Faculty Advising Sheet - University of Maryland

Faculty Mentoring Form
University of Maryland
Department of Geography
To: Geography Advising Office
RE: Faculty mentoring
Please provide the following information (to be completed by the student prior to meeting with faculty advisor):
Student ID:
Name of faculty advisor:
Class Standing:
Student/Faculty Discussion Questions:
Courses you are considering
for next semester:
Graduation date:
Job interests:
Study abroad interests:
Internship inquiries:
Graduate school interests:
I have met with the student and discussed his/her program and/or career plans.
Signature of Faculty Mentor
Additional comments:
Faculty Advisors Please Note: Transcripts for advising purposes cannot be released without the student’s permission.
Students can access their unofficial transcripts through Testudo online at http://www.testudo.umd.edu/apps/uotrans/. To
view a student’s transcript you may ask the student to bring a copy of his/her unofficial transcript to the advising meeting,
or while the student is there, you may ask for the student’s permission to look at his/her transcript during the advising
Note: Geography majors are required to meet with an advisor in the Undergraduate Advising Office each semester and
are required to meet with a faculty advisor at least once per academic semester.