Shining Div 2 Bus stop division, decimals and fractions Session plans

Division 2
Bus stop division, decimals and fractions
Divide three- and four-digit whole numbers by single-digit
Divide three- and four-digit whole numbers by two-digit numbers
Express remainders as fractions
Express some remainders as decimals
Divide decimal numbers
For this unit you will need:
counting stick, division grid (see resources), an IWB calculator, e.g. the one
Watch out for pupils who:
do not know their multiplication facts and so can’t make use of
them to solve divisions;
try to partition numbers into 1000s, 100s, 10s and 1s to divide (as
they would for multiplication), rather than into a multiple of
10/100 of the divisor and the rest, e.g. partition 2572 into 2000,
500, 70 and 2 to divide by 4 rather than in 2400 and 172, then
partitioning 172 into 160 and 12;
do not know the decimal equivalents for fifths and quarters;
are not secure in multiplying and dividing by 100.
HSNP © Hamilton 2013
Shining Term 1
Division 2
Session 1
Objectives: Divide three- and four-digit whole numbers by single-digit
numbers; Divide three- and four-digit whole numbers by two-digit
numbers; Express remainders as fractions; Express some remainders as
Teacher input with whole class
 Write 2896 ÷ 6 on the board. Ask pupils to estimate how many 6s
there might be in 2896. Agree that there are between 400 and 500 6s
in 2896. Model the division on the board, subtracting 2400 and writing
400 at the top. How much is left? How many 6s in 480? Use how many
6s are in 48 to help. Agree that there are 80 6s, and write 80 at the top
and subtract 480. Agree that there two 6s in 16 leaving a remainder of
4. What is 4 divided by 6? Draw out that 4/6 can be simplified to 2/3.
400 + 80 + 2, r4 Ans 482 2/3
6 ) 2896
- 2400
- 480
- 12
Repeat for 3815 ÷ 4, agree a remainder of 3 and discus how this can be
written as ¾ or as 0.75, giving an exact answer of 953.75.
Individual practice
 Ask pupils to divide 3277 by 4, 5, 6 and 7 expressing the remainder as a
decimal fraction where they can.
Teacher input with whole class
 Ask pupils to list multiples of 16 to 10 × 16, using the previous
multiples of 16 to help them and then talk through the division 2898÷
16. Write the reminder as 2/16, simplifying to 1/8.
 Ask pupils to divide 2898 by 12, 14 and 15, expressing the remainder
as a fraction or decimal where they can.
HSNP © Hamilton 2013
Shining Term 1
Division 2
Session 2
Objective: Divide decimal numbers
Teacher input with whole class
 Ask pupils to work out 3456 ÷ 6.
 Show 345.6 ÷ 6 on the IWB calculator, e.g. the one at and compare the two answers. So how
do you think you could work out 345.6 ÷ 6 without a calculator?
 How do you think you could work out 34.56 ÷ 6 without a calculator?
Agree that they could divide the answer to 3456 ÷ 6 by 100. Check
with the calculator to see that this is correct.
 Ask pupils to work out 3456 ÷ 16, and use this to find the answers to
345.6 ÷ 16 and 34.56 ÷ 16.
 Take feedback.
Paired pupil work
 Ask pupils to work out the following divisions and then work in pairs to
use the answers to derive related decimal division facts:
4528 ÷ 8
3428 ÷ 4
1792 ÷ 7
2224 ÷ 8
2958 ÷ 14
3136 ÷ 13
 Take feedback.
Teacher input with whole class
 How could we find the answer to 3456 ÷ 1.6? Will the answer be bigger
or smaller than the answer to 3456 ÷ 16? Why? Take pupil’s
suggestions and test them out using the calculator.
 Ask them to use some of their previous divisions to work out other
related divisions, i.e. 2958 ÷ 1.4 and 3136 ÷ 1.3.
 Take feedback.
HSNP © Hamilton 2013
Shining Term 1
Division 2
Session 3
Objective: Divide decimal numbers
Teacher input with whole class
 Count along the counting stick in steps of 0.3. Stop and ask questions
such as: so how many 0.3s are in 1.2? How many 0.3s are in 2.1?
 Explain that Alfie makes friendship bracelets by threading beads on
pieces of elastic. He has 0.8m of elastic and each bracelet needs 0.2m.
Ask pupils to discuss in pairs how many bracelets he can make with
0.8m. Agree that there are four 0.2s in 0.8. Record 0.8 ÷ 0.2 = 4.
 Point out that if we multiply BOTH numbers by 10, we do not alter the
division (what we are dividing into and what we are dividing are both
ten times larger and so the answer is the same). Hence we could check
our answer to 0.8 ÷ 0.2 by 8 ÷ 2 = 4.
 What if he had 1.2 m of elastic? 1.8m? Ask pupils to record the
corresponding division sentences (1.2 ÷ 0.2 which is same as 12 ÷ 2).
 Write 0.9 ÷ 0.3. How can we work out the answer to this? Agree that
we can think of this as how many 0.3s there are in 0.9, answer 3.
Individual practice
 Pupils work out: 0.4 ÷ 0.2; 1.5 ÷ 0.3; 1.6 ÷ 0.4; 3.5 ÷ 0.5; 2.8 ÷ 0.7.
 Suggest that they then create similar divisions for each other to solve.
Teacher input with whole class
 Display grid and play Three in a line. Divide class into 4 teams, assign a
colour to each. Each team take turns to choose a number from the
grid, and say which two numbers below the grid have this number as a
quotient. If correct, ring the chosen grid number in their colour. Carry
on playing until one team has three ringed numbers in a line.
1.4 2.4 4.8 1.2 2.7 5.4 3.5 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
HSNP © Hamilton 2013
Shining Term 1
HSNP © Hamilton 2013
Shining Term 1