NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION (Rev. 02/02/2010) Based on the international classification scheme created by Ivana Caccia for the library at the University of Ottawa's Human Rights Research and Education Centre GEN 0.30 GEN 0.30.2 GEN 0.30.3 GEN 0.30.4 GEN 0.30.5 GEN 0.30.8 GEN 0.30.9 encyclopedias, dictionaries (general, comparative) class dictionaries related to specific topics under the topic, e.g The Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia, PACIF 9012 VII.20 dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries add HURIDOCS language code(s), e.g. for English dictionary, use GEN 0.30.2 Eng, for French-English dictionary, use GEN 0.30.2 Fre) legal dictionaries human rights encyclopedias, dictionaries other encyclopedias, dictionaries atlases other reference works GEN 0.50 bibliographies (general, comparative, international) class bibliographies of specific topics under the topic, e.g. bibliography of humanitarian law under INT.X GEN I general issues GEN II theories, philosophy, law, politics GEN II.10 GEN II.11 GEN II.12 philosophy natural justice universality / relativism GEN II.20 history GEN II.30 law, legal theory (general, comparative studies) (for regional or national law/judicial systems, see regional series: e.g. Algerian law: AFR 5311 II.30) international law constitutional and administrative law military, tax, trade, industrial law labour, social, education, cultural law criminal law private law civil procedure and courts comparative studies of judicial systems in 2 or more countries from 2 or more regions GEN II.31 GEN II.32 GEN II.33 GEN II.34 GEN II.35 GEN II.36 GEN II.37 GEN II.39 GEN II.40 GEN II.41 politics, political theories, ideologies (for nationalism, see INT VII.16.05) democracy 1 NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION GEN II.42 GEN II.44 GEN II.45 GEN II.47 GEN II.48 GEN II.48.02 liberalism fascism, nazism Marxism, socialism foreign policy, international relations East-West relations / perspectives Cold War GEN II.50 GEN II.51 GEN II.51.01 GEN II.51.02 GEN II.51.03 GEN II.51.07 GEN II.51.09 GEN II.53 GEN II.55 GEN II.55.09 GEN II.56 GEN II.57 GEN II.58 GEN II.59 religions, belief/value systems Christianity Catholicism Orthodox Church Protestantism Liberation theology Christian fundamentalism Judaism Islam Islamic fundamentalism Buddhism Hinduism Confucianism other religions, value systems; comparative studies GEN II.90 collective vs individual rights (see also INT VII.16 peoples rights) GEN III comparative studies of national mechanisms for protection of human rights (e.g. human rights commissions, ombudsman, administrative agencies, etc. For regional comparative studies, see region code III; for national studies of protection mechanisms, see region country III) GEN IV human rights violations (non-compliance with international human rights obligations, etc.; e.g. Amnesty annual reports, U.S. State Department country reports, etc.) GEN IV.10 GEN IV.20 GEN IV.50 GEN IV.51 GEN IV.52 GEN IV.53 GEN IV.55 gross human rights violations states of emergency monitoring of human rights violations (for specific UN mechanisms see INT I.30; for specific regional and country-wise institutional/statutory mechanisms, see under regions and countries) early warning systems fact-finding missions (guidelines) reporting (by NGOs; for reporting by governments see INT I.31) statistical analysis - methodology 2 NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION GEN IV.90 GEN IV.91 GEN IV.92 GEN IV.95 GEN IV.96 GEN IV.98 GEN V GEN V.10 GEN V.50 GEN V.60 GEN VI GEN VI.10 GEN VI.15 GEN VI.20 GEN VI.30 GEN VI.40 GEN VI.50 GEN VI.60 GEN VI.61 GEN VI.62 GEN VI.63 GEN VI.70 human rights violators (profiles) dealing with human rights violators/investigation into past abuses truth and reconciliation commissions impunity trials amnesty international meetings, conferences, symposia etc on human rights (for international meetings on specific subjects, see under the respective subject) Teheran Conference 1966 Vienna World Conference on Human Rights 1993 NGO international conferences human rights education and promotion (for education in general, see INT VI.20; on multicultural education, see INT VII.13.05) human rights education human rights education within the formal education system labour education (see also INT.V.30 - labour issues) environmental education (see also INT V.90) development education / education for international understanding (see also INT V.300 development) education for peace (for peace and security issues, see also INT.IX) promotion of human rights international commemorative days (e.g. International Day of the United Nations) International Human Rights Day international decades (e.g. International Decade on Human Rights Education) GEN VI.71 GEN VI.72 GEN VI.73 GEN VI.74 GEN VI.75 human rights documentation and information services (for UN Human Rights Centre, see INT II.85) HURIDOCS documentation centres and libraries databases networking information highway resources / Internet (email, www, etc) GEN VI.80 human rights awards GEN VII GEN VII.10 international NGOS, associations, institutes (for women's organizations, see INT VII.45.09) consultative status with UN agencies and other IGOs 3 NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION GEN VII.80 GEN VII.90 GEN VII.95 GEN VII.99 profiles of individual NGOs (e.g. about Amnesty, about FIDH, etc.) human rights workers/human rights defenders training of human rights workers human rights workers (as victims) GEN X regional protection of human rights (comparative studies) for regional / national human rights issues use breakdown as detailed following INT INT I International protection of human rights INT I.01 INT I.10 texts, collections Universal Declaration / International Bill of Human Rights INT I.20 INT I.21 INT I.22 INT I.23 INT I.24 International human rights instruments ratifications, reservations implementations derogations limitations INT I.30 INT I.31 INT I.32 INT I.33 INT I.34 international mechanisms for protection of human rights reporting (by governments; for reporting by NGOs see GEN IV.53) fact-finding missions (by IGOs) petitioning, communications (by individuals or states) committees, special rapporteurs, etc. INT II United Nations / United Nations and human rights (in general, for UN activities in particular fields, see under the subject, for peacekeeping missions, see INT IX.89) INT II.01 INT II.10 INT II.15 INT II.20 INT II.21 INT II.21.10 INT II.22 U.N. Charter General Assembly Security Council ECOSOC Commission on Human Rights Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities Human Rights Council INT II.80 INT II.81 INT II.82 INT II.84 INT II.85 UN Secretariat Secretary General SG's special representatives UN Commissioner for Human Rights Human Rights Centre 4 NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 INT II.86 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION advisory services INT III International inter-governmental organizations, including specialized agencies of the United Nations system (i.e. how they operate; for ILO, WHO, UNESCO, UNHCR, see under the subject of their specialization, e.g. labour, health, education; for WTO, see under INT V.609) INT III.10 INT III.20 INT III.30 INT III.33 INT III.35 International Court of Justice International Law Commission International monetary institutions IMF (on issues of foreign debts, see INT V.400) World Bank (for SAPs, see INT V.500) INT III.40 INT III.50 INT III.60 INT III.70 INT III.80 Group of 77 Commonwealth La Francophonie OECD NATO For ILO, see INT V.39 For UNESCO, see INT.VI.09 For UNICEF, see INT VII.30.9 For WHO, see INT V.60.9 For COE, see EUR X CE For CSCE/OSCE, see EUR X OSCE For OAS, see AFR X OAU INT IV Civil and political rights / fundamental rights and freedoms INT IV.01 INT IV.02 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Optional Protocol INT IV.09 United Nations Human Rights Committee INT IV.10 freedom of conscience, freedom of religion (for belief systems, see GEN II.50; for studies on religious groups, see INT VII.14.02; on customs and traditions, see INT VI.12; on traditional practices affecting children and women, see INT VII.36 and INT VII.46, respectively) INT IV.10.01 Declaration on Discrimination based on Religion and Belief INT IV.l5 conscientious objection / conscientious objectors 5 NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION INT IV.20 INT IV.25 INT IV.27 INT IV.29 freedom of expression, freedom of speech, opinion (on group hate propaganda, see INT VII.11.09 freedom of the press / media (also media's role and responsibility) freedom of information, access to information journalists (e.g. as victims) INT IV.30 freedom of assembly INT IV.40 freedom of association (for trade unions, see INT V. 40) INT IV.50 democratic rights / democratic development / good governance (for principles of democracy, see GEN II.41; for electoral results, election observation reports etc concerning specific countries, see under the country, e.g. AFR 5458 I.30; for issues of aliens' rights, see INT IV.60) electoral right, right to vote electoral process, election campaign election, referendum, plebiscite eligibility to a public office popular participation / civic empowerment national consultations, public consultations political opposition / civil disobedience public servants (integrity, corruption) MPs, opposition leaders (e.g. as victims) INT IV.51 INT IV.52 INT IV.53 INT IV.54 INT IV.55 INT IV.56 INT IV.57 INT IV.58 INT IV.59 INT IV.60 INT IV.65 nationality, citizenship non-citizens' / aliens' rights (for migrant workers specifically, see INT XIV.80) INT IV.70 freedom of movement, freedom of residence (for international migration, see INT XIV) INT IV.80 INT IV.85 right to privacy, right to confidentiality, data protection data protection / privacy on information highway INT IV.90 INT IV.9l INT IV.92 INT IV.93 INT IV.94 INT IV.95 INT IV.96 INT IV.97 INT IV.99 legal rights, rule of law (for issues of juvenile justice, see INT VII.38) habeas corpus arrested persons' rights, detained persons' rights, prisoners' rights prison conditions right to legal assistance, right to counsel criminal procedure legal profession, lawyers, judges (e.g. their independence; as victims) law enforcement, police brutality crime victims 6 NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION INT IV.100 INT IV.101 INT IV.105 right to life death penalty extra-judicial executions; killings, massacres (for genocide, see INT XI, for war crimes, see INT XII) INT IV.105.09 mass graves / exhumation INT IV.110 right to liberty INT IV.110.01 Slavery Convention INT IV.112 forced labour INT IV.113 slavery INT IV.114 bonded labour INT IV.118 contract obligations INT IV.120 right to the security/integrity of the person INT IV.121 torture INT IV.121.0l Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or degrading Treatment or punishment INT IV.121.09 Committee against Torture INT IV.122 psychiatric abuses INT IV.123 disappearances INT IV.127 death threats INT IV.128 harassment / intimidation INT IV.140 equality rights / discrimination INT IV.141 anti-discrimination legislation INT IV.142 remedial mechanisms INT IV.142.l0 complaints procedure INT IV.142.50 affirmative action INT IV.143 systemic discrimination INT IV.144 intolerance / prejudice / xenophobia INT IV.145 racism, race discrimination, apartheid (on racist incidents against minorities, see INT VII.11.09; on race relations in general, see INT VII.13.03) INT IV.145.0l International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination INT IV. 145.02 International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid INT IV.l45.09 Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination INT IV.146 INT IV.147 INT IV.149 INT IV.149.20 INT IV.149.50 caste system and social discrimination sexism/sex stereotyping (for women's rights, see INT VII.40) areas of discrimination (for discrimination in employment, see INT V.32) discrimination in services discrimination in sports 7 NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION INT V Economic and social rights / human development / basic needs / right to adequate living standards / human security / right to development / economic and social conditions INT V.01 INT V.02 INT V.09 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Declaration on the Right to Development Committee on Economic and Social Rights INT V.10 INT V.10.09 INT V.15 INT V.19 right to food / food security (on child malnutrition, see INT VII.37.05) FAO food supplies / food shortage hunger / famine INT V.20 INT V.21 INT V.22 INT V.24 INT V.25 INT V.26 INT V.28 economic security / social security / social assistance right to clothing adequate housing / shelter social services social assistance unemployment insurance health insurance INT V.29 INT V.29.01 INT V.29.05 poverty / marginalization of the poor rural poverty urban poverty (for street children, see INT VII.34.08; for urban violence see INT V.89) INT V.30 workers' rights / labour standards (on older workers' rights, see INT VII.83; on child labour, see INT VII.33) INT V.31 INT V.32 right to work equal employment opportunities (on women's employment, see INT VII.43; on employment of people with disabilities, see INT VII.53) INT V.33 INT V.34 INT V.35 INT V.36 wages non-wage benefits occupational health and safety quality of working life (on sexual harassment at work, see INT VII.43.09) INT V.37 vocational training 8 NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION INT V.38 INT V.38.01 INT V.38.02 INT V.38.03 INT V.38.05 INT V.38.06 INT V.38.09 workers' rights by sectors informal sector plantation workers / sugar workers industrial workers maquilladora workers clandestine / illegal workplace / sweatshops white collar workers INT V.39 International Labour Organization INT V.40 INT V.41 INT V.42 INT V.43 INT V.49 INT V.50 INT V.55 INT V.60 INT V.60.9 INT V.61 INT V.62 INT V.63 INT V.63.05 INT V.64 INT V.65 INT V.66 INT V.67 INT V.68 INT V.69 labour issues / trade unions (for freedom of association in general, see INT IV.40; on labour education, see GEN VI.20) collective bargaining right to strike union security trade unionists (e.g. as victims) right to property (land ownership, expropriation, property rights) (for cultural property, see INT VI.11; for intellectual property, see INT VI.40) peasants' rights to land - agrarian reform (for indigenous land claims, see INT VII.22) right to health (health care / patients' rights) (for child health, see INT VII.37; for women's health issues, see INT VII.47; on AIDS, see INT VII.60; on issues of disability, see INT VII.50; for health insurance, see INT V.28) World Health Organization medical ethics / bioethics consent to treatment / patients' rights preventive medicine, immunization ban on smoking primary health care medical treatment medical screening, tests euthanasia organ transplantation health care personnel (e.g. as victims) 9 NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION INT V.70 INT V.71 INT V.73 INT V.74 INT V.75 INT V.76 INT V.79 family (on domestic violence, see INT VII.49.01) marriage / right to marry / forced marriage (for same-sex couples, see INT VII.72) family planning / birth control (on abortion issues, see INT VII.47.06; for population growth issues, see INT V.200) spousal equality parents and children / parental rights / child custody divorce / separation / matrimonial property single-parent family family members (e.g. as victims) INT V.80 INT V.81 INT V.82 INT V.89 social problems alcoholism drug abuse urban violence INT V.90 healthy environment / environmental security (for occupational health and safety, see INT V.35; for indigenous peoples and environment, see INT VII.26; for environmental education issues, see GEN VI.30) INT V.72 INT V.90.01 INT V.90.09 INT V.91 INT V.92 INT V.93 INT V.94 INT V.95 INT V.96 INT V.97 INT V.98 INT V.99 INT V.99.09 Agenda 21 UNEP biodiversity / control of natural resources climate / climate change desertification / drought / water supplies rainforests / deforestation pollution / acid rain toxic chemicals / hazardous waste / waste dumping nuclear energy / nuclear waste environmental disasters environmental organizations / environmental movement environmentalists (e.g. as victims) INT V.100 sustainable development INT V.100.01 Brundtland report INT V.100.09 UN Commissions on Sustainable Development (CSD) INT V.101 agriculture INT V.102 forestry INT V.103 fishery INT V.104 energy INT V.105 water supplies 10 NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION INT V.200 INT V.201 INT V.209 INT V.300 population issues (on family planning, see INT V.73; on ethnic cleansing / populations transfers, see INT VII.19) Cairo Plan of Action on Population UN Population Fund (UNFPA) development / development aid / development cooperation (on development education, see GEN VI.40) INT V.300.09 INT V.310 INT V.320 INT V.330 INT V.340 INT V.350 INT V.355 UNDP conditionality North-South relations ODA (official development assistance) / foreign aid policy NGO international assistance development projects dams INT V.400 foreign debt (for World Bank's and IMF's other activities, see INT III.30) INT V.500 structural adjustment programs INT V.600 INT V.601 INT V.602 INT V.609 INT V.610 INT V.620 INT V.650 international trade GATT Uruguay Round Agreements WTO economic sanctions bilateral agreements arms trade (on military aid, see INT IX.30) INT V.700 INT V.710 INT V.750 economic integration initiatives (general considerations, for regional initiatives, e.g., see under the region) Lomé Conventions NAFTA INT V.800 INT V.810 INT V.820 INT V.850 transnational corporations corporate responsibility codes of conduct extra-territorial jurisdiction issues INT V.900 effects of globalization on human rights 11 NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION INT VI Cultural rights INT.VI.09 UNESCO INT VI.10 right to culture (for cultural rights of indigenous peoples, see INT VII.25) cultural property (artifacts, monuments) customs and traditions (on freedom of religion, see INT IV.10; on traditional practices affecting women and children, see INT VII.46 and INT VII.36, respectively) artistic expression / artistic freedom (literature, visual arts, etc.) intellectuals, artists (e.g. as victims) INT VI.11 INT VI.12 INT VI.15 INT VI.19 INT VI.20 INT VI.21 INT VI.22 INT VI.25 INT VI.26 INT VI.27 INT VI.29 right to education / access to education / education for all (on human rights education, see GEN VI; on women's education, see INT VII.42; on education of children with disabilities, see INT VII.72) illiteracy / alphabetization basic education education policy formal education system adult education / popular education (for vocational training, INT V.37) students (e.g. as victims) INT VI.30 language policy, language planning, language rights (for linguistic minorities, see INT.VII.14.03) INT VI.40 intellectual property rights INT VI.50 INT VI.59 scientific freedom / scientific advancement scientists (e.g. as victims) INT VI.60 INT VI.65 INT VI.69 academic freedom university community teachers (e.g. as victims) 12 NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION INT VII Special vulnerable groups / victims of human rights violations (for non-citizens / aliens, see INT IV.70; for the poor, see INT V.29; for civilians, see INT X.20; for refugees, see INT XIV.50; for displaced persons, see INT XIV.60; for stateless persons, see INT XIV.70; for migrant workers, see INT XIV.80. See also: GEN VII.99 - human rights workers as victims; INT IV.15 - conscientious objectors; INT IV.59 - MPs, opposition leaders as victims; INT IV.96 - lawyers as victims; INT V.49 - trade unionists as victims; INT V.69 - health personnel as victims; INT V.79 - family members as victims; INT V.99.09 - environmentalists as victims; INT VI.19 - intellectuals and artists as victims; INT VI.29 - students as victims; INT VI.59 - scientists as victims; INT VI.69 - teachers as victims) INT VII.10 collectivities / groups / minorities INT VII.10.01 Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to Ethnic, Religious or Linguistic Minorities INT VII.11 minority rights / group rights / community rights / community security (on cultural rights, see also INT VI.10; on freedom of religion, see INT IV.10) INT VII.11.01 INT VII.11.02 group identity / cultural identity / ethnicity territoriality vs recent immigration as condition for recognition INT VII.11.09 racist incidents against minorities / group hate propaganda (on racism, racial discrimination, apartheid, see INT IV.145) INT VII.12 cultural assimilation / cultural integration / Nation-state INT VII.13 INT VII.13.02 INT VII.13.03 cultural pluralism multiculturalism cross-cultural communication / race relations (on racism, intolerance and prejudice, see INT IV.145) INT VII.13.05 multicultural education (on human rights education, see GEN VI) INT VII.14 INT VII.14.01 INT VII.14.02 INT VII.14.03 demographic studies ethnic groups religious groups (for freedom of religion, see INT IV.10) linguistic groups (for language policy, see INT VI.30) 13 NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION right to self-determination INT VII.15 INT VII.16 peoples' rights / national sovereignty (see also Gen II.90 collective rights; for indigenous peoples' rights, see INT VII.20) INT VII.16.01 INT VII.16.05 INT VII.16.06 territorial / historical conditionality for recognition nationalism / national liberation movements separatism INT VII.18 INT VII.19 INT VII.20 ethnic conflicts (on internal armed conflicts/civil wars, see INT X.80) ethnic cleansing, population transfers (for genocide, see INT XI) indigenous peoples and tribal peoples (on indigenous children, see INT VII.34.02; on indigenous women, see INT VII.44.02) INT VII.20.01 INT VII.20.02 INT VII.20.09 Draft Universal Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples ILO Conventions no. 107 & 169 UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations INT VII.21 INT VII.22 INT VII.23 INT VII.24 INT VII.25 INT VII.26 constitutional rights, self-government land claims traditional authorities economic welfare / human security cultural rights / customs and traditions indigenous peoples and environment / traditional knowledge / control of natural resources traditional justice / customary law / tribal courts INT VII.27 INT VII.30 children / youth INT VII.30.0l INT VII.30.02 INT VII.30.08 INT VII.30.09 Convention on the Rights of the Child Declaration on the Rights of the Child Committee on the Rights of the Child UNICEF INT VII.31 child care / child development (for parental rights and child custody, see INT V.74; on children's formal education, see INT VI.20) INT VII.33 INT VII.34 INT VII.34.02 INT VII.34.04 INT VII.34.05 child labour target groups of children (on female children, see INT VII.44.10) indigenous children (see also INT VII.20 indigenous peoples) children of immigrants / migrant workers (see also INT XIV.80) refugee children (see also INT XIV.50 refugees) 14 NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 INT VII.34.06 INT VII.34.07 INT VII.34.08 INT VII.34.09 INT VII.35 INT VII.36 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION children prisoners (see also INT IV.92 prisoners' rights) child prostitution (see also INT VII.44.07 sexually exploited women) street children (see also INT V.29.05 urban poverty) child soldiers (see also INT X.50 military personnel / combatants) youth participation / children's freedom of expression traditional practices affecting children (for female circumcision, see INT VII.46.01; on customs and traditions in general, see INT VI.12) INT VII.37 child health INT VII.37.01 low birth-weight INT VII.37.02 infant mortality INT VII.37.05 child nutrition / malnutrition (see also INT V.10 food security) INT VII.37.09 pediatric AIDS / children with AIDS (see also INT VII.60 AIDS) INT VII.38 INT VII.39 juvenile offenders / juvenile justice (for legal rights in general, see INT IV.90) child abuse / violence against children / children as victims (for female infanticide, see INT VII.49.08) INT VII.40 women / women's rights (for theoretical issues of sexism and gender stereotyping, use INT IV.147) INT VII.40.01 Women INT VII.40.05 INT VII.40.08 INT VII.40.09 INT VII.4l INT VII.42 INT VII.43 INT VII.43.09 INT VI I.44 INT VII.44.01 INT VII.44.02 INT VII.44.03 INT VII.44.04 INT VII.44.05 INT VII.44.06 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against World Conference on Women Commission on the Status of Women Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women women and development (WID) / gender and development (GAD) women's education (for education in general, see INT VI.20) women's employment (on employment issues in general, see INT V.30; on systematic discrimination, see INT IV.143) sexual harassment target groups of women rural women indigenous women (see also INT VII.20 indigenous peoples) Muslim women (see also GEN II.55 Islam; INT VII.14.02 religious groups) immigrant women / migrant workers (see also INT XIV.80) refugee women (see also INT XIV.50 refugees) women prisoners (see also INT IV.92 prisoners' rights) 15 NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 INT VII.44.11 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION sexually exploited women / prostitutes (see also INT VII.34.07) domestic workers girls / female adolescents (on children in general, see INT VII.30 older women (see also INT VII.80 aging persons) INT VII.45 INT VII.45.01 INT VII.45.02 INT VII.45.09 empowerment / political participation of women / women in politics feminist movement / feminism women in politics, eligibility women's organizations INT VII.46 INT VII.46.01 traditional practices affecting women (on customs and traditions in general, see INT VI.12; see also INT VII.36 traditional practices affecting children) female circumcision INT VII.47 INT VII.47.01 INT VII.47.02 INT VII.47.05 INT VII.47.06 INT VII.47.09 women's health (for health issues in general, see INT V.60) protection of motherhood / prenatal / perinatal care maternal mortality reproductive rights & technologies abortion women and AIDS (for AIDS in general, see INT VII.60) INT VII.48 INT VII.48.05 INT VII.48.09 women and law (for family law issues, see INT V.70) women offenders (for legal rights in general, see INT IV.90) women lawyers INT VII.49 INT VII.49.01 INT VII.49.02 INT VII.49.05 INT VII.49.08 INT VII.49.09 violence against women domestic violence bride burning sexual assault, rape female infanticide (on child abuse, see INT VII.39) women (as victims) INT VII.44.07 INT VII.44.08 INT VII.44.10 INT VII.50 people with disabilities INT VII.51 barrier-free access / right to social integration INT VII.51.01 accessibility issues and regulations regarding buildings, transportation and public services INT VII.51.05 independent living INT VII.52 education (for access to education in general, see INT VI.20) INT VII.53 employment opportunities (for employment in general, see INT V.30) INT VII.54 physical disabilities INT VII.54.01 motor impairment INT VII.54.02 visual impairment INT VII.54.03 hearing impairment INT VII.55 mental disabilities 16 NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION INT VII.60 people with AIDS / HIV-positive persons (for children with AIDS, see INT VII.37.09; on women and AIDS, see INT VII.47.09) INT VII.70 INT VII.71 INT VII.72 INT VII.74 INT VII.76 INT VII.77 INT VII.78 INT VII.79 people discriminated because of sexual orientation gay rights same-sex couples and the law (e.g. spousal benefits, child custody) lesbians bisexuals transsexuals heterosexuality homophobia INT VII.80 INT VII.81 INT VII.83 aging persons / elderly / age discrimination welfare / care employment security / older workers (on employment issues in general, see INT V.30) retirement / pension benefits independent living abuse / elderly as victims INT VII.84 INT VII.85 INT VII.89 INT IX right to peace / international security / militarization (for education for peace, see GEN VI.50) INT IX.10 INT IX.20 INT IX.30 INT IX.40 INT IX.41 INT IX.41.03 INT IX.44 INT IX.45 right to peace militarization / military rule military aid (on arms trade, see INT V.650) weaponry / arms race conventional weapons land mines chemical & biological weapons nuclear weapons / nuclear testing INT IX.50 general disarmament issues INT IX.70 conflict resolution / conflict prevention INT IX.80 INT IX.81 INT IX.83 INT IX.85 INT IX.89 foreign intervention state sovereignty / territorial integrity military occupation / martial law humanitarian intervention vs aggression peacekeeping missions INT IX.90 international peace negotiations / peace agreements 17 NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION INT X Armed conflicts / Humanitarian law (for peace issues, see INT IX; for conflict prevention / conflict resolution, see INT IX.70; for disarmament see INT IX.50; for weaponry, see INT IX.40) INT X.0l INT X.08 INT X.09 Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols; Hague Conventions International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) INT X.l0 INT X.20 INT X.30 INT X.40 INT X.50 humanitarian law civilian population (as victims) wounded persons / war casualties prisoners of war military personnel, combatants, soldiers (for conscientious objectors, see INT IV.15; for child soldiers, see INT VII.34.08) demobilization war veterans civil war / internal armed conflicts / guerilla wars (for ethnic conflicts, see INT VII.18) INT X.55 INT X.60 INT X.80 INT X.90 international armed conflicts (history) INT X.90.01 World War I INT X.90.02 World War II INT X.90.03 Korean War INT X.90.05 Vietnam War INT X.90.06 Persian Gulf War INT XI INT XI.10 INT XI.50 Genocide (for ethnic cleansing / population transfers, see INT VII.19) for genocide in specific countries, see under the country, f.eks. genocide in Rwanda: AFR 5150 XI) Armenian genocide Jewish holocaust INT XII INT XII.01 INT XII.50 INT XII.90 War crimes and crimes against humanity Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal international war crimes tribunals war criminals (profiles) INT XIII International terrorism 18 NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION INT XIV International migration / Immigrants / Refugees / Asylum seekers (on freedom of movement, see INT IV.70) INT XIV.50 INT XIV.50.01 INT XIV.50.09 INT XIV.51 INT XIV.55 INT XIV.56 INT XIV.57 INT XIV.58 INT XIV.59 asylum seekers, refugees - international protection (on refugee children, see INT VII.34.05; on refugee women, see INT VII.44.05) Convention relating to the Status of Refugees UNHCR humanitarian intervention / assistance (for humanitarian intervention against aggression, see IX.85) refugee camps resettlement repatriation refoulement / interception at sea refugees (e.g. as victims) INT XIV.60 displaced persons / internal refugees (on ethnic cleansing, see INT VII.19) INT XIV.70 stateless persons INT XIV.80 immigrants, migrant workers (on children of immigrants / migrant workers, see INT VII.34.04; on immigrant women, see INT VII.44.04) Convention on the Rights of Migrant Workers illegal immigration (for clandestine workplace, see INT V.38.06) INT XIV.80.01 INT XIV.85 19 NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION REGIONAL ISSUES (for comparative studies of regional protection of human rights, see GEN X) AFR AMER ASIA MEAST EUR PACIF + + + + + + 5XXX for sub-region / country 6XXX 7XXX 73XX 8XXX 9XXX Africa Americas Asia Middle East Europe Pacific Ocean region regional human rights protection mechanisms AFR AU AFR OAU AFR OAU.01 AFR OAU.11 AFR OAU.12 African Union Organization of African Unity African charter of Human and Peoples' Rights African Commission of Human and Peoples' Rights African Court of Human Rights AMER AMER AMER AMER AMER Organization of American States American Declaration of Rights and Duties of Man American Convention on Human Rights Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Inter-American Court of Human Rights OAS OAS.01 OAS.02 OAS.11 OAS.12 MEAST 10 MEAST 10.1 Islamic Conference Islamic Declaration of Human Rights EUR CE EUR CE.01 EUR CE.02 EUR CE.11 EUR CE.12 EUR CE.13 Council of Europe European Convention on Human Rights European Social Charter European Commission of Human Rights European Court of Human Rights Commissioner for Human Rights EUR CE.14 European Committee on the Prevention of Torture… EUR CE.15 Human Rights Directorate / Documentation and Information EUR CE.17 EUR CE.18 EUR CE.19 Council of Europe Women's Directorate Council of Europe - Committee of Ministers Council of Europe - Parliamentary Assembly 20 NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION EUR EUR EUR EUR EU EU.01 EU.02 EU.03 European Union European Charter of Fundamental Freedoms Social Charter Charter of fundamental rights EUR EU.12 European Court of Justice EUR EU.18 EUR EU.19 European Parliament Commissioners EUR OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (use also for CSCE - Conference on Security and Cooperation…) EUR OSCE.01 Helsinki Accords (Helsinki Final Act) (1975) EUR OSCE.05 Meetings (Belgrade, Madrid, Vienna, Paris) EUR OSCE.11 Helsinki monitoring committees (by country use HURIDOCS code) EUR OSCE.19 High Commissioner on National Minorities region 0.50 regional bibliographies (for general bibliographies or bibliographies from more than one region, see GEN 0.50; for bibliographies of specific topics under the topic, e.g. bibliography of humanitarian law under INT.X) region I general region II human rights theories, philosophy, law, politics (regional approaches) (continue with breakdown as under GEN II…) region III comparative studies of national mechanisms for protection of human rights (for protection mechanisms in individual countries, see region country III, for studies concerning more than one region, see GEN III) region … for comparative regional studies on specific issues, continue with the breakdown by subject as under INT IV TO INT XIV, (e.g. AFR 5000 IV.25 freedom of the press in Africa) 21 NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION ISSUES BY SUB-REGION / INDIVIDUAL COUNTRY region country… by country or sub-region, use HURIDOCS code numbers, combined with breakdown by subject as follows (i.e. for general work on South Africa: AFR 5458 I; on Southern Africa: AFR 5400 I) region country 0.50 bibliographies by country (i.e. bibliography on East Africa: AFR 5200 O.50) region country I general situation region country I.20 region country I.25 region country I.30 political situation political parties elections (process & results) (for democratic rights, see also under region country IV.50, for general theory on democratic rights, elections, good governance etc, see INT IV.50) region country I.50 foreign policy (for foreign aid, see also under region country V.330) immigration policy (for refugee policy, see also region country XIV.50) region country I.60 region country I.80 region country II region country II.10 region country II.20 region country II.30 general economic situation (for issues of development, SAPs and foreign debt, see also from region country V.300 to V.500) region country II.60 institutions executive power legislative power judicial system (i.e. for judicial system in Algeria: AFR 5311 II.30; continue with breakdown by branch of law as under GEN II 30, e.g. Algerian constitutional law: AFR 5311 II.32, etc.; for issues of legal rights and rule of law, see also under region country IV.90) law enforcement, police (organization) (for police brutality, see also under region country IV.97) armed forces (institutional issues) (for militarization issues, see also region country IX.50) economic sector (agriculture, industry, business) region country II.80 religious institutions region country II.40 region country II.50 22 NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO P.O. Box 6706 St Olavs plass, NO-0130 OSLO, NORWAY, TEL (+47) 22 842028 LIBRARY SHELF CLASSIFICATION region country II.90 educational institutions (see also region country VI.20) region country III region country III.10 human rights protection mechanisms statutory protection agencies (e.g. human rights commissions, ombudsman, advisory councils) pertinent international monitoring or relief agencies (e.g. UN special rapporteurs, peacekeeping missions, etc.) NGOS (descriptive account of their activities) human rights workers domestic enforcement of international law region country III.30 region country III.40 region country III.50 region country III.90 region country IV civil and political rights (continue with the breakdown by subject as under INT IV series, e.g. for freedom of the press in Southern Africa: AFR 5400 IV.25) region country V economic and social rights (continue with the breakdown by subject as under INT V series) region country VI cultural rights (continue with the breakdown by subject as under INT VI series) region country VII special vulnerable groups (continue with the breakdown by subject as under INT VII series) region country IX right to peace / security / militarization (continue with the breakdown by subject as under INT IX series) region country X internal armed conflicts, national liberation movements (continue with the breakdown by subject as under INT X series) region country X… (continue with the breakdown by subject as under INT X…) 23