Curriculum Vitae - UGA College of Engineering

Birth Date and Place: December 30, 1943; Murphy, Cherokee Co., North Carolina
Present Position: Associate Director, Georgia Environmental Technology Consortium and Public Service
Associate, Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Office Address: Biological and Agricultural Engineering
109 Driftmier Engineering
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia 30602-4435
(706) 542-8382
P.O. Box 547
Young Harris GA 30582
(706) 540-1449
P.O. Box 566
Hayesville NC 28904
Family: Wife: Brenda Howell Sellers
Child: Mary Katherine Sellers Kirby (1971)
Academic Training
Diploma: Hayesville High School, 1962, Hayesville, NC 28904
Young Harris Junior College - No Diploma
B.S.A. Degree: University of Georgia, 1967, Agricultural Economics
Texas AMU, No Degree (NDEA Fellowship), Statistics & Economics
MBA: University of Georgia, 1970, Business
Ph.D.: University of Georgia, 1972, Managerial Economics
II. University Teaching and Research
A. Graduate Faculty Experience
1973-1978: Member of Graduate Faculty, Western Carolina University.
1975-1977: Member of Executive Committee of Graduate Faculty, Western Carolina
1984-1994 : Teaching several financial and statistical courses. University of Georgia.
1994- : Teaching Engineering Decision Making Department of Biological and Agricultural
Eng. UGA.
B. Graduate Teaching
1972-1977: Operation Research, Production Management, Managerial Policy, Western
Carolina University.
1979-1984: Operation Research, Production Management, Western Carolina University.
1994-Present: Policy and Finance in Engineering, BAE at UGA
C. Undergraduate Teaching Experience
1968-1970: Econ 312, Business Statistics, University of Georgia.
1971-1972: Mgmt 351, Principles of Management, University of Georgia.
1972-1977: Production Management, Operation Research, Marketing-Management.
Western Carolina University.
1978-1984: Quantitative Methods.
1980-1984: Economics Statistics, Mars Hill College.
1984- : Agricultural Economics (AEC 210), Introduction, University of Georgia.
1984- : Agricultural Economics (AEC 364), Land Economics, University of Georgia.
1986- : Economic Statistic and Engineering
Finance and Economics, The University
of Georgia.
1994-Present Teaching Engineering Decision Making (finance and statistics) in the
Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department.
Professional Experience Academic
Positions Held
Present: Retired (2009) and rehired as part-time public service associate
1994-2009. Associate Director, Georgia Environmental Technology Consortium and
Public Service Associate, Biological & Agricultural Engineering.
1984-1994: Associate Director, Institute of Natural Resources, University of Georgia.
1979-1984: Adjunct Associate Professor of Management, Western Carolina University,
Cullowhee, NC.
1979-1984: Director, Clay County Health Department, Hayesville, NC
1979-1984: Manager, Blue Ridge Mountain Electric Membership Corporation, Young
Harris, GA 30582.
1977-1978: Temporary Associate Director of the Institute of Natural Resources,
University of Georgia.
1976-1977: Associate Professor and Department Head of Administrative Science and
Marketing, Western Carolina University.
1974-1976: Associate Professor and Department Head of Administrative Science,
Western Carolina University.
1972-1973: Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Western Carolina University.
1971-1972: Graduate Assistant-Research Assistant, Institute of Natural Resources,
University of Georgia.
1970-1971: Graduate Assistant, School of Business, University of Georgia.
1968-1970: Temporary Instructor, School of Business, University of Georgia.
Membership and Activities in Honorary Societies and Organizations
1972-1984: Academy of Management
1970-1975: American Economic Association
1976-1982: Atlantic Economic Society
1975-1984: Small Business Institute
1972-1978: Southern Economic Association
1971-1978: Southern Management Association
1994- : ASAE
Membership and Activities in Honorary Societies and Organizations
Phi Kappa Phi
NDEA Fellowship, Texas AMU
Phi Kappa Phi, Vice President-Western Carolina University
Phi Kappa Phi, President-Western Carolina University
Who's Who in the South and Southwest
D. Other Professional Experience and Qualifications
Experienced in the integration of accounting/management systems and project management.
Strengths are in organization and information development for resources decisions, program development
and educational/information transfer. Experienced in working with people from all specialties dealing with
financial management systems. Have helped direct and develop educational programs and conferences
for professional financial and resources personnel as well as for the general public and elected officials.
Experienced in developing information support for financing and operating large water and energy
projects. Working knowledge of hardware and software interfaces for providing useable output to the
decision makers.
Experienced in financial and functional analysis of rural/urban electric and water systems.
Consultant to several boards of directors of rural cooperatives and electric associations as well as
municipal systems. Able to integrate economic, environmental, and financial variables with engineering
and other system requirements. Has experience in information discovery and development as well as data
handling skills. Has skills relating to multi-objective quantitative methods that rely on large databases as
The experiences of management of local organizations as well as project teams have assisted in
the development of excellent personnel management skills. Has the ability to communicate effectively
with experts from several functional areas of management as well as the sciences.
E. Major Consulting Activities
1993- Consultant/Expert on rural water supply and sanitation for United Nations Department of Economic
and Social Development for Sierra Leone, Mongolia and China.
1990-1992. Consultant/Expert on Mission (United Nations) Database/Information Specialist for North
China dealing with data requirements, format, structure, management, hardware interface. This study has
required four missions to China as well as providing training in short courses in China and the U.S. The
databases were developed from data recorded in ledger books, flat files (Lotus, Excel), DBase III, DB2,
FoxBase, and Oracle. Data had to be located, evaluated, and integrated. The major contents of the
North China Water Resources Study database/management information system are: The general design
of the management information system; System analysis (environment, data, functional); System design
(conceptual, logical, physical, functional); System realization (data dictionary, practical programs, imputing
and transferring data, testing and assessing databases); System and database maintenance and
management. A major portion of the time spent on mission was allocated to project management,
budgeting, and training.
1992- Consultant to United Nations Department for Social and Economic Development for Mongolia and
1991-1992. Consultant to private financial bankers dealing with rural water systems for the Philippines
dealing with database development, financial, economic analysis and coordination of data requirements
for out-of-country funds and local ability to pay, water demand, quality and supply.
1989-1990. Consultant to US Army Corps of Engineers for data requirements for reallocation, energy,
water supply and water quality.
1988. Consultant to the State Science and Technology Commission of China on water resources
investment decisions.
1990-1992. Development of databases and management decision making criteria for the EPA Clean
Lakes Program. Integration of land practices and water quality along with other management options.
1979-1984. Consultant to a petroleum company dealing with Mexico-US energy programs. Database and
information transfer structures.
1979-1984. Chief Executive officer of an electric distributorship. Provided instruction in developing
complete data management for all operations. Served on statewide committees for management training
and power supply. Served as a member of the TVPPA association. Modernized the accounting control
and management system. Developed plans and procedures for power supply through the year 2010.
Emphasized the need to integrate computers, capacitors, load management and solid state metering into
system management.
D. Publications of current interest:
Kiepper, B. and Merka, W. and Sellers J. 2006. Utilization of chicken fat as an alternative fuel. In: 2006
National Poultry Waste Symposium (NPWMS) Proceedings, Springdale, Arkansas. J. B. Hess
and K. D. Roberson, Ed. National Poultry Waste Management Symposium Committee. pp. 55-63
Kiepper, B., Merka, W., Fletcher, D. and Sellers, J. 2004. Wastewater minimization: particle size
differentiation. In: 2004 National Poultry Waste Management Symposium (NPWMS) Proceedings,
Memphis, Tennessee. J. B. Hess and K. D. Roberson, Ed. National Poultry Waste Management
Symposium Committee. pp. 87-95.
Kiepper, B., Merka, W., Reynolds, A. and Sellers, J. 2002. Particle size distribution in poultry processing
wastewater. In: 2002 National Poultry Waste Management Symposium (NPWMS) Proceedings,
Birmingham, Alabama. P. H. Patterson, J. P. Blake and K. D. Roberson, Ed. National Poultry
Waste Management Symposium Committee. pp. 189-198.
Kiepper, B and Sellers, J. 2001. A survey of wastewater treatment practices in the broiler industry. In:
Water Environment Federation 74th Annual Conference Proceedings, Atlanta, Georgia. pp. 74-81.
Kiepper B. and Merka, W. Sellers, J. 2000. Laser diffraction technology in wastewater treatment in poultry
processing plants. In: 2000 National Poultry Waste Management Symposium (NPWMS)
Proceedings, Springdale, Arkansas. P. H. Patterson, J. P. Blake, and K. D. Roberson, Ed.
National Poultry Waste Management Symposium Committee. pp. 123-133.
Other Publications etc.
Sellers, Jackie. August 1993. "Information Needs for Water Resources Decision Making,"
Natural Resource Forum, Vol. 17, No. 3. pp-228-234.
Sellers, Jackie. May 1993. "Water Supply and Sanitation Needs for Sierra Leone," Proceedings
of United Nations Workshop on Water Supply and Sanitation, Freetown, Sierra Leone. Funded by UNDP.
Humphries, J. and Sellers, J. June 1995. The Economic Impact of the Commerical Marine
Fisheries Industry on Georgia's Economy, 1991-94. Selig Center for Economic Growth, Terry College of
Business, The University of Georgia and the Georgia Sea Grant Program.
Sellers, J., September 1995. Evaluation of the Economic and Financial Potential of Placing
Digesters for the Production of the Production of methane at the Alto Correctional Institute's Swine
North, R.M.,J.B. London, J. Sellers, and H.A. Pless, December 1997. The Economic Impact of
Alternate TVA Lake Management Policies, North American Water Management Institute, Inc. Athens, GA
for The Mountain Lakes Study Committee.
Kiepper, B., Merka, W., Sellers, J., Reynolds, E., 2002. Particle size analysis of secondary
screened poultry processing wastewater with predictive evaluation of tertiary screening to reduce DAF
solids. U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, Tucker, Georgia. Final Report No. 551.
Kiepper, B., Merka, W., Sellers, J., Reynolds, E., 2002. Survey Database of Wastewater
Treatment Practices and Experience in the Poultry Processing Industry. U.S. Poultry & Egg Association,
Tucker, Georgia. Final Report No. 562 (Part II).
Kiepper, B., Merka, W., Sellers, J., Reynolds, E., 2001. Profile and production process
determination of phosphorus and nitrogen wastewater discharges from poultry processing plants. U.S.
Poultry & Egg Association, Tucker, Georgia. Final Report No. 558.
Kiepper, B., Merka, W., Sellers, J., Reynolds, E., 2001. A Survey of Wastewater Treatment
Practices and Experience in the Poultry Processing Industry. U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, Tucker,
Georgia. Final Report No. 562.
Governo, J., Kiepper, B., Das, KC., Sellers, J., 2000. Bioconversion Feasibility Study for Clay,
Quitman and Randolph Counties, Georgia. Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department,
University of Georgia.
Selected projects:
Phosphorus Reduction Study for Fort Gordon for $120,000.
50K project with USPEA for FY2006 for waste water reduction studies.
$950,000 for the Georgia Environment Partnership to work with industry in Georgia. (UGA, GIT, and
Toxicity Reduction Evaluation (TRE) for U.S. Army Signal Center, Fort Gordon, Georgia. United States
Department of Defense, FY2004. Amount: $110,000 (Kiepper)
Effects of Antimicrobial Food Processing Chemicals on Biological Wastewater Treatment Systems.
FOODPAC, FY2003. Amount: $64,731 (UGA, USPOULTRY)
Effect of Food Processing Operations on Wastewater Generation and Treatment Methodologies.
FOODPAC, FY2002. Amount: $43,081 (UGA, Ga. Tech, USPOULTRY)
Comparison of Applied Tertiary Screening and Particle Size Analysis to Reduce DAF Solids.
USPOULTRY, FY2002. Amount: $31,050 (Kiepper, Merka, Sellers, Reynolds, Northcutt)
Particle Size Analysis of Secondary Screened Poultry Processing Wastewater to Reduce DAF Solids.
USPOULTRY, FY2001. Amount: $17,250 (Kiepper, Merka, Sellers, Reynolds)
Profile of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Discharges in Poultry Processing Wastewater. USPOULTRY,
FY2001. Amount: $18,400 (Kiepper, Merka, Sellers, Reynolds)
Survey Database of Wastewater Treatment Practices and Experiences in the Poultry Processing Industry.
USPOULTRY, FY2001. Amount: $5,750 (Kiepper, Merka, Sellers, Reynolds)
A Survey of Wastewater Biotreatment Practices and Experience in the Poultry Processing Industry.
USPOULTRY, FY2000. Amount: $10,350 (Kiepper, Merka, Sellers, Reynolds)
Georgia Environmental Technical Assistance Program (GETAP) for Food Processors. FOODPAC,
FY2000. Amount: $206,002 (UGA, Ga. Tech, Ga. Southern, Valdosta State)
Georgia Environmental Technical Assistance Program (GETAP) for Food Processors. FOODPAC,
FY1999. Amount: $179,500 (UGA, Ga. Tech, Ga. Southern, Valdosta State)
Environmental Technical Assistance Program for Food Processors (GETAP). FOODPAC, FY1998.
Amount: $152,688 (UGA, Ga. Tech, Ga. Southern, Valdosta State)