What is Life KEY

What is Life?
1. Living things have the following abilities and
they reproduce, respond to change in their
environment, maintain internal homeostasis,
consist of cells, are adapted to their environments,
grow and develop, run energy transformations.
2. A) Coral – Biotic : Animalia
B) Bacteria – Biotic : Monera
C) Air – Abiotic
D) Mould – Biotic : Fungus
E) Moss – Biotic : Plant
F) Lichen – Biotic : Part Algae (Protista) part
G) Barnacles – Biotic : Animal
H) Viruses – On the fence between living and nonliving. Can only exhibit life-like characteristics
when hi-jacking the machinery of a host cell.
3. – Made of one or more Cells.
- Reproduce either Sexually or Asexually.
- Exhibit Growth through cell division and
- Obtain and use Energy
- Respond to their environment.
4. Multicellular : Human, fish, flower, mushroom,
insect etc.
Unicellular : Amoeba, bacteria, paramecium.
5. A)Sexual Reproduction: When genetic material
from two different individuals unite to form a new
B) Asexual Reproduction : When a single organism
reproduces on its own to form offspring that are
clones of the parents.
6. Organisms take in substances from their
environment and use them for cell division
7. Organisms use energy from their surroundings
for growth, development, reproduction and
8. Anabolic Reactions include any chemical process
that involves synthesizing more complex
substances from simpler substances.
A) Catabolic
B) Anabolic
9. A) Rapid Response: Leaping out of the way of an
oncoming car.
B) Gradual Response: A plant slowly growing its roots
toward soil that is moist.
10. HOMEOSTASIS : The manner in which
organisms try to keep or maintain an internal
balance of their conditions.
11. A good example of homeostasis is perspiring
to cool down the body.