NAIC BLANKS (E) WORKING GROUP Blanks Agenda Item Submission Form DATE: 01/06/2012 CONTACT PERSON: TELEPHONE: FOR NAIC USE ONLY Agenda Item # 2012-07BWG Year 2012 Changes to Existing Reporting [X ] New Reporting Requirement [ ] REVIEWED FOR ACCOUNTING PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES IMPACT EMAIL ADDRESS: ON BEHALF OF: Valuation of Securities Task Force (VOSTF) NAME: Kevin Fry TITLE: Chair VOSTF [ ] [ ] [ X ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] AFFILIATION: 320 W. Washington St., 4th Fl. ADDRESS: No Impact [ X ] Modifies Required Disclosure [ DISPOSITION Springfield, IL 62767 ] Rejected For Public Comment Referred To Another NAIC Group Received For Public Comment Adopted Date Rejected Date Deferred Date Other (Specify) BLANK(S) TO WHICH PROPOSAL APPLIES [X ] [X ] ANNUAL STATEMENT INSTRUCTIONS [X ] [ ] QUARTERLY STATEMENT CROSSCHECKS [ X ] Life and Accident & Health [ ] Separate Accounts [ ] Other Specify [X ] [X ] Property/Casualty Fraternal [ [X ] [X ] ] BLANK Health Title Anticipated Effective Date: Annual 2012 IDENTIFICATION OF ITEM(S) TO CHANGE See next page for details REASON, JUSTIFICATION FOR AND/OR BENEFIT OF CHANGE** See next page for details NAIC STAFF COMMENTS Comment on Effective Reporting Date: Annual 2012 should not be a problem Other Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ** This section must be completed on all forms. Revised 6/13/2009 © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 51 IDENTIFICATION OF ITEM(S) TO CHANGE 1. Add Structured Securities (SSAP No. 43R) Flow Chart to the Investment Schedules General Instructions. 2. Eliminate “SM” reference from the instructions for the NAIC Designation Column in Schedule D, Part 1 in the annual statement and Schedule D, Parts 3 and 4 in the quarterly statement. 3. Add note to annual statement schedules instructions (Schedule D, Part 1; Schedule D, Part 2, Section 1; Schedule D, Part 2, Section 2; Schedule D, Part 3; Schedule D, Part 4; Schedule D, Part 5; Schedule DA, Part 1; Schedule DL, Part 1; Schedule DL, Part 2; Part; and Schedule E, Part 2) and quarterly statement schedule instructions (Schedule D, Part 3; Schedule D, Part 4; Schedule DL, Part 1; Schedule DL, Part 2; and Schedule E, Part 2) to refer to the Investment Schedules General Instructions for the following as appropriate for the schedule: Category definitions for bonds and stocks. Foreign Column code list and matrix for determining code. Code Column list of codes and definitions for securities not under the exclusive control of the reporting entity. Flow Chart for determining the NAIC Designation for structured securities. List of stock exchange names and abbreviations. 4. Add specific reference in the NAIC Designation Column referring back to the Structured Securities (SSAP No. 43R) Flow Chart in the Investment Schedules General Instructions in the annual statement schedules instructions (Schedule D, Part 1; Schedule DL, Part 1; and Schedule DL, Part 2; Part) and quarterly statement schedule instructions (Schedule D, Part 3; Schedule D, Part 4; Schedule DL, Part 1; and Schedule DL, Part 2. 5. Add “S” designation to the bond matrix for Schedule D, Part 1 of the annual statement and to Schedule D, Parts 3 and 4 of the quarterly statement. REASON, JUSTIFICATION FOR AND/OR BENEFIT OF CHANGE** 1. Structured Securities (SSAP No. 43R) Flow Chart to the Investment Schedules General Instructions is being added to the instruction to give a visual representation of SSAP No. 43R. 2. Changes adopted by the Statutory Accounting Principles Working Group for SSAP No. 43R eliminated the need for the “SM” suffix. 3. The addition of references to the Investment Schedules General Instructions in specific investment schedule instructions will clarify for the user of the instructions where to find additional definition and instruction. 4. The VOSTF is proposing to begin adding a code to securities which have been reviewed by the SVO and noted to have either structural features or other terms which represent additional risks. To the extent that the SVO has notched the bond as part of its designation, this will be recognized with the “S” designation suffix both in the VOS product and in the annual and quarterly statement designation. © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 52 ANNUAL & QUARTERLY STATEMENT INSTRUCTIONS – LIFE, HEALTH, PROPERTY, FRATERNAL & TITLE INVESTMENT SCHEDULES GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (Applies to all investment schedules) Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space General Classifications Common Stock Only: Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated): All unaffiliated common stocks that are not mutual funds or money market mutual funds. Include Public Utilities, Banks, Trusts and Insurance Companies. Mutual Funds: All investments in shares of funds regulated as mutual funds by the Securities and Exchange Commission. This definition does not include closed funds or hedge funds. Money Market Mutual Funds: All investment in shares of funds regulated as money market mutual funds by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates: Defined by SSAP No. 97, Investments in Subsidiary, Controlled and Affiliated entities, A Replacement of SSAP No. 88 Specific Classifications: Issuer Obligations: All bonds not backed by other loans and other assets. Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities: Those securities directly or indirectly secured by liens on one- to four-family residential properties and subject to the guidance in SSAP No. 43R, Loan-backed and Structured Securities. Includes prime, subprime, Alt-A mortgages, as well as home equity loans and home equity lines of credit. Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities: Those securities directly or indirectly secured by a lien on one or more parcels of commercial real estate with one or more structures located on the real estate and subject to the guidance in SSAP No. 43R, Loan-backed and Structured Securities. Does not include those securities secured by liens on one- to four-family residential properties. © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 53 STRUCTURED SECURITIES (SSAP No. 43R) FLOW CHART Does the security meet the definition of 43R? Yes Report NAIC 1 designation (no suffix) in accordance with Part Six, Section 2(e) of the SVO P&P Manual Yes Are these securities considered “Exempt Obligations” for purposes of determining AVR and RBC? No Is the security modeled? Follow instructions for modeled securities Yes No Go To B Is this security an Equipment Trust Certificate, Credit Tenant Lease, IO or rated by the SVO? No Yes Follow instructions for Modified FE securities Does this security have a designation assigned by the SVO? Yes Use the SVO assigned designation No Go To A Is this security rated by an ARO? No Yes Convert ARO rating into NAIC designation in accordance with Part Two, Section 4(d), (i) of the SVO P&P Manual Is this security a new purchase? (120 day rule) No Yes Apply the 5*/6* Rule in accordance with Part Two, Section 5(f)-(g) of the SVO P&P Manual Use Insurance Company’s internal rating with a Z Suffix © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 54 Use this designation with an FE suffix SECURITIES SUBJECT TO MODIFIED FILING EXEMPT PROCESS A No Is this security a new purchase? (120 day rule) No Convert ARO rating into NAIC designation in accordance with Part Two, Section 4(d), (i) of the SVO P&P Manual Yes Apply the 5*/6* Rule in accordance with Part Two, Section 5(f)-(g) of the SVO P&P Manual Use Insurance Company’s internal rating with a Z Suffix Is the converted rating a 1 or a 6? No Using the converted ARO rating (2-5), apply amortized cost to the MFE pricing matrix to obtain the initial designation Do you maintain an AVR? Yes Report the NAIC 1 using amortized cost as B./A.C.V. with FE suffix. Report the NAIC 6 using lower of amortized cost or fair value as B./A.C.V. with FE suffix Yes Is the initial designation a 1-5? No No Is the initial designation a 1 or 2? No Yes Determine lower of amortized cost or fair value. Is the amount amortized cost? Report as Final designation using amortized cost as B./A.C.V. with AM Suffix No Yes Is this security rated by an ARO? Determine lower of amortized cost or fair value. Is the amount amortized cost? No Yes Yes Report as Final designation using amortized cost as B./A.C.V. with AM suffix Yes Using the converted ARO rating (2-5), apply fair value to MFE pricing matrix to determine Final NAIC Designation Report final designation using fair value as B./A.C.V. with AM suffix © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 55 SECURITIES SUBJECT TO MODELING B Obtain modeled breakpoint values from vendors Does the modeled result expect zero losses in all scenarios? Report the NAIC 1 using amortized cost as B./A.C.V. with FM suffix Yes No Apply amortized cost to the breakpoint values assigned to the six NAIC designations for each CUSIP to obtain the initial designation No Yes Do you maintain an AVR? Is the initial designation a 1-5? Is the initial designation a 1 or 2? No Determine lower of amortized cost or fair value. Is the amount amortized cost? No No Yes Determine lower of amortized cost or fair value. Is the amount amortized cost? Report as Final designation using amortized cost as B./A.C.V. with FM suffix Yes Report as Final designation using amortized cost as B./A.C.V. with FM Suffix Yes No Yes Apply fair value to the breakpoint values to determine Final NAIC Designation Report final designation using fair value as B./A.C.V. with FM suffix Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 56 ANNUAL STATEMENT INSTRUCTIONS – LIFE, HEALTH, PROPERTY, FRATERNAL & TITLE SCHEDULE D – PART 1 LONG-TERM BONDS OWNED DECEMBER 31 OF CURRENT YEAR Bonds are to be grouped as listed below and each category arranged alphabetically (securities included in U.S. States, Territories and Possessions; U.S. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions; and U.S. Special Revenue and Special Assessment Obligations and all Non-Guaranteed Obligations of Agencies and Authorities of Governments and Their Political Subdivisions should be listed with a state abbreviation in the column provided for electronic data capture). Refer to SSAP No. 23, Foreign Currency Transactions and Translations, for accounting guidance related to foreign currency transactions and translations. If a reporting entity has any detail lines reported for any of the following required categories or subcategories described in the Investment Schedules General Instructions, it shall report the subtotal amount of the corresponding category or subcategory, with the specified subtotal line number appearing in the same manner and location as the pre-printed total or grand total line and number: NOTE: See the Investment Schedule General Instructions for the following: Category definitions for bonds and stocks. Foreign Column code list and matrix for determining code. Code Column list of codes and definitions for securities not under the exclusive control of the reporting entity. Flow Chart for determining the NAIC Designation for structured securities. List of stock exchange names and abbreviations. Category Line Number Bonds: U.S. Governments Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 0199999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 0299999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 0399999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 0499999 Subtotals – U.S. Governments ............................................................................................................ 0599999 Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 57 Column 6 – NAIC Designation Insert the NAIC designation for such security printed in the Valuation of Securities. Any NAIC Designation that is not obtained from the current edition of the Valuation of Securities or its Supplement and that is entered by the reporting entity under its own judgment shall have the letter “Z” appended to the designation. For the meaning and applicability of suffixes and designations, please refer to the most recent version of the Purposes and Procedures Manual of the NAIC Securities Valuation Office Part One, Section 3. Please note the following recently added suffixes. AM: ARO rated, modified designation: Securities where the equivalent NAIC designation is modified by the insurer’s carrying value FM: Financial modeling: NAIC designation is based on financial modeling, incorporating the insurer’s carrying value for the security. For Class One Bond Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds, enter 1. Following is a matrix of the valid combinations of designations and suffixes for bonds. 1 2 2S 3 3S 4 4S 1F 1FE 1AM 1FM 1Z 1Z* 2F 2FE 2AM 2FM 2Z 2Z* 3F 3FE 3AM 3FM 3Z 3Z* 4F 4FE 4AM 4FM 4Z 4Z* 5 5S 5* 5*S 5F 5FE 5AM 5FM 5Z 5Z* 6 6S 6* 6*S 6F 6FE 6AM 6FM 6Z 6Z* If the VOS data file does not provide a designation for a specific security, a “FE,” “AM,” “FM,” “Z”, “S” or “F” must follow the designation reported in this column. See flow chart in the Investment Schedules General Instructions for instruction on how to determine the NAIC Designation for structured securities. © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 58 SCHEDULE D – PART 2 – SECTION 1 PREFERRED STOCKS OWNED DECEMBER 31 OF CURRENT YEAR Stocks are to be grouped as listed below and arranged alphabetically, showing a subtotal for each category. If a reporting entity has any detail lines reported for any of the following required categories or subcategories, it shall report the subtotal amount of the corresponding category or subcategory, with the specified subtotal line number appearing in the same manner and location as the pre-printed total or grand total line and number: NOTE: See the Investment Schedule General Instructions for the following: Category definitions for stocks. Foreign Column code list and matrix for determining code. Code Column list of codes and definitions for securities not under the exclusive control of the reporting entity. List of stock exchange names and abbreviations. Category Line Number Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated) .................................................................................................................... 8499999 Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates ................................................................................................................................... 8599999 Total Preferred Stocks ..................................................................................................................................................... 8999999 Only transferable shares (i.e., can be bought and sold) of savings and loan or building and loan associations are to be reported in this schedule. Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 59 COMMON STOCKS OWNED DECEMBER 31 OF CURRENT YEAR Stocks are to be grouped as listed below and arranged alphabetically, showing a subtotal for each category. If a reporting entity has any detail lines reported for any of the following required categories or subcategories, it shall report the subtotal amount of the corresponding category or subcategory, with the specified subtotal line number appearing in the same manner and location as the pre-printed total or grand total line and number: NOTE: See the Investment Schedule General Instructions for the following: Category definitions for stocks. Foreign Column code list and matrix for determining code. Code Column list of codes and definitions for securities not under the exclusive control of the reporting entity. List of stock exchange names and abbreviations. Category Line Number Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated) .................................................................................................................... 9099999 Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates ................................................................................................................................... 9199999 Mutual Funds ................................................................................................................................................................... 9299999 Money Market Mutual Funds .......................................................................................................................................... 9399999 Total Common Stocks ..................................................................................................................................................... 9799999 Total Preferred and Common Stocks ............................................................................................................................... 9899999 Shares of all mutual funds, regardless of the underlying security, whether specialized or a mixture of bonds, stock, money market instruments or other type of investments, except those mutual funds as defined in the Purposes and Procedures Manual of the NAIC Securities Valuation Office that are reported in Schedule D, Part 1 or Schedule DA, Part 1, are considered to be shares of common stock and should be listed in the appropriate category of Mutual Funds or Money Market Mutual Funds. Only transferable shares (i.e., can be bought and sold) of savings and loan or building and loan associations are to be reported in this schedule. Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 60 SCHEDULE D – PART 3 LONG-TERM BONDS AND STOCKS ACQUIRED DURING CURRENT YEAR This schedule should include a detailed listing of all securities that were purchased/acquired during the current reporting year that are still owned as of the end of the current reporting year (amounts purchased and sold during the current reporting year are reported in detail on Schedule D, Part 5 and only in subtotal in Schedule D, Part 3). This should include all transactions that adjust the cost basis of the securities. Thus, it should not be used for allocations of TBAs to specific pools subsequent to initial recording in Schedule D, Part 3 or other situations such as CUSIP number changes. The following list of items provides examples of the items that should be included: Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space Class One Bond Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds, which are described in the Investment Schedules General Instructions, are to be included in Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated). Bonds are to be grouped as listed below and each category arranged alphabetically (securities included in U.S. States, Territories and Possessions; U.S. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions; and U.S. Special Revenue and Special Assessment Obligations and all Non-Guaranteed Obligations of Agencies and Authorities of Governments and Their Political Subdivisions should be listed with a state abbreviation in the column provided for electronic data capture). If a reporting entity has any detail lines reported for any of the following required categories or subcategories, it shall report the subtotal amount of the corresponding category or subcategory, with the specified subtotal line number appearing in the same manner and location as the pre-printed total or grand total line and number: NOTE: See the Investment Schedule General Instructions for the following: Category definitions for bonds and stocks. Foreign Column code list and matrix for determining code. Category Line Number Bonds: U.S. Governments ............................................................................................................................................. 0599999 All Other Governments ..................................................................................................................................... 1099999 U.S. States, Territories and Possessions (Direct and Guaranteed)..................................................................... 1799999 U.S. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions (Direct and Guaranteed)............................. 2499999 U.S. Special Revenue and Special Assessment Obligations and all Non-Guaranteed Obligations of Agencies and Authorities of Governments and Their Political Subdivisions ........................................ 3199999 Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated) ...................................................................................................... 3899999 Hybrid Securities ............................................................................................................................................... 4899999 Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates ..................................................................................................................... 5599999 Subtotals – Bonds – Part 3................................................................................................................................. 8399997 Summary item from Part 5 for Bonds................................................................................................................ 8399998 Subtotals – Bonds .............................................................................................................................................. 8399999 Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 61 SCHEDULE D – PART 4 LONG-TERM BONDS AND STOCKS SOLD, REDEEMED OR OTHERWISE DISPOSED OF DURING CURRENT YEAR This schedule should include a detailed listing of all securities that were sold/disposed of during the current reporting year that were owned as of the beginning of the current reporting year (amounts purchased and sold during the current reporting year are reported in detail on Schedule D, Part 5 and only in subtotal in Schedule D, Part 4). This should include all transactions that adjust the cost basis of the securities (except other than temporary impairments that are not part of a disposal transaction). Thus, it should not be used for allocations of TBAs to specific pools subsequent to initial recording in Schedule D, Part 3 or other situations such as CUSIP number changes. The following list of items provides examples of the items that should be included: Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space Bonds, preferred stocks and common stocks are to be grouped separately, showing a subtotal for each category. Class One Bond Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds, which are described in the Investment Schedules General Instructions, are to be included in Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated). Bonds are to be grouped as listed below and each category arranged alphabetically (securities included in U.S. States, Territories and Possessions; U.S. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions; and U.S. Special Revenue and Special Assessment Obligations and all Non-Guaranteed Obligations of Agencies and Authorities of Governments and Their Political Subdivisions should be listed with a state abbreviation in the column provided for electronic data capture). If a reporting entity has any detail lines reported for any of the following required categories or subcategories, it shall report the subtotal amount of the corresponding category or subcategory, with the specified subtotal line number appearing in the same manner and location as the pre-printed total or grand total line and number: NOTE: See the Investment Schedule General Instructions for the following: Category definitions for bonds and stocks. Foreign Column code list and matrix for determining code. Category Line Number Bonds: U.S. Governments ............................................................................................................................................. 0599999 All Other Governments ..................................................................................................................................... 1099999 U.S. States, Territories and Possessions (Direct and Guaranteed)..................................................................... 1799999 U.S. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions (Direct and Guaranteed)............................. 2499999 U.S. Special Revenue and Special Assessment Obligations and all Non-Guaranteed Obligations of Agencies and Authorities of Governments and Their Political Subdivisions ........................................ 3199999 Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated) ...................................................................................................... 3899999 Hybrid Securities ............................................................................................................................................... 4899999 Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates ..................................................................................................................... 5599999 Subtotals – Bonds – Part 4................................................................................................................................. 8399997 Summary item from Part 5 for Bonds................................................................................................................ 8399998 Subtotals – Bonds .............................................................................................................................................. 8399999 Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 62 SCHEDULE D – PART 5 LONG-TERM BONDS AND STOCKS ACQUIRED DURING THE YEAR AND FULLY DISPOSED OF DURING CURRENT YEAR This schedule should include a detailed listing of all securities that were both purchased/acquired and sold/disposed of during the current reporting year (amounts purchased and sold during the current reporting year are also reported in subtotals in Schedule D, Parts 3 and 4). Reporting entities should track information separately for securities purchased in different lots rather than using some type of averaging for the issue in aggregate. Thus, this schedule should only be used when an entire lot of a security has been purchased and sold during the current reporting year (even when different lots of the same security still exist on the reporting entity’s books). As with Schedule D, Parts 3 and 4, this schedule should not be used for a transaction unless it affects the cost basis of the securities. Thus, it should not be used for allocations of TBAs to specific pools subsequent to initial recording in Schedule D, Part 3 or other situations such as CUSIP number changes. Bonds, preferred stocks and common stocks are to be grouped separately, showing subtotals for each category. Bonds should be grouped and arranged alphabetically as described in the instructions for Schedule D, Part 1. (Securities included in U.S. States, Territories and Possessions; U.S. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions; and U.S. Special Revenue and Special Assessment Obligations and all Non-Guaranteed Obligations of Agencies and Authorities of Governments and Their Political Subdivisions should be listed with a state abbreviation in the column provided for electronic data capture). Class One Bond Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds that are described in the Investment Schedules General Instructions are to be included in Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated). If a reporting entity has any detail lines reported for any of the following required categories or subcategories, it shall report the subtotal amount of the corresponding category or subcategory, with the specified subtotal line number appearing in the same manner and location as the pre-printed total or grand total line number: NOTE: See the Investment Schedule General Instructions for the following: Category definitions for bonds and stocks. Foreign Column code list and matrix for determining code. Category Line Number Bonds: U.S. Governments ................................................................................................................................................................. 0599999 All Other Governments ......................................................................................................................................................... 1099999 U.S. States, Territories and Possessions (Direct and Guaranteed) ........................................................................................ 1799999 U.S. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions (Direct and Guaranteed)................................................. 2499999 U.S. Special Revenue and Special Assessment Obligations and all Non-Guaranteed Obligations of Agencies and Authorities of Governments and Their Political Subdivisions ........................................................... 3199999 Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated) .......................................................................................................................... 3899999 Hybrid Securities .................................................................................................................................................................. 4899999 Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates ........................................................................................................................................ 5599999 Subtotals – Bonds ................................................................................................................................................................. 8399998 Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 63 SCHEDULE DA – PART 1 SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS OWNED DECEMBER 31 OF CURRENT YEAR Include all investments whose maturities (or repurchase dates under repurchase agreement) at the time of acquisition were one year or less except those defined as cash or cash equivalents in accordance with SSAP No. 2, Cash, Drafts, and Short-term Investments. All short-term investments owned at December 3l of current year should be separated into bonds, mortgage loans, exempt money market funds, class one money market mutual funds, other short-term invested assets and investments in parent, subsidiaries and affiliates. Within each category, investments should be arranged alphabetically. Refer to SSAP No. 23, Foreign Currency Transactions and Translations, for accounting guidance related to foreign currency transactions and translations. If a reporting entity has any detail lines reported for any of the following required categories or subcategories, it shall report the subtotal amounts of the corresponding category or subcategory with the specified subtotal line number appearing in the same manner and location as the pre-printed total or grand total line and number: NOTE: See the Investment Schedule General Instructions for the following: Category definitions for bonds. Foreign Column code list and matrix for determining code. Code Column list of codes and definitions for securities not under the exclusive control of the reporting entity. Category Line Number Bonds: U.S. Governments Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 0199999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 0299999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 0399999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 0499999 Subtotals – U.S. Governments ............................................................................................................ 0599999 Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 64 SCHEDULE DL – PART 1 SECURITIES LENDING COLLATERAL ASSETS Reinvested Collateral Assets Owned December 31 Current Year This schedule should include a detailed listing of reinvested collateral assets that were owned as of the end of the current reporting year. For Schedule DL, reinvested collateral assets are collateral currently held as part of a securities lending program administered by the reporting entity or its agent (affiliated or unaffiliated) that can be resold or repledged. This is the currently held collateral, meaning original collateral if it is still in the original form received or the new invested asset resulting from the disposal and/or reinvestment of the original collateral. See SSAP No. 91R, Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities, for accounting guidance. Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space Class One Bond Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds, which are described in the Investment Schedules General Instructions, are to be included in Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated). If an insurer has any detail lines reported for any of the following required categories or subcategories, it shall report the subtotal amount of the corresponding category or subcategory, with the specified subtotal line number appearing in the same manner and location as the pre-printed total or grand total line and number: NOTE: See the Investment Schedule General Instructions for the following: Category definitions for bonds and stocks. Code Column list of codes and definitions for securities not under the exclusive control of the reporting entity. Flow Chart for determining the NAIC Designation for structured securities. List of stock exchange names and abbreviations. Category Line Number Bonds (Schedule D, Part 1 type): U.S. Governments Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 0199999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 0299999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 0399999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities ................................................................................... 0499999 Subtotals – U.S. Governments ............................................................................................................ 0599999 All Other Governments Issuer Obligations ............................................................................................................................... 0699999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 0799999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 0899999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 0999999 Subtotals – All Other Governments .................................................................................................... 1099999 U.S. States, Territories and Possessions (Direct and Guaranteed) Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 1199999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 1299999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 1399999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 1499999 Subtotals – U.S. States, Territories and Possessions (Direct and Guaranteed).................................... 1799999 © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 65 U.S. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions (Direct and Guaranteed) Issuer Obligations ............................................................................................................................... 1899999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 1999999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 2099999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 2199999 Subtotals – U.S. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions (Direct and Guaranteed) ................................................................................................... 2499999 U.S. Special Revenue and Special Assessment Obligations and all Non-Guaranteed Obligations of Agencies and Authorities of Governments and Their Political Subdivisions Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 2599999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 2699999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 2799999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 2899999 Subtotals – U.S. Special Revenue and Special Assessment Obligations and all Non-Guaranteed Obligations of Agencies and Authorities of Governments and Their Political Subdivisions ....................................................................................... 3199999 Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated) Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 3299999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 3399999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 3499999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 3599999 Subtotals – Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated) ..................................................................... 3899999 Hybrid Securities Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 4299999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 4399999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 4499999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 4599999 Subtotals – Hybrid Securities .............................................................................................................. 4899999 Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space Column 4 – NAIC Designation/Market Indicator The NAIC Designation/Market Indicator reported for this column should be determined in a manner consistent with the instructions of other schedules for the lines shown below: Lines 0199999 through 6599999 .................. Schedule D, Part 1, Column 6 Lines 6899999 through 7099999 .................. Schedule D, Part 2, Section 1, Column 20 Lines 7199999 through 7599999 .................. Schedule D, Part 2, Section 2, Column 17 Line 8899999 ................................................ Schedule BA, Part 1, Column 7 For Lines 8699999, 8799999, 8999999, 9099999, 9199999 and 9299999, the column should be left blank. See flow chart in the Investment Schedules General Instructions for instruction on how to determine the NAIC Designation for structured securities. Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 66 SCHEDULE DL – PART 2 SECURITIES LENDING COLLATERAL ASSETS Reinvested Collateral Assets Owned December 31 Current Year This schedule should include a detailed listing of reinvested collateral assets that were owned as of the end of the current reporting year. For Schedule DL, reinvested collateral assets are collateral currently held as part of a securities lending program administered by the reporting entity or its agent (affiliated or unaffiliated) that can be resold or repledged. This is the currently held collateral, meaning original collateral if it is still in the original form received or the new invested asset resulting from the disposal and/or reinvestment of the original collateral. See SSAP No. 91R, Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities, for accounting guidance. Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space Class One Bond Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds that are described in the Investment Schedules General Instructions are to be included in Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated). If an insurer has any detail lines reported for any of the following required categories or subcategories, it shall report the subtotal amount of the corresponding category or subcategory, with the specified subtotal line number appearing in the same manner and location as the pre-printed total or grand total line and number: NOTE: See the Investment Schedule General Instructions for the following: Category definitions for bonds and stocks. Code Column list of codes and definitions for securities not under the exclusive control of the reporting entity. Flow Chart for determining the NAIC Designation for structured securities. List of stock exchange names and abbreviations. Category Line Number Bonds (Schedule D, Part 1): U.S. Governments Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 0199999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 0299999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 0399999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities ................................................................................... 0499999 Subtotals – U.S. Governments ............................................................................................................ 0599999 All Other Governments Issuer Obligations ............................................................................................................................... 0699999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 0799999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 0899999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 0999999 Subtotals – All Other Governments .................................................................................................... 1099999 U.S. States, Territories and Possessions (Direct and Guaranteed) Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 1199999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 1299999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 1399999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 1499999 Subtotals – U.S. States, Territories and Possessions (Direct and Guaranteed).................................... 1799999 © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 67 U.S. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions (Direct and Guaranteed) Issuer Obligations ............................................................................................................................... 1899999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 1999999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 2099999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 2199999 Subtotals – U.S. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions (Direct and Guaranteed) ................................................................................................... 2499999 U.S. Special Revenue and Special Assessment Obligations and all Non-Guaranteed Obligations of Agencies and Authorities of Governments and Their Political Subdivisions Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 2599999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 2699999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 2799999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 2899999 Subtotals – U.S. Special Revenue and Special Assessment Obligations and all Non-Guaranteed Obligations of Agencies and Authorities of Governments and Their Political Subdivisions ....................................................................................... 3199999 Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated) Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 3299999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 3399999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 3499999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 3599999 Subtotals – Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated) ..................................................................... 3899999 Hybrid Securities Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 4299999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 4399999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 4499999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 4599999 Subtotals – Hybrid Securities .............................................................................................................. 4899999 Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space Column 4 – NAIC Designation/Market Indicator The NAIC Designation/Market Indicator reported for this column should be same for the security as reported in other schedules for the lines shown below: Lines 0199999 through 6599999 .................. Schedule D, Part 1, Column 6 Lines 6899999 through 7099999 .................. Schedule D, Part 2, Section 1, Column 20 Lines 7199999 through 7599999 .................. Schedule D, Part 2, Section 2, Column 17 Line 8899999 ................................................ Schedule BA, Part 1, Column 7 For Lines 8699999, 8799999, 8999999, 9099999, 9199999 and 9299999, the column should be left blank. See flow chart in the Investment Schedules General Instructions for instruction on how to determine the NAIC Designation for structured securities. Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 68 SCHEDULE E – PART 2 – CASH EQUIVALENTS List all investments owned whose maturities (or repurchase dates under repurchase agreement) at the time of acquisition were three months or less, and defined as cash equivalents in accordance with SSAP No. 2, Cash, Drafts, and Short-term Investments. Do not include Money Market Mutual Funds. Refer to SSAP No. 23, Foreign Currency Transactions and Translations, for accounting guidance related to foreign currency transactions and translations. If a reporting entity has any detail lines reported for any of the following required categories or subcategories, it shall report the subtotal amounts of the corresponding category or subcategory with the specified subtotal line number appearing in the same manner and location as the pre-printed total or grand total line and number: NOTE: See the Investment Schedule General Instructions for the following: Category definitions for bonds. Code Column list of codes and definitions for securities not under the exclusive control of the reporting entity. Category Line Number Bonds: U.S. Governments Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 0199999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 0299999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 0399999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 0499999 Subtotals – U.S. Governments ............................................................................................................ 0599999 Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 69 QUARTERLY STATEMENT INSTRUCTIONS – LIFE, HEALTH, PROPERTY, FRATERNAL & TITLE SCHEDULE D – PART 3 LONG-TERM BONDS AND STOCKS ACQUIRED DURING THE CURRENT QUARTER This schedule should include a detail listing of all securities that were purchased/acquired during the current reporting quarter. Detailed information for investments that are acquired and disposed of during the current reporting quarter should be included in this schedule and in Schedule D, Part 4. Note that this is not a detailed listing of items for the Year-to-Date. This should include all transactions that adjust the cost basis of the securities. Thus, it should not be used for allocations of TBAs to specific pools subsequent to initial recording in Schedule D, Part 3, or other situations such as CUSIP number changes. The following list of items provides examples of the items that should be included: Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space Bonds, preferred stocks and common stocks are to be grouped separately, showing a subtotal for each category. Class One Bond Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds, which are described in the Investment Schedules General Instructions, are to be included in Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated). Bonds are to be grouped as listed below and each category arranged alphabetically (securities included in U.S. States, Territories and Possessions; U.S. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions; and U.S. Special Revenue and Special Assessment Obligations and all Non-Guaranteed Obligations of Agencies and Authorities of Governments and Their Political Subdivisions should be listed with a state abbreviation in the column provided for electronic data capture). If a reporting entity has any detail lines reported for any of the following required categories or subcategories, it shall report the subtotal amount of the corresponding category or subcategory, with the specified subtotal line number appearing in the same manner and location as the pre-printed total or grand total line and number: NOTE: See the Investment Schedule General Instructions for the following: Category definitions for bonds and stocks. Foreign Column code list and matrix for determining code. Flow Chart for determining the NAIC Designation for structured securities. Category Line Number Bonds: U.S. Governments ............................................................................................................................................. 0599999 All Other Governments ..................................................................................................................................... 1099999 U.S. States, Territories and Possessions ............................................................................................................ 1799999 U.S. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions .................................................................... 2499999 U.S. Special Revenue and Special Assessment and all Non-Guaranteed Obligations of Agencies and Authorities of Governments and Their Political Subdivisions ............................................. 3199999 Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated) ...................................................................................................... 3899999 Hybrid Securities ............................................................................................................................................... 4899999 Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates ..................................................................................................................... 5599999 Subtotals – Bonds – Part 3................................................................................................................................. 8399997 Summary Item from Part 5 for Bonds (N/A to Quarterly)................................................................................. 8399998 Subtotals – Bonds .............................................................................................................................................. 8399999 Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 70 Column 10 – NAIC Designation or Market Indicator Enter the NAIC designation or market indicator at the end of the quarter for each security shown. for the meaning and applicability of suffixes and designations, please refer to the most recent version of the Purposes and Procedures Manual of the NAIC Securities Valuation Office Part One, Section 3. Long Term Bond NAIC Designations: Insert the NAIC designation for such security printed in the Valuations of Securities. Any NAIC designation that is not obtained from the current edition of the Valuations of Securities or its Supplement and that is entered by the reporting entity under its own judgment shall have the letter Z appended to the designation. Please note the following recently added suffixes. AM: ARO rated, modified designation: securities where the equivalent NAIC designation is modified by the insurer's carrying value FM: Financial modeling: NAIC designation is based on financial modeling, incorporating the insurer's carrying value for the security. For Class One Bond Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds, enter 1. Following is a matrix of the valid combinations of designations and suffixes for bonds. 1 1F 1FE 1AM 1FM 1Z 1Z* 2 2S 2F 2FE 2AM 2FM 2Z 2Z* 3 3S 4 4S 3F 3FE 3AM 3FM 3Z 3Z* 4F 4FE 4AM 4FM 4Z 4Z* 5 5S 5* 5*S 5F 5FE 5AM 5FM 5Z 5Z* 6 6S 6* 6*S 6F 6FE 6AM 6FM 6Z 6Z* If the VOS datafile does not provide a designation for a specific security, a “FE”, “AM”, “FM”, “Z”, “S” or “F” must follow the designation reported in this column. See flow chart in the Investment Schedules General Instructions for instruction on how to determine the NAIC Designation for structured securities. Preferred Stock NAIC Designations: Insert the NAIC designation for such security printed in the Valuations of Securities. Include the market indicator A, J, K, L, U or V at the end of the NAIC designation. Any NAIC designation that is not obtained from the current edition of the Valuations of Securities or its Supplement and that is entered by the reporting entity under its own judgment shall have the letter Z appended to the designation. Following is a matrix of the valid combinations of codes for preferred stock. Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 71 SCHEDULE D – PART 4 LONG-TERM BONDS AND STOCKS SOLD, REDEEMED OR OTHERWISE DISPOSED OF DURING THE CURRENT QUARTER This schedule should include a detail listing of all securities that were sold/disposed of during the current quarter that were owned as of the beginning of the current quarter. Detailed information for investments that are acquired and disposed of during the current reporting quarter should be included in this schedule and in Schedule D, Part 3. Note that this is not a detailed listing of items for the Year-to-Date. This should include all transactions that adjust the cost basis of the securities (except other than temporary impairments that are not part of a disposal transaction). Thus, it should not be used for allocations of TBAs to specific pools subsequent to initial recording in Schedule D, Part 3, or other situations such as CUSIP number changes. The following list of items provides examples of the items that should be included: Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space Bonds, preferred stocks and common stocks are to be grouped separately, showing a subtotal for each category. Class One Bond Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds, which are described in the Investment Schedules General Instructions, are to be included in Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated). Bonds are to be grouped as listed below and each category arranged alphabetically (securities included in U.S. States, Territories and Possessions; U.S. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions; and U.S. Special Revenue and Special Assessment Obligations and all Non-Guaranteed Obligations of Agencies and Authorities of Governments and Their Political Subdivisions should be listed with a state abbreviation in the column provided for electronic data capture). If a reporting entity has any detail lines reported for any of the following required categories or subcategories, it shall report the subtotal amount of the corresponding category or subcategory, with the specified subtotal line number appearing in the same manner and location as the pre-printed total or grand total line and number: NOTE: See the Investment Schedule General Instructions for the following: Category definitions for bonds and stocks. Foreign Column code list and matrix for determining code. Flow Chart for determining the NAIC Designation for structured securities. Category Line Number Bonds: U.S. Governments ............................................................................................................................................. 0599999 All Other Governments ..................................................................................................................................... 1099999 U.S. States, Territories and Possessions ............................................................................................................ 1799999 U.S. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions .................................................................... 2499999 U.S. Special Revenue and Special Assessment and all Non-Guaranteed Obligations of Agencies and Authorities of Governments and Their Political Subdivisions ............................................. 3199999 Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated) ...................................................................................................... 3899999 Hybrid Securities ............................................................................................................................................... 4899999 Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates ..................................................................................................................... 5599999 Subtotals – Bonds – Part 4................................................................................................................................. 8399997 Summary Item from Part 5 for Bonds (N/A to Quarterly)................................................................................. 8399998 Subtotals – Bonds .............................................................................................................................................. 8399999 Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 72 Column 22 – NAIC Designation or Market Indicator Enter the NAIC designation or market indicator at date of disposal for each security shown. Where multiple disposal transactions occurred for the same CUSIP, and those transactions are summarized on one line, enter the NAIC designation or market indicator for the last disposal using the last available designation. For the meaning and applicability of suffixes and designations, please refer to the most recent version of the Purposes and Procedures Manual of the NAIC Securities Valuation Office Part One, Section 3. Long Term Bond NAIC Designations: Insert the NAIC designation for such security printed in the Valuations of Securities. Any NAIC designation that is not obtained from the current edition of the Valuations of Securities or its Supplement and that is entered by the reporting entity under its own judgment shall have the letter Z appended to the designation. Please note the following recently added suffixes. AM: ARO rated, modified designation: securities where the equivalent NAIC designation is modified by the insurer's carrying value FM: Financial modeling: NAIC designation is based on financial modeling, incorporating the insurer's carrying value for the security. For Class One Bond Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds, enter 1. Following is a matrix of the valid combinations of designations and suffixes for bonds. 1 1F 1FE 1AM 1FM 1Z 1Z* 2 2S 2F 2FE 2AM 2FM 2Z 2Z* 3 3S 4 4S 3F 3FE 3AM 3FM 3Z 3Z* 4F 4FE 4AM 4FM 4Z 4Z* 5 5S 5* 5*S 5F 5FE 5AM 5FM 5Z 5Z* 6 6S 6* 6*S 6F 6FE 6AM 6FM 6Z 6Z* If the VOS datafile does not provide a designation for a specific security, an “FE", “AM”, “FM”, “Z”, “S” or “F” must follow the designation reported in this column. See flow chart in the Investment Schedules General Instructions for instruction on how to determine the NAIC Designation for structured securities. Preferred Stock NAIC Designations: Insert the NAIC designation for such security printed in the Valuations of Securities. Include the market indicator A, J, K, L, U or V at the end of the NAIC designation. Any NAIC designation that is not obtained from the current edition of the Valuations of Securities or its Supplement and that is entered by the reporting entity under its own judgment shall have the letter Z appended to the designation. Following is a matrix of the valid combinations of codes for preferred stock. Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 73 SCHEDULE DL – PART 1 SECURITIES LENDING COLLATERAL ASSETS Reinvested Collateral Assets Owned Current Statement Date This schedule should include a detailed listing of reinvested collateral assets that were owned as of the end of the current statement date. For Schedule DL reinvested collateral assets are collateral currently held as part of a securities lending program administered by the reporting entity or its agent (affiliated or unaffiliated) that can be resold or repledged. This is the currently held collateral, meaning original collateral if it is still in the original form received or the new invested asset resulting from the disposal and/or reinvestment of the original collateral. See SSAP No. 91R, Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities, for accounting guidance. Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space Class One Bond Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds, which are described in the Investment Schedules General Instructions, are to be included in Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated). If an insurer has any detail lines reported for any of the following required categories or subcategories, it shall report the subtotal amount of the corresponding category or subcategory, with the specified subtotal line number appearing in the same manner and location as the pre-printed total or grand total line and number: NOTE: See the Investment Schedule General Instructions for the following: Category definitions for bonds and stocks. Code Column list of codes and definitions for securities not under the exclusive control of the reporting entity. Flow Chart for determining the NAIC Designation for structured securities. Category Line Number Bonds (Schedule D, Part 1 type): U.S. Governments Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 0199999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 0299999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 0399999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 0499999 Subtotals – U.S. Governments ............................................................................................................ 0599999 All Other Governments Issuer Obligations ............................................................................................................................... 0699999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 0799999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 0899999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 0999999 Subtotals – All Other Governments .................................................................................................... 1099999 U.S. States, Territories and Possessions (Direct and Guaranteed) Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 1199999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 1299999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 1399999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 1499999 Subtotals – U.S. States, Territories and Possessions (Direct and Guaranteed).................................... 1799999 © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 74 U.S. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions (Direct and Guaranteed) Issuer Obligations ............................................................................................................................... 1899999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 1999999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 2099999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 2199999 Subtotals – U.S. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions (Direct and Guaranteed) ................................................................................................... 2499999 U.S. Special Revenue and Special Assessment Obligations and all Non-Guaranteed Obligations of Agencies and Authorities of Governments and Their Political Subdivisions Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 2599999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 2699999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 2799999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 2899999 Subtotals – U.S. Special Revenue and Special Assessment Obligations and all Non-Guaranteed Obligations of Agencies and Authorities of Governments and Their Political Subdivisions ....................................................................................... 3199999 Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated) Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 3299999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 3399999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 3499999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 3599999 Subtotals – Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated) ..................................................................... 3899999 Hybrid Securities Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 4299999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 4399999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 4499999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 4599999 Subtotals – Hybrid Securities .............................................................................................................. 4899999 Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space Column 4 – NAIC Designation/Market Indicator The NAIC Designation/Market Indicator reported for this column should be determined in a manner consistent with the instructions of other schedules for the lines shown below: Lines 0199999 through 6599999 .................. Schedule D, Part 1, Column 6 Lines 6899999 through 7099999 .................. Schedule D, Part 2, Section 1, Column 20 Lines 7199999 through 7599999 .................. Schedule D, Part 2, Section 2, Column 17 Line 8899999 ................................................ Schedule BA, Part 1, Column 7 For Lines 8699999, 8799999, 8999999, 9099999, 9199999 and 9299999, the column should be left blank. See flow chart in the Investment Schedules General Instructions for instruction on how to determine the NAIC Designation for structured securities. Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 75 SCHEDULE DL – PART 2 SECURITIES LENDING COLLATERAL ASSETS Reinvested Collateral Assets Owned Current Statement Date This schedule should include a detailed listing of reinvested collateral assets that were owned as of the end of the current statement date. For Schedule DL, reinvested collateral assets are collateral currently held as part of a securities lending program administered by the reporting entity or its agent (affiliated or unaffiliated) that can be resold or repledged This is the currently held collateral, meaning original collateral if it is still in the original form received or the new invested asset resulting from the disposal and/or reinvestment of the original collateral. See SSAP No. 91R, Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities, for accounting guidance. Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space Class One Bond Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds that are described in the Investment Schedules General Instructions are to be included in Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated). If an insurer has any detail lines reported for any of the following required categories or subcategories, it shall report the subtotal amount of the corresponding category or subcategory, with the specified subtotal line number appearing in the same manner and location as the pre-printed total or grand total line and number: NOTE: See the Investment Schedule General Instructions for the following: Category definitions for bonds and stocks. Code Column list of codes and definitions for securities not under the exclusive control of the reporting entity. Flow Chart for determining the NAIC Designation for structured securities. Category Line Number Bonds (Schedule D, Part 1): U.S. Governments Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 0199999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 0299999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 0399999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 0499999 Subtotals – U.S. Governments ............................................................................................................ 0599999 All Other Governments Issuer Obligations ............................................................................................................................... 0699999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 0799999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 0899999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 0999999 Subtotals – All Other Governments .................................................................................................... 1099999 U.S. States, Territories and Possessions (Direct and Guaranteed) Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 1199999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 1299999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 1399999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 1499999 Subtotals – U.S. States, Territories and Possessions (Direct and Guaranteed).................................... 1799999 © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 76 U.S. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions (Direct and Guaranteed) Issuer Obligations ............................................................................................................................... 1899999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 1999999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 2099999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 2199999 Subtotals – U.S. Political Subdivisions of States, Territories and Possessions (Direct and Guaranteed) ................................................................................................... 2499999 U.S. Special Revenue and Special Assessment Obligations and all Non-Guaranteed Obligations of Agencies and Authorities of Governments and Their Political Subdivisions Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 2599999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 2699999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 2799999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 2899999 Subtotals – U.S. Special Revenue and Special Assessment Obligations and all Non-Guaranteed Obligations of Agencies and Authorities of Governments and Their Political Subdivisions ....................................................................................... 3199999 Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated) Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 3299999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 3399999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 3499999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 3599999 Subtotals – Industrial and Miscellaneous (Unaffiliated) ..................................................................... 3899999 Hybrid Securities Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 4299999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 4399999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 4499999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 4599999 Subtotals – Hybrid Securities .............................................................................................................. 4899999 Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space Column 4 – NAIC Designation/Market Indicator The NAIC Designation/Market Indicator reported for this column should be same for the security as reported in other schedules for the lines shown below: Lines 0199999 through 6599999 .................. Schedule D, Part 1, Column 6 Lines 6899999 through 7099999 .................. Schedule D, Part 2, Section 1, Column 20 Lines 7199999 through 7599999 .................. Schedule D, Part 2, Section 2, Column 17 Line 8899999 ................................................ Schedule BA, Part 1, Column 7 For Lines 8699999, 8799999, 8999999, 9099999, 9199999 and 9299999, the column should be left blank. See flow chart in the Investment Schedules General Instructions for instruction on how to determine the NAIC Designation for structured securities. Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 77 SCHEDULE E – PART 2 – CASH EQUIVALENTS INVESTMENTS OWNED END OF CURRENT QUARTER List all investments owned whose maturities (or repurchase dates under repurchase agreement) at the time of acquisition were three months or less, as defined as cash equivalents in accordance with SSAP No. 2, Cash, Drafts, and Short-term Investments. Do not include Money Market Mutual Funds. Refer to SSAP No. 23, Foreign Currency Transactions and Translations, for accounting guidance related to foreign currency transactions and translations. If an insurer has any detail lines reported for any of the following required categories or subcategories, it shall report the subtotal amounts of the corresponding category or subcategory with the specified subtotal line number appearing in the same manner and location as the pre-printed total or grand total line and number: NOTE: See the Investment Schedule General Instructions for the following: Category definitions for bonds. Foreign Column code list and matrix for determining code. Category Line Number Bonds: U.S. Governments Issuer Obligations................................................................................................................................ 0199999 Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ............................................................................................ 0299999 Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities ........................................................................................... 0399999 Other Loan-Backed and Structured Securities .................................................................................... 0499999 Subtotals – U.S. Government Bonds ................................................................................................... 0599999 Detail Eliminated To Conserve Space W:\QA\BlanksProposals\2012-07BWG.doc © 2012 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 78