Notes 5: The Cell Membrane & Membrane Transport

Lecture 13: The Cell Membrane
These notes should correlate with chapter 5 of your Starr/Taggart textbook.
Cell membrane separates living cell from nonliving surroundings
barrier = 8nm thick
Controls traffic in & out of the cell
some substances to cross more easily than others
hydrophobic vs hydrophilic
Made of phospholipids, proteins & other macromolecules
Fatty acid tails
Phosphate group head
Arranged as a bilayer
Phospholipid Bilayer
 Polar hydrophilic heads touch the cell’s aqueous outside environment
 Non-polar hydrophobic tails
 Polar hydrophilic heads touch the cells aqueous internal environment
More Than Just Lipids…
In 1972, S.J. Singer & G. Nicolson proposed that membrane proteins are inserted into the
phospholipid bilayer
Fluid Mosaic Model – “proteins floating in a sea of lipid”
Membrane is a collage of proteins & other molecules embedded in the fluid matrix of the
lipid bilayer
**The carbohydrates are not inserted into the membrane -- they are too hydrophilic for
that. They are attached to embedded proteins -- glycoproteins.
Membrane Fat Composition Varies
Fat composition affects flexibility
membrane must be fluid & flexible
about as fluid as thick salad oil
% unsaturated fatty acids in phospholipids
keep membrane less viscous
cold-adapted organisms, like winter wheat
increase % in autumn
cholesterol in membrane
Membrane Proteins
Proteins determine membrane’s specific functions
membrane & organelle membranes each have unique collections of proteins
Membrane proteins:
loosely bound to surface of membrane
cell surface identity marker (antigens)
penetrate lipid bilayer, usually across whole membrane
transmembrane protein
transport proteins
channels, permeases (pumps)
Classes of Amino Acids
 Nonpolar, hydrophobic
 Polar, hydrophilic
Protein Domains Anchor Molecule (meaning the polarity anchors them in the membrane)
Within membrane
nonpolar amino acids
anchors protein into membrane
On outer surfaces of membrane
polar amino acids
extend into extracellular fluid & into cytosol
 water channel in bacteria
 proton pump channel in photosynthetic bacteria
o function through conformational change = shape change
Many Functions of Membrane Proteins
 Transporter, Enzyme Activity, Cell Surface Receptor, Cell Identity Marker, Cell Adhesion,
Attachment to the Cytoskeleton
Membrane Carbohydrates (oligosaccharides)
Play a key role in cell-cell recognition
ability of a cell to distinguish one cell from another
important in organ & tissue development
basis for rejection of foreign cells by immune system