Waves and Vibrations Review Multiple Choice: The amount of time

Waves and Vibrations Review
Multiple Choice:
1. The amount of time required for a pendulum to make one to-and-fro swing is called the pendulum’s:
a. frequency
b. period
c. wavelength
d. amplitude
e. swingy thingy
2. The number of times a wave vibrates each second is called its:
a. frequency
b. period
c. wavelength
d. amplitude
e. waviness
3. Which of these is an example of a longitudinal wave?
a. light waves
b. sound waves
c. radio waves
d. pendulums
e. waving bye-bye
4. When the crest of one wave meets the trough of another wave of equal frequency and amplitude at
the same point in space, then _____________________ interference occurs.
a. constructive
b. destructive
c. pass
d. all of the above
e. all of the below
5. Vibrations are
a. the source of most wave motion
b. a form of harmonic motion
c. a wiggle in time
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
6. Which of the following is not an example of a transverse wave?
a. light waves
b. sound waves
c. radio waves
d. surface water waves
e. all of the above
7. The wavelength of a wave can be measured from:
a. crest to crest
b. trough to trough
c. any point on a wave to the next identical point of the wave
d. all of the above
8. The distance from the equilibrium line (an imaginary line that runs horizontally through the middle
of a wave) to the wave’s crest is the wave’s:
a. period
b. wavelength
c. wave speed
d. amplitude
e. best friend
The frequency of an ocean wave is 0.5Hz. How much times passes between one wave passing a given
point and the next wave passing that same point?
a. 5 seconds
b. 2 seconds
c. 1 second
d. 0.5 seconds
e. Time flies when you’re having fun, so it depends on your mood.
In order to create a transverse wave on a slinky, you should move your hand _________________ to the
direction of the slinky.
a. perpendicular
b. parallel
c. carefully
d. chaotically
In order to create a longitudinal wave on a slinky, you should move your hand ________________ to the
direction of the slinky.
a. perpendicular
b. parallel
c. in, move your hand out, move your hand in and shake it all about
d. do the hokey pokey and turn your self about
e. (clap, clap) that’s what it’s all about!
While using a slinky to demonstrate waves to her friend, Robin decides to increase the wavelength of
the waves. In order to do this, she should:
a. vibrate the end of the slinky faster
b. vibrate the end of the slinky slower
c. vibrate the end of the slinky in a different direction
d. start using the slinky as a jump rope
A standing wave forms because of ___________________ between an incident wave and the resulting
reflected wave.
a. interference
b. frequency
c. differences
d. nodes and antinodes
Which of these is an example of Simple Harmonic Motion?
a. Pendulum swinging back and forth
b. Mass bobbing on the end of a spring
c. A rubber band vibrating back and forth after being “plucked”
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
15. According to Wikipedia, “Radio galaxies…are types of active galaxy that are very luminous at radio wavelengths
(especially between 10 MHz and 100 GHz).” Using this information and the fact that the speed of radio waves is
3.0x108, find the range of wavelengths that are emitted by radio galaxies. (Hint: 1 MHz = 1,000,000 Hz and 1 GHz=
1,000,000,000 Hz.)
16. In an earthquake, the first type of wave that is emitted is called a P wave. These waves take the form of longitudinal
sound waves, which means they travel at the speed of sound through the ground. At an earthquake observation
station which has its instruments embedded in the granite bedrock, the frequency of the observed P waves of a
particular seismic event is 250 Hz. If the speed of sound in granite is 5000 m/s, then what is the wavelength of the P
wave of this earthquake.
17. In the story, “The Pit and the Pendulum” by Edgar Allen Poe, the narrator describes how he managed to get away
from the swinging pendulum of death by waiting until the descending swing just barely started to slice through the
binding that held him below it and then struggling to get away before the device returned to slice into is flesh. If it
took him about 5 seconds to free himself from the bindings and scramble off the table before the pendulum returned,
completing half of its period, and he just barely got away at the last possible instance, in true thriller story fashion,
then how long was the pendulum in the story?
18. On the diagram provided on your answer sheet, sketch the combined wave that results from the interference of the
two wave pulses shown.
Possible Essay Questions:
1. Explain how a standing wave forms on a slinky or string. Be sure to use the following vocabulary
words in your explanation:
Constructive Interference
Destructive Interference
Reflected Wave
Incident Wave
2. Explain the difference between Longitudinal Waves and Transverse Waves. Give examples of
3. Explain the difference between constructive interference and destructive interference.
4. Explain what happens to a wave when it passes from one medium to a different medium. What
variables related to the wave change? Which ones stay the same?