KINE 411

KINE 411 – Assessment in Physical Education
KINE 411 Syllabus – Fall 2015
“Assessment in Physical Education”
Department of Kinesiology, CSU-Chico
Professor: Kevin Shephard, M.A. (call me Kevin)
Mailbox: 244 Yolo (Available 8-5 Mon-Fri)
E-mail: (do not reply to BB
announcements; send separate email through Portal)
Personal Website:
Class Time: T/Th 1-2:50pm
Class Location: Yolo 109/112
Office: Yolo 273
Office Hours:
Course Description:
This course is designed for the prospective physical education teacher. It explores the design and application of
a variety of assessment tools in all four domains of learning in physical education: cognitive, affective, healthrelated fitness, and psychomotor. Emphasis is placed on both traditional and alternative methods of assessing
learning in physical education, and includes practice in developing assessment rubrics. Throughout the
semester, students will apply their knowledge of assessment at local schools. In the health-related fitness
domain, the course focuses on the state mandated fitness assessment: the FitnessGram. Students learn to
administer this battery of tests in a developmentally appropriate manner through hands-on experiences. The
course also addresses grading students in physical education.
Required Texts:
1. Lund, J., & Veal, M. L. (2013). Assessment-Driven Instruction in Physical Education. Champaign, IL:
Human Kinetics.
2. Meredith, M.D. & Welk, G.J. (Eds.). (2010). Fitnessgram & Activitygram Test Administration ManualUpdated 4th Edition. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Other Requirements/Information:
 Blackboard: You are expected to check BB announcements at least twice a week.
 Children Moving textbook is needed for some assignments
 CAVE Clearance –
 Blackboard Help –
 Equipment Checkout – You may check out equipment from Shari Rasmussen in Shurmer gym
( Give them 24 hours’ notice and arrange a time for pick-up.
Websites for Review:
 (California State PE Standards)
Tips for this Class:
 Check Blackboard announcements regularly (or your student email).
 Ask questions if you are unsure about something or need feedback.
 Download the complete directions for assignments and have them with you when you are working on the
 Embrace constructive feedback and the learning process.
 Read, read, read…which means get the books too!
KINE 411 – Assessment in Physical Education
Attendance and Late Policy:
 Attendance is required and graded daily (see Daily Ready Rubric on last page). If you miss any part of class,
it is your responsibility to obtain all lecture notes, assignment sheets, announcements, etc. from Blackboard
Learn (1st option), a classmate (2nd option), or me (3rd option).
 All students can have 2 absences without losing any points. If you want more than 2 absences excused, they
must ALL be university approved absences (ie. death in the family, serious illness, jury duty, religious
observance, etc.). In that situation, keep all of your evidence and turn it in at the end of the semester.
Makeup work may also be required.
 Coming in late or leaving early will result in loss of points on the Ready Rubric.
o 1 to 10 minutes – automatic deduction of 1 point from Ready Rubric.
o 10 to 20 minutes – automatic deduction of 2 points from Ready Rubric.
o 20+ minutes – results in an absence.
 If you are involved in the Chico State athletics or another Chico State sponsored activity, it is your
responsibility to communicate with the instructor regarding scheduling conflicts ahead of time. These events
are not considered an excusable absence.
 Breaks and Finals week: It is expected that you attend the entire class before school breaks (ie. do not buy
air tickets that conflict with classes).
Assignments & Exams:
 FYI: the recommendation for outside class work is 2-3 hours per unit each week (ie. 6-9 hours for this
 If you are unclear about an assignment, do not wait until its due date to seek clarification.
 There are no make-ups for online quizzes/tests.
 Assignments must be typed, stapled, and submitted with a professional appearance at the beginning of the
class period they are due.
 If you email me your assignment, I will reply with “Got it, thanks” (That way you know I received it).
 Deductions for late work are as follows:
 Late same day: 10%
 Late next day: 20%
 Anything after the next
day: 30% deduction
 Reading assignments are expected to be completed prior to class to maximize class discussion.
 Students must be present for all teaching experiences; there are no make-up assignments for these.
 Grades for assignments will be posted on Grade Center for communication purposes only.
 Grades for each assignment are weighted, which means you cannot just add up the points and divide by
points possible. Use the provided Excel spreadsheet to calculate your grade.
 Finally, plagiarism will result in one failing this course (see University standards online or in the catalog).
KINE 411 – Assessment in Physical Education
Your Grade
(Weight %) x (Your Grade %) = Calculation
Quizzes (online quizzes due midnight before next class)
Participation & More – Ready Rubric
Fitnessgram Presentation
Fitnessgram Administration at Elementary 1 Reflection
Fitnessgram Administration at Elementary 2 Reflection
Fitnessgram Goal Setting Project
Example Assessments with Rubrics
Grading Presentation (Final)
= 100%
Course Survey – 1% Extra Credit
Grading System:
87-89 = B+
77-79 = C+
93+ = A
67-69 = D+
83-86 = B
73-76 = C
< 60 = F
90-92 = A60-66 = D
80-82 = B70-72 = CProfessionalism Criteria (act as if this is your professional job):
 Be prepared for unannounced quizzes. This means always being prepared for class.
 Be on time for each class. Contribute to class discussions and group projects.
 Complete all assignments according to the guidelines and submit on time.
 Treat your classmates, your professor, and guests with respect and professional courtesy, even outside of
class. This includes using appropriate language, turning OFF cell phones, etc.
 Arrive early and well prepared for teaching assignments and don't leave until you have taken care of all your
 Do your share of the work when working in a group on teaching tasks or other class assignments.
 Take responsibility for your actions or lack thereof (e.g. back up saved work on disk, set 2 wake-up alarms).
 Dress appropriately for teaching assignments.
Portable Electronic Devices: Please extend courtesy to your instructor and fellow students by turning off your
portable electronic devices such as: cell phones, pagers, and iPods. Although not an audio issue, text-messaging
is a distraction to other students and prevents you from full participation in class. You should keep your
portable electronic devices in your backpack or purse during class. Your personal electronic devices should not
be on your desks. If you know that you may need to accept an emergency phone call during class or if you have
children in childcare or school, please let the instructor know. If you need to take a phone call during class,
please step out of the classroom while you complete your call. Thank you for your cooperation.
Americans with Disabilities Act: If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability or
chronic illness, or if you need to make special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please
make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours. Please also contact
Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) as they are the designated department responsible for approving and
coordinating reasonable accommodations and services for students with disabilities. ARC will help you
understand your rights and responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act and provide you further
assistance with requesting and arranging accommodations. Accessibility Resource Center, 530-898-5959,
Student Services Center 170,
KINE 411 – Assessment in Physical Education
Student Judicial Affairs (
Student Judicial Affairs (SJA) addresses student success in two ways: mediating student concerns or grievances
and adjudicating student behavior referrals. For student grievances, SJA ensures that students have a supportive
environment and a fair process for resolving grievances with faculty, staff, and administration. For student
behavior, SJA promotes student success by upholding University standards on one hand and holding students
accountable for their actions on the other.
Student Accountability:
Plagiarism is a serious academic offense and will not be tolerated. If you consult the work of others, fraternity
files, the Internet or other sources you do so at your own peril. If you care to work on class assignments with
another student(s) you must obtain my permission. WORKING WITH OTHERS ON HOMEWORK
What is “Plagiarism”?
All students are accountable to the California State University, Chico Policy on Academic Integrity, which can
be viewed at I advise all students to become intimately
familiar with the University guides on how to avoid plagiarism:
Generally speaking, I submit any suspicious activity to judicial affairs. I am not a detective, juror, or judge
All work submitted in this course is expected to be that of the student or students assigned as a project work
group are to be appropriately documented according to APA format recognizing the source of the material. Any
formal written assignments may be required to be submitted to Turnitin (details will be provided by the
instructor). Two key principles for this course – 1) do your own work and 2) cite references properly. If you
have any questions, please contact me. Any student involved in cheating on exams or assigned projects either
individually or in group work in this course may result in an automatic dismissal from and “F” for the
Course Objectives: Each course objective is listed beside one of the 6 Kinesiology departmental studentlearning outcomes and refers to what students should know and/or be able to do by the end of the semester.
KINE 411 – Assessment in Physical Education
Student Learning Outcome – Content Knowledge:
Demonstrate knowledge and disciplinary concepts related to the field of Kinesiology.
► Understand how to administer the Fitnessgram.
► Understand the Generic Levels of Skill Proficiency and how to use them to conduct a needs assessment.
► Understand how to create various types of assessment rubrics.
► Understand how to conduct authentic assessments of each of the four learning domains.
► Understand the importance of implementing an authentic assessment plan to facilitate student learning.
► Devise methods of assessing and grading students in physical education that address the CA Physical Education Content
Standards and NASPE’s National Standards for Physical Education.
 FG Administration – Peer
 Example Assessments
 Grading Presentation
 FG Administration – Elementary
 Pre/Post Assessments
 Quizzes
 FG Software
 Teaching Experiences
 Labs & Discussions
Student Learning Outcome – Communication:
Apply knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to enhance learning and engagement in
physical activity.
► Apply current assessment language to your professional vocabulary.
► Apply a variety of technologies, including the use of pedometers, heart rate monitors, and computer software to assessment
administration and data presentation.
► Demonstrate effective methods of verbal (e.g. instruction and feedback) and nonverbal (e.g. demonstration and body language)
communication when peer teaching and teaching students in local schools.
 FG Administration – Peer
 Pre/Post Assessments
 Labs
 FG Administration – Elementary
 Teaching Experiences
 Discussions
 FG Software
 Grading Presentation
 Quizzes
Student Learning Outcome – Reflection and critical thinking:
Demonstrate reflection and critical thinking in order to refine professional practice.
► Critically assess and reflect upon peer teaching in labs and microteaching in public and private schools.
► Synthesize the content of the course and present a thoughtful plan for evaluating all four learning domains and grading students in
physical education.
 FG Administration – Elementary
 Pre/Post Assessments
 Discussions
 Teaching Experiences
 Grading Presentation
Student Learning Outcome – Programming and assessment:
Demonstrate evidence-based knowledge and skills (and best practices) for assessing client/student needs and for designing,
implementing and evaluating programs.
► Develop and administer a variety of appropriate formal and informal assessment tools with corresponding rubrics to evaluate
student learning and performance in four learning domains: cognitive, affective, psychomotor, and health-related fitness.
► Apply basic statistics using Microsoft Excel for evaluation/grading purposes as demonstrated through lab experiences.
► Administer the FITNESSGRAM fitness test battery to students in a developmentally appropriate and professional manner
► Collect, analyze, and present fitness testing data in a developmentally appropriate manner.
 FG Administration – Peer
 FG Software
 Teaching Experiences
 FG Administration – Elementary
 Pre/Post Assessments
 Labs
Student Learning Outcome – Professionalism and ethics:
Demonstrate professional behaviors, including commitment to excellence, valuing diversity and collaboration, service to others, and
techniques for lifelong learning.
► Display professional behavior and wear appropriate attire during peer teaching in labs and microteaching in public and private
► Maintain a high degree of professionalism during class (e.g. arrive on time, turn off cell phone, contribute to discussion,
participate in group projects).
 Ready Rubric
 FG Administration – Elementary
 Teaching Experiences
 Pre/Post Assessments
Student Learning Outcome – Value physical activity and fitness:
Articulate a philosophy that physical activity programs are important to health and well being of individuals, and that physical
activity can foster self-expression, development, and learning.
► Understand why the mission of physical education is to promote lifetime physical activity.
► Understand how administration of the Fitnessgram can be a positive tool for helping K-12 students value physical activity and
 FG Administration – Peer
 Discussions
 Grading Presentation
 FG Administration – Elementary
 Quizzes
KINE 411 – Assessment in Physical Education
READY! (5 points)
Throughout the whole class period, or when appropriate…
You demonstrated RESPECT for the learning environment by:
 paying attention
 using active listening when the teacher or peers addressed you or the group
 using positive verbal and non-verbal (body) language
 dressing appropriately for class
 treating your peers with kindness
You demonstrated that you were ENGAGED in your own education by:
 having completed any readings or assignments due today
 asking questions if you were unclear about anything
 participating in class and group discussions.
You demonstrated ACCEPTANCE of others and yourself by:
 being willing to keep trying even when you struggled with learning the skills
or concepts
 encouraging and/or helping classmates when they struggled
 using inclusive and appropriate language.
You demonstrated DILIGENCE by:
 working actively on all tasks
 being self-directed and focused on self-improvement.
You demonstrated a positive “YES” attitude toward the teacher, teaching
assistants, the class and its content.
Almost READY!
(4 points)
So close! You met most of the READY criteria but you fell a little short in one category. -Or you were
unable to participate in physical activities due to illness/injury (note needed), but demonstrated
READY-ness for all alternative work.
Getting ready to be READY?
(2-3 points)
You tried, but were not quite READY to learn today. You fell short in two or three R-E-A-D-Y
Maybe next class?
(0 points)
You were lacking in more than three of the READY categories, or you missed most or all of the Respect
criteria. Your behavior was affecting the instructors and/or classmates in a negative way.