Origins of Life 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Origins of Life-Answer Key 15 billion years old 26. His experiment produced some of 4.6 billion years old the 20 amino acids that are present Hydrogen & Helium today and other organic molecules. All of the other elements found on 27. The primeval sea, the early the periodic table, excluding atmosphere, lightning, and rain hydrogen & helium 28. Monomers None 29. Through condensation of water Hydrogen & Helium vapor as Earth’s crust cooled and Water vapor, carbon dioxide, solidified. nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, 30. Cohesion is the attraction between methane, and ammonia the positive and negative ends of Time two different water molecules. The Universe is older by roughly 10 Adhesion is the attraction between billion years or 10.4 billion years the positive and negative ends of a Hydrogen & Helium water molecule and a non-water Through nuclear fusion inside of molecule. stars or when the stars exploded. 31. Old meteorites that are found today Before Earth was formed contain organic chemicals They are light molecules with high 32. The oxygen would break many of velocities, their velocities exceeded the molecular bonds that tried to the escape velocity of Earth. H is form; therefore amino acids and found bound to O2 as H2O. He is other organic molecules probably found in trace amounts. would not form. Trapped under Earth’s surface 33. Ability to moderate temperature, In many compounds, for example versatility as a solvent, and water cohesive behavior Ultra Violet Radiation 34. Amino acids, sugars, lipids, and 56 million nucleotides 140 35. Dehydration synthesis Polymers 36. To make Polar. They have both a negative 37. A polymer and a water molecule and positive end. 38. Two monomers They arrived on Earth from space. 39. A hydroxyl group is removed from They were created on Earth by one monomer and a hydrogen atom chemical reactions. is removed from the other. A water In meteorites molecule. Hydrogen bonds 40. Hydrolysis Oxygen 41. To break or split Comets 42. A polymer and a water molecule 43. One end is polar and one is nonpolar Biology Origins of Life 44. Their polar end is in contact with the water and their nonpolar end is isolated from the water 45. An early cell (protobiont) 46. Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids 47. Attracted to water or “water loving” 48. Repelled by water or “water fearing” 49. Membranes 50. Last Universal Common Ancestor 51. Any 4 of the following: order, adaptations, response to the environment, regulation, energy processing, growth & development, and reproduction 52. Cells 53. Light, chemical 54. There are many common features of all life 55. Order, adaptations, response to the environment, regulation, energy processing, growth & development, and reproduction 56. Microscopic, membrane bound structures that contain organic molecules and are the smallest unit that can be considered life. They are the “building blocks” for all life 57. An organism’s regulation of its internal environment. 58. Chemical, mechanical 59. Produce offspring Free Response 1. Hydrogen and helium were both light weight molecules with high velocities. Their velocities exceed that of the escape velocity of Earth so they were able to leave Earth’s early atmosphere. The other elements all formed before early Earth formed. The other elements formed through nuclear fusion in the stars or when the stars exploded. 2. Early Earth’s atmosphere did not consist of oxygen and today’s atmosphere does. Early Earth experienced heavy amounts of UV radiation and although UV radiation is becoming a problem for us today, we do not experience the same amount of UV radiation as early Earth did. Early Earth did not initially contain any life forms, but over time life forms have evolved and have reached very complex levels today. The primeval sea consisted of only the basic monomers and today our oceans contain great life forms. 3. Stanley Miller’s experiment sought to replicate the environment of early Earth by replicating the primeval sea, lightning, Earth’s early atmosphere, and rain. His experiment produced some of the 20 amino acids that exist today as well as other organic molecules. The results support the idea that the organic molecules on Earth could have been derived from chemical reactions on early Earth. 4. Dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis are reverse reactions. Dehydration synthesis is the joining of two monomers to form a water molecule and a polymer. In the process of dehydration synthesis, one monomer loses a hydroxyl group and the other loses a hydrogen atom. Hydrolysis is the breaking down of a monomer to form two polymers through the addition of a water molecule. 5. Early cells were formed when the first phospholipids formed membranes that separated the inside of the cell from the surrounding aqueous environment. Inside these cells more complex molecules were able to form and replicate. Biology Origins of Life 6. LUCA stands for the Last Universal Common Ancestor. It is believed that all life forms on Earth can be traced back to this one common ancestor. The evidence that supports a LUCA is that all life forms have common properties. Three of these properties are: (any 3 of the following) order, adaptations, response to the environment, regulation, energy processing, growth & development, and reproduction. Biology Origins of Life