business law - Canton Area School District

Contact Information: Mr. Robert Rockwell, Room 116, Canton High School 673-5134
Availability: I am in my classroom by 8:00 am in the morning and I will stay after if a student makes a
prearranged appointment for extra work. I am also available during my preparation period.
Course Description: Business Law is a full year course in which students will be taught enough about law
to guard themselves in ordinary everyday transactions. It is an attempt to aid the student in carrying out
his/her daily business. After successfully completing Business Law, a student will earn 1 credit toward
graduation. This course fits as an elective in our graduation requirements. The course uses the text, Law for
Business with an accompanying workbook. We also will conduct a mock trial during the year.
Discipline procedures: Canton Area School District rules and procedures are followed. Students will
receive a copy of specific rules and procedures, which require a student signature and a parent/guardian
Respect, courtesy, and manners are important traits to succeed in the world of work and are what the
Business Department is preparing students for; students will demonstrate those qualities in the classroom in
preparation for life after high school. Because my room is also a computer lab, food and drinks are not
permitted in the room.
If discipline problems arise and persist, parents and administration are notified.
Students are to come to class every day prepared for class. That includes a pencil, tablet paper, notebook
with Business Law notes, textbook, and workbook. Homework is assigned on a daily basis. It is also grades
daily and entered on the school’s grading system. The assigned work must be completed by the next school
day unless of absence, then it is due the following day. Any late work will be given ½ the grade value.
Unit quizzes and tests will be given after each chapter/unit.
BUSINESS LAW is taught on the block schedule, thus it is broken down into 2-9week periods or 1
Unit 1- Law, Justice, and You-This unit gives students a background into how law was developed and
how our system of law works today. Chapters 1-6 are included in this unit and this lasts approximately 6
weeks. Among topics covered include: The Shield of the Constitution, Ethics in Our Law, Kinds of Law,
Enforcing the Law, Crimes, and Torts.
Unit 2- Special Laws for Special Groups- Chapters 7-9 are covered in this unit and involves Laws for
Minors, Laws for Families, and Law for Consumers. These chapters take approximately 3 weeks.
Unit 3- Contracts: Making Binding Agreements- Chapters 10-14 are covered in this unit and involves
Offer and Acceptance, Mutual Consideration, Void and Voidable Agreements, Proper Form, and Ending
Contractual Obligations. These chapters take approximately5 weeks to complete.
Unit 4- Protecting Against Loss- These Chapters involve General Kinds of Insurances, Casualty
Insurance, Car insurance, Social Insurance, and Life Insurance. Insurance is a reality that all people will
have to deal with at some point of their lives and this helps them prepare for those times. This takes
approximately 3 weeks to complete.
Unit 5- Property Laws- This is a short unit that deals with property ownership and rights involved with
ownership of that property. Possession of Personal Property (Bailments) will also be discussed. This unit
takes approximately 1 week to complete.
Assessments Used: Practice Jobs, Applying Law Questions for Everyday Life, Case Problems,
Strengthening Your Legal Vocabulary, Class Discussions on Ethical/Legal Issues, quizzes and tests will be
used for assessment.
The National Business Law Standards in correlation with the Pennsylvania standards for Economics will be
Standard 1- Basics of the Law
Standard 2- Contract Law, Law of Sales, and Consumer Law
Standard 3- Business Organization
Standard 4- Property Law
Standard 5- Domestic Relations Law
Standard 6- Insurance