1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 LAND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE PAC West Bend, WI January 12, 2005 1:00 p.m. Present: Maurice Strupp, Paul J. Beistle, Donald H. Roskopf, John W. Stern, Herbert J. Tennies and Deborah L. Wilke. Excused: Mary A. Krumbiegel. Also present: Administrator Paul E. Mueller, County Conservationist Blaine Delzer, District Conservationist Mark Baran, Deputy County Clerk Brenda J. Jaszewski, Secretary Shari Bergum. Chairperson Strupp called the meeting to order and read the Affidavit of Posting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Mr. Roskopf, seconded by Mr. Stern to approve the minutes of November 24, 2004, December 8, 2004, and December 15, 2004. Motion carried. Ms. Wilke arrived at 1:04 p.m. NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATON SERVICE UPDATE – Mark Baran Mr. Baran presented updates on the Environmental Quality Incentive Program. The Local Work Group has determined that the first signup and ranking period will be from January 3 through February 4, 2005. For Conservation Planning, the Developed Conservation Reserve Planning (CRP), Conservation Plan of Operations for Wings Over Wisconsin enrolled in the last general CRP signup. Updates on Training/Meetings were also presented to the Committee. An agenda for the Soil and Water Conservation Society annual meeting being held on January 28, 2005, was presented. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL – 2005 DATCP Hazardous Waste Clean Sweep Grant – Mr. Delzer stated that Washington County was awarded a grant for the 2005 Clean Sweep Program. The County will receive $12,000 from the Agricultural Award, $15,000 from the HHW (Household) Award and $500 from the Very Small Quantity Generator award. Planning and training will be held February 22, 2005, in Stevens Point. Moved by Mr. Beistle, seconded by Mr. Tennies to accept the 2005 Wisconsin Clean Sweep Grant awards and authorized attendance at the February 22, 2005, planning and training in Stevens Point. Motion carried. LAND & WATER CONSERVATION DIVISION ACTIVITIES REPORT Mr. Delzer distributed the December 2004, report for review, answering questions from the Committee. CONSIDERATION OF LAND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT – Town & Country RC&D Council Member Land Conservation Committee – January 12, 2005 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Page 2 Mr. Stern stated that he has been the representative for the program for the last 2 years. Moved by Mr. Beistle, seconded by Ms Wilke to appoint Mr. Delzer as the Town and Country RC & D Council Member representative and appointing Mr. Stern as the alternate. Motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL COST SHARE CONTRACT/AMENDMENT/PAYMENTS/RELEASES Mr. Delzer presented the Cost Share Payment Approvals. Payments were made to the Estate of Robert Schuetz, Arthur Melius, William Neitzel, Klink Dairy, LLC, and Melzer Farms, LLC. Moved by Mr. Tennies, seconded by Mr. Beistle to approve the Cost Share payments as presented. Motion carried. OTHER REPORTS & STATUS UPDATES Mr. Delzer presented a $950 invoice from the Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association, for the 2005 Annual County Membership dues. After discussion with the Committee, it was determined that the payment would be withheld until changes to the bylaws occur, including: 1) A successful detailed audit of the Association is completed. 2) The Board and Executive Director commit to achieving specific goals in 2005 that are based on resolutions and the strategic plan adopted by the Association. 3) The Board commits to equal representation of County Conservationists on the Board of Directors. Mr. Delzer reported that in 2004, 143 deer were donated to the food pantries in Washington County. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Mr. Tennies, seconded by Mr. Beistle to adjourn the LCC meeting at 1:29 p.m. Motion carried. Brenda J. Jaszewski, County Clerk