SPRING – 2010
Office Hours:
Web page:
Prof. Dr. Selime SEZGİN
Assist. Prof. Dr. A. Banu ELMADAĞ BAŞ
Thursday 14:00-16:00 or By appointment. (Is preferred as I usually check it a few times a day)
Text: Belch, George E. and Michael A. Belch (2004), Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated
Marketing Communications Perspective, 6th Ed. Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill.
The first three chapters of the text are available at the text website as well as information about
the chapters and self-quizzes:
Course Description and Objectives
Keeping up with the textbook and participating in class are both important to your
success in this course. The text provides a good overview of marketing communications and
promotion management. The class sessions will illustrate, apply, and expand on major text
topics, and introduce material not covered in the text.
To develop an understanding of the role of advertising and promotion within the context of a
balance of theoretical and practical perspectives through the integration of various
concepts/theories and practical applications.
o To analyze the relationship of five elements of the promotional mix.
o To develop and understanding of the overall marketing process and the role of the promotional
mix in the marketing mix and strategy.
o To understand the planning, implementation, and evaluation process of marketing
o To develop an understanding of the legal and social issues, the regulatory process, concerning
the promotional mix.
o To determine the role of the promotional mix in the development of strategic/ tactical
marketing plans so as to understand how the marketing communication process influences
consumer decision making.
Method of Evaluation
Your grade for the course will be determined using the following criteria:
* Tests
* Term Project
* Case Presentation and participation
It is your responsibility to keep up with any assignments or announcements made in class or
posted electronically, so check the class web-site regularly. Contributing to class discussions is
an important part of your learning experience—feel free to ask questions or make comments on
topics as we cover them in class. You are also welcome to talk with me outside of class about
the course.
Grading - It is the intention of the course to simulate as closely as possible what happens in the real
world. To that end, your work will be evaluated against what I would expect from a product or brand
manager in a medium sized company.
A = exceeds expectations
B = meets expectations
C= does not meet expectations
Other Points
All work in this class is expected to represent your own efforts. Collaborating with other
students on exams or assignments is prohibited. By remaining in this class, you are agreeing to
abide by the Academic Honor Pledge: “I promise or affirm that I will not at any time be
involved with cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, or misrepresentation while enrolled as a student
at Istanbul Technical University.”
Another important point is that “Disturbing the class is not acceptable”. Therefore, it is
strongly advised to share your ideas with the class not with your friend sitting next to you.
Integrated Marketing Communications Tentative Schedule
 Overview of course
 Overview of promotion management & IMC
No Class
 Role of IMC in the marketing process
 Organizing for advertising and promotion
 Perspectives on Consumer Behavior
Ch. 3 **Deadline to form groups of 6 for the term project
Case 1: Snapple
Ch. 4
Case 2: Starbucks
 Mid-term
 Creative cont. (Source, message and channel factors) Ch. 6 and 8
Case 3: Passion of Christ
 Creative strategy: planning and development
Briefs are given
Ch. 9
 Creative strategy: implementation
Case 4: The Fashion Channel
Ch. 11 and 12
 Media strategy cont. (Evaluation of broadcast and
Case 5: Heineken
Print media)
Ch. 13 and 16 and Ch. 19
 Media strategy cont. (Support media)
 Sales promotion
 Measuring promotion effectiveness.
Promotional Campaign Presentations
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
**Deadline to submit the term project
Other suggested reading:
Duncan, T., Principles of Advertising and IMC, 2nd Ed, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2005.
Blyth, J., Using advertising and promotion to build brands, Pearson, New York, 2000.
Brannan, Tom, A Practical Guide to Integrated Marketing Communications, Kogan, London, 1995.
Clow, K. & Baack, D., Integrated Advertising and Promotion and Marketing Communications, 2nd ed.,
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2005.
Duncan, Tom and Sandra Moriarty, Driving Brand Value: Using Integrated Marketing to Drive Stakeholder
Relationships, McGraw-Hill, Burr Ridge, Illinois, 1997.
Fill, Chris, Marketing Communications, Prentice-Hall, London, 1995.
Kitchen, P., Marketing communications: Principles and Practice, Thomson Business Press, London, 1999.
Rossiter, John R. and Steven Bellman, Marketing Communications: Theory and Applications, Pearson
Prentice Hall, Frenchs Forest, NSW, Australia, 2005.
Schultz, Don E. and Beth E. Barnes, Strategic Brand Communication Campaigns, National Textbook
Company, Lincolnwood, Illinois, 1999.
Schultz, Don E. and Schultz, Heidi., IMC: The next generation, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2004
Schultz, Don E., Stanley I. Tannenbaum, and Robert R. Lauterborn, Integrated Marketing Communications:
Pulling It Together & Making It Work, National Textbook Company, Lincolnwood, Illinois, 1993.
Shimp, T., A. Advertising, Promotion, & Supplemental Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications,
Thomson South-Western, Mason, Ohio, 2003.
Since you have done some case analysis in other courses, you should not have trouble with the
assignments. Please, do not come to class just to listen. Come ready to contribute!!!
Every case leaves us with options. In order to generate interesting class discussions, we need
people to take opposing sides, and keep others honest by asking the right questions. Strong
assertions (i.e., “Industrial equipment customers don’t care about brand.”) need to be supported
by as many facts as the case provides. Supporters or detractors of such assertions need to
articulate their rationale clearly and effectively. This is what I mean by being prepared.
To that end, ONE GROUP will be assigned the role of “devil’s advocates” for most cases,
and a different GROUP will be expected to serve as the primary “spokespersons” for the
case discussion.
Having spokespersons and devil’s advocates does not absolve the rest of the class from preparing
the case, but it places responsibility on some to prepare extra well.
Cases to be discussed:
1. Snapple
May 7th
2. Starbucks
May 14th
3. Passion of Christ
4. The Fashion Channel June 4th
5. Heineken NV
June 11th
Term Projects
The aim of the group project is to analyze specific applications of marketing communications strategies
and to give a chance to students to explore the professional life experiences.
The groups will consist of 4-5 students. The final work has to be max. 20 pages
For this project each group will be given a brief and will be expected to produce a final report
that is detailed below.
- 7th of May  Deadline to form your group.
The groups will be formed and e-mailed to . One of the group members will
be selected as the group leader and will email the professor and cc all the other group members.
Students who are not in a group will be assigned to a group without any discussion.
- 21st of May  The briefs are going to be given to the groups.
- 18th of June  Final submission of the project (this date is NOT subject to change)
- 18th of June Presentation of the projects.
Guidelines for the Final Report
The project can be broken down into three parts. The final submission and the presentation
should include the information in all three parts of the project. This assignment should be in
report format and should include evidence of research in the Appendix. The Appendix is not
included in the overall length of the project.
Part 1. Review of Marketing Plan and Promotional Program Situation Analysis
Prepare a report (an executive summary) on the client’s current market situation and their target
audiences in preparation for a promotional campaign. You should include a brief company
background (describing their business, products and services), description of competition &
competitors (primary and secondary), any issues affecting the company, and a breakdown of
their primary and secondary target audiences. This work should prepare a base of knowledge that
will be available to you for the next steps of the project.
The report should include:
Industry/Company/Subject Review
Product Review/Buyer(Target) Analysis
Competitive Review
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
Communications Objectives & Budget Request
Part 2. Integrated Marketing Communications Program
Your final report should include media objectives, planning and strategy used inn the
promotional campaign. Taking into consideration the client’s market position and audiences,
discuss the various media options available and evaluate the effectiveness of using broadcast,
print, or other specialist media. This assignment should be in report format and should include
evidence of research in the Appendix. The Appendix is not included in the overall length of the
Creative Strategy Statement
A statement of your copy platform, including the following components making up your
message strategy: target audience, objectives, key benefit, support, claims and promises,
reassurance, and tone. Determination of and rationale for, the source of the communication.
Creative Material
All creative material (story boards, jingles, outdoor media and promotional materials etc.) should
be included.
IMC Mix including Specific Media Objectives/Mix
Measuring IMC Program Effectiveness
Evaluation Program: Identification of the particulars of the monitoring, evaluation, and control
efforts that will be employed to appraise the effectiveness of all IMC program elements used.
What is to be tested? When are the tests to occur? Where? Explain how the testing is to take
place, including the specific methods and techniques to be used.
Part 3. Conclusion
In the final section you will evaluate the campaign according to what you have learnt in class.
Additionally, you will provide suggestions to further improve the campaign.
The Final Presentation aka The Pitch
June 18th Groups to presentation dates will be selected randomly!
The final presentation will be approximately 45 minutes in length. While substance is
crucial, style is important, too. Please keep in mind that you are in advertising business
and selling your ideas, capabilities and work are important parts of marketing.
Professional level presentations require that the group come well-rehearsed for the
presentation (the use of note cards is allowed but not recommended) and complete the
presentation within the allocated time. The use of PowerPoint or transparencies to
highlight major points is mandatory for presentations. Handouts are also recommended
to assist in the audience’s ability to follow your discussion. However, if you think any of
these do not fit your presentation’s nature you can always convince me!
Project Group Self-Appraisal
Upon completion of the project, group members will be asked to submit a performance
evaluation of each team member, including one’s own self-appraisal. The evaluation
form will be distributed on the final day of class (June 18th ). The purpose of the
evaluation is to provide feedback to other members, as well as the professor, regarding
their inputs, co-operation, participation, etc. This evaluation will be considered an
important part of your final grade. (The Agency Personnel Evaluation Form may be seen
later in this document.) Each student’s final grade for the project will be influenced by his
or her peer evaluation score. The team member with the highest peer evaluation score
will receive 100% of the grade on the final report. The other team members will receive
a grade based on their score as a proportion of the project grade.
Other Issues:
Research conducted on the Internet is quite acceptable; however, factual information must be
fully cited from the Internet sources utilized. Internet research is like all other research
approaches, in other words, you must provide full citations and be careful to use quotations
where appropriate. Internet sources (home pages and additional information) used for the
semester project must be turned in with the semester project.
Note: Students who do not do their fair share of work or good quality work on the project should
expect that they will receive low scores on the peer evaluation. Your team members determine
what constitutes your fair share of the work and evaluate the quality of your work.
Teams having problems with the participation level of a team member should be resolved by the
group members. If you cannot, talk to me early in the term. (Before the end of May) It is simpler
to nip participation and management problems before they become intolerable. It should also be
noted that the IMC project is worth a considerable part your final grade. Teams are required to
finish the project on time and completely regardless of interpersonal problems.
If there are problems within a team that appear to be insurmountable, with adequate
documentation and discussion, I will allow the team to fire the member not participating in the
completion of the project. If a member is fired from the team, the responsibility of completing
the project and course will become an individual effort. This would be highly undesirable!
Therefore, it is in the best interest of all parties to work together toward the successful
completion of the project.
Plagiarism & Copied Papers: Unethical and dishonest practices will not be tolerated. Plagiarism, copied
papers and cheating are such offences. Papers condemned on these grounds will receive a zero mark
without an opportunity to submit them.