Gregory J. Howland Address 412 Rambling Road East Amherst, NY 14051 716-636-9597 OBJECTIVE: Success in all facets of life. EDUCATION: 02/04 02/99 State University of New York at Buffalo; Buffalo, NY Master’s of Science Degree in Management Information Systems Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Business Administration Concentration in Management Information Systems & Finance Cumulative GPA: 3.0/4.0 EXPERIENCE: 12/13/99- Present State University of New York at Buffalo; Buffalo, NY Lead Programmer Analyst Application support manager for the SEFA system. Develop and maintain code for the financial systems. Have worked on numerous systems including MyUB and Web Grading. Specific interests include web development and e-commerce. 1/4/99-12/10/99 9/9/98-12/15/99 9/1/98-9/21/99 6/1/98-8/31/98 5/28/98-8/31/98 MCS Spectrum , Niagara Falls, NY. Software Developer Developed and maintained utility billing software within a team environment using Delphi 4. Created product release notes and guided tech support in developing training manuals. Responsible for developing conversion programs for new company acquisition. Provided tech support and on-sight training for customers. Worked with third party vendors to integrate products. Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company (M&T Bank), Amherst, NY. MIS Intern Researched and tested Y2K software and provided feasibility analysis on it. Became familiar with Y2K terminology and issues. Researched contingency planning for project managers. Buffalo Police Department, Buffalo, NY. Research Assistant Developed, maintained and administered standalone computer database. Interviewed upper level management for the purpose of generating reports. Trained new interns with Buffalo Police Department information technology. MIS Intern Assisted the entire police department with IT problems/solutions. Developed and trained officers to use the MS Access Gun Database. University at Buffalo Alumni Association, Inc., Buffalo, NY. Database Developer COMPUTER SKILLS: WORK SHOPS ATTENDED: Met with users to discuss project, suggest ideas and to discover problem resolutions. Developed employee database using MS Access to help management become better aware of employee statistics. Wrote training manual for database. Windows x, UNIX, Delphi, C++, SQL, Work Station Basic, ORACLE, MS Office, Visual dbase, Paradox, Crystal Reports, JavaScript, HTML, JCL, CA Ideal – 4GL, Perl. Stephen Covey’s: Seven Habits of Highly Effective People CPS – Creative Problem Solving Managing User Requirements William Oncken’s: Managing Management Time