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BSBMKG523 Marketing Communication Plan Assessment

BSBMKG523 Design and develop an integrated marketing
communication plan
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these assessment activities.
Student Signature
Assessment: BSBMKG523 Design and develop an integrated marketing communication
Knowledge Assessment (Written Tasks)
1. What is integrated marketing communication? (Broadly summarise).
2. Outline the benefits of integrated communication marketing.
Assessment: BSBMKG523 Design and develop an integrated marketing communication
3. Describe 3 media types.
4. Brenda's Beauty Salon offers customers a ______________.
(a) physical product
(b) performance
(c) tangible product
(d) stored product
(e) service
5. You're watching a movie and notice one of the main characters is drinking a popular
brand of soda. What form of advertising does this illustrate?
(a) Product advertising
(b) Product marketing
(c) Product placement
(d) Direct marketing
6. Personal selling, advertising, public relations and direct marketing are all part of:
(a) communications channel management.
(b) sales promotions.
(c) business to business, but not business to consumer marketing.
(d) strategic communications planning.
(e) integrated marketing communications.
7. The first goal of a marketing communication is to:
(a) generate consumer feedback.
(b) eliminate noise.
(c) determine the budget to support the communications effort.
(d) gain the attention of the consumer.
(e) anticipate ethical objections.
Assessment: BSBMKG523 Design and develop an integrated marketing communication
8. Creating and sharing valuable free content to attract and convert prospects into
customers, and customers into repeat buyers is known as:
(a) Content Marketing
(b) Micromarketing
(c) Marketing Communication
9. For any communications campaign to succeed, the organisation must deliver
____________ to the right audience through the right media.
(a) the right product
(b) the right service
(c) the right message
(d) the right price
(e) the right place.
10. Which element of the promotion mix is meant to reach many buyers, repeats the
same message many times via campaign, is impersonal, and expensive?
(a) Sales promotion
(b) Public relations
(c) Advertising
(d) Direct marketing
(e) Personal Selling
11. What involves coordinating and integrating many communications channels to
deliver a clear, consistent, and compelling message about the organization and its
product or service?
(a) Integrated Marketing Communication
(b) Content Marketing
(c) Database marketing
12. What kind of targeting serves ads to web surfers whose online persona suggests
that they are in a brand's target market?
(a) Behavioural Targeting
(b) Affinity Targeting
(c) Contextual Targeting
(d) Purchase-Based Category Targeting
13. If an organisation's objective were to reach masses of buyers that were
geographically dispersed at a low cost per exposure, the organisation would likely
choose which of the following promotion forms?
(a) Advertising.
(b) Sales promotion.
(c) Personal selling.
(d) Public relations.
14. Which of the following is NOT an example of IMC?
(a) Direct Mail
(b) Premiums
(c) Print Advertising
(d) Movie Trailers
(e) All of the above are examples of IMCs
Assessment: BSBMKG523 Design and develop an integrated marketing communication
15. A name, term, symbol or design (or combination thereof) intended to clearly identify
and differentiate a seller's product from the competitor's.
(a) Strategy
(b) Brand
(c) Social Marketing
(d) Objectives
16. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of social media marketing.
Assessment: BSBMKG523 Design and develop an integrated marketing communication
Assessment Outcome
Correct ()
Assessed by: _________________________
Assessor Signature: ___________________
Date: ____________________
Assessment: BSBMKG523 Design and develop an integrated marketing communication
Skills Assessment (Practical Tasks)
These instructions must be followed when assessing the student in this unit.
The checklist on the following page is to be completed for each student. Please
refer to separate mapping document for specific details relating to alignment of
this task to the unit requirements.
This competency is to be assessed using standard and authorised work practices, safety
requirements and environmental constraints.
Assessment of essential underpinning knowledge will usually be conducted in an off-site
Assessment is to comply with relevant regulatory or Australian standards' requirements.
Resource implications for assessment include:
an induction procedure and requirement
realistic tasks or simulated tasks covering the mandatory task requirements
relevant specifications and work instructions
tools and equipment appropriate to applying safe work practices
support materials appropriate to activity
workplace instructions relating to safe work practices and addressing hazards and
material safety data sheets
research resources, including industry related systems information.
Reasonable adjustments for people with disabilities must be made to assessment processes
where required. This could include access to modified equipment and other physical
resources, and the provision of appropriate assessment support.
What happens if your result is ‘Not Yet Competent’ for one or more assessment tasks?
The assessment process is designed to answer the question “has the participant satisfactorily
demonstrated competence yet?” If the answer is “Not yet”, then we work with you to see how
we can get there.
In the case that one or more of your assessments has been marked ‘NYC’, your Trainer will
provide you with the necessary feedback and guidance, in order for you to resubmit/redo your
assessment task(s).
Assessment: BSBMKG523 Design and develop an integrated marketing communication
What if you disagree on the assessment outcome?
You can appeal against a decision made in regards to an assessment of your competency.
An appeal should only be made if you have been assessed as ‘Not Yet Competent’ against
specific competency standards and you feel you have sufficient grounds to believe that you
are entitled to be assessed as competent.
You must be able to adequately demonstrate that you have the skills and experience to be
able to meet the requirements of the unit you are appealing against the assessment of.
You can request a form to make an appeal and submit it to your Trainer, the Course
Coordinator, or an Administration Officer. The RTO will examine the appeal and you will be
advised of the outcome within 14 days. Any additional information you wish to provide may be
attached to the form.
What if I believe I am already competent before training?
If you believe you already have the knowledge and skills to be able to demonstrate
competence in this unit, speak with your Trainer, as you may be able to apply for Recognition
of Prior Learning (RPL).
Credit Transfer
Credit transfer is recognition for study you have already completed. To receive Credit Transfer,
you must be enrolled in the relevant program. Credit Transfer can be granted if you provide
the RTO with certified copies of your qualifications, a Statement of Attainment or a Statement
of Results along with Credit Transfer Application Form. (For further information please visit
Credit Transfer Policy)
Assessment: BSBMKG523 Design and develop an integrated marketing communication
Task 1 – Integrated Marketing Communication Plan
You are required to produce an integrated strategic marketing communication plan for an
organisation you have access to, or where you are unable to access an organisation, for a
simulated business, for presentation to a client. The integrated strategic marketing
communication plan must include:
purpose statement
definition of target audience
analysis of product or service
legal and ethical constraints
marketing communication functions and media vehicles chosen, with rationale for each
creative brief for media options
schedule for creative work
budgetary allocation for each media vehicle.
The following will guide you on what to include in the plan:
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)
IMC situation analysis
Summarise issues arising from the marketing plan that will directly impact on the
communications strategy.
Company analysis
Company mission
Corporate goals.
Issues related to an overriding corporate brand (if one exists).
Budget for the IMC.
Product analysis
A summary of key product offerings and product life cycle issues. !
Existing brand themes, messages and appeals.
Audience analysis
How closely do they align with the target markets?
Are they the same people, or is there variance? What do they currently know about
What media do they currently access most often?
What is their degree of resistance to you?
Are you trying to influence a negative attitude an audience has toward you?
Audience research – market research in the form of focus groups and surveys that can
help to define and then segment markets in to audiences that can be matched to
various media.
Personality archetypes (also called marketing personas and/or marketing avatars): are
created in order to supposedly clarify the specific behaviour, personality profiles,
purchasing and media consumption habits of selected a typical customer and/or
audience member. The process is said to be useful in developing campaign themes
and appeals and planning which media (both paid and free/viral) the
persona/archetype/ avatar will engage with.
Many marketing experts imply that if we create a “pretend” typical customer (or
archetype/avatar) and hypothetically profile their consumption patterns we can predict
Assessment: BSBMKG523 Design and develop an integrated marketing communication
and thus influence their future behaviour. Yet this relatively new method of consumer
profiling is dependent on quality research. Forester Research states: “To get the most
value out of persona projects, customer experience professionals should work with
agencies to perform cost-effective ethnographic research… and provide insights into
multichannel behaviors”1
A word of warning - if you plan to create personas of typical customers – those
personas must relate to the real marketplace. Your carefully crafted
persona/archetype/ avatar is near useless unless “he/she” can be recognised (via
market research) to exist in the real world and have a reasonable propensity to both
spend, and to choose your brand over competing offers.
Competitor campaigns
Include an analysis of your competitor’s communication objectives, target audiences,
creative concepts and messages, media selection and promotional tactics.
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Assessment: BSBMKG523 Design and develop an integrated marketing communication
Communication objectives
Typical marketing objectives include sales targets, market share (%) and return on investment
(ROI) which are not necessarily relevant to setting communication objectives.
IMC plans although typically derived from a marketing plan do not necessarily have “hard”
metrics. In other words, an IMC will often have objectives that are difficult measure:
Awareness – to create or change levels of awareness in the target audience.
Preference – to influence audience preferences for products and services. !
To stimulate sales – there are occasions where communication objectives may be
constructed to stimulate sales.
Communications strategy
Campaign impact and duration
Is the overall marketing strategy to penetrate the market rapidly?
Or, will you try to build awareness and market share over a longer period of time?
How long will the campaign last and what is the timing of each element?
Creative strategy
Develop an overall theme, appeal and message concept.
Integration strategies
This new IMC model is based on the rationale that web and new media it seems have been
elevated the role of “quarterback” role in marketing communications. Web and new media are
biased neither to advertising (paid for) nor publicity (free). All forms of marketing
communications are present on the web and the dyad (and battle) between television
advertising and web advertising is no longer relevant. The convergence of all media into “weblike” forms suggests that the web is actually media neutral resulting in kind of level playing field
that further heightens the need for an orchestrated, integrated dance.
Some key things to look for include:
Ensure that brand personality is embedded in all media.
Tangible links between mix elements. There should be no isolated promotional items
– avoid random ill redirected or ill-timed collateral.
All media should be linked, each one dependent on another.
Think new touchpoints, or moments in the day when your target audience experiences
or accesses their preferred media. This is partly the reason for persona/avatar
development as mentioned previously. If you can determine the how (on a daily basis)
the typical audience member interacts with various media by creating an avatar and
then confirming via research – then you have a good chance of determining
Think existing touchpoints – where existing clients/customers already interact with you
brand, marketing communications and customer facing units such as service
personnel. These existing interactions can and should be incorporated into new
planning a new IMC campaign.
Don’t talk at them – make your messages experiential. ! Keep a consistent ‘look and
feel’ across all design elements.
Leverage of cross-promotional tie-ins.
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Assessment: BSBMKG523 Design and develop an integrated marketing communication
Consider the authentic customer relationship management. As much as any
organisation can “befriend” customers, and IMC plan should seek to create or enhance
genuine relationships.
Promotional budget
Allocate budget for each promotional mix element.
The proportion of the budget allocated to any one promotional element should reflect
how accurately it reaches and impacts the target audience, relative to the other mix
Consider using the objective-task method, where appropriate budget is allocated to
each promotion al element in order to achieve the stated goal of that element. This is
most often a “ideal” scenario so perhaps get used to senior management never giving
you enough cash to meet a given goal. In other words, “more with less” is normative.
The promotional mix Web and Interactive Media
Historically the corporate website has tended to defy classification in marketing taxonomies
such as this very template. Is a web a direct marketing device? Is it for public relations? What
about sales? Is it an advertising medium? The answer of course... it’s all those things, but is a
promotional element in itself? We think not... it is very much more than that.
The “newness” of the medium and the fact that the web traverses all of the classic promotional
elements point to its central and media neutral role as the centre of the contemporary IMC
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Assessment: BSBMKG523 Design and develop an integrated marketing communication
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Assessment: BSBMKG523 Design and develop an integrated marketing communication
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Assessment: BSBMKG523 Design and develop an integrated marketing communication
Implementation Project timeline
Calendar of events.
Critical path or Gantt charting techniques.
Listed in priority order are all the tasks, elements and promotional executions set out
in the communications strategy and promotional mix.
Control mechanisms.
Once the campaign has been initiated it must be closely monitored.
Part of this procedure is the use of metrics (measurement tools).
Measuring campaign effectiveness (Metrics)!
Integral to the IMC concept is measurability.
IMC presents an opportunity for marketers to embrace accountability.
Assess the cost-benefit of promotional campaigns. !
Use a media monitoring service to collect and collate mentions in the media.
Use online reporting tools and social media metrics to measure effectiveness of online
publicity. Examples include DIGG, Stumbleupon, Facebook page metrics.
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Assessment: BSBMKG523 Design and develop an integrated marketing communication
BSBMKG523 Design
communication plan
Assessment Outcome Record
In order to be deemed competent in this unit, the candidate must answer all written questions
correctly and satisfactorily complete all practical tasks. In order to complete all practical tasks,
all Observation Criteria need to be satisfied, i.e. demonstrated and marked as an 'S'. The task
summary outcome must be noted as satisfactory to note the demonstration of a satisfactory
outcome for each practical task requirement.
Student Name
 Not Yet Competent
 Competent
Assessor (Name)
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Assessment: BSBMKG523 Design and develop an integrated marketing communication
Student Feedback Form
BSBMKG523 Design and develop an integrated marketing
communication plan
Student Name:
Assessor Name:
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I received information about the assessment
requirements prior to undertaking the tasks
The assessment instructions were clear and
easy to understand
I understood the purpose of the assessment
The assessment meet your expectation
My Assessor was organised and well prepared
The assessment was Fair, Valid, Flexible and
My Assessor's conduct was professional
The assessment was an accurate reflection of
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