How to Apply Credit Risk Model Effectively: The Role of Default Point K. T. Wang* Department of Finance, National Sun Yat-sen University, 70 Lien-Hai Rd., Kaohsiung, Taiwan (R.O.C). E-mail: Chau-Jung Kuo Department of Finance, National Sun Yat-sen University, 70 Lien-Hai Rd., Kaohsiung, Taiwan (R.O.C). Chau-Hong Yu Department of Finance, National Sun Yat-sen University, 70 Lien-Hai Rd., Kaohsiung, Taiwan (R.O.C). Abstract Since the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has declared the New Basel Capital Accord on June 2004. The issue about credit risk becomes more significant and the approaches used to measure credit risk have been complicated. Especially when the sub-prime mortgage crisis has triggered a global financial crisis through 2007 and 2008; many people start to pay much attention to the issue on credit risk. There are numerous models developed to measure the credit risk in the recent years, and one of the well-known is Moody’s KMV credit risk model. Because it has assembled large public and private company default and loss database in the world to estimate the probability of default. Here, we propose a company is default since the * Corresponding author. firm’s value is below its default point which plays as one of the key role in estimating the probability of default. So far as the Moody’s KMV credit risk model is concerned, the default point is defined as current liabilities plus one-half of long-term liabilities, and has been tested in many countries. However, we would like to observe whether the default point in Moody’s KMV credit risk model is exactly suitable for different countries whose regionalism, national condition, financial structure and industrial characteristic may not be the same from each other. Obviously, there are numerous papers published to examine the procedures and results. Besides, the historical estimations do not account for variation over time. Actual default probabilities are not constant over time, but are conditional on the current state of the economy. In other words, we should not apply the same definition of default point to such different companies. Thus, we will elaborate hence to renew the definition of default point base on the Moody’s KMV credit risk model accompanied by the threshold regression, which can observe whether it existed structural change or not. Combining this information with assumptions by threshold regression, we believe the verified default point can, in principle, be efficiently estimated and more appropriately tested Taiwan’s financial market. The main purpose of the article is to examine the appropriate default point definition to apply to the financial market in Taiwan, and help to manage the credit risk properly. By the modified definition of default point with threshold regression model, we can calculate the probabilities of default of each company in Taiwan more correctly. In our empirical results, we conclude that we have better accuracy and the efficiency than original Moody’s KMV credit risk model after verifying the definition of default point. This can help investors, lenders, and corporations understand and adopt the verified methods to measure credit risk in one hand; and the financial institutions and the regulatory authorities can mutually reinforce the credit relationship in another hand. Simply speaking, they can prevent the investor, lenders and corporations from bearing the default credit risk and loss by utilizing a proper method to predict the probability of default. 1. Introduction The definitions of credit risk are manifold. Narrowly definition of credit risk is the debtor could not exercise the obligation in the period of time that he is asked to pay until he did pay. In this period of time, the debtor may default by the reasons that the limitation of liquidity and operating problem, and this will result in the loss of the creditor. Broadly definition of credit risk is inclusive of all events which may damage the creditors’ right. Consequently, no matter whether it is a listed company or not, it might be suffered from this kind of credit risk or default risk. By the data of the Financial Supervisory Commission show that the total market values of the listed companies reach to 150% even to 200%, this reveals that the important role they play in the economics system in Taiwan. Therefore, it will accompany bad influence as if default was happened, so that we should develop a suitable credit risk model to correctly evaluate the default problem in Taiwan as quickly as possible. In fact, there are lots of models such as Credit Grades, Credit Metrics, Credit Risk+, Credit Portfolio Views and Moody’s KMV can used to measure the default risk of companies. Because the market price of equity is available, the market value and volatility of assets can be determined directly using an options pricing based approach, which recognizes equity as a call option on the underlying assets of the firm, addressed in Black and Scholes (1973) and Merton (1974). Accordingly, because of the simplicity and accuracy of Moody’s KM credit risk model to measure the default distance and default probability, it becomes popular and respect for industries and academia. This credit risk model is developed based on the option pricing theory in Black and Scholes (1973) and corporate debt pricing model in Merton (1974). This model not only takes use of financial statement data, but also considers the equity value of corporate. The significant advantage of this model is the instant information in stock market to reflect the value of business and compute the bankruptcy probability or default probability. For this reason, we can evaluate the credit risk of business immediately without waiting for the rating announced by the rating agency. In the viewpoint of regression model, non-linear or structural change is caused by different time or different variable in the model. All the methods to solve these kinds of problem at present are numerous, such as threshold regression and Quantile regression. The former discussed in Hansen (1999) is the most popular and affirmative, and the later is proposed in Koenker (1979). The central meaning of quantile regression considered the different influence of independent variable as dependent variable is on different position. The differences between traditional regression and quantile regression are the coefficient we estimated. Instead of estimating by the average samples, this model gives different weighted by the value of error term. Accordingly, we can get different coefficient with the relative position. As far as the threshold effect is concerned, it can be attributed to independent variable in the threshold regression model, but the quantile regression model in Koenker (1979) can be attributed to dependent variable. We explore the appropriate default point and apply the Moody’s KMV credit risk model to the listed companies in Taiwan, and find the threshold effect may exist in the listed companies. However, the threshold effect is caused by the independent variable (such as the corporate characteristic) or the dependent variable (default point) is an essential issue to confirm. In order to clarify this question, we separately adopt the threshold regression proposed in Hansen (1999) and quantile regression offered in Koenker (1979) to examine the definition of default of listed company in Taiwan. We can modify the original Moody’s KMV credit risk model and make up for the shortcoming of linearity to properly measure the credit risk of listed companies in Taiwan. To sum up, the main problems we want to solve are: (1) Whether the structural change exists in the default point or not, we would like to apply Moody’s KMV credit risk model to the listed companies in Taiwan? How to define whether the structural change exists, and the new definition of default point? (2) After redefining the definition of default point to modify the credit risk model, whether it has better financial distress predictability of the listed companies in Taiwan? Except for the background and purpose above- mentioned, we review the relative literature in the second section. Besides, we describe the methodology and the empirical models we used in the third section. In regard to the empirical test and analysis will be showed in the forth section. Finally, the conclusion and the suggestion are appeared in the fifth section. 2. Literature Since Altman created the Z-Score model in 1968, the subjects of Credit Risk Management have started to be concerned. After the implementation of Basel I, these subjects became more and more important, and how to take Credit Risk Management into account is currently crucial to business. Many financial institutions and businesses separate out Risk Management department in addition to putting academic theory into practice. The subprime mortgage crisis further points out the importance of Credit Risk to market investors. For financial institutions, evaluating credit risk plays a crucial role in risk management. In 1988, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision issued the International Convergence of Capital Standard (or Capital Accord of 1988), which established regulations regarding the amount of capital banks should hold against credit risk. Therefore, Basel I was drawn up, providing a standard approach to measure credit risk and market risk to determine minimum capital requirements. Basel II, implemented in 2006, also considered credit risk and market risk as in Basel I. Moreover, this new accord addressed operational risk as well as focused on improvements in measurement of credit risk and proposed the internal rating based (IRB) approach, by which financial institutions will be allowed to use their internal estimates of borrower creditworthiness. At present, the listed companies in the Taiwan stock market raise capital by issuing stocks or bonds. The most traditional way is to borrow required money from financial institutions. However, the money borrowed from financial institutions is not the same as small amount loans. Therefore, it brings a crucial issue for financial institutions to evaluate the credit risk of public traded companies with their own credit risk model. In the past, the credit risk models, based on econometrics, such as the Z-Score Model (Altman 1968), the Qualitative Model, Probit Model, the Logistic Model, the Discriminate Model, and the Neural Network Analysis, have generally been used in credit risk management. These models use the companies’ historical data as model variables to predict the probable default in the future. Therefore, they are also called Look Forward Analysis and belong in the category with actual models. However, these models lack of the support of rigid theories and the past performance of companies can’t represent their default in the future. Accordingly, they don’t have abilities that precise and predictable. Since the 1990’s, the development of credit risk models can be divided into two main categories: the structure-form model and the reduced-form model. The basic difference between the two models is input variables. Besides, these models use market information to predict probability of default in the future. Hence, the scholars categorize the credit risk models since the 1990’s as Look Forward Analysis. Structural form models are based on the original framework developed by Merton (1974), using the principles of option pricing in Black and Scholes. The input variables in these models must be related to asset price and its volatility as well as correlative capital structure parameters of the target company. Therefore, structure form models have more instinct and economical meanings than reduced form models. In addition, structure-form models adopt business individual information and use non-linear estimation to determine the asset market value, volatility, and parameters associated with capital structure. Then, the default probability of targeted companies can be estimated, which have more institutional economic meaning. However, the input variables of model are hard to observe directly. Accordingly, it’s difficult to implement in quantification. Some representative articles are Black and Cox (1976), Bernnan and Schwartz (1977; 1978; 1980), Geske (1977), Ingersoll (1976; 1977a; 1977b), Leland (1994), Leland and Tofe (1996), Longstaff and Schwartz (1995), and Zhou (1997). Reduced form models mainly use market information, such as credit spread, credit rating conversion, or market price as input variables. This method ignores the characteristic of each company and credit rating can’t reflect the public information immediately. However, in practice, it simplifies the calculating process. Compared to the structure form models, the reduced form models need not define bankrupt and default. The following are representative studies: default-based approach (Jarrow and Tumbull 1995), rating-transition approach (Jarrow et al. 1997; Das and Tufano 1996; Lando 1998; Arvanitis, Gregory and Laurent, 1999), spread approach (Duffie and Singleton 1997; Madan and Unal 2000), market-based risk neutral approach (Bierman and Hass 1975; Yawitz 1977; Johnhart 1979; Lu and Kuo 2005). Some cores or foundations of models mentioned above have been developed and put into practice, for example Moody’s KMV, Credit Grades, Credit Metrics, CreditRisk+,and Credit Portfolio View. Among these models, Moody’s KMV credit risk model is the most popular in credit risk management. It uses the concept of call option, which considers the company market value of equity as the target of market value of asset as well as the short-term liabilities plus half of long-term liabilities, also called the default point, as the strike price. Therefore, according to the definition of Moody’s KMV credit risk model, the default event happens while the market value of asset is lower than the default point in a given period in the future. In terms of the Moody’s KMV announcement, the definition of default point was determined through an optimization process, making sure that the model power (accuracy ratio) is high. Although Moody’s KMV credit risk model defines the default events happen as those company’s asset market value is lower than its’ short-term liabilities plus half of long-term liabilities, we think that the characteristics of company itself are the main reasons affecting the probability of default. Ohlson (1980) used Logistic analysis to create financial crisis prediction model. The empirical results showed that company size, capital structure, return on asset, debt ratio and liquidity have significance predictable power on financial crisis. Therefore, company size or capital structure does affect company’s default risk in the future. Moreover, enterprise’s payment ability may directly affect company’s default risk. Companies will face the risk of bankrupt or shut down if they can’t afford payment. Beaver (1996) composed 79 crisis companies as samples and used financial variables as crisis indicators as well as information on the financial statement to judge those companies. The results showed that cash flow-to-total debt, and total debt-to-total asset had predictable power. Blum (1974) used cash flow theory as well as indicators of liquidity, probability and variability to create enterprise’s failure prediction model. Therefore, we consider that the definition of default point should come from the related factors. In this way, the estimated default probabilities can truly affect the operating characteristics of listed companies in Taiwan stock market. According to the researches mentioned above, the characteristics of business all have significance relationship with enterprise’s default probability. Therefore, based on these characteristics, we conclude the factors of affecting default probability, such as operating ability, financial liquidity, business size, solvency, and financial leverage. Traditional regression is often used to analysis the linear relationship between dependable variables and independent variables. However, under the affection of time difference, extraneous impaction, or variable characteristics, this linear relationship between dependable variables and independent variables may change. In econometric, this is so called structural change. Simple linear regression model no longer completely interprets the relation between dependable variables and independent variables in this situation. Although this problem can be controlled or interpreted by presuming change point and using dummy variables, the way of presuming change point is not obviously objective. In econometric, the threshold regression is applied into empirical research of the following characteristics, multiple equations of structural changes, non-linear and time-series autoregression as well as dividing samples of continuous distribution. Threshold auto-regression (TAR) was created by Tong (1978). Then, Tong and Lim modified TAR, referring to discuss the level of autoregression of threshold variables in different threshold intervals. Hansen (1996) used bootstrap method to examine threshold effect. It solved the problems of non-standard distribution due to the distribution of traditional test statistic. Besides, Hansen (1999, 2000) considered that samples above or below threshold point should have different characteristics. Also, he argued that the consistent estimators of threshold point can be determined by least squares and then used likelihood ratio to determine the confidence interval of threshold point. However, structural changes may exist in regression model. These changes can result from the different levels of independent variables, the different distribution of dependent variables or the level that the dependent variables affected by independent variables. Therefore, we should survey the different levels of structural changes caused by the degree that independent variables affect dependent variables and concern that whether the structural changes, originated from the degree that independent variables affect dependent variables, exist under different quantity positions of dependent variables. The quantile regression model considers both outliers and the concept of mean. The coefficients of estimators, under different given quantile points, are estimated to discuss how independent variables affect dependent variables under the different distribution position of dependent variables. According to some descriptive statistics in empirical studies related to financial topics, the distribution of return of financial assets mostly belongs to non-symmetric distribution. The estimators estimated by Ordinary Least Square will be biased. In addition, the down-side risk is more crucial than the whole average risk in the issue of credit risk management. This is the reason why this paper uses the threshold regression model created by Hansen (1999) to estimate the default point in Moody’s KMV credit risk model as well as uses the qunantile regression created by Koenker and Basset (1987) to avoid the sample selection bias resulted from the threshold regression model and we try to study the suitability for setting up the default points of listed companies in the Taiwan stock market under different quantile positions of dependent variables. 3. Methodology Moody’s KMV credit risk model estimates the market value of assets and its volatility by market value of equity, standard deviation of equity return, debt value and risk free interest rate. Then the expected default probability could be solved. The following steps are the procedures used by Moody’s KMV: Step 1: Estimate asset value and its volatility With the concept of option, we recognize equity as a call option on the underlying assets of the firm. Here, we suppose the creditor own the assets, and hold a call option, and the shareholder have the right to buy the firm assets from them. In other words, the seller is the creditors, the shareholders are the buyer, and the strike price of the call option is equal to the book value of the company’s liabilities. As the asset value is insufficient to meet the liabilities of the firm then the shareholders, the owners of the call option, will not exercise the option and will leave the firm to its creditors. On the other hand, when the asset value of firm is larger than the book value of liabilities, the shareholder will exercise this option and pay back the debt to make the firm exist. We can simultaneously solve the asset value and volatility implied from the market value of equity: VE VA N d1 Be rT N d 2 VA E V A , N d 2 E (1) VE 、V A、B 、T and rf are separately represents the equity value of firm, the asset value, book value of liabilities, the debt due at time T and risk free interest rate. N d1 and N d2 show the cumulative probability functions in normal distribution. A denotes the volatility of asset value of firm and V 2 d1 ln A rf A / , d2 d1 . 2 B Step 2: Calculate the distance-to-default In Moody’s KMV credit risk model, the definition of default is the asset value of firm is lower than the default point, and the default distance is measured by the standard deviations. We can derive the default distance by measuring and standardizing asset volatility. The larger the number means the farther the default distance, in other words, the default probability of firm is lower. According to the definition in the Moody’s KMV credit risk model, the default distance can be denoted as follows: ln DD VA 2 A t Bt 2 A t (2) The default probability implies the probability of asset value reaching to the default distance. Therefore, the default probability can be showed as: VA A2 ln t Bt 2 Pt N A t (3) This is the probability in the Moody’s KMV credit risk model. However, in order to calculate the default distance, we have to collect the information about the asset value and asset volatility. In fact, we can not observe these two variables directly from financial statement or in the stock market, so we can estimate the asset value and the volatility simultaneously by non-linear approach with equation (1). Step 3: Re-define the default point After estimating the parameters of assets value and the volatility of defaulted companies by non-linear approach simultaneously, we take use of the assets value of defaulted companies as the dependent variable and the short-term liabilities and long-term liabilities as the independent variable in the threshold regression. With the five factors affected above-mentioned as our threshold variables to evaluate the coefficient value of short-term liabilities and long-term liabilities which have influence on assets value of default companies separately by threshold regression and quantile regression. Consequently, we will take these coefficients as the default point to measure the default probability which is appropriate for the listed companies in Taiwan. The threshold regression model could be showed as follow: αˆ ti ˆ11SDi ˆ12 LDi ei , DPi ˆ ˆ αˆ ti 21SDi 22 LDi ei , q q (4) The DPit , SDi and LDi are separately denotes as the assets value, short-term liabilities and long-term liabilities of the ith default company. Let q be the threshold variable of the five business characteristics, and represent the threshold point in the threshold regression. In order to examine if it exists the threshold effect or not, we firstly establish the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis as follow: H0: ˆ11 ˆ 21 , ˆ12 ˆ 22 (5) H1: ˆ11 ˆ 21 , ˆ12 ˆ 22 (6) The test value is F1 RS 0 RS 1 ˆ 1 1 , in which ˆ 2 eˆ'eˆ RS ˆ . As RS0 2 n n ˆ denotes the mean square deviation value of all samples, RS1 k is the mean square deviation value under the threshold value. To avoid the difficulty by non-linear approach, Hansen (1999) developed a method which can apply non-dynamic panel data to solve this problem by setting, estimating and testing in the threshold model. We will take us of two stage least squares to estimate the threshold value. At first, we set a threshold value separately by least square method to find the sum of squared errors, SSE. Then we can get the estimated value of threshold through SSE, and use this value to calculate the coefficient of regression to analyze and observe the consistency of the result. Although the original samples will divided into different subsample according to different threshold values in the threshold regression model, the dependent variable may bring out different influences with different independent variable. On the other hand, the estimated results may be different with different threshold values. Besides, as we divide the sample into subsample in this model, we may make a mistake of sample selection because of setting different threshold values. Therefore, we still apply quantile regression to analyze our results. Suppose yi shows default points of different companies, and denotes the variable affect the default point, such as the sort-term liabilities and long-term liabilities of companies. Here, i presents the position of assets value of ith company in all samples. ui is the error term under different quantile point. Thus, we set the quantile regression model as follows: yi xi' u i Quant yi xi inf y : Fi y x xi' (7) Quant u i xi 0 m i n yi xi' n i 1 u u 1u i fu i uf (8) 0 0 is a coefficient given a quantile point , Quant yi xi denotes the estimated equation of quantile regression given a quantile point . Fi y x is a conditional distribution given x . If the error term ui in equation (7) is positive, it presents the position of assets value of ith firm is above the conditional quantile value of dependent variable. Instead, if the error term ui in equation (7) is negative, it presents the position of assets value of ith firm is under the conditional quantile value of dependent variable. We take the quantile point which is between zero and one as the weighted coefficient in the quantile regression to distinguish the position in the dependent variable. In this article, it denotes different default point of different companies. Therefore, we only have to take equation (4) into xi in equation (7) or equation (8); we can get the coefficient of short-term liabilities and long-term liabilities of companies. Accordingly, this becomes another new definition of default point which different from the threshold regression model to measure the default probability of the listed companies in Taiwan. 4. Empirical results 4.1 Data and Variables The subjects of the research are all listed companies in Taiwan excluding financial companies, and the sample period is during January 1, 1998 to December 31, 2007. The data are obtained in the database of Taiwan Economics Journal (TEJ). In fact the definitions of default companies from TEJ are many kinds. For instance, check bounce and running on a bank, closing down and bankruptcy, doubts about continuing operations, restructure, bailing out and asking for support, taking over, delisting of stocks requiring full delivery, financial distress and stoppage, and net value is negative . There were 161 defaulted companies and 1392 normal companies (total 1553) our sample period of time. Here, we divided them by industries, all sample companies were distributed across 27 industries. Among them, the number of default building material and construction companies was on the top of list, total 19 companies; followed by electronic component industry, 17 companies, food industry and opto-electronic industry, 13 companies. The food industry occupied the largest share in the total samples by 37.14%; followed by glass and ceramic industry 30% and building material and construction industry 26.03%. If we analyze it by the of time, from Table 1, we could find that the number of default companies in 2005 occupied the largest share by 29 companies (18.24%), followed by 28 companies (17.61%) in 2001 and 23 companies (14.47%) in 2004. In 2007, 1998 and 1999, there were only two companies (1.26%), three companies (1.89%) and nine companies (5.66%) respectively. Table 1: The Number of Default Companies from 1988 to 2007 1998 Number of Default Companies 3 1999 9 5.59% 2000 22 13.66% 2001 28 17.39% 2002 10 6.21% 2003 18 11.18% 2004 23 14.29% 2005 29 18.01% 2006 15 9.32% 2007 4 2.48% Total 161 100% Year Percentage 1.86% Source:Reorganized and Compiled by the Author 4.2 The adjusted definition of default point in threshold regression model According to Hansen (1999, 2000), we find five indices such as operating capability, financial liquidity, business size, solvency, financial leverage as the threshold point separately by the minimum MSE in regression. First, we get the asset value, short-term liability and long-term liability of firms which is defaulted in Taiwan, and sorted by the seventeen threshold variables from the five indices. Second, we will divide all samples into two subsamples by each of the threshold point. In this way, we have the asset values of defaulted firms as independent variable, and the short-term liabilities and long-term liabilities as dependent variable. Finally, we can estimate the coefficient of short-term liabilities and long-term liabilities in each subsample. Here, we take it as the new definition of default in our research. We find that only account receivable turnover rate, current ratio, ratio of short-term liabilities to size (1), ratio of short-term liabilities to size (2), business size (1), business size (2), time interest earned, financial leverage, debt ratio and short-term liabilities exist threshold effect significantly. The adjusted definition of default point show as follow. Table 2: The adjusted definition of default by threshold regression Threshold variable Account Receivable Turnover Rate Current ratio Quick ratio Short-term liabilities/sizes(1) Short-term liabilities/ sizes (2) Business sizes (1) Business sizes (2) Cash flow ratio Time interest earned separation Formula of default point Lower than the threshold Higher than the threshold Lower than the threshold Higher than the threshold Lower than the threshold Higher than the threshold Lower than the threshold Higher than the threshold Lower than the threshold Higher than the threshold Lower than the threshold Higher than the threshold Lower than the threshold Higher than the threshold Lower than the threshold Higher than the threshold Lower than the threshold Higher than the threshold DP=1.885(short-term liabilities)+1.068 (long-term liabilities) DP=1.4136(short-term liabilities)+0.9495 (long-term liabilities) DP=1.4594(short-term liabilities)+0.8987 (long-term liabilities) DP=1.7714(short-term liabilities)+1.9972 (long-term liabilities) DP=1.4435(short-term liabilities)+1.0364 (long-term liabilities) DP=2.8754(short-term liabilities)+ (-0.7538) (long-term liabilities) DP=2.2153(short-term liabilities)+1.1594 (long-term liabilities) DP=1.5329(short-term liabilities)+0.988 (long-term liabilities) Threshold value 5.77% 149.65% 51.36% 0.3139% DP=2.3706(short-term liabilities) 0.3084% DP=1,5274(short-term liabilities)+0.9764 (long-term liabilities) DP=1.0734(short-term liabilities)+2.9721 (long-term liabilities) 17.95hundre DP=1.4288(short-term liabilities)+0.7808 d million (long-term liabilities) DP=1.2603(short-term liabilities)+2.288 20.93 (long-term liabilities) hundred DP=1.436(short-term liabilities)+0.8218 million (long-term liabilities) DP=2.9228(short-term liabilities)+ (-0.9589) (long-term liabilities) -7.51% DP=1.4101(short-term liabilities)+1.0537 (long-term liabilities) DP=1.8477(short-term liabilities)+1.0865 (long-term liabilities) -2.73 倍 DP=1.3504(short-term liabilities)+1.0315 (long-term liabilities) Financial leverage Debt ratio Short-term liabilities Total debt Lower than the threshold Higher than the threshold Lower than the threshold Higher than the threshold Lower than the threshold Higher than the threshold Lower than the threshold Higher than the threshold DP=1.3862(short-term liabilities)+0.8096 (long-term liabilities) 22.92% DP=1.5686(short-term liabilities)+0.9483 (long-term liabilities) DP=2.3204(short-term liabilities)+2.4158 (long-term liabilities) 47.15% DP=1.4819(short-term liabilities)+0.932 (long-term liabilities) DP=1.9387(short-term liabilities)+1.4134 (long-term liabilities) 1.21 hundred million DP=1.5365(short-term liabilities)+0.9726 (long-term liabilities) DP=1.3993(short-term liabilities)+1.9914 18.55 (long-term liabilities) hundred million DP=1.2849(short-term liabilities) Source:Reorganized and Compiled by the Author 4.3 The adjusted definition of default point in quantile regression model We adopt the quantile regression model in Koenker and Baset (1987) to estimate default point in order to avoid the selection bias which may be caused by the threshold regression model. We investigate the fitness default point of the listed companies in Taiwan through different quantile position of dependent variable. According to the empirical results of quantile regression, we find the definition of default point exists structural change only when the asset value of firm is higher than 11.5 hundred million. As far as all firms are concerned, this threshold is much lower. It is because the stock price of default firms dropped immediately to reflect the default event, the asset values of firms become lower consequently. Here, we especially examine the influences of short-term liabilities, long-term liabilities of firms individually because total debt which is inclusive of short-term liabilities, long-term liabilities and other debt. Therefore, we show the estimation of quantile regression in Table 3: Table 3: the definition of default point under different levels in quantile regression Variables in quantile regression Long-term Short-term Constant liabilities liabilities coefficient 0.02 1.00 1.01 p-value 0.99 0.99 0.29 coefficient 0.04 1.05 1.02 p-value 0.97 0.83 0.28 coefficient 0.04 1.09 0.99 P-value 0.97 0.74 0.31 coefficient 0.03 1.10 1.06 p-value 0.98 0.68 0.24 coefficient 0.04 1.10 1.24 p-value 0.97 0.68 0.12 coefficient 0.03 1.15 1.22 p-value 0.97 0.54 0.13 coefficient 0.05 1.17 1.21 p-value 0.96 0.50 0.13 coefficient 0.04 1.19 1.17 p-value 0.97 0.31 0.16 coefficient 0.09 1.17 1.16 p-value 0.93 0.28 0.16 coefficient 0.11 1.17 1.14 p-value 0.91 0.23 0.17 Quantile statistics level 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 Variables in quantile regression DW Long-term Short-term Constant liabilities liabilities coefficient 0.06 1.26 1.06 0.55 1.97 p-value 0.95 0.18 0.23 coefficient 0.11 1.36 1.06 0.60 1.97 p-value 0.91 0.14 0.23 coefficient 0.20 1.48 1.15 0.65 1.98 p-value 0.84 0.21 0.16 coefficient 0.33 1.47 1.20 0.70 1.98 p-value 0.74 0.09* 0.13 coefficient 0.40 1.56 0.98 0.75 1.98 p-value 0.68 0.09* 0.30 coefficient 0.63 1.62 1.06 0.80 1.98 p-value 0.52 0.06* 0.23 coefficient 1.02 1.67 0.95 0.85 1.98 p-value 0.30 0.04** 0.34 coefficient 0.56 1.97 1.47 0.90 1.90 p-value 0.58 <0.01*** 0.04** coefficient 1.82 2.37 1.23 0.95 1.72 p-value 0.10 <0.01*** 0.17 notes:***、**and*are separately denotes the coefficientthat is different from 10%、5%以及 1% Quantile DW statistics level 1.89 1.90 1.91 1.92 1.93 1.94 1.94 1.95 1.95 1.96 Source:Reorganized and Compiled by the Author From Table 3, we find when the asset values of firm is higher (the quantile point is higher than 0.85), the coefficient of the short-term liabilities to default point is significantly different from the original one in Moody’s KMV credit risk model. Obviously, there exists some improvement space to set the default point in the original Moody’s KMV credit risk model. In order to define the formula of default point under different asset values level exactly. Besides, we consider the differences between independent variable and dependent variable under different position of dependent variable. We sorted all defaulted firms by the asset values from small to large, and take use of imputation method to get asset value which corresponding to the 85% in the sequence. Finally, we get the threshold point which is 11.5 hundred million, and divided the defaulted firms into two subsamples according to the asset values. Then, we use the traditional regression model to estimate this coefficient of the two subsamples individually, and redefine the default point. Table 4: the coefficient of long-term and short-term liabilities to defaulted point under different asset value Low asset value High asset value short-term liabilities long-term liabilitied 1.2248 0.043** 1.4584 <0.0001*** coefficient P-value R2 Adjusted R2 0.8519 0.8497 short-term liabilities long-term liabilitied 1.2919 0.036** 0.7097 0.1375 coefficient P-value R2 Adjusted R2 0.8322 0.8155 notes:***, **and*are separately denotes the coefficient that is different from 10%, 5%, and1%. The coefficient of debt is 0.5. Source:Reorganized and Compiled by the Author After getting the coefficient of long-term liabilities and short0term liabilities, we redefined the new default point. Put the new definition of default point into Moody’s KMV credit risk model, we can get the default probability of all firms which is inclusive of default and non-default. Besides, we compare this new definition to the original ones (coefficient of short-term liabilities is 1, and the coefficient of long-term liabilities is 0.5) in the Moody’s KMV credit risk model and the default probability which is estimated by the threshold model regression. Here, we use cumulative accuracy profiles curve (hereafter is CAP curve) and receiver operating characteristic curve (hereafter is ROC curve) to analyze. 4.4 Efficiency and predictability of the adjusted default point We have to understand the theorem of ROC curve before verifying by ROC curve. It takes the relationship of type Ⅰ error and type Ⅱerror to verify the efficiency of the model. The type Ⅰ error means the firms actually defaulted but are considered the normal firms from the estimation of model. However, The typeⅡ error is defined the firms are normal but determined as a defaulted ones. The application of CAP curve is to verify the predictability. Here we take the proportion of the normal and default firms to draw the CAP curve and therefore distinguish the effectiveness. After we match the whole samples by the model, we can get a default probability and will sort this from large to small. Firstly, suppose we calculate the proportion that defaulted firms exist in the select the preceding 5% of all samples. Secondly, we select the preceding 10% of all samples and repeat the above steps. Finally, we draw the percentage on the cross axle and also draw the proportion of the defaulted firms to the selected samples on the vertical axle. Thus, we can get the CAP curve and calculate the area under the CAP curve. Table 5: the ROC comparison of the adjusted model and original Moody’s KMV year Moody’s KMV Account Receivable turnover rate Thres Current ratio hold Short-term regres liabilities/sizes(1) sion Short-term model liabilities/sizes(2) Business sizes (1) Business sizes (2) Time interest 1998 0.4235 1999 0.4302 2000 0.4637 2001 0.4297 2002 0.4066 2003 0.4404 2004 0.4537 2005 0.5656 2006 2007 0.5441 0.4682 average 0.4626 0.3444 0.7061 0.4513 0.4709 0.4097 0.5880 0.4875 0.6776 0.6932 0.8818 0.5711 0.3370 0.6924 0.4751 0.4585 0.4088 0.4604 0.3728 0.6340 0.6554 0.5888 0.5083 0.5679 0.6364 0.4610 0.4556 0.5393 0.5078 0.5521 0.6938 0.6349 0.8637 0.5913 0.5759 0.6068 0.4653 0.4472 0.5480 0.4972 0.5523 0.6835 0.6465 0.8606 0.5883 0.3765 0.3691 0.3605 0.3710 0.3668 0.3636 0.4913 0.4828 0.4747 0.4821 0.4727 0.4734 0.4495 0.4925 0.4713 0.4349 0.4749 0.5410 0.4415 0.4242 0.4257 0.6152 0.6326 0.6958 0.5803 0.6304 0.6733 0.6319 0.7360 0.8615 0.4873 0.5021 0.5404 earned Financial leverage Short-term liabilities Debt ratio Quantile regression model 0.5426 0.7907 0.5176 0.5257 0.4238 0.5043 0.4033 0.6573 0.7017 0.8453 0.5912 0.5537 0.6734 0.4737 0.4601 0.4664 0.5435 0.5473 0.7033 0.6573 0.8777 0.5956 0.2827 0.5677 0.4459 0.4827 0.2817 0.3935 0.3108 0.5902 0.6322 0.7264 0.4714 0.3889 0.3816 0.4924 0.4388 0.4169 0.4436 0.3928 0.6132 0.6593 0.8779 0.5105 Source:Reorganized and Compiled by the Author From the examination of ROC in table 5, the accuracy ratio of the most of the variables which is adjusted are larger than the original Moody’s KMV credit risk model. But the debt ratio is an exception which means we can not find significantly that the predictability and efficiency are better than the original Moody’s KMV credit risk model under the ROC examination. However, as far as the great majority is concerned, the predictability and efficiency are superior to the original Moody’s KMV credit risk model in estimating default probability. In other words, no matter what we adopt the adjusted definition of defaulted point by Hansen (1992) or Koenker and Basset (1978), the result would be constant. But if we only consider the predictability of the credit risk model with adjusted default point, we can not conclude that the new Moody’s KMV credit risk model is better than the original ones. Therefore, we continuously compare the efficiency by CAP curve, and the results are showed in Table 6: Table 6: the CAP comparison of the adjusted model and original Moody’s KMV year 1998 Moody’s KMV Account Receivable Thresh turnover rate old Current ratio regressi Short-term on liabilities/sizes(1) model Short-term liabilities/sizes(2) 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 averag e 0.7015 0.5081 0.5842 0.8749 2007 0.3750 0.5750 0.4083 0.3231 0.4813 0.4517 0.4063 0.6303 0.7288 0.4000 0.6750 0.4717 0.4212 0.4563 0.6283 0.4875 0.7039 0.7231 0.3750 0.7250 0.4767 0.4019 0.5000 0.5017 0.3875 0.6645 0.6673 0.4750 0.6750 0.4933 0.4462 0.5625 0.5450 0.5500 0.7184 0.6769 0.7756 0.5475 0.6018 0.8753 0.5000 0.6250 0.4933 0.4423 0.5688 0.5417 0.5750 0.7250 0.6769 0.8509 0.5999 Business sizes (1) Business sizes (2) Time interest earned Financial leverage Short-term liabilities Debt ratio Quantile regression model 0.3000 0.3750 0.4750 0.6250 0.4950 0.4967 0.4500 0.4346 0.5063 0.5250 0.5150 0.5350 0.4625 0.4750 0.6776 0.6855 0.6750 0.6846 0.8082 0.5365 0.8031 0.5640 0.6057 0.8506 0.4250 0.7250 0.5067 0.4115 0.5438 0.5850 0.5000 0.7382 0.7712 0.4250 0.7750 0.5067 0.4519 0.4813 0.5583 0.4688 0.6816 0.6923 0.4500 0.6750 0.5067 0.4385 0.5438 0.5683 0.5313 0.7197 0.6846 0.8439 0.5885 0.5993 0.8750 0.3000 0.3750 0.5750 0.6250 0.4467 0.4633 0.4731 0.3885 0.3375 0.4875 0.4350 0.5150 0.3063 0.4375 0.5776 0.6592 0.6173 0.6981 0.7138 0.4782 0.9085 0.5558 Source:Reorganized and Compiled by the Author We take the listed companies in Taiwan as our samples, and we both use the night variables as the threshold variable, and quartile regression to modify the original Moody's KMV credit risk model. According to the empirical results, there are better improvement in predictability and efficiency when we estimate the default probability with the two models. We conclude that mat because the development of accounting system and legal rules are getting mature, and the financial report becomes clear to reflect the real condition of firms. Therefore, the stock price can correctly respond the public information, so that stock market becomes an efficient one in the recent year. These developments can help us to increase the predictability when utilize the financial data and market price to estimate the Moody’s KMV credit risk model. Eventually, in order to compare the predictability and efficiency in different models, we compare the ROC, CAP of threshold regression, quantile regression and original Moody’s KMV credit risk model to analyze. We find the ROC and the CAP of threshold regression model are more accurate than quantile regression and Moody’s KMV credit risk model. In a word, we conclude that the predictability of threshold regression model is more powerful than quantile regression when we measure the credit risk of the listed companies in Taiwan. 4.5 The statistic inference of default probability after modifying the model In most of the relative literatures, they estimate the default probability by only correcting the definition of default point without statistic inference of default probability. Thus, we adopt the method established in Hansen and Schuermann (2006) to calculate the confidence level of default probability. Besides, we also examine whether the default probability is significantly different from zero in our sample period? In order to proceed with the statistic inference, we apply bootstrap method to calculate the original Moody’s KMV credit risk model, threshold regression model and quantile regression model by selecting 1000 random samples, and repeat the step 10,000 times. By means of bootstrapping, we can get the statistic inference such as average value, standard deviation of default probability, and then measure the 95% confidence interval. The results are showed in table 7 to 9: Table 7: the statistic inference of default probability in Moody’s KMV credit risk model Non-Parameteric Paramteric Moody’s KMV Standard Standard Average Z-value Average Z-value deviation deviation 1998 0.0141 0.1173 4.7279 0.0141 0.0892 6.2305 1999 0.0168 0.1282 5.1780 0.0168 0.1013 6.5580 2000 0.0208 0.1424 5.7667 0.0208 0.1111 7.3952 2001 0.0422 0.2007 8.2899 0.0422 0.1590 10.4735 2002 0.0408 0.1974 8.1440 0.0408 0.1594 10.0936 2003 0.0424 0.2012 8.3085 0.0424 0.1555 10.7536 2004 0.0221 0.1468 5.9508 0.0221 0.1128 7.7389 2005 0.0214 0.1443 5.8426 0.0214 0.1022 8.2400 2006 0.0189 0.1359 5.4914 0.0189 0.1020 7.2975 2007 0.0220 0.1463 5.9270 0.0220 0.1102 7.8605 Source:Reorganized and Compiled by the Author Table 8: the statistic inference of default probability in threshold regression model Non-Parameteric Paramteric Moody’s KMV Standard Standard Average Z-value Average Z-value deviation deviation 1998 0.0385 0.1921 7.9011 0.0385 0.1348 11.2604 1999 0.0525 0.2227 9.2915 0.0525 0.1592 13.0060 2000 0.0788 0.2693 11.5492 0.0788 0.1954 15.9240 2001 0.1450 0.3519 16.2538 0.1451 0.2650 21.6101 2002 0.1494 0.3564 16.5430 0.1495 0.2602 22.6756 2003 0.1624 0.3688 17.3827 0.1626 0.2595 24.7239 2004 0.1259 0.3316 14.9788 0.1260 0.2257 22.0341 2005 0.1534 0.3603 16.8010 0.1535 0.2415 25.0751 2006 0.1626 0.3689 17.3896 0.1627 0.2534 25.3357 2007 0.1335 0.3400 15.4926 0.1336 0.2319 22.7346 Source:Reorganized and Compiled by the Author Table 9: the statistic inference of default probability in quantile regression model Non-Parameteric Paramteric Moody’s KMV Standard Standard Average Z-value Average Z-value deviation deviation 1998 0.0350 0.1835 7.5222 0.0350 0.1393 9.9106 1999 0.0464 0.2101 8.7132 0.0466 0.1625 11.3070 2000 0.0683 0.2521 10.6904 0.0683 0.1953 13.8011 2001 0.1287 0.3347 15.1696 0.1288 0.2696 18.8485 2002 0.1306 0.3368 15.2977 0.1306 0.2613 19.7205 2003 0.1404 0.3473 15.9553 0.1402 0.2594 21.3238 2004 0.1032 0.3041 13.3903 0.1031 0.2221 18.3127 2005 0.1241 0.3295 14.8557 0.1241 0.2367 20.6843 2006 0.1321 0.3384 15.3978 0.1321 0.2497 20.8689 2007 0.1069 0.3088 13.6575 0.1071 0.2266 18.6443 Source:Reorganized and Compiled by the Author Although the default probability we estimated in the modified model or the Moody’s KMV credit risk model is very small, the average default probability each year is significantly different from zero in 1998 to 2007 from the results. In other words, this outcome appears that the listed companies in Taiwan will still default and it reveals the importance of credit risk management. 5. Conclusion Our empirical analysis is based on 161 listed companies in the Taiwan stock market, which are qualified for the definition of default in TEJ database. The sample period was between 1998 and 2007. This paper uses five major factors (operating ability, financial liquidity, business size, solvency, and financial leverage) as proxy variables of the companies’ characteristics. Meanwhile, we also use total 17 threshold variables to modified Moody’s KMV credit risk model and calculate the default probability of 1551 companies in the Taiwan stock market. Then, we compare the result obtained from our modified model to from the original Moody’s KMV model. Through the threshold regression model, we find that there are ten threshold variables (the account receivable turnover ratio, the current ratio, the short-term debt-to-size (1), the short-term debt-to-size (2), the Business size (1), the Business size (2), the time interest earned, the financial leverage, the short-term liabiliti and the debt ratio) exist significant threshold effect on the default point of listed companies in the Taiwan stock market. In another word, the definition of default point is not linear relationship as described in Moody’s KMV credit risk model. Accordingly, we have sufficient evidence that the original Moody’s KMV credit risk model is not suitable for the listed companies in the Taiwan stock market. We use the modified definition of default point obtained by the empirical results of threshold regression model to estimate the “modified” default probability. Meanwhile, from the point of quantile regression analysis, we use short-term liability and long-term liability to analyze the asset value and then find that the coefficients of long-term liability and short-term liability, as well as the company’s market asset value are not totally linear relation. From the results, we find that under the 5% of significant level, we have sufficient evidence to believe that the coefficient of short-term liability is not equal to 1, which proves what this paper mentions. Companies’ characteristics and asset market value lead to structural changes in the definition of default point in Moody’s KMV credit risk model. At the end, we also use CAP curve and ROC curve to examine the accuracy and the efficiency of the modified Moody’s KMV default probability. It appears that the modified default point performs better than the original Moody’s KMV credit risk model. Compared the threshold regression model and the quantile regression model, the threshold regression model has better predictability of credit risk, when we test the listed companies in Taiwan stock market. Reference 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Arvanitis, A., J. Gregory, and J.-P. Laurent. “Building Models for Credit Spreads.” Journal of Derivatives, Vol. 6, (1999): 27-43. Beaver, W. “Financial ratios as predictors of bankruptcy.” Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 6, (1966):71-102. Black, F. and J. C. Cox. “Valuing Corporate Securities:Some Effects of Bond Indenture Provisions.” Journal of finance, Vol. 31, (1976): 35-367. Black, F. and M. Scholes. “The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities.” Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 81, (1973): 637-659. Blum, M. “Failure Company Discriminant Analysis,” Journal of Accounting Research, (Spring 1974): 1-25. Brennan, M. J. and E. S. 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