Biology Practical Syllabus - science105

Practical Biology
Kretschmer, Room 105
Course Syllabus
2014-2015 School Year
Course Description:
This is a concept-oriented course in which students will learn about cells, types
of organisms in the world, the methods for studying living things, and the
workings of the human body. Opportunities will exist for hands-on exercises and
teacher-student guided practice to enable the student to become familiar with the
fundamental study of living things.
Textbook: Interactive Reader
Textbook Website:
Class Rules
1. Follow all school rules as listed in the HHS Handbook.
2. Respect the teacher’s right to teach.
3. Respect your peer’s right to learn.
Consequences: Verbal warning, seat changed, phone call home, and
in severe situations: Detention/ISS/Suspension at the assistant
principal’s discretion.
4. Come to class prepared with the following materials.
1. Blue or Black Pen or Pencil
2. Three Ring Binder (1” or greater)
5. Take textbook home for completing Cornell Notes assignments.
Return text at the end of the school year.
Grading procedures
1. Cornell Notes homework assignments - 90% Homework Policy means that
students can only miss one homework assignment entirely per quarter.
Homework assignments will be graded and late assignments will be
accepted for a maximum of half credit, which will affect the quarter
2. Hands-on labs and activities
3. Multiple Choice/Constructed Response Quizzes and Unit Exams
4. Constructed Response journal entries
5. One Open Notebook Quiz per quarter
6. Extra Credit Projects (optional)
Extra Credit/Help
1. My Wiki Page - - contains a wealth
of links for extra practice. For Wiki Discussions – Login is
Bio1Lastname, Password Bio12345. Substitute your class period for the
login and your student ID for the password. This is case-sensitive!
Valid participation in the wiki discussions will earn extra credit
points on the quarterly point total.
2. Mrs. Kretschmer can be contacted during school hours for additional
Biology Keystone Exam
Students who are presently taking Biology will take the Biology Keystone
Exam in May of this school year. All quarterly lessons, activities and
assessments are aligned to the standards necessary for students to
successfully pass this exam. Vocabulary will be a major component for
this success, along with review sessions in and out of school. Students
who make the greatest efforts will reap the highest scores on this exam.
Failure of the exam will result in retesting the following school year and
the possibility of additional project completion from the Pennsylvania
Department of Education.
Assigned readings and cornell notes by unit
Practical Biology
*All assignments are subject to change.
Unit 1: The Chemical Basis of
Interactive Reader Pages: pg. 1934
Cornell Notes Assignments:
2.1 – pg. 19-20
2.2 – pg. 22-24
2.3 – Carbohydrates pg. 25-26
2.3 – Proteins pg. 27-28
2.3 – Lipids pg. 27
2.3 – Nucleic Acids pg. 28-29
2.5 – Enzymes pg. 33-34
Unit 2: Basic Biological
Interactive Reader Pages: pg. 3842, 461-462
Cornell Notes Assignments:
3.1 – pg. 38
3.2 – pg. 39-42
28.1 – pg. 461-462
28.2 – pg. 463-465
Unit 3: Homeostasis and Transport
Interactive Reader Pages: pg. 4350
Cornell Notes Assignments:
3.3 – pg. 43-45
3.4 – pg. 46-48
3.5 – pg. 49-50
Unit 4: Bioenergetics
Interactive Reader Pages: pg. 5358, 62-65
Cornell Notes Assignments:
4.1 – pg. 53-55
4.2 – pg. 56-58
4.4 – pg. 62-65
Unit 5: Ecology
Interactive Reader Pages: pg. 221252
Cornell Notes Assignments:
13.1 – pg. 221-222
13.2 – pg. 224-225
13.3 – pg. 226-227
13.4 – pg. 228-230
13.5 – pg. 232-234
13.6 – pg. 236-238
14.1 – pg. 241
14.2 – pg. 243-244
14.4 – pg. 249
14.5 – pg. 251-252
Unit 6: Evolution
Interactive Reader Pages: pg. 167177
Cornell Notes Assignments:
10.2 – pg. 167
10.3 – pg. 169-172
10.4 – pg. 173-174
10.5 – pg. 177
Unit 7: Cell Growth and
Interactive Reader Pages: pg. 7495
Cornell Notes Assignments:
5.1 – pg. 74-75
5.2 – pg. 77-78
5.4 – pg. 82-83
6.1 – pg. 90-92
6.2 – pg. 93-95
8.2 – pg. 126-128
8.3 – pg. 129-131
Unit 8: Genetics
Textbook Pages: pg. 99-156
Cornell Notes Assignments:
6.4 – pg. 99-100
7.1 – pg. 109-111
7.2 – pg. 112-114
8.4 – pg. 132-134
8.5 – pg. 135-138
8.7 – pg. 142-144
9.1 – pg. 147-149
9.3 – pg. 152-153
9.4 – pg. 154-156