
MWC Meeting Minutes
January 6, 2009
In attendance: Bonnie Adams, Jill Auditori, Cissy Beck, Rebecca Brouwer, DG Eide,
Sarah Elder, Allie Littell, Jennifer Mock, Erin Nelson, Tracy Page, Robyn Pettigrew, Kelli
Potter, Suzanne Ramey, Denise Snyder, Judy Taylor, Terry Watkins, Erin Weinland,
Susan Watters, Kim Moore (guest), Diana Dust (guest), Faith Carter (guest), Joanne
Hodgton (guest), Carmel Knight (guest), and Amy Keeter - District 4 President (guest)
♣Call to order and welcome by Kelli Potter
♣Meeting Minutes – Rebecca read the December minutes. Typically, minutes are
available on the website ( shortly after each meeting.
♣Treasurer’s Report – We have $3991.54 in the main account, $135.32 in the
garden account, and $1523.49 in the Mebane on the Move account.
♣Erin Nelson was recognized for her 5 years of service to the club.
♣2009 New Members were initiated (Sarah Elder, Susan Waters, Jill Auditori, and
DG Eide). New members to the club that were unable to attend the January
meeting were Elaine Bixby and Carri St. Germain.
♣2009 Officers were elected. For president, Suzanne Ramey made a motion to
accept Rebecca Brouwer and DG Eide seconded. For Vice President, Suzanne
Ramey made a motion to accept Bonnie Adams and Rebecca Brouwer
seconded. For Secretary, Suzanne Ramey made a motion to accept Erin Nelson
and Denise Snyder seconded. For Treasurer, Suzanne Ramey made a motion
to accept Denise Snyder and Rebecca Brouwer seconded.
♣Old Business: Members of the club are encouraged to attend the District IV
Meeting and the District Arts Festival.
♣New Business:
♣Meals on Wheels – Suzanne will circulate the MOW calendar.
♣Friends of the Library Reception - The Friends of the Library and Alamance
Reads are holding a reception on January 31st at 7 p.m. to honor Joyce
Moyer Hostetter’s book, Blue (visit this website to see more about the
book - They wanted the Woman’s Club to help
hostess the event. We agreed to provide punch and finger desserts,
prepared by members. Terry Watkins will be our chairman.
♣Swim Meet – Thursday, 1/15, from 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. We are looking for
volunteers for the first home swim meet of the Eastern Alamance Eagles.
Contact Bonnie for more information.
♣Next meeting – Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 3 rd.
Mebane Woman’s Club
February Meeting, February 3, 2009
Attendees: Bonnie Adams, Rebecca Brouwer, Faith Carter, DG Eide, Sarah Elder, Jen
Mock, Erin Nelson, Tracy Page, Beth Payne, Kelli Potter, Suzanne Ramey, Denise
Snyder, Judy Taylor, Susan Watters, Terry Watkins, Becky Malone (guest)
•Rebecca Brouwer called the meeting to order
•January Minutes (Erin Nelson) – the minutes from the January 6th meeting were
passed around the meeting. The minutes can be found on the club website
•Treasurer’s Report (Denise Snyder) – A full treasurers report is attached to the
oMain account – $2844.04
oMebane on the Move (MOTM) - $1473.49
oGarden Account - $135.32
oScholarship CD - $2114.77
•Alamance Reads (Terry Watkins) – Good event, around 150 people attended but
not much interest was shown in MWC. All agreed that it was still a good
community service event.
•Community Garden (Rebecca) – Approximately 6-7 plots remain for the 2009
season. The Eagle Scout that has volunteered to build a shed is currently getting
approval through scouting. The shed may be finished in March – May.
•Loaves & Fishes (Suzanne Ramey) – new location has opened at 408 W. Center
St. They are open TWR 10-12 and are now online!
•Meals on Wheels (Suzanne) – new sign-up. See Suzanne for details. Suzanne
proposed that the MWC provide items for MOW birthdays in the month of April.
Denise seconded the motion.
•Jennifer Mock brought to the attention of the members that donations are being
collected on February 7th at BMOC for a variety of organizations.
•Mebane on the Move (Rebecca) –
oErin and Bonnie Adams volunteered as timers at the Eastern High School
swim meet on January 15th.
oUpcoming nutrition/food event on March 28th from 10-noon. Food judges
are needed at the new Burlington Senior Center. A sign-up sheet is
passed around.
oFuture MOTM – Large event on September 12th. Will include a 5k and 10k
race and a family fun run (Mad Dash). 6 subcommittees have been
formed and help is needed: 1. advertising 2. sponsors 3. race 4.
registration 5. volunteers 6. mad dash
oJen proposed that MOTM donate $300 to Eastern High School swim team to
cover the cost of timers. Bonnie seconded the motion. The motion carried
with a majority vote.
•Literacy initiative (Jen) oMarch 2nd is Dr. Seuss Read America day. Jen asked for individuals to
volunteer their time on this day to go into classes and read.
oBonnie proposed that the MWC scholarship to Alamance Community
College for a Mebane woman who is going back into the workforce or
upgrading her education begin this summer. Erin N. seconded the
•Suzanne made a motion to donate $50 to the Woodlawn Historical Society for use
of their building as a meeting place. Jen seconded. The motion carried with a
majority vote. Our new meeting place as of March will be the Mebane Masonic
Lodge located at 309 Center Street, Mebane.
•Please update your information on our 2009 MWC information sheet.
•Announcements (Rebecca) – We will discuss the Whitener Scholarship in Piano
next year; 2009 District Arts Festival will be February 28th; Grants – Jen is going
to apply for a literacy grant from GFWC and Erin N. will look into other grants;
Step for the Roses starts February 14th.
•Quarterly board meetings are now being held. The minutes are published on the
•Bonnie proposed that the MWC have a children’s area at the Dogwood Festival this
year (April 25th). Denise seconded the motion. Kelli agreed to act as chair.
•Jen will take care of getting in touch with Pleasant Grove Elementary about the
$400 check that was not cashed in 2008.
•Bonnie made a motion to accept the minutes from our January meeting. Denise
seconded the motion.
Mebane Woman’s Club
March Meeting, March 3rd, 2009
Attendees: Rebecca Brouwer, DG Eide, Cathy Lambert, Allie Littell, Jen Mock, Erin
Nelson, Suzanne Ramey, Denise Snyder, Judy Taylor
•Rebecca Brouwer called the meeting to order.
•February Minutes (Erin Nelson) – the minutes from the February 3rd meeting were
passed around the meeting. The minutes can be found on the club website
•Treasurer’s Report (Denise Snyder) – A full treasurers report is attached to the
minutes (Finance_report3_09.doc).
oMain account – $3899.04
oMebane on the Move (MOTM) - $1173.49
oGarden Account - $435.32
oFour pending reimbursements were approved.
oPostage for our yearly reports from USPS (motion made by Suzanne,
seconded by Rebecca)
o2008 President’s gift from Elite Nails (motion made by Suzanne,
seconded by DG)
oRenewal of the Community Garden Website (motion made by
Suzanne, seconded by Erin)
oCompost buckets to be bought from the garden account (motion
made by Suzanne, seconded by Erin)
•Community Garden (Rebecca)
oAll plots for the 2009 season have been rented. Several new families have
joined along with some girl scout troops.
oThe Eagle Scout that has volunteered to build a shed is currently getting
approval through scouting. The shed may be finished in March – May.
oWe are looking for new ideas for the garden money, perhaps compost bins
for community members or somehow involving the local schools.
Suggestions are welcomed.
oThe garden is in need of a lawn mower and garden tools. If you have
something to donate, please contact Rebecca.
oWe need to investigate the $300 deposit made to the garden account –
perhaps should have gone into MOTM.
•Mebane on the Move (Rebecca) –
oFuture MOTM – Large event on September 12th. Will include a 5k and 10k
race and a family fun run (Mad Dash). 6 subcommittees have been
formed and help is needed: 1. advertising 2. sponsors 3. race 4.
registration 5. volunteers 6. mad dash
oThe routes for the 5k and 10k races were approved by the Mebane City
Council, the next step is the DOT.
oA MOTM committee meeting is scheduled for March 7th.
•Literacy initiative (Jen) oMarch 2nd was Dr. Seuss Read America day. Jen asked for individuals to
volunteer their time on this day to go into classes and read. So far Tracy
Page, Jen Mock, and Erin Nelson have reported hours.
oJen submitted a grant for nonfiction, leveled readers for the local GED
•Dogwood Festival (April 24th – 26th) – we will be in charge of a children’s area at
the annual street fair. More information to come.
New Business
•Two MWC members are participating in fundraiser/walks. If you are interested in
helping please contact Bonnie Adams (March of Dimes) or Nikki Garrard (Crohns
& Colitis Foundation). The MWC pledged $25 to each cause (motion made by
Suzanne, seconded by Rebecca).
•The MWC webpage will soon have a new section describing other causes near and
dear to our members’ hearts. If you would like a cause added to the page please
contact Erin Nelson.
•Suzanne attended the district meeting and reported that the MWC was honored for
their increase in membership!
•Please update your information on our 2009 MWC information sheet.
•Judy made a motion to accept the minutes from our February meeting. Denise
seconded the motion.
MWC Meeting 4/7/09
Rebecca, Bonnie, Denise, Tracy, Suzanne, DG
Community Garden Update: Rebecca
Still need signups for mowing/weeding. See Rebecca to volunteer.
Eagle scout is out for the shed. Suzanne made a motion, which Bonnie 2nd, to give
Rebecca and Denise the authority to spend up to $700 from the garden account to
purchase and install a shed. Vote passed unanimously.
Rebecca gave a lecture to girl scouts on gardening, and spent 7.56 on seeds. Denise
motioned and Tracy 2nd to reimburse for the cost of the seeds.
Irrigation is under repair.
Additional compost buckets have been purchased.
St. Marks Church would like to provide volunteers to assist in community projects during
May 15/16. Rebecca applied for folks to build benches and install a cut flower bed
along the fence inside the garden. Flowers would be cultivated by garden members
and sent to local nursing homes.
There is an annual hospice plant sale which will donate some perennials for the bed.
Woodlawn School is also having a bulb sale so we would like to purchase additional
bulbs from them. Proceeds of the sale go to Woodlawn Arts program which counts
towards our Arts department. Motion to spend $200 from the main account to purchase
bulbs made by Suzanne, Bonnie 2nd, approved.
Treasurers Report: Denise
Main account $3808.84.
Mebane on the Move $1473.49.
Garden account $996.62
Mebane on the Move Update: Rebecca
Sarah working on getting the 5k and10k certified and posted on
There was a recent committee meeting focused on increasing participation in the “Mad
Dash”. Elaine/Bonnie/Annie are spearheading this. One initiative is to get a
competition between the schools. The school that has the most participants would get
$750 to be spent on fitness equipment. The individual classroom with the most
participants would also receive a prize.
Still need volunteers for Dogwood 5K.
Annie working on Community Fitness Coalition and is making progress.
There was discussion about purchasing Mebane on the Move T-shirts for members to
wear to Mebane on the Move events. The idea was for the club to purchase 25 shirts
not to exceed $300. Members would pay $1 for the shirts, and agree to donate a
certain number of hours at a Mebane on the Move event. Bonnie made the motion,
Suzanne 2nd, approved by unanimous vote.
Suzanne has been working on making contact with Girls on the Run regarding our
interest in working with them. Annie and Suzanne will complete the training and
conduct the 12 week program with a group of girls. Concern was expressed that each
girl has to pay $75 to participate in the program. We talked about working with the girls
to throw a fundraiser to raise $ to help offset all/part of their $75 fee.
Dogwood Festival:
Volunteers still needed to work our booth which will provide kids activities. Supplies
also needed, and sign up sheet passed around.
New Business: Rebecca
There was a discussion of how to improve attendance at meeting. Rebecca will email
members to get their thoughts on possibly changing our meeting night, adding more
social activities, or other ideas to help members attend more regularly.
Meals on Wheels is in need of donations of small items to be used for birthday presents
for clients. Small note pads, sample size personal items, etc. If anyone has something
to donate, please contact Suzanne.
Motion was made by Bonnie and 2nd Denise to accept minutes from previous meeting.
Meeting Adjourned by Rebecca.
MWC Meeting 5/5/09
Judy Taylor, Beth Payne, Tracy Page, Rebecca Brouwer, Erin Nelson, Denise Snyder,
Becky Malone, Kelli Potter, Susan Waters, Bonnie Adams, Jen Mock, Suzanne Ramey,
Faith Carter, Erin Weinland
Treasurers Report: Denise
Main account $3808.84
Mebane on the Move $1473.49
Garden account $996.62
Reimbursement for Website $19.01 to Erin Nelson; motion made by Tracy, seconded by
Full Treasurer’s Report here
Mebane Community Garden
The shed is up and a mower is in the shed (donated by Denise). We need a gas can
and garden tools. The Burlington Times-News is writing a story about community
gardens and will feature the MCG. St. Marks’ community day will help build benches
and flower beds.
Mebane on the Move Update: Rebecca
We need committee members. The 5k and 10k are mapped and ready. The Mad Dash
will be a competition for local schools – the winning school will receive a $750 grant for
athletic equipment. MOTM members volunteered at the Dogwood 5k.
Dogwood Festival:
We had an arts & crafts tent with LOTS of kids! More member participation needed
next year.
Literacy initiative
They need literacy volunteers for their citizen, ESL and GED classes. Have not heard
anything about the grant yet.
Kristy Edwards Memorial Softball Tournament
May 30th – need volunteers, please see Allie Littell
Hunger Initiative
Loaves & Fishes needs volunteers – perhaps combine a meeting & pack bags on the
1st Tuesday of each month.
107th Annual Convention of the GFWC-NC
Suzanne reported to the members that the bylaws and resolutions were passed. In
addition – MWC received FOUR different awards:
•GFWC-NC Mebane Woman’s Club winner of the Whitener Membership Tray for
Greatest Net Increase in Club Membership
•GFWC-NC Mebane Woman’s Club winner of the William Y. Preyer Bowl for
Greatest Percentage Club Membership Increase
•GFWC-NC Mebane Woman’s Club winner of the Dotty Shoffner Bread & Butter
Plate for Focus on Health ~ Category II for the Mebane on the Move Project.
•GFWC-NC Mebane Woman’s Club winner of the Maude D. Bunn Coffee Pot, for
Reaching Out Internationally ~ Category II. For The Suubi (hope) Project at
Dogwood Festival.
For more information on the convention and these awards, click here!
Fall Fundraiser
A motion was made by Bonnie, seconded by Erin W. that the fall fundraiser would
benefit the MWC Scholarship fund.
The minutes were approved - motion was made by Bonnie and 2nd Denise to accept.
Meeting Adjourned by Rebecca.
**Becky Malone joined the club on 5/5/09**
Mebane Woman’s Club
Executive Meeting Minutes
May 21, 2009
In attendance: Rebecca Brouwer, Suzanne Ramey, Denise Snyder, Bonnie Adams, DG
Eide, Nancy Hoser
♣Historical Society – The group discussed potential partnering with the Mebane
Historical Society. The MHS is coming to speak in June and officers wanted to
have a sense of what we could offer before they came.
♣Fall fundraiser – The group discussed plans for the Fall Fundraiser, where monies
will go to benefit our scholarship. The date is tentatively set for October 24th, but
no deposit is required yet since no one else is competing for that date. Suzanne
is touching base with Amy Pendergraff and if we need a deposit, she will contact
♣Attendance – Rebecca summarized the feedback from MWC members regarding
plans for increasing attendance at meetings. While it will need to be voted on at
the annual meeting, MWC members seemed to like the idea of moving meetings
to Monday evenings. Rebecca will bring this up at the June meeting so people
are aware that if they want to weigh in on the vote for this, they will need to plan
to be present for the annual meeting. MWC members also liked the idea of a
social attached to the meetings.
♣Finances – Denise reported that bank balances are looking good and the register
is accurate. Suzanne will provide her with a night deposit bag so the deposits
can become a bit more convenient.
♣Food pantry – Suzanne reminded the group that the club will be convening at 6pm
at the Loaves and Fishes building prior to our next June MWC meeting.
Rebecca will include this in the next reminder to the club.
June 2, 2009
In Attendance: Beth, Rebecca, Sarah, Tracy, Judy, Suzanne, Becky, Bonnie, Denise,
Call to Order and introduction of speakers: Rebecca
Speakers Ellen Lawrence and Lennie Stout of the Mebane Historical Society gave a
history of how the society came to exist and shared plans for the opening of their new
space provided by the city. They are trying to raise $40,000 for their budget this year
and would love to add us to their membership, work with us on fundraisers, donations or
be able to count on us for volunteers for some of their projects. Mentioned their grand
opening which will be in a few months.
They meet at the Arts Council Meting Room on the 3rd Monday of each month.
Treasurer’s Report: Denise
Main2009_06.xls, Garden2009_06.xls, MOTM2009_06.xls
Reimbursements voted on were:
$23.54 to Rebecca for flower bulbs for the bed at the community garden
$18.54 to Erin for MOTM domain renewal
Motions were made by Suzanne and 2nd by Sarah to approve reimbursements, and
passed by unanimous vote.
Mebane on the Move: Rebecca
- Discussed sponsorship levels and commitments. Not sure how much we have yet, but
deadline is soon and goal is $3000 to cover costs.
- Decided to change wording on Mad Dash school prize from most participants to
greatest participation so we can calculate the % of students who participated so larger
schools don’t have an advantage over smaller ones.
- Suggestions from the floor for additional sponsors to contact: Radio Shack, Ciao
Pizza, BlueCross Blue Shield, Sheetz, Iron Gate
- Discussed having a water sprinkler at the end of the Mad Dash and possibly fun fruit.
Concern raised about how long the sprinkler would encourage people to hang around
and whether the health dept. would object to food being served. This was tabled for
further discussion by the committee.
Meals on Wheels- needed an additional club member to work with Becky for June 4 th.
Bonnie volunteered.
Fall Fundraiser:
Rebecca reported that Kelli and Jen would be chairs of the event, but would like an
additional person(s). Becky and Judy volunteered.
Suzanne reported that the Arts and Community center was available on Oct. 24 for our
fundraiser. The rent is $250 for 5 hours for the gymnasium area. We can serve
beer/wine and are required to have 2 security guards on duty. Music has to be off by
11:30 and everyone out by 12:00. Rent includes 300 chairs and 20-6ft tables or we can
get round tables for an extra $5 each. Attendees must be 21 and a non-refundable
deposit needs to be made. Motion was made by Bonnie and 2nd by Erin to pay the
deposit, and passed by unanimous vote.
Conservator’s Center is having an event “Wine in the Wild” at Irongate and wanted to
invite club members to attend.
MWC Meeting Minutes
July 7, 2009
In Attendance: DG Eide, Denise Snyder, Tracy Page, Kelli Potter, Judy Taylor, Susan
Waters, Suzanne Ramey, Becky Malone, Rebecca Brower
Guests: Faith Carter, Sylvia Sichi
Call to Order : Rebecca
Minutes: Minutes for June meeting were not available in printed form, but posted on the
web. A vote on approval was tabled until the next monthly meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Denise
Main2009_07.xls, Garden2009_07.xls, MOTM2009_07.xls
Reimbursements voted on were:
$86.46 to Rebecca for giant Dry Erase Check
Motion by D.G. and 2nd by Judy to approve reimbursements, and passed by unanimous
Mebane on the Move: Rebecca/ Denise
- (4) 10K registrations so far
- Sponsorship $ Goal surpassed including 3 at the top level of $500 and 2 more with
over $500 in donated goods
- Discussed request by Mebane Running Club to have their logo added to the t-shirt
though they are not technically donating $ at the Silver level. They are directing the
runners from their “new runner” program to enter the 5K, which will be $150-$200 in
race entry fees. In addition, they are actively publicizing the event through email and
their website. Since we don’t have a “non-profit” sponsorship level, the group voted that
their efforts would qualify to have their logo added.
- The club will award our first scholarship this week. An email was sent out with the
details. Anyone who can attend a photo op is invited.
Hunger Initiatives:
Meals on Wheels:
- July will be Kelly and Becky. Suzanne reported we are covered through November.
- Suzanne will look into the cost of sponsoring a person for Meals on Wheels for a year.
- Becky and Bonnie suggested gathering art supplies for Billie, and having our kids
make pictures for him.
- Club Members are invited to pack bags at the food pantry again in August prior to the
monthly meeting (6:00-6:50)
Stop Hunger Now:
- International effort to supply food. Meet and pack up individual meals that are then
shipped abroad. There will be an event at the Community Center in October and they
are looking for organizations to sponsor 1000 meals ($250), and volunteers to pack.
- Bonnie made a motion to donate $250 to this cause, and Suzanne 2 nd. Vote carried
the motion.
Fall Fundraiser:
Becky and committee made the following suggestions:
Theme: Micro Boo (to go with Halloween time—costumes optional)
Food: Oktoberfest food
Drink: Will approach beer distributors and/or retailers to serve a variety of microbrews.
Entertainment: Discussed having a band rather than DJ to add interest.
Budget: Rebecca will provide budget worksheet from last year’s Casino night to help
guide financial projections for the event. Goal is to make $2000.
Event must be done and everyone out by midnight according to contract with the
community center.
Meeting Adjourned by Rebecca.
August 2009 MWC Meeting minutes
Attendance: Bonnie Adams, Rebecca Brouwer, DG Eide, Sarah Elder, Becky Malone,
Suzanne Ramey, Denise Snyder, Judy Taylor, Erin Weinland, Susan Watters, Sylvia
Conservation Initiatives (MCG):
Suzanne Ramey moved to not exceed $200 for a mower for the community garden,
2ndby Sarah Elder.
Regarding the abandoned plot: Rebecca Brouwer planted sweet potatoes and kale to
donate to the food pantry. Rebecca is to send a mass reminder to community garden to
remember to maintain their plots
Home Life Initiatives (MOTM):
We have $3600 in sponsors for the event
Volunteers for elementary schools, to announce the award during staff meetings –
Bonnie Adams to send an email (also to ask for volunteer at the event)
100 t-shirts are needed – Suzanne Ramey motioned for money for the event, Susan
Waters 2nd
Sign-up sheet went around for volunteers
Becky Malone suggested that we ask the sponsors if they were interested in
Education/literacy Initiatives:
No new business
Hunger Initiatives (MOW):
Art for Billy (Meals on Wheels), Very Special Art “VSA” in March. Suzanne Ramey will
remember to nominate Billy for us.
Becky Malone and Susan Waters to take MOW for December
Becky also to take Bonnie’s spot for August
We will formally commit for 5:45 – 6:45 at the food pantry for remaining 2009
Fall Fundraiser (Oktoberfest):
There is some concern about the number of volunteers so far
Ticket prices are $25 for an individual and $40 for a couple
Suzanne Ramey is working on insurance and is the sponsor and silent auction contact
Tickets should be ready for the next meeting
Treasurer’s Reports:
Main Account, MOTM.xls, Garden08.xls
Motion to reimburse Rebecca for cost of printing the MOTM flyers, 2nd by Bonnie
Bonnie Adams made motion to approve minutes as written, 2 nd by Susan Waters
September 1, 2009
MWC Meeting minutes
Attendance: Jill Auditori, Bonnie Adams, Rebecca Brouwer, DG Eide, Sarah Elder, Erin
Nelson, Tracy Page, Suzanne Ramey, Denise Snyder, Judy Taylor, Susan Watters,
Sylvia Sichi
Financial Report:
Main Account
Garden Account
MOTM Account
MCG, $12.72 for plants, $77.90 for have-a-heart trap
Approval for items needed:
$1500 for 300 t-shirts, motion by Bonnie, 2nd Tracy
$200 for bibs, motion by Bonnie, 2nd by Suzanne
$200 for port-a-potties, motion by Erin, 2nd by Susan
$550 for race prizes, motion by Erin, 2nd by Sarah
$300 for signs, motion by Sarah, 2nd by Bonnie
$150 for police, motion by Suzanne, 2nd by Erin Nelson
$1500 for off-n-running, motion by Suzanne, 2nd by Erin Nelson
Cash-on-hand, motion by Suzanne, 2nd by Erin
Conservation Initiatives (MCG):
Susan will take care of cut flowers from the garden going to Hawfields Nursing Home
Next month, October, please bring donation for local food pantry to meeting.
Home Life Initiatives
Mebane on the Move (MOTM)
Big event on 9/12!
Have 55-60 volunteers including the Elon Women’s Soccer Team. Everyone invited for
final meeting on 9/8, 8 p.m. at Denise’s house. Need extra bodies at 6:30 a.m. on day
of event. Stuffing party on Friday 9/11!
Education Initiatives
Received thank you note for scholarship winner. Oktoberfest funds will go towards
scholarship fund.
Hunger Initiatives
Meals On Wheels – need sign-up for final months of the year
Bring food to October meeting for Loaves&Fishes.
Suzanne proposed a $150 donation to Heifer International for the purchase of a goat.
Sarah motioned and Bonnie 2nd.
Fall Fundraiser
Red Oak will sponsor the beer – pints by Red Oak
Bratwurst by Boar’s Head, Denise will provide sauerkraut, Kelli is in charge of
decorations, info on desert and pretzels to come.
Silent Auction – lots of prizes. We will decorate Friday night – large sets and
parachutes needed. Alcohol permit in progress. Tickets and Flyer are out soon - $25 a
person, $30 at the door. For that price you get:
1 hour tasting with Red Oak
Pint of your favorite beer
Red Oak pint glass
$3 a beer
Bonnie made a motion to accept the minutes from August, Suzanne 2 nd.
MWC Meeting 10/6/2009
Jill Auditori, Bonnie Adams, Rebecca Brouwer, Faith Carter, Becky Malone, Jennifer
Mock, Erin Nelson, Tracy Page, Beth Payne, Kelli Potter, Denise Snyder, Judy Taylor,
Beth Coble (guest), and Amy Brandon (guest)
Treasurers Report: Denise
Main Account: $2296.91
MOTM Account: $6280.75
Garden Account:$28.47
CD $1133.78
Reimbursement to Faith Carter; motion made by Bonnie, seconded by Erin Nelson
Reimbursement to Bonnie for $50; motion made by Erin N., seconded by Beth Payne
Reimbursement to Tracy Page for $210 (insurance); motion by Erin N, seconded by
Reimbursement for $50 for the alcohol permit; Rebecca made the motion, Erin N
Mebane on the Move Update
Money was awarded to 2 schools (E.M. Yoder and South Mebane) due to close
numbers. A bounce house also went to the grade with the most percentage
The event will be 10/24 from 6-11pm. Red Oak is our sponsor. We need lots of help!
Included is time on Friday night to decorate. More emails to come about this.
The money raised will go to the scholarship fund.
Mebane Community Garden
Spend no money!
Hunger Initiative (International)
10/22 at the MAC volunteers will be packing bags to be sent overseas. These bags will
contain highly nutritious food. The MWC approved $250 to go to the organization and
members will volunteer as they are available.
Coming Events
December Social – 12/1, 7pm at Dick&Jane’s
Annual Meeting – 1/5, at Dick&Jane’s – Erin will organize
Fall District Meeting – 10/24; we donated a basket of sugar rush fudge; motion made by
Tracy, Jill seconded.
Nominating Committee: Denise Snyder, Judy Taylor, Becky Malone
The minutes were approved - motion was made by Bonnie and 2nd Denise to accept.
Meeting Adjourned by Rebecca.
MWC Meeting Minutes
November 3, 2009
In Attendance: Denise Snyder, Tracy Page, Susan Waters, Suzanne Ramey, Becky
Malone, Rebecca Brower, Bonnie Adams, Judy Taylor, Sarah Elder, Erin Nelson, Sylvia
Sichi, Amy Brandon, Beth Coble, and Cheryl Ray.
Call to Order : Rebecca
Guest Speaker: Cary Worthy of the Alamance Arts Council
Mr. Worthy spoke of the cultural arts available in Alamance county. These include Art
exhibitions, cooking classes, family fun days, Clay Street after work, Mebane Acting
Company, and more! For more information stop by their offices at the Captain James
and Emma Holt White House in Graham or go to their website:
Minutes: Minutes for October are available on the web.
Treasurer’s Report: Denise
General Fund: General.xls
Garden Fund: Garden.xls
Mebane on the Move: MOTM.xls
Reimbursements (see below)
Mebane on the Move: Rebecca
Next year’s event is scheduled for September 11, 2010.
Garden: Rebecca
Closed for the season. Loaves&Fishes received fresh veggies from Rebecca and the
Girl Scouts donated decorative flowers.
Read across America is happening in March and members were asked to put it on their
Hunger Initiatives:
Meals on Wheels:
Erin & Becky for November
Club Members decided not to participate in the Loaves&Fishes grocery bag packing
due to new requirements.
Stop Hunger Now: Amy reported that she and her kids participated and that it was a
great project. Over 20271 meals were packed.
The Burlington Junior Woman’s Club helped us obtain an alcohol license and will
receive 25% of the profits.
Full report in December.
Our December Social will be at a private house – tba. It has also been moved to
Dues are due in December!
Meeting Adjourned by Rebecca.
Becky Malone (Octoberfest):
Dollar Tree
$-22.27 (refund)
Silent Auction Programs
TOTAL - $840.90
Motion made by Suzanne, 2nd Rebecca
$59.26 (WalMart)
Motion made by Bonnie, 2nd Rebecca
$275.00 (beer & party city)
$53.00 refund
Motion made by Bonnie, 2nd Erin Nelson
$120.00 (sign)
Motion made by Bonnie, 2nd Judy
$58.16 (Walmart)
Motion made by Bonnie, 2nd Sarah
$204.00 (wine)
Motion made by Bonnie, 2nd Sarah
$425.00 (Insurance)
$300 (Security)
Motion made by Sarah, 2nd Bonnie
Mebane Woman’s Club
Present: Erin Nelson, Rebecca Brouwer, Sarah Elder, Judy Taylor, Suzanne Ramey,
Denise Snyder, Bonnie Adams, Jill Auditori, Elaine Bixby, Amy Brandon, Becky Malone,
Beth Payne, Kelli Potter, Erin Weinland, Susan Watters, and April White
TreasurerDues are due today!
MOTM1. •Thank you from E.M. Yoder for equipment
•MOTM 2010 scheduled for 9/1//2010
•We have been asked to help with the Dogwood 5k
•Mebane running club will help support
•Suzanne made the motion that we change the focus of dogwood from a
booth to supporting the 5k, Bonnie 2nd
•Girls on the Run - running group for girls, special project for NCGFWC
•Suzanne made the motion that we provide $ for scholarship money, $500;
Bonnie 2nd
Meals on Wheels
1. •Denise and Bonnie in December
•January 14th - Becky and Susan
Mebane Historical Society
1. •Needs staffing help on Sunday afternoons
•Gala on Jan. 23rd, 2-4 p.m.
January Meeting- 1/5/2010, place tba
Slate of Officers:
Rebecca Brouwer, president
Bonnie Adams, vice-president
Secretary, Sarah Elder
Treasurer, Judy Taylor
November Minutes approved by club - Bonnie made the motion and Judy 2nd