, R.A. Puram,
Chennai-600 028.
• Donors for International Women’s Day
celebrations and the participants, it was
recorded with pleasure to thank all the
donors, Rtn. CR Vaitheeswaran for Books,
Kovai Pazhamudir Cholai, Adyar – for
Stainless Steel Lunch Boxes, Idayam
Wealth – for oil pouch, Probn T. Kripa
Shankar – for Photo Frame. Probn M.
Arumugam – for Silk Saree and Tarkas for
Momento to the 102 year old women. As it
was the most successful celebration the
E.C. thanked all Probians for their teamwork.
After vote of thanks by the Secretary the
meeting was adjourned to 11-4-2009 at
10.30 a.m. at AASI Hall, Chennai.
Probn R. Subbaraj, Secretary. This does not
purport to be the minutes of the meeting – Ed.).
3.3 Chamber music concert of Probn A.
K. Viswanathan, at 5.30 p.m. on 15-32009, at the residence of Probn T. K.
Balasubramanian, 189, Royapettah
High Road, adjacent to Vidhya Mandir
Higher Secondary School, Mylapore,
A chamber music concert by Probn A. K.
Viswanathan, aka Kasiviswa-nathan, was
arranged by Probn T. K. Balasubramanian,
an octogenarian vocalist himself, at his
residence, on 15-3-2009, Sunday evening.
Probn A. K. Viswanathan, a white-collared
professional with N.T.C., earlier as its
Marketing Manager, is well-known among
the Probians as an accom-plished vocalist.
The Carnatic vocal music concert, in a
traditional style, was well-attended by fellow
Probians, his friends and well wishers.
Public address system was available for the
knowledgeable audience of 30 plus rasikas.
The whole concert went on for more than
two hours with none stiring out in the middle
of the concert. They sat through as if under
a spell of mesmerism of the music.
The Kutcheri started with a varnam in raga
Todi, followed by a Keerthanam in gowla
raga on Lord Ganapathi. The next song was
‘Garuda Gamana Samayam ithe’ in raga
Nagaswarali, a composition of Patnam
Subramania Iyer. This was followed by a
Pancharatna Keerthana ‘Jagadaananda
Kaaraka; in raga Nattai. This was rendered
by the vocalist in his characteristic
‘Gambhira Kural’ (baritone voice) high
lighting the majesty of Swara, Sahitya,
Bhava, regaling the rasikas.
After setting the tempo in full flight with the
Pancharatna Keerthana, the ragam ‘Malayamarudam’ was deftly handled by the singer.
The raga was delineated with simple, elegant phases. The Thiagaraja Keerthana
‘ManasaEtulo’ was picked up thoughtfully
and rendered admirably well.
Niraval and Kalpana swara singing followed
with a ‘charanam’ line and the vocalist gave
an excellent support in presenting the full
form of raga, song and the Niraval/Kalpana
swara ensemble. The whole atmosphere
was ‘electrifying’ and sweetness akin to a
cool breeze of Malaya-marutham.
With three songs, in three different
languages viz. ‘Thaye Dayai Purivaye’ in
Ranjini ragam in Tamil, filled with pathos
and a brief Keerthana ‘Paraku Nee Kelara,
of Saint Thyagaraja, in Kiranavali ragam (in
Telugu) and a Dikshithar Krithi; Sri Satyanarayana in Sindhuyvarali ragam (in Sanskrit). (No doubt, music accommodates all
languages in its fold. – Ed.).
Saketa Nagara Vasa Keerthanam of
Saint Thyagaraja was rendered with ‘full
gusto’ by the singer. Mridangam ‘Thani
aavathanam’ in Rupaka talam was performed by Sri R. Srinivasan, a seasoned
percussionist, capping the song admirably.
Thereafter, a series of ragamalika songs
were rendered. The first one composed by
Sri Rajasekar and others of Mahakavi
Subramania Bharathiar all with different
ragamalikas adding colour to the event.
The Kutcheri concluded with a Tirupugazh in
raga Kamas, followed by Mangalam in a
Sampradaya style.
Probn A. K. Viswanathan was ably supported by Akkarai Swarnalatha on the violin and
Kalakkad R. Srinivasan on the mridangam.
The violinist, a young girl in her teens, is a
highly-talented artiste, exhibited an astonishing virtuosity and maturity in supporting the vocalist. The mridangam artiste
Sri R. Srinivasan is the son of Sri
Ramanarayana Iyer, who is the guru of
Probn A. K. Viswanathan. This was men-
tioned at the time of introducing the supporting artistes by Probn A. K. Viswanathan.
Tail piece
Kalakkad Ramanarayana Iyer learnt music
from his father Kalakkad Subiah Bagavathar. Kalakkad Ramanarayan Iyer used to
sing patriotic songs as well, during the days
of the British rule of India. Mahatma Gandhi
paid rich encomium to him on an occasion.
His father, Kalakkad subbiah Bagavathar
was appreciated by Swami Viveka-nanda.
(Traditional carnatic music is safe in the
hands of the shishya paramparas too.
This comes as a whiff of fresh air – Ed.).
(This review is by Probn V. Hariharan, our
Treasurer, an accomplished violinist.
His father Vidwan H. Vaidyanatha Iyer, who is
happily with us, is a music composer too. He was
awarded Probus Award of Excellence on
Elders’ Day in 2008 – Ed.).
3.4 Probus Group – Theosopical Society
(Mylapore Lodge TS) Spiritual and
Philosophical meeting held at 4 p.m.
on 21-3-2009, at M.P. Aanand
Matriculation School, Mylapore,
The meeting began with a customary prayer.
Shri P. S. Venkataraman, the speaker, was
formally introduced, though he is a regular
participant of such monthly spiritual meetings. The speaker spoke on Bhaja Govindam of Adi Shankara.
The speaker prefaced his talk with a brief
introduction on Bhaja Govindam and its
contents. He then took up just ten stanzas
out of thirty one for detailed discussion for
the day. (These stanzas will be published in
the next issue for better clarity and
convenience of our readers – Ed.).
In Stanza 3 “Naari Sthanabhare...”,
Adi Shankara cautions us against getting
carried away and get lost by charms of
women. This sloka led to some criticism that
the whole of his work is derogatory to
In Stanza 4 “Nalinigatajalam...” is an oftquoted one to indicate that human life is full
of sorrow and anxiety and is as unstable as
water-drop on a lotus leaf.
In Stanza 10 Adi Shankara criticises older
men, indulging in sense pleasures, by
asking them “Where is the lake, when its
water has completely dried up?” When
family loses wealth, where are the friends
and the relatives? he asks. When one has
realised the self, he breaks free off the
bonds of Samsara.
Occasionally, when one feels frustrated with
day-to-day problems, he feels like running
away from it all and spend the time in a rural
ambience. What great joy it gives to the
person, albeit, for a short while.
Every person who can revel in the contem plation of the Supreme brahman, experiences boundless joy as per Adi Shankara. In
another work “Sivanandalahari” also Shankara expresses a similar view that a person
whose inner mind is lodged in the contemplation of Siva, that is real Yoga, he is
a Yogi and the happiest person.
Next Sankara says, Caught in the
repetitive cycle of birth and death, one
will find it extremely difficult to navigate the
ocean of Samsara, except through divine
grace and help.
Sankara next explains how Mahatmas had
already the spent their time. They engage
themselves in explaining dharmic ways of
life to the public, in doing other types of
social service, in adopting total silence
(mounavritham or at times in the childish
ways or seeming mad men e.g.;
Mahaswami of Kanchi, Sringeri Acharya,
Puttaparthi Sai Baba, Abhirami Bhatter etc.
In order to gain knowledge and realise the
self Sankara advises everyone to see the
self in every other being and give up the
sense of differentiation from others and
develop equanimity under all circumstances. Narsi Mehta expresses similar sentiments in his popular ‘Vaishnava
Sankara advises everyone to be contented
with whatever he earns by his own labour
with out any greed or jealously.
In the concluding verse, Sankara exhorts
everyone to implicitly follow the guidance of
the Guru and keeping the senses and the
mind under total control and be free from the
bonds of Samsara soon. He would feel the
presence of Brahman dwelling in his own
heart; in effect, realises the truth of the
Mahavakya ‘Aham Brahmasmi’. Similar
advice is tendered by Yama to Nachiketa in
Sri Rajaji in his commentary of Bhaja
Govindam suggests that since everyone
cannot get guidance of a Guru, a book or an
idol of Hanuman or Ganesha or even a
symbol can serve to bring about the
beginning of true knowledge.
The meeting concluded with a vote of
(Based on the gist of the speech given
by Shri P. S. Venkataraman. Thank you, Sir. –
3.5 Monthly breakfast meeting
held, at 9 a.m. on 28-3-2009, at
Russian Centre of Science and
Culture, Chennai-18.
Probn S. Krishnaram Davey, President,
welcomed the Chief Guest Shri G. Muthusamy, IAS, Secretary Tamil Develop- ment,
HE Department of Tamil Nadu Government.
Dr. (Ms.) P. Naga-booshanam, Former Vice
Chancellor of Dr. Ambedkar Law University,
Dr. M. Parthasarathy special invitees and
the unprecedently large gathering, not
normally found at the monthly breakfast
meetings. The president expressed his great
satisfaction on the steady increase of the
attendance by the members, which reflects
on the useful services to them and the good
quality of projects/schemes taken up by the
club. He requested the members to sustain
the tempo. Dignitaries were honoured with
Ponnadais. Probn R. Subbaraj, Secretary,
introduced the Chief Guest and other dignitaries present to the audience. Sri G. Muthusamy, IAS, the Chief Guest released the
book ‘Mr. Bones’ (in Tamil) authored by Dr.
M. Parthasarathy, a well-known Orthopaedic Surgeon in Chennai. The first copy was
received by Dr. (Ms.) P. Nagabooshanam.
The Chief Guest congratulated Dr. Parthasarathy for writing the book in a simple
language which could be understood even
by a layman. He commended the book as a
reference book in every household. He
thanked the Probus Club of Chennai for
taking up useful community services to
Senior Citizens and the general public, at
large. He expressed his desire to join the
club on his retirement.
Dr. (Ms.) P. Nagabooshanam gave a brief
account of the contents of the book. She
stressed a revealing fact that though there is
no blood flow through the bones, the bones
are instrumental in the making of the blood!
The bones not only give shape to the body
but also help body movements, at the command of the brain. This is possible only
through bones and muscles. She was all
praise for the author of the book for having
written the book, replete with humour, at the
same time, disseminating knowledge, avoiding ‘medical jargons’. She too expressed
her desire to enroll as a member of the club.
(She is a Life Member now. – Ed.).
Dr. M. Parthasarathy, the Guest Speaker of
the day, spoke not on ‘bones and joints’ but
on his pet topic Laws of Nature – Lessons
learnt in developing GREEN WEALTH FOR
THE PUBLIC. The burden of his speech
was, in effect, “Uses and abuses of trees”
with the aid a projector and slides.
The learned speaker emphasised on the
importance of growing trees (in prefe- rence
to flowering plants), particularly in our urban
environment; where the trees control dust/
air/noise pollutions, besides giving Oxygen,
saving of energy costs so on and so forth.
Sadly, trees in our cities face very specific
problems (at the hands of man) and do
deserve succour and special care for
their very survival. Very often, our avenue
trees are being ‘adversely abused’ by nailing
advertisement boards or being allowed to be
‘eaten by old, tree-guards’. He highlighted
the fact that bark of a tree is more important to a tree than its roots, for its very
survival. Unfortunately, both the parts are
being ‘abused’; the former by ‘nailing’
and the latter by ‘paving’ around the base
of the trees. Trees too get ‘choked’ when
planted too closely to each other, with too
little space to spread its foliage.
Here are a few gems by way of advice from
1. Be a volunteer as a Tree-guardian.
2. Plan your construction works, with a deep
concern for trees both old and new
3. Plant trees – if not possible, come forward
to take care of some trees in your
4. Begin to notice when trees around you
are being ‘abused’.
5. Spread the message of development of
GREEN WEALTH around you. There is
helpline to combat TREE-ABUSE too – its
is 1913.
“Maram Uyare Naattin Tharam Uyarum”
(Healthy trees reflect the Health of the
Copies of the book ‘Mr. Bones’ were
distributed among those present by Probn
M. Arunachalam, EC Member. Light
refreshments were served by the sponsors
Probn M. Arunachalam and Dr. M. Parthasarathy after the meeting. (He became a life
Member since – Ed.). Special thanks are
due to Probn R. Subbaraj, Secretary, in the
conduct of the event, without any financial
commitment to the club.
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks by
Probn M. Arunachalam, EC Members, who
hosted the meeting.
(Partly based on the report prepared by Probn R.
Subbaraj, Secretary. – Ed.).
4.0 Naturopathy
Sooryaji addresses on Sun is the Future
medicine:Sooryaji addressed a meeting on
5-4-2009 at Mahalakshmi Kalyana Mandapam at R. A. Puram on the above subject.
Probn Krishnaram Davey, President Probus
Club of Chennai presided. Probus members
also participated. Probn Dr. (Mrs.) V. Balambal, PP and Probn Namasivayam EC Member took active part in organizing the meeting. The speech was very interesting.
5.0 Shakthi Malai
‘Sakthi Malai’ compiled by Mrs. Kalpakam
Srinivasamurti, assisted by Ms. Uma Mohan,
consisted of 5 songs – Three of Mahatma
Neelakanta Sivam and two of Kalpakam.
The vocal rendition by Ms. Krupa and Ms.
Kruti, great grand daughters of Sri. Neelakanta Sivam. They had already performed a
few items for Probus Club of Chennai.
The violin support by Ms. Harini,
great grand daughter of the famous violinist
Parur Sri. Sundaram Iyer and grand
daughter of Sri. M. S. Anantharaman.
The mirdangam support by Ms. N. S. Rajam,
is sister of famous flutist Sri. Ramani. She
had travelled and performed in Singapore,
Malaysia. She is an A.I.R. artiste. She has
been performing from the age of 8.
Audience enjoyed and applauded the
concert. Mrs. Meena Muthiah, who was
present, expressed her appreciation.
As a feed back Probn (Mrs.) Gomathi
Narayanan writes: “It was a treat yesterday,
hearing Kalpakam’s compositions. The
varying rhythms and the dhurita kala
portions of the songs were very apt of lively.
I wish you would soon bring out in print a
collection of your composition, including
those meant for dance.
(This is published by way of a review and feed
back. – Ed.).
6.0 Obituary
We are sorry to inform that Probn Raghu
Tagat, 85 passed away on 23-3-09.
He was a widower. He retired as
Asst. Administraive Officer, in British
May his soul rest in peace. Probus members
condole his death.
7.0 Bereavement: Mr. Thomas, Probn
Mrs. Sathi Thomas’ husband, passed away
on 3-4-09. He was not well for some time.
Probus Club condoles his death. May his
soul rest in peace.
8.0 Condolence Messages
I. Mails from members on Probn Tagat’s
passing away:
1. Sorry to hear the news about the sudden
demise of Probn Raghu Tagat. He spoke
to me last month and said that he would
be sending a sum of Rs. 500 towards
sunshine fund. I gave him my address
and was awaiting his cheque! My
condolence to the bereaved family. –
Probn V. Hariharan, Treasurer.
2. I am sorry to know. He was a good writer
Dr. G. Sundaram.
II. On the demise of Mr. Thomas:
Very grieved to hear this. Probn Sathi
Thomas is the one who had arranged the
Surya Yoga lecture on the 4th for our
benefit. May God give her strength to
bear the bereavement. – Probn T. R.
Your Special Attention please
Esteemed annual members are requested to
renew their membership, if not already
done. Our financial year is from 1st April
to 31st March, every year.
Kindly contact Probn V. Hariharan,
Treasurer. Contact No. 2844 2748.
10.0 Pilgrimage to Sripuram Golden
Temple –Vellore
It is proposed to arrange a pilgri-mage to
Sripuram golden temple, near Vellore,
in May 09; availing concession from Tamil
Nadu Tourism Development Corporation
Ltd.Individual contribution per head may
be provisional Rs. 500/- per head.
For details contact:
Probn R. Subbaraj, Secretary
Ph: 2442 2839,Mob.: 94444 55872
11.0 Felicitations
11.1 Probians having Birth Anniversary
in May 2009
1. Rangasamy P M 1 2827 6505
2. Vanajakshi V K Dr 2 2811 0515
3. Festus Israel R Dr 5 6561 6281
97890 00065
4. Govindasamy M
7 2616 3862
Lt Col Retd
5. Sahasranamam K 11 2495 3052
6. Srinivasan G
12 2376 0164
7. Ramji A
2495 3991
8. George Jebamony P 14 2461 2021
9. Kamakshi
15 In USA
Sundaram Dr S Mrs
10. Kothandaraman V R162243 5906
11. Kripa Shankar T 16 2491 9098
12. Sadasivam M Prof 17 2452 4317
13. Vedanthachari T 17 2433 0877
14.Muthukumaran S Dr 19
2491 4270
98405 16540
15.Subramaniam V
2445 2056
16.Srinivasan G L
2827 7738
17.Prabhakar R 26
2479 6325
99622 41041
18.Pankajam 28
Sundaram Mrs
2499 7604
19.Venkitasubramaniam P 28 2499 0522
20.Hariharan V (Ch-5) 30
2844 2748
98842 36874
21.Subramanian N
2499 6905
IRS (Retd)
11.2 Probus spouses having Birth
Anniversary in May 2009
2481 6588
Chakravarthy Mrs
2.Kalyani Namasivayam 6
2811 1882
3.Alamelu Sriram Mrs 7
2811 4923
2243 5124
Ramanathan Mrs
94440 82672
2434 2417
Parthasarathy Mrs
2550 1127
Arumugam Mrs
93810 52487
2815 6392
Vijendra Rao Mrs
2499 0374
Ramakrishnan Mrs
5210 8912
2495 6014
Mani C Mrs
10.Girija Balaguruaiya Mrs 12 2499 2950
11.Alamelukrishnan Mrs 14
2815 7995
12. Sulochana Rama Rao 19
2499 4430
13. Mani R S Dr
2434 2877
2815 5748
Gopalakrishna Mrs
15.Pushpa Rani
98407 64174
Sainath Mrs
92434 38249
Ramachandran Ms(Bangalore)
11.3 Probus couples having Wedding
Anniversary in May 2009
1.Vaidyanathan S
2499 4401
Probn & Sarada
2.Jayaraman N Probn & 1
2461 8223
Vasantha Meenakshi
5204 8233
Jayaraman Mrs
94443 88233
3.Lakshmipathi K
6590 7820
Probn & Sudamani
94442 48050
Lakshmipathi Mrs
4.Pulliah C K Probn
2498 1406
& Varalakshmi
Pulliah Mrs
5.Mirza Ismail A Probn 5
567 5892
& Hamitha A Mrs
98415 08532
6.Ramnath G Probn & 5
2499 7974
Padma Ramnath Mrs
7.Gopinatha Rao C H 7
2499 3901
Probn & Indira
Gopinath Mrs
8.Srinivasan G L Probn & 7
2827 7738
Kalyani Srinivasan Mrs
9.Probn Justice 9
2499 3452
Shanmugam and
Shanmugam Mrs
10. Mani Chebiam Probn 9
2495 6014
& Subbalakshmi
Mani C Mrs
11.Ramji A Probn &
2495 3991
Seetha Ramji Mrs
12.Ranjini Murugan Mrs 10 2499 2909
Probn & Murugan
2376 046
A V M Shri
13.Bhavani Shankar
2813 3162
Joshi V Probn &
2813 3062
Kalyani B Joshi Mrs
14.Nirmala Thiagarajan 12
2493 5983
Mrs Probn &
Shri Thiagarajan
15.Srinivasan N Probn 12
2491 1647
& Malathi
Srinivasan Mrs
16.Narayan Dr L R A
2847 6419
Probn & Kalyani
17Jagannathan V. Probn 15
2642 7451
& Jayalakshmi
Jagannathan Mrs
18.B S Raghavan IAS 15
2491 9436
(Retd) Probn & Kau98402 29827
salya Raghavan Mrs
Rajagopalan T Probn 16
2615 1652
& Padmasini
20.Geetha Sundararajan 17
2847 4539
Mrs Probn &
Sundararajan M S Mr
21.Venkatesan R IA&AS 17
2499 7977
(Retd) Probn & Uma
Venkatesan Mrs
22.Madhava Rao A G 18
2491 1639
Probn and Bhanumathy M Mrs
23.Sadasivam M Prof 18
2452 4317
Probn & Pramila
Sadasivam Mrs
24.Balaguruviah BB
2499 2950
Probn & Girija
2467 0437
Balaguruaiya Mrs
25.Mahadevan A
4217 0240
Probn & Meena
Mahadevan Mrs
26.Ratnam G Probn & 22
2493 6319
Sunda Ratnam Mrs
27.Raghavendra Rao J 23
Probn and Nirupa
Raghavendra Rao Mrs
28.Krishnan K Probn & 24
2815 7995
Alamelu Krishnan Mrs
29.Dakshinamoorthy C M 24 2245 1933
Probn & Jayalakshmi
94444 51836
Dakshinamoorthy Mrs
30.Rangabashyam P G 24
4286 7423
Probn & Padma
Rangabashyam Mrs
31.Kartik Dattatri Dore
2493 7740
Probn and Lakshmi
98401 72895
Dore Mrs Probn
32.Ramamurthy G V
2494 1711
Probn & Rajalakshmi
Ramamurthy Mrs
33.George Jebamony P
26 2461 2021
Probn and Sucharita
Jebamony Ms
34.Balasubramanyan T S 27 2445 6322
Probn & Saraswathy
Balasubramanyan Mrs
35.Venkatasubramanian 27 2461 7846
Probn & Rani Venkata2461 4958
subramanian Mrs
98401 43551
36.Ramakrishna G V
2499 0374
Probn & Lalitha
5210 8912
Ramakrishna Mrs
37.Rengarajan K Probn & 27 2811 2558
Sakuntala Rajan Mrs
97899 81667
38.Rajagopalan M S
2499 4503
Probn & Prema
Rajagopalan Mrs
39.Bhat V S Probn &
98409 76254
Vijaya Lakshmi Bhat Mrs
40.Prabhakar R Probn & 30
2479 6325
99622 41041
Prabhakar Mrs
41.Venkitasubramaniam 30
2499 0522
P Probn & Kanthimathi
Subramaniam Mrs
42.Kishore R B Probn & 31
Seetha Kishore Mrs
43.Ranganathan P V
Probn & Shantha
Ranganathan Mrs
44.Panduranga Rao N 31
Probn & Lakshmi
Kumari Panduranga
Rao Mrs
2815 5810
2815 5432
2615 3485
2825 6104
Wish you all many happy returns of the day. May
God bless you all with good health, happiness
and a peaceful life. Probn D. Sugunaraj, will be
sending, Probus greetings to all the above.
(Thank you, Probn Sugunaraj – Ed). Kindly
donate to our Sunshine fund generously – Ed.
12.0 Welcome New Members
I (a) New Life Members :
1. Rajendra Kumar Jalan Probn, Business,
DOB: 6-6-1946, Spouse: Anila Jalan Mrs,
DOB: 2-10 1947, WD: 28-4-1967, Res.: D1,
Harrington Court, 99, Harington Road, 15th
Avenue, Chetput, Chennai-600 031. E-mail:
shilpajalan@yahoo.co.in Ph: 2836 5280,
99620 81010, Member ID: L 146,
introduced by Probn R. Subbaraj, Secretary.
2. Parthasarathy M. Dr. Probn, M.B., D.
Ortho, MS (Orth) FRCS (UK), DOB:
6-3-1953, Spouse: Chitra Parthasarathy
Mrs, Res.: 78/53, 1st Avenue, Indira Nagar,
Chennai-20. Ph.: 2442 4723, Member ID: L
147. Introduced by Probn R. Subaraj,
3. Sarada Nambi Aarooran Mrs. Dr.
Probn, DOB: 24-7-1946, Principal Govt.
Arts College, Salem (Retd.) Currently
working as State information Officer, Res.:
Chitrambalam, 30/B/1, Muthu-krishnan
Street, Mylapore, Chennai-4. ID L 148 Ph:
2464 3068, 98400 23061. ID L 148.
(b) Conversion into Life Membership
1. Dr. N. Rajagopalan
(ID A 245 conversion into ID L 150)
2. K. Sivagaminathan
(ID A 235 conversion into ID L 151)
II Annual Members :
1. Lourdusamy P. M. Probn, Chief
Reservation Supervisor, (Retd.),
DOB: 25-01-1940, Spouse: Maria
Rose T. A. Mrs., DOB: 02-04-1945,
WD: 04-06-1962, Res.: 34, Patel Road,
Perambur, Chennai-11, Ph: 2551 1728,
98401 65223, Member ID A 356, Introduced
by Probn R. Subbaraj, Secretary.
2. Pandian P. Dr. Probn IAS, (Retd.), MA.,
BT., D. Litt, FIFA (USA), Joint Secretary,
Health Govt. of Tamil Nadu (Retd.), Res.:
15, II Floor, Rakkiappa Street, Mylapore,
E-mail: drpandian14@gmail.com,
Ph: 2461 0710, 93840 44999, Member ID A
357, Introduced by Probn R. Subbaraj,
13.0 Feed back
Shri Dr. Vysamoorthy, founder of SSS
Global, Hydrabad.
Thanks for sending March 2009 issue of
Probus Chennai Newsletter.
I find that Chennai Probians are not just rich
and generous (donations pouring in) but
very rich in thought and actions too. Very
interesting contents. I liked the Editorial best
— very thoughtful and insightful. The gist of
spiritual lecture (Equality is no virtue but
equity is) is wonderful. If you can get more
info as and when it becomes available about
the proposed Old Age Village in Padappai,
kindly share with all of us.
I find (from sss-global website) that
your letter and attachment are marked to me
only. Can I share it with others in sssglobal?
Best wishes.
(Thank you, Sir, for your appreciation. By all
means, you are free to share the contents of
PROBUZZ with others – Ed.).
14.0 Donations
1.DINAMALAR Tamil Daily
Chennai,Co-sponsorship of Workship
an Seniors’ Health care on 26-4-2009.
2.Probn Dr. G. V. Rao
Vice President, Probus Club of Chennai
Co-sponsorship of Workshop
an Seniors’ Health care on
3.abc Professional Services
Flat 4/4, Homefinders Estate
Ramavaram, Chennai-89
Our courier: Phone No.: 2249 1819
Cell No.: 94441 50771) Thank you, Donors,
for your liberal donations – Ed.
15.0 Sunshine Fund
1.Probn V. Ramakrishnan
IAS (Retd.) (His Birthday)
2. Probn S. Thangaraj (His birth day) 250
3.Probn R. Manickam (His Birthday) 100
4.G. Jayaraman IA&AS (Retd)
(His Birthday)
5.S. Venkataraman
(His Birthday) 100
S. Venkataraman (His Wedding
Anniversary) 100
7.Mrs. Suganthi Premkumar
(See Probuzz March 2009 issue)
Thank you, Donors, for your generous
donations – Ed.
16.0Books donated to Probus Library
Major General Aban Naidu (Retd.) PVSM,
AVSM, M in D; donated 13 Nos. back-issues
of Bhavan’s Journal in March 2009.(Thank
you very much, Sir. – Ed.).
17.0 Dates to Remember
APRIL 2009
25-04-2009 (Saturday) 9.00 a.m.
Monthly breakfast meeting at Russian
Centre of Science and Culture, Chennai-18.
Probn Ln P. Badrinath speaks on
‘Introduction to Bhagawad Gita – on our
personality develop-ment’. Breakfast
sponsored by M/s. Vasavi Builders, R. A.
Puram, Chennai-28.Contact:
Probn R.
Subbaraj, Ph: 2442 2839
26-04-2009 (Sunday) 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
at Gokhale Hall, Karpagambal Nagar (Off
Luz Church Road), Mylapore, Chennai4.Registration fee Rs. 100/- per
head.Contact:Probn R. Subbaraj,
Ph: 2442 2839,Probn K. Venkatachari,
Ph: 2498 1099
MAY 2009
09-05-2009 (Saturday) 10.30 a.m.
EC Meeting at AASI
16-05-2009 (Saturday) 4.00 p.m.
Probus group–Theosophical Society,
Mylapore Lodge (TS)–Spiritual and
Philosophical Meeting at M.P. Anand
Matriculation School, Mylapore, Chennai4.Contact: Probn T. R. Jayaraman
Probn V. L. Aiyar, Phone: 2466 1998
Phone: 2499 2329
23-05-2009 (Saturday) 9.00 a.m.
Monthly breakfast meeting at Russian
Centre of Science and Culture, Chennai-18.
Rtn. PP C. S. Devapragasam speaks on
“Service to Community”.
Breakfast sponsored by Aag Rola Magnetic
Private Limited. Contact:
Probn R.
Subbaraj, Ph: 2442 2839
29-05-2009 (Tentative)
TEMPLE subject to response from members
and confirmation by TTDC Ltd. Rs. 500/- per
head (provisional).
Contact: Probn R. Subbaraj, Ph: 2442 2839
Note : Programmes are subject to changes
of time, venue, speakers and the like. Kindly
contact the person(s) indicated against each
programme, in case of doubt – Ed.
PROBUZZ wishes its readers a very
Happy and prosperous Tamil New Year.