The Flashlight Grace Lutheran Church 755 Adams Avenue, PO Box 67 Phone: 507-274-5572 Parsonage 507-274-6718 Secretary's office: Westbrook, MN 56183 Pastor’s Cell phone: 1-507-380-6926 Pastor's office: THE PASTOR’S PAGE May, 2012 First off, let me state clearly that this is not about being a Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative. It is more about the real attitudes that people reflect in their actions and not what they necessarily want people to hear. Throughout this presidential primary season, we have heard at various times about Christian values. However, looking at how companies, governments and even individuals have become more and more selfish in their attitudes and actions then we may conclude that our nation, as a whole, is not very Christian. I received an email recently which was titled “I’m 76 and I’m Tired” which has been incorrectly attributed to Bill Cosby ( The author of the piece indicates that after a lifetime of hard working and saving, he cannot enjoy what he earned because there are many who are trying to take it away from him. He is also tired of too many people who are looking for a handout and not willing to work as he had to improve himself. There are people who totally agree with this, that is why these kinds of emails get passed along. The prevailing attitude behind these sentiments is that there are people who want to take the American dream away from those of us who have been working hard to make it come true. On the other hand, when one considers the admonition by God in the Old Testament to take care of the “poor, the widowed, the orphans and the foreigners among us,” the question is raised of how consistent is the “American dream” with true Judeo-Christian values. This “I’m 76 and I’m tired” letter should not be summarily dismissed as the ranting of a senior citizen who fears losing all that they worked for because it does bring up some very salient points for discussion. I am not against hard work; working for what one wants; and preparing for the future, for one’s retirement. I also recognize that there are some in society who look to see what they can get without working when they are perfectly capable of working, but there are some people who truly need help. Our discussion should be centered on how to resolve this apparent chasm between the American dream, this ‘Protestant work ethic’ and living a Christ-like life. I think that as the election year continues, we will be hearing more discussion, opinions and arguments that either directly or indirectly address these and similar questions. Instead of the usual arguments of trying to blame others for the current situation, perhaps we should have real dialogue over such things as: how has the American dream morphed into the ‘haves’ taking more and more from the ‘have nots’ resulting in a wider gap between the rich and poor? In light of multibillion dollar quarterly profits; exorbitant salaries for entertainers; and golden parachutes for CEO’s who nearly bankrupt companies, hurting middle class people in the process; when is ‘enough is enough’? How has the JudeoChristian mandate of taking care of the disadvantaged been abandoned along with the attitude on the Statue of Liberty of ‘Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest tossed, I lift my lamp beside the golden door.’ and changed into a ‘gated community’? Unfortunately, there are no easy answers and these kinds of questions have been with us for a very long time, probably since the time when societies began. However, that doesn’t allow us to ignore the questions without seeking real solutions. I realize there will always be a tension between the values of the ‘world’ and the values taught to us by Jesus and our Bible. I do know, however, that with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and intentionally considering these questions from a Christian viewpoint, we can find answers. More than likely they will be hard answers to accept, but then, Christianity has never really been something ‘easy,’ something that always ‘went with the crowd.’ Perhaps we need to start with the basic question, “What does God want for God’s creation?” Jesus was right, when a person’s heart is changed to the will of God, then that is when we can see the kingdom of God coming here. I pray that our hearts may be changed by the Holy Spirit to reflect God’s love for us through Jesus Christ and that we be emboldened to pass it along. May God bless, Pastor Dave Grace Lutheran Church Council Meeting April 10, 2012 Preliminary Matters: 1. Russ Gundermann called the meeting to order. Others council members present included Gene Kronback, Eric Larson, Bruce Gundermann, Marvin Sorenson, Jane Hass, and Linda Carter. Also present was Pastor Dave. 2. Russell Gundermann gave devotions. 3. Secretary’s report was approved on a motion by Bruce Gundermann and seconded by Marvin Sorenson. The motion carried unanimously. 4. The treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Gene Kronback and seconded by Bruce Gundermann. The motion carried unanimously. 5. Pastor’s Report: a. Gideon’s will make a presentation on Sunday, April 15, 2012. b. Membership Transfer: Ross Williams requests a transfer of membership to First Lutheran Church in Marshall, MN. Motion by Eric Larson to approve the membership transfer for Ross Williams and motion second by Bruce Gundermann. Motion carried. c. Pastor Dave has planned a summer vacation for June 20-26. d. Midweek Lent Services and Easter Services all went extremely well. 6. Committee Reports: a. Personnel Committee plans to meet to complete an annual review of the custodial position. b. Trustees will look into stretching and re-gluing portions of the carpet. c. Worship Committee will be switching settings starting Sunday, April 15. d. Memorial Committee plans to purchase an Automatic External Defibrillator Device (AED) for the church. Memorial money has been donated to cover the purchase of the device. Old Business: 1. The council has appointed Val Schneider to the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee. The Pastor-Parish Relations Committee meets bimonthly. 2. A letter was sent out to all confirmation students to refresh students of current confirmation goals and commitments required by students. New Business: 1. Shetek Lutheran Ministries are working on several projects at the bible camp. We plan to send a portion of our budgeted money to the camp this month. 2. Motion by Gene Kronback to renew our ad in the Highway 30 Community Guide for 2012. Marvin Sorenson 2nd the motion. 3. The council is looking for anyone interested in helping with a float for Westbrook Fun Day’s. If interested contact a council member. Closing: 1. Marvin Sorenson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jane Hass seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. 2. The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Linda Carter, Council Secretary Your council All meetings of the council are open to anyone who would like to attend. If you have a concern or comment, please feel free to come to a meeting. Or, if you prefer, talk with a council member and have them bring your concern to the council Next meeting Tuesday, May 8 at 7:30 p.m. President – Russell Gundermann 274-6789 Secretary – Linda Carter 859-2315 Treasurer – Jane Hass 274-5132 Members: Bruce Gundermann 274-6380 Nikki Jorgenson 274-5953 Eugene Kronback 274-5162 Eric Larson 274-5168 Steve Schmalz 274-5667 Marvin Sorenson 274-6787 Our Prayer Chain is ready to pray for your joys or needs ! Please call Coralyn Comnick 274-5318; Pauline Rueter 274-5513 or the church 274-5572. Let us know Volunteer needed If you know of someone who is hospitalized or at home and would like the pastor or a member of our Grace family to visit, please call June at the church office 274-5572 or 274-6558. There may be those who need a ride to church on Sunday. If you would like to volunteer to give a ride to those who need one or would like to coordinate the schedule for drivers, please see Pastor Dave or President Russell Gundermann. Prayer Concerns Pray for Laura Anderson, Bertha Deutschman, Betty Jensen, Lil Knudson, Clara Lohse, Isabel Nibbe and all those with on-going needs. Change of address Please give us address updates if you move or plan to be away for an extended time. Please contact the church office (507)274-5572 or gwoffice@ with the address change or to put your Flashlight on hold. It will save “return to sender” fees! Thank you for your cooperation. Sunday readings May 6 Acts 8:26-40 1 John 4:7-21 John 15:1-8 May 13 Acts 10:44-48 1 John 5:1-6 John 15:9-17 May 20 Acts 1:15-17, 21-26 1 John 5:9-13 John 17:6-19 May 27 Ezekiel 37:1-14 Acts 2:1-21 John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 June/July Flashlight The June/July Flashlight will be combined into one issue. It will be printed Wednesday, May 23 and the deadline for both June and July items will be Sunday, May 20. Thank you for your cooperation. Attendance March March March March 4 11 18 25 112 118 106 124 Ushers Please make every effort to be in church the month you are scheduled. If you cannot be there or if you have any questions, please contact Jim Schneider 274-6318 or Marvin Sorenson 274-6787. Leon Mischke Russell Gundermann Andy Kopperud Acolytes If you are unable to participate when you are scheduled, please find a replacement. May 6 Brianna Schoenenberger & Sophie Horkey May 13 Calle Anderson & Tristan Joel May 20 Adam Hass & Jack Jorgenson May 27 Cassidy Mischke & Zach Vande Kieft Lector Please get a substitute if you are unable to read when you are scheduled. May 6 Kris Isder May 13 Penny Danner May 20 Russell Gundermann May 27 Skip Brown Greeters Please get a substitute if you are unable to greet when you are scheduled. May 6 Wayne & Janie Singer May 13 Marvin & Colleen Sorenson May 20 Gene & Maydelle Kronback May 27 Mike & Lairdie Kells Stewardship If you are unable to count the money when you are scheduled, please find a replacement. May Robert or Marci Chapman Eric or Angie Larson Volunteers Needed! Do you have 90 minutes to spare during the week or the month? Mary & Martha’s Pantry is in need of volunteers to help distribute food to the people who need to use the pantry. Training will be provided. Won’t you consider giving back to the community in this way? Call Harry Baulisch 274-5218 Thank you for helping out our neighbors. Update from Kris Isder The school year is winding down. We are three weeks from the end of the semester. CPE is almost complete. We will have a graduation ceremony on April 26 and then we are officially done with the program. I have received my internship assignment. I will be going to Lac qui Parle Lutheran 8 miles northeast of Dawson. It is a country church on a gravel road. The parsonage is on an acreage half a mile away. I will be their pastor with supervision from the pastor in Dawson. They average 45 people in worship each Sunday. The internship is for a year and starts Sept. 1. I will live in the parsonage and Rich will come to visit on weekends. In May I will take a tour of the church, parsonage and community and start getting to know the people. I am looking forward to my year there. Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers. Vacation Bible School Coming soon, Vacation Bible School information. Please watch the bulletin for this summer’s upcoming Vacation Bible School information “Giving Tree” Jeff Cassel family gave a beautiful “Giving Tree” in memory of Connie Cassel. Anyone who has given a memorial or donation in honor of someone to Grace Lutheran Church may have an engraving put on one of the leaves of the tree. The cost of the engraving is to be paid by the person requesting the engraving be done. Your request to have an engraving done should be directed to the Memorial Committee or the chairman of the Women of the ELCA. They will take care of the engraving and let the person who has asked to have an engraving done, the cost. If there are any questions please contact Roger Bunkers or Marcella Chapman. Mother, Daughter, Friend Event The Mother, Daughter, Friend Event hosted by WELCA will be held Wednesday, May 23, at 7:30 p.m. The program will be “Little House on the Prairie” by Nicole Elzenga. Children will be performing two songs from the pageant. Graduates Our graduates will be honored on Sunday, May 13, with special recognition and a reception following worship service. High school graduates being honored are: Jacob Comnick, Dana Kells, Chelsey Taylor and Chelsey Wehmeyer. If your son or daughter is graduating from college please let us know so we can include them. Call the church 274-5572 or June Merchant 274-6558. email Thank you Thank you Thank you to everyone who supported the youth group at our Easter breakfast and Lent suppers. Because of your donations of money, food, help and coming to the meals you all helped in making them a success. Your continued support of our Youth Group is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Grace Youth group Grace WELCA March 21, 2012 Grace WELCA met March 21, 2012 in the social hall. Eighteen members were present. We began our program singing the hymn “For the Beauty of the Earth.” Devotions were given by Stella Cohrs based on Gal 6:10 – Remember all the opportunities God has planned for us. To help someone in need. Do a favor, be kind, loving and forgiving. Penny Danner, Mission Growth Chairperson welcomed the members, and announced the program “Inspired to Create,” by Vera Rachuy. She asked volunteers to bring and display their talents of creativity. Penny sang a verse of the hymn “You Have Come Down to the Lakeshore,” accompanied by Betty Rupp relating to a picture of a boat that was painted and displayed. Pictures of the program can be viewed in the basement dining room. God has given us talents to use and share. The offering was taken, followed by the offering hymn “We Give Thee But Thine Own,” the Lord’s Prayer, and the Table Prayer. President Jane Nelsen opened the business meeting. The secretary’s report was approved as printed. The treasurer’s report was read and placed on file. There was no correspondence to read. Old Business: None New Business: 1.) Saturday, April 14, 2012, Spring Gathering at Christ Lutheran Church, Slayton, MN. The morning session begins at 8:30 a.m. with coffee and rolls. There will be a noon lunch with meeting closing shortly after. A motion was made to send $100.00 offering by Pauline Rueter. Stella Cohrs seconded the motion. Meet at church for rides. 2.) Watch for more information on the June 15-16 SW MN Synodical Convention to be held at Spicer, MN. We will need a delegate. Anyone interested please call Jane Nelsen. Committee reports: None Motion by Pauline Rueter, seconded by Delna Mischke to adjourn meeting. Lunch was served. Coralyn Comnick, WELCA secretary Grace WELCA April 18, 2012 Grace WELCA met April 18, 2012 in the social hall. Twenty-one members were present. We began our program singing the hymn “Let All Things Now Living.” Devotions were given by Liz. Penny Danner, Mission Growth Chairperson welcomed the members, and announced the program “Craft Your Destiny,” presented by Andrea Poon. The offering was taken, followed by the offering hymn “Create In Me a Clean Heart O Lord,” the Lord’s Prayer, and the Table Prayer. President Jane Nelsen opened the business meeting. The secretary’s report was approved as printed. The treasurer’s report was read and placed on file. Old Business: 1.) The Spring Gathering held April 14 at Christ Lutheran Church was attended by WELCA members. An enjoyable morning with entertainment, speaker and lunch. 2.) A motion by Vera Rachuy, seconded by Delna Mischke to send $100.00 Love Offering plus $50.00 towards the Malaria nets, and $50.00 toward shipping expenses for the Health Kits being sent to the SW MN Synodical Convention, June 15-16, 2012 at Faith Lutheran Church, Spicer, MN, motion carried. Anyone interested in attending and applying for a scholarship, which can be used for your expense, please contact Jane Nelsen or our delegate Marcella Chapman. New Business: 1.) May 2, 2011 – all ladies are invited to a luncheon at Christ Lutheran Church in Slayton at 6 p.m. A program will be given on the Holy Land. 2.) May 12, 2012 – clean-up at Shetek Bible Camp, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., groups 1 and 2. 3.) May 13, 2012 – Graduation reception after church for all high school and college graduates. 4.) May 23, 2012 – Mother, Daughter, Friend Event, 7:30 p.m. Program – Nicole Elzenga, “Little House On the Prairie.” Group 3 will serve lunch, 5.) Group 4 will serve coffee hour May 20 and 27. Group 1 will serve in June. 6.) Annette Mischke made a motion to send $100.00 to Shetek Bible Camp for supplies, seconded by Vera Rachuy, motion carried. 7.) The Memorial Committee is taking actions to have names of loved ones engraved on individual leaves. Each family will be responsible for paying the engraved fee. Contact Roger Bunkers or Marcella Chapman for details and information. Motion by Vera Rachuy, seconded by Stella Cohrs to adjourn meeting. Lunch was served. Coralyn Comnick, WELCA secretary SW MN WELCA Synodical Convention The Southwestern Minnesota Women of the ELCA Synodical Convention will be held on June 15 - 16 at Spicer, MN. Registration is due by May 25. The fee is $50.00. Scholarships are available for first time convention visitors. These forms must be in by May 20. The theme is "Be a Spark... Light a Fire". Our hope is that we can each be a spark that brings the light of Christ to others. Everything on Friday June 15 takes place at Faith Lutheran Church, 310 Medayto Drive in Spicer. They have two interesting women who will speak on Friday Pastor Andrea DeGroot-Nesdahl, former Bishop of S.D., was recently installed as one of our synod ministers. She was one of the first women to be ordained in the American Lutheran Church. She is scheduled to speak at 4:45 p.m. Lungile Nyathikazi is from our companion synod in South Africa. She is self-employed in Durban, South Africa as an optometrist in her own company, is a Professional Nurse & Midwife, and has a Post Graduate Diploma in HIV/AIDS Management from a University in South Africa. She is the HIV/AIDS coordinator for the ELCA-South Eastern Diocese. She will also speak on Friday at 1:00 p.m. At 7:00 there is a concert by the Faith Lutheran Chancel Choir. Everything on Saturday takes place at Green Lake Bible Camp, where people may stay for $49 or $59. Most rooms are without AC. They assure us that the lodging there is quite nice. "It is not at all like the Bible Camps" we "knew from years ago". (They don't say which camps or how many yrs.)! More information is available, just ask Jane Nelsen, or call at 274-6394. Registration Forms will be hanging on the bulletin board in the Social Hall. If you want to stay at the Bible Camp, you might want to check into that as soon as possible. There is also a map to the camp available. Be sure to check each day's schedule if you can only go one day. Convention Schedule FRIDAY: 8:00 a.m. Registration/Coffee/Displays 8:30 a.m. Delegate Orientation 8:45 a.m. Business Session I 9:30 a.m. Worship/Communion Service 11:30 a.m. Noon lunch.........Workshops 1:00 p.m. Speaker—Lungi Nyathikazi Business......Bible Study 4:45 p.m. Speaker—Pr. Andrea DeGroot-Nesdahl 5:45 p.m. Banquet—celebrate 25th Anniversary.' 7:00 p.m. Concert by Faith Lutheran Chancel Choir SATURDAY: 8:30 a.m. Registration/Coffee 9:15 a.m. Bible Study 10:15 a.m. Camp project/activities 12:00 noon Lunch 1:00 p.m. Closing Worship Service by Bluegrass Band Salad supper Ladies of Grace are invited to a salad supper hosted by the WELCA of Faith Lutheran of Avoca at Christ Lutheran Church in Slayton on May 2 at 6 p.m. The program will be about a trip to the Holy Land and Rome. May 23 7:30 p.m. Mother-Daughter-Friend Event Mistress of ceremonies: Bernice Bunkers Hymn: Angie Horkey & Nikki Jorgenson (Children will perform 2 songs from pageant) Devotions: Deloris Winter Program: “Little House On the Prairie – Nicole Elzenga Decorating Committee: *Angie Larson Karla Gundermann Coralyn Comnick Serving Committee: Group #3 NO Sewing Meetings in May May Circle Schedule Lydia Circle – Wednesday, May 2 at 8:45 a.m. at the church Miriam Circle – Thursday, May 10 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Penny Danner Flower Committee: May Deb Jans* Jane Hass Do not put flowers on the organ or piano. See Policy handbook for placement of flowers. Chancel Committee: April - June Bernice Bunkers* Joan Spielman Paula Gundermann Nikki Jorgenson Visiting Committee: May - June This committee visits homes, hospitals and the shutins. Eunice Christensen* Ceci Cassel Jeanette Sundahl Karyl Gertner Bereavement support group Hospice of Murray County will hold a bereavement group for adults at the Hospice of Murray County office in Slayton. It is for 6 sessions, on Thursdays, and the group will begin on Thursday, May 3 and will continue through Thursday, June 8, from 4 – 5:30 p.m. There is no cost for the bereavement support group. Pre-registration is appreciated so materials can be put together. You can pre-register by calling the Hospice office at 507-836-8114 by Friday, April 27 Who practices hospitality entertains God. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We do not use the Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit uses us. May Birthdays 5th 6th 7th 10th 11th 13th 15th 16th 17th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 28th 31st - Kristine Isder Colton Knudson Deborah Cassel Riley Williams Dean Bunting Eli Gundermann Zachary Barron Hunter Blumer Johnathan Kells Scott Jorgenson Katherine Jorgenson Jennifer Wetter Kirsten Lidtke Orland Norstegard Marcella Chapman Deanna Amundson Sarah Mershon Morgan Glanzer Mark Blumer Mark Kells Damien Harrington May Anniversaries 15, 1965 - Dennis & Mary Lidtke 26, 2009 – Morgan & Joe Glanzer May Events 1st 2nd - 4th 6th 8th 9th - 10th 11th 12th 13th - 10:00 a.m. Text Study 8:45 a.m. Lydia Circle 9:00 a.m. Secretary at Church 10:00 a.m. Women’s Bible Study 3:30 p.m. 7/8th gr. Confirmation 4:30 p.m. 9/10th gr. confirmation 7:00 p.m. Men’s Ministry 8:00 p.m. Adult choir rehearsal 1:00 p.m. Secretary at Church 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Worship/Communion Acolytes: B. Schoenenberger & Sophie Horkey 10:00 a.m. Text Study 7:30 p.m. Council Meeting 9:00 a.m. Secretary at Church 10:00 a.m. Women’s Bible Study 3:30 p.m. 7/8th gr. Confirmation 4:30 p.m. 9/10th gr. Confirmation 7:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study 8:00 p.m. Adult choir rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Miriam Circle at Penny Danner 1:00 p.m. Secretary at Church 8:00 a.m. WELCA Spring Convention 9:00 a.m. Worship/Communion Acolytes: Calle Anderson & Tristan Joel 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 20th - 22nd 23rd - 10:00 a.m. Graduates’ Reception 7:00 p.m. WWG Baccalaureate/St. Anthony’s 7:00 p.m. Service on Channel 6 10:00 a.m. Text Study 9:00 a.m. Secretary at church 10:00 a.m. Women’s Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study 9:00 a.m. Conference Pastors’ Meeting 7:00 p.m. PIM/ Petersons Estates 1:00 p.m. Secretary at church 9:00 a.m. Worship/Communion Acolytes: Adam Hass & Jack Jorgenson Flashlight items due 2:00 p.m. WWG Graduation 10:00 a.m. Text Study 9:00 a.m. Secretary at Church Printing June/July Flashlight 10:00 a.m. Women’s Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study 7:00 p.m. WELCA Mother-Daughter-Friend Event 25th 27th 28th 29th 30th - 1:00 p.m. Secretary at Church 9:00 a.m. Worship/Communion /Lunch Acolytes: Cassidy Mischke & Zach Vande Kieft Memorial Day 10:00 a.m. Text Study 9:00 a.m. Secretary at Church 10:00 a.m. Women’s Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study Prayer Ventures – May 2012 Prayer petitions for Sundays follow the World Council of Churches Ecumenical Prayer Cycle and can be incorporated into the prayers at weekly worship. Weekday entries are offered as guides to prayer for the global, social, and outreach ministries of the church. Thank you for your continued prayers for the life and mission of this church. 1 Pray for Pastor Deborah and Joseph Troester and Pastor Jacalyn Griffin who serve as ELCA missionaries in the Central African Republic. Deborah and Joseph work in theological education and water management respectively; Jacalyn is an advisor to the women’s ministry. 2 Pray for the president of the United States and members of Congress that the Holy Spirit will guide them to remember those most vulnerable in our nation. provide food assistance, affordable housing, health services, job training and educational opportunities to walk alongside people who are at risk of becoming homeless. 10 Pray for all who are hungry or have limited access to food throughout the world due to economic and social issues and drought. 11 Pray for the members of the Northwestern Minnesota and Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synods as they meet in assembly this weekend. 12 Pray in thanksgiving for the faithful servants who graduate from the Diakonia program in the Northern Illinois Synod at St. John's Lutheran Church in Sterling, Ill. 3 Pray for Edna Johnson who serves as an ELCA missionary working in Monrovia, Liberia, at the Curran Lutheran Hospital. Edna is the nursing program director for the hospital. 13 Sixth Sunday of Easter O God, you have prepared for those who love you joys beyond understanding. Pour such love for you into the hearts of the people of Kenya and Tanzania, that, loving you above all things, they may know your promises, which exceed all we can desire; through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord. Amen. 4 Pray for the members of the Southeastern Minnesota Synod, Florida-Bahamas Synod, the South-Central Synod of Wisconsin, and the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod as they meet in assembly this weekend. Pray for the one who will be elected in the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod bishop’s election. 14 Pray for the ministries of all parish nurses and for those who are taking the Parish Nurse Ministry Course in Fargo, ND, meeting May 14-18. 5 Pray for Molly Cook, an ELCA missionary working in Malaysia in disability ministry. Molly teaches at a culinary school for mentally and physically challenged young people. 6 Fifth Sunday of Easter O God, you give us your Son as the vine apart from whom we cannot live. Nourish life in his resurrection especially in Sudan and Uganda, that they may bear the fruit of love and know the fullness of your joy, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. 7 Pray for Pastor Kathryn Warn who serves as pastor-inresidence in Freetown, Sierra Leone. 8 Pray for Mary Beth and Bayo Oyebade and for Dorthea Hustoft-Hamman who serve as ELCA missionaries in Jos, Nigeria. Mary Beth and Bayo work with people infected with and affected by HIV and AIDS. Dorthea works in education. 9 Pray for Pennsylvania’s “Lutheran Day at the Capitol” and for all Christians that petition government to fund poverty-focused programs that 15 Pray for families throughout the world, on this International Day of Families (as recognized by the United Nations), that all may grow into the fullness God created for them by being in the safety and security of loving homes. 16 Pray for Dr. Stephen and Bethany Friberg who serve as ELCA missionaries in Mto Wa Mbu, Tanzania. Stephen works with the dispensary system in the country while Bethany assists women who wish to market their beadwork internationally. 17 Ascension of Our Lord Almighty God, your only Son was taken into the heavens and in your presence intercedes for us. Receive us and our prayers for all the world, and in the end bring everything into your glory, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. 18 Pray for the North/West Lower Michigan, Pacifica, Southeast Michigan, Northwest Washington, Northwestern Ohio, Saint Paul Area, Southwestern Washington, Sierra Pacific, Northern Great Lakes, and Southwestern Texas Synods as they meet in assembly this weekend. Pray for the bishop’s election to take place at the Southwestern Texas Synod Assembly. 19 Pray for Karen Anderson, an ELCA missionary working in the area of health-care administration in Santiago, Chile. 20 Seventh Sunday of Easter Gracious and glorious God, you have chosen us as your own, and by the powerful name of Christ you protect us from evil. By your Spirit transform us and your beloved world, especially the people of Malawi and Zambia, that we may all find our joy in your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. 21 Pray for Pastor Arden Strasser who serves as an ELCA missionary in Lusaka, Zambia specializing in leadership development. 22 Pray for Dr. Mark and Linda Jacobson who serve as ELCA missionaries working at the Arusha Lutheran Medical Center in Arusha, Tanzania. 23 Pray for our brothers and sisters in the Middle East as they continue to seek solutions for the security, peace and justice of all people there. 24 Pray for Erin Odgers-Chew, an ELCA missionary working in Cairo, Egypt, as a teacher. 25 Pray for Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota’s Camp Noah, which provides summer camp ministries to children and families impacted by the trauma of disaster throughout the country. 26 Pray for Stephanie Schmiege and Aaron and Allison Schutte who serve as ELCA missionaries, teaching in Bukoba, Tanzania. 27 Day of Pentecost Mighty God, you breathe life into our bones, and your Spirit brings truth to the world. Send this Spirit to Botswana and Zimbabwe, transform us all by your truth, and give us all language to proclaim your gospel, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. 28 On this observation of Memorial Day, give thanks for all who have lost their life in service to their country fighting for freedom, rights and the protection of vulnerable people. Pray for the safety of all who are now in military service and pray for peace throughout the world. 29 Pray for Dr. Helmut and Rotraut Diefenthal, ELCA missionaries in Moshi, Tanzania, working as radiology trainers. 30 Pray for the members of the Grand Canyon, Delaware-Maryland, Greater Milwaukee, Lower Susquehanna, South Carolina, and Southwest California Synods as they meet in assembly this week. Pray for the election of a new bishop for the Grand Canyon Synod. 31 Pray for the participants of the Nebraska Synod’s Equipping Youth Ministry Leadership training held today at Bethany Lutheran Church in Elkhorn, Neb. This resource may be copied and shared among members and friends of the congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Contact for additional information. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 8765 W. Higgins Road, Chicago, IL 60631. Telephone: 800-638-3522, ext. 2458. Grace Lutheran Church 755 Adams Avenue PO Box 67 Westbrook, MN 56183 Nonprofit Organization Bulk Rate US Postage Paid Permit No. 3 Westbrook, MN Change Service Requested X May 2012 The Flashlight Pastor's office: Secretary's office: Grace Lutheran Church 274-5572