Production Notes - Lionsgate Publicity

Production Notes
For additional publicity materials and artwork, please visit:
Run time:
R (for pervasive strong brutal violence, language and some drug use)
107 mins.
For more information, please contact:
Todd Nickels
75 Rockefeller Plaza
16th floor
New York, NY 10019
P: 212-386-6895
Jamie Blois
2700 Colorado Avenue
Suite 200
Santa Monica, CA 90404
P: 310-255-4910
Ray Stevenson
Dominic West
Julie Benz
Colin Salmon
Doug Hutchison
Dash Mihok
Wayne Knight
Frank Castle
Billy Russoti/Jigsaw
Paul Budiansky
Loony Bin Jim
Martin Soap
Directed by
Written by
Lexi Alexander
Nick Santora and
Art Marcum &
Matt Holloway
Based on Marvel’s Punisher Comic Book Series
Produced by
Gale Anne Hurd
Executive Producers
Oliver Hengst
Ernst-August Schnieder
Ari Arad
Ogden Gavanski
Michael Paseornek
John Sacchi
Associate Producers
Bill Johnson
Wolfgang Schamburg
Jack Murray
Gary Ventimiglia
Visual Effects Supervisor
Robert Short
Director of Photography
Steve Gainer, ASC
Production Designer
Andrew Neskoromny
Edited by
William Yeh
Costume Designer
Odette Gadoury
Music Supervisor
Dan Hubbert
Music by
Michael Wandmacher
Casting by
Tricia Wood, C.S.A.
Jennifer Smith, C.S.A.
Deborah Aquila, C.S.A.
Waging his one-man war on the world of organized crime, ruthless vigilante-hero Frank
Castle sets his sights on overeager mob boss Billy Russoti. After Russoti is left horribly
disfigured by Castle, he sets out for vengeance under his new alias: Jigsaw. With the
"Punisher Task Force" hot on his trail and the FBI unable to take Jigsaw in, Frank must
stand up to the formidable army that Jigsaw has recruited before more of his evil deeds
go unpunished.
Starring Ray Stevenson (HBO’s “Rome”) as The Punisher Frank Castle and Dominic
West as Jigsaw, PUNISHER: WAR ZONE is based on Marvel’s Punisher Comic Book
Series and written by Nick Santora and Art Marcum & Matt Holloway, directed by Lexi
Alexander and produced by Gale Anne Hurd. The film’s executive producers are Oliver
Hengst, Ernst-August Schnieder, Ari Arad, Ogden Gavanski, Michael Paseornek and
John Sacchi. PUNISHER: WAR ZONE is a Lionsgate presentation in association with
Marvel Studios, a Lionsgate Production, a Valhalla Motion Pictures Production, a MHF
Zweite Academy Film Production in association with SGF Entertainment Inc.
When Frank Castle first appeared as the Punisher in the Marvel comic
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #129 in 1974, the character took the comic book world by
storm, ushering in a new era of anti-hero. Reflecting the growing moral unease and
cynicism of post-modern America in the late 1970s and 1980s, the Punisher complicated
the simple dynamics of good versus evil that had previously dominated comic book
storytelling for decades. Here was a bloodthirsty ex-Marine driven by rage over the
deaths of his family at the hands of the mob, not a superhero, but a mortal man with
extraordinary skills and unflagging determination, one who dispenses his own brand of
justice – involving murder, torture and violence – to the corrupt. Twenty-five years later,
the Punisher is still a fan favorite, having born multiple comic series and film adaptations.
Now, Lionsgate, written by Nick Santora and Art Marcum & Matt Holloway, director
Lexi Alexander, producer Gale Anne Hurd and Marvel have fashioned a gritty, violent,
absolutely faithful film adaptation of the Punisher, inspired by the hard-edged,
groundbreaking PUNISHER MAX series created by Garth Ennis in 2004.
“The great thing with comic books, especially a comic book like the Punisher
series, is that there are so many incarnations of the character,” reports producer Gale
Anne Hurd. “In this case we had an opportunity to deal with a very dark and violent
story. We didn’t have to make it light. We could really examine the tortured psyche of
Frank Castle.”
Fans of the Punisher have already seen two similarly named film adaptations of
the vigilante hero, Mark Goldblatt’s 1989 version starring Dolph Lundgren, and
Lionsgate’s more recent 2004 entry, a pared-down actioner starring Thomas Jane and
John Travolta. Alexander states that her version of the Punisher story embraces the look
and tone of the PUNISHER MAX series and writer Garth Ennis’ re-envisioning of the
Punisher. She says, “This is its own film, with a different script, a different filmmaker, a
different look, a different cast, a different hero. It's really not comparable.”
PUNISHER: WAR ZONE depicts Castle wrestling with the eternal questions of
good and evil and the repercussions of his contradictory moral code. Explains Hurd,
“Frank Castle sets out to eliminate an entire Mafia group that has killed an innocent man.
As a result, he finds something that he never expected: that in the process of punishing
the guilty, he’s actually killed an innocent man himself. So during the course of the
story, he not only has to wrestle with that, but he has to take on Jigsaw, the most
fearsome villain that he’s ever encountered, who he had a hand in creating.”
“Frank's the final solution in some ways, the final arbiter of justice,” says coproducer Jack Murray. “He is a take action kind of guy. He doesn't ask questions, doesn't
take names and numbers. When he sees something that needs to be fixed, he fixes it.”
“At the same time, this guy is a man's man who is incredibly sad, incredibly
scarred,” offers Alexander. “He's very dark and it's very questionable whether he's on the
good side or on the bad side. I think that's what really fascinates me because it's not all
about action and super powers. It's about this guy and where his soul is.”
Lexi Alexander’s previous directing work includes a drama about soccer
hooligans in London entitled, GREEN STREET HOOLIGANS (2005), as well as a short
film, JOHNNY FLYNTON, which was nominated for an Academy Award. “It was very
flattering for the studio and Marvel to come to me because I’m young, I come from the
independent film world and I have never done a studio film,” says the director. “It’s been
incredibly exciting working on something that has such a huge following.”
Initially, however, Alexander was unsure whether she was an appropriate choice
for a comic book adaptation – that is, until she read the PUNISHER MAX series. “I
really reacted to the mythology of Frank Castle,” she says. “He’s a guy whose heart just
darkened and who basically thinks he can only save the world by killing everybody who's
bad. And that's just right up my alley. I thought, ‘All right, I can do a good job with
“Lexi is a visionary,” says Hurd, “and her passion and perspective are contagious.
She just believed so much in how this movie could look and she wanted to attract a high
caliber cast. I'm really excited to have her at the helm of this project.”
British actor Ray Stevenson (HBO’s “Rome”) admits that he was challenged by
the moral complexities of Castle’s actions, and he still maintains that the Punisher is not a
role model to be emulated, but a warning. “There is a kind of nihilism to his actions,”
says the actor. “He doesn't set himself up as a protector of the innocent, he's a punisher of
the corrupt. That’s a very clear line to draw. He knows he can't right the world. He knows
he can only do this one bit. But at least, for him, it’s the one bit he can do.”
Stevenson believes Castle remains sympathetic because he hasn’t lost his
humanity. In fact, Castle is often all too human. “He hasn't got super powers or lightning
bolts shooting out his eyeballs or anything like that,” he says. “He uses skills he's learned
to get his job done. I think people also identify with his personal story as a man who
suffered a tremendous tragedy in his life and decided on a route of vendetta, a vigilante
attitude that says that once people cross a certain line, they're beyond redemption.”
Adds Alexander, “What I would say is unique about this Punisher is that you’ve
got a great actor playing the part, Ray Stevenson. There is gravitas and a sense of sorrow
to his task, and along with the action there is a heart, one that’s been beaten down but is
still there.”
Dominic West (HBO’s “The Wire,” 300, HANNIBAL RISING) relished the
chance to play the villain, Billy “Jigsaw” Russoti, a vain mobster whose run-in with the
Punisher results in a gruesome accident in a glass crusher that leaves him horribly
disfigured. He recalls, “When I read the part, I instantly got excited about it because he
gets to be the most vain man in the world who then gets smashed up and becomes the
most evil man in the world.”
West describes Jigsaw as “absolutely amoral, disinterested in everything except
what he needs at that moment, whether he has to kill someone or get his money or
whatever. He's a total psychopath.” West sat in the make-up chair for two hours every
day for the necessary application of prosthetics, masks and wigs. “We wanted to come up
with something that was different than what's in the comic book,” explains visual effects
supervisor Robert Short. “What plays in comic books doesn't usually play onscreen. We
had to come up with something that was much more sophisticated.”
While he didn’t enjoy the hours in the makeup chair, West did appreciate the
benefits of working with most of his face covered. “It's very liberating to wear a mask,”
he says. “It means that you're not hampered by naturalism or even one's own looks. One
can be fully a different character, and I suppose that's always what excited me about
Angela and Grace, played by Julie Benz and Stephanie Janusauskas respectively,
play a vital role in the film as the wife and daughter of the FBI agent the Punisher
mistakenly kills. In their presence, Frank wrestles with his guilt while also being
reminded of the emotional familial ties he once had and lost. “Frank’s a loner and he's on
his mission. Showing emotions is not what he does while he's out killing bad people,”
explains Alexander. “So here comes this little girl and he has no guard for that kind of
innocence. To me, the best moments in the film are when he just breaks down. There's
just nothing he can do, there's no wall he can have up against this little girl.”
Benz (Showtime’s “Dexter,” RAMBO 2008) explains that part of the appeal of
playing Angela Donatelli was the opportunity to step outside of gender stereotypes.
“Angela is a woman who has a little bit more of an edge, who's a little bit tougher,” she
says. “She's not just the damsel in distress who needs to be rescued. She's willing to kill
someone to save her child.”
Benz also enjoyed exploring the complexities of Angela’s relationship with
Frank. She says, “Angela has a lot of anger towards him for killing her husband. She
does think he's a very dangerous man but at the same time she has to rely on him for
protection and to protect her daughter. And I think there's an understanding of pain
between the two of them, this loss of a spouse.”
Agent Paul Budiansky, the FBI agent who hunts down Castle in order to avenge
the death of his partner, who Castle killed, contributes yet another layer of moral
complexity to the story. Budiansky is committed to putting Castle behind bars, until the
FBI makes a deal with the very murderers his partner died trying to bust. “Therein lays
the quandary,” explains actor Colin Salmon (MATCH POINT, ALIEN VS. PREDATOR,
DIE ANOTHER DAY). “The murderers are released, which throws my character into a
serious moral debate. I start to gravitate toward Frank Castle's philosophy, to actually
help him. I come to understand that there are certain things outside of law that need to be
Budiansky teams up, despite his reservations, with Detective Soap, played in the
ROMEO & JULIET). A behavioral psychologist who has been tracking the Punisher for
years, Soap plays the bumbling fool, though his soft-headed act helps hide a more
cunning side. “I was really attracted to the opportunity to offset all the action with some
humor,” says Mihok. “Soap’s really kind of socially inept and odd but there’s something
about him that most people don’t know. He has two sides, and that dichotomy is really
fun to play.”
Linus “Microchip” Lieberman, played by comedic actor Wayne Knight
(JURASSIC PARK, “Seinfeld,” TOY STORY 2, BASIC INSTINCT), continues the
tradition of the superhero confidant established by the likes of Batman’s Alfred and
James Bond’s Q. Linus provides weaponry for the Punisher as well as moral support and
an intimate knowledge of Castle’s psychological demons. “Even though he’s involved in
vigilante justice,” says Knight, “Linus is a highly moral guy. He’s not a man of action: he
facilitates action.”
The last lead role in the cast is the only one that doesn’t exist in the PUNISHER
MAX series. Loony Bin Jim is Jigsaw’s brother, a mentally ill man freed from an insane
asylum to wreak havoc on the Punisher and arguably the most deranged villain in a film
teeming with psychopaths. “It's fun to play a cartoon character because you can do
anything you want. You can bump it up a little bit,” says actor Doug Hutchison (“CSI,”
“Law & Order”, I AM SAM). “I shaved my head and really got a visual of this character.
Throughout the course of the film, my medication is wearing off. I decided that it would
be fun to try to create this arc so that when you first meet LBJ, he’s very focused and
still, soft almost, but dangerous. As the film progresses, little by little, he starts to
deteriorate physically and mentally so that by the end of the movie, when he has this
incredibly insane fight with the Punisher, he’s just a rabid madman unleashed.”
Hutchison and West also enjoyed forging a disturbingly intimate relationship
between their on-screen characters. “There's this intense brotherly love between us, we'll
do anything for each other,” says Hutchison. “We tried to find windows of opportunity to
show how much we love each other. It's a little disconcerting because we're these
monsters and yet, when we're together, it's gentle hugs, consoling and supporting each
other. It's an almost emotionally incestuous relationship.”
During production, Alexander and her design team made every effort to re-create
the look of the graphic novel, settling on a color-saturated aesthetic that mimics the bold
colors of the PUNISHER MAX comic. “We were able to visually embrace the
PUNISHER MAX series in terms of the dark, really intense and violent world that the
Punisher inhabits,” explains Hurd. “It was very important to Lexi Alexander, our DP
Steve Gainer, production designer Andrew Neskoromny and costume designer Odette
Gadoury to really bring those comic book frames to life. That was something that we
worked very hard to achieve with the film.”
“At times, it was almost a color of emotion, depending on what's happening in the
scene,” explains production designer Andrew Neskoromny. “Violence would be, of
course, reds and oranges, and other moments that were more somber were cooler, blues
and greens.” Director of photography Steve Gainer avoided realism whenever possible,
using a series of filters and gels to create a vibrant, graphic style. “We did several weeks
of testing before we shot the film, where we basically went through the color gels that
seem to match the colors of the comic,” says Gainer. “I even spoke to one of the colorists
from the Ennis series to make sure we got it right.”
“I think the fans can look forward to a far more visceral interpretation of the
actual comic books,” says Murray. “Everything down to the palette being used to the
locations and the characters are drawn directly from the comics. They are not caricatures.
They are actually characters inhabiting this dark, gritty, urban, sodium-lit world of neon
lights and atmospheric, heightened shadows.”
Additionally, Hurd solicited design advice from famed comic book artist Tim
Bradstreet, who is responsible for some of the best art in the Punisher series. The writers
also peppered the script with references to the original comic as a shout-out to diehard
fans. A hotel in the film, for instance, was named the Bradstreet Hotel, after the artist.
The Punisher’s iconic skull was also a crucial element of the visual design. “When I did
the artwork and design for the skull, I wanted to create something that was more like a
bulldog, more stocky, more just pure bulk and strength to kind of go along with Ray,”
explains Neskoromny.
One of Hurd’s priorities was to ensure that the action sequences in PUNISHER:
WAR ZONE were as punchy and original as possible. “It was really important for us to
keep it fresh and interesting and to do something that people have never seen before,”
says Hurd. “We have action on the street, we have hand-to-hand combat, and we have the
most exotic, interesting and amazing gunplay that you can imagine. We have innovative
scenes where Frank Castle, as the one-man Punisher army, takes on twenty or thirty
people. We have free-running action, rooftop fights, sequences that take place throughout
every imaginable urban setting.”
Alexander, whose professional career began first as a professional martial arts
competitor, and later as a stuntwoman for Hollywood films, worked carefully with
longtime friend, stunt coordinator Pat Johnson, to create fight sequences that were
faithful to the feel of the comic book. “There's nobody more qualified to do this film than
she is,” Johnson avows. “It's one thing to tell the story but Lexi knows what it's like to be
in a head to head fight because she's a fighter herself. She understands fighting. She’ll
say, ‘Let's change that kick. That looks too much like a martial arts film. Let's do
something else.’ She knows what she wants, for which I will make the adjustment, and
100% of the time she's been right. This film probably has the most realistic, brutal fights
of any that I've ever done in my thirty-five years in film.”
Not all the choreography involves violent combat, however. Audiences will be
amazed by Jigsaw’s band of hired thugs, lead by TJ Storm’s character, Maginty, who all
move with the signature dexterity of ‘free-runners.’ Widely known as parcour, freerunning is an extreme sport that was born in the urban, industrial areas of Paris. The sport
essentially re-imagines any environment as a massive jungle gym, with practitioners
acrobatically running, jumping and climbing up and down buildings, walls and stairwells
without any safety ropes. “Parcour is a sport that requires you to be really agile, able to
jump over things, flip over walls and all of that kind of stuff,” says Storm. “My martial
arts background really helped me in this movie.”
“I think one of the things that the die-hard comic book fans can look forward to
with this film is the absolute dedication of Ray Stevenson, who looks like he came right
from the comic book pages,” says Hurd. “I have never seen anyone work as hard as Ray
Stevenson did.”
Stevenson, who had no previous fighting experience, spent months before
production training for his role. “We had quite a bit of time to train him,” says Johnson.
“We worked five hours a day, six days a week. Ray actually lived at my home in
California, so that I could be sure that he was going to be out by five o'clock in the
morning to start training at 5:30 a.m.” Endurance was one of the prime objectives, as
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Stevenson faced weeks of twelve-hour days in which he was performing nothing but
stunts and hand-to-hand combat.
Not simply satisfied with achieving a high level of fitness, Stevenson also trained
with military advisor Jon Barton, who taught him how to handle and fire a vast array of
weapons, as well as how to move like a man with military training. “Part of what makes a
military man stand out is his ability to move through buildings and open areas. It's very
distinct, and it takes practice,” explains Barton. “We did a lot of work with weapons:
transitioning from a rifle to a pistol, using two pistols, using two pistols and a rifle,
grenade launchers and rocket launchers. After six weeks, we started doing what we call
force-on-force, which is where I had Ray engage my fellow employees in mock battle
sequences where he would be the Punisher and he would have to kill everybody, and they
had to try to kill him. That was really fun because it gave him a chance to be shot at.”
“In some cases we have thirty-five people in one scene fighting, battling each
other, probably eighteen against eighteen people,” explains Johnson. “We had an entire
floor of an old college dorm, explosions, the use of all sorts of weapons, grenades, rocket
launchers, everything. The audience will never have seen anything, as far as fighting and
war combat, in a film before. They will never have seen it on screen. I promise you.”
While the film certainly aims to please die-hard Punisher fans, Murray believes
PUNISHER: WAR ZONE will undoubtedly attract new audiences as well. “I think that
the Punisher is an appealing character because he's flawed. With a lot of superheroes,
there's right and wrong, but Frank lives in a grey area. He's a character that sees injustice
but actually corrects it with an injustice. A little bit of doing the wrong thing is ultimately
“I think audiences are going to see this film as a morality tale, a very exciting
movie that is challenging in a way,” offers Knight. “It is not a kiddy take on the violence
of crime and payback.”
“It's an R-rated film so we don't pull any punches,” adds West. “There are levels
of nuance. There's parody and irony. There’s satire on things like the vigilante hero, the
American health care system and certainly, as played out in my character, recruiting
people for the Army. I think there's a lot of grown up humor in it.”
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Hurd is confident that the filmmaking team, with the help of Marvel and
Lionsgate, has created something unique. “PUNISHER: WAR ZONE is an intense,
exciting, action-filled, very violent ride that is an opportunity for audiences to see the
Garth Ennis-style Punisher on screen with all the colors and all the action that they
expect. They’re actually going to experience what they see in the comics.”
“It’s the graphic novel come to life,” adds Alexander. “If you love the graphic
novel, then PUNISHER: WAR ZONE is really going to be exciting for you. If you have
no knowledge of it, I think you'll have a very entertaining ride anyway, one that brings
you into a very surreal world but still has characters you can relate to.”
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RAY STEVENSON (Frank Castle / The Punisher) is perhaps best known for playing
the character of legionary Titus Pullo in the BBC/HBO television series “Rome.” He shares the
lead starring role in the series with Kevin McKidd. His portrayal of Pullo's fierce and loyal
character and the character's development and adaptation to the changing circumstances of life
and history has won both critical and public acclaim.
Stevenson recently completed the horror movie OUTPOST, in which he stars as the
leader of a team of mercenaries hired to retrieve an alleged geological find inside an old WWII
bunker located in a remote area of eastern Europe.
Other film roles include playing the part of 'Dagonet,' the knight who sacrifices his life
for his comrades in KING ARTHUR in 2004. His first big screen movie role was in THE
THEORY OF FLIGHT (1998) with Kenneth Branagh and Helena Bonham Carter, where he
played the part of a gigolo hired to help the character played by Bonham Carter to lose her
His other TV-work includes guest appearances in popular TV series like “Waking the
Dead” and “Murphy's Law” as well as lead roles in “City Central” and “At Home with the
Braithwaites.” He has also appeared in several TV movies such as “Some Kind of Life” in 1995,
in which he co-starred with Jane Horrocks, and “The Return of the Native,” which also featured
Catherine Zeta Jones. Some of his earliest parts were in two Catherine Cookson movies: “The
Dwelling Place” (1994) and “The Tide of Life” (1996).
His stage work includes playing the part of Christ in the York Mystery Plays in 2000 at
York Minster. In 2001 he took the part of Roger in the play Mouth to Mouth by Kevin Elyot, at
the Albery Theatre in London with Lindsay Duncan and Michael Maloney. His most well known
part is perhaps that of the Cardinal in The Duchess of Malfi by John Webster with Janet McTeer
at the Royal National Theatre in 2003.
Born in Northern Ireland, the son of an air force pilot, Ray grew up in England. As a
child, he developed an interest in acting when going to Saturday morning matinees. But his focus
remained elsewhere and it wasn’t until seeing a performance by John Malkovich in a play, Burn
This at a West End theatre that he decided to give acting his full attention. At age 27, he began
studying acting at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School.
DOMINIC WEST (Billy / Jigsaw) has combined a successful career in both the US and
the UK in leading roles in international film, US television and on the London stage. West
recently starred as Theron in Warner Bros’ highly successful 300.
He starred opposite Julianne Moore in the sci-fi thriller THE FORGOTTEN, and with
Julia Roberts in Mike Newel’s drama MONA LISA SMILE. In 2002, he played murder victim
Fred Casely in Rob Marshall’s Oscar® winning musical CHICAGO. His other film credits
include ROCK STAR with Jennifer Aniston and Mark Wahlberg; 28 DAYS opposite Sandra
Bullock; A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM with an all-star ensemble cast; DIANA AND ME
opposite Toni Collette, SURVIVING PICASSO with Anthony Hopkins; and RICHARD III
starring Ian McKellen.
Television audiences also know West for his starring role in the Peabody Awardwinning HBO series “The Wire.” He also appeared in “The Life and Adventures of Nicholas
Nickleby,” “A Christmas Carol” and “Out of Hours.”
Born in England, West graduated from Trinity College in Dublin and then from the
Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Starting his career on the stage, he won the Ian Charleston
award for Best Newcomer for his performance in Peter Hall’s production of The Seagull. He has
since been seen in a number of plays in London’s West End, including Peter Gill’s production of
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Harley Granville Barker’s The Voysey Inheritance at The National Theatre and David Lan’s
production of As You Like It with Helen McCrory and Sienna Miller. West starred in Trevor
Nunn’s production of Tom Stoppard’s play Rock ‘n’ Roll, which just won the London Evening
Standard Award for Best Play.
JULIE BENZ (Angela) recently starred alongside Sylvester Stallone in the action film,
RAMBO (directed by Stallone) where she performed grueling stunts, in her role as a missionary
taken prisoner by sadistic Burmese soldiers.
Julie stars alongside Michael C. Hall in Showtime’s acclaimed crime drama “Dexter,”
which recently returned for a second season. Dexter just happens to be a serial killer and Benz
won the 2006 Golden Satellite Award for her portrayal of ‘Rita’, Dexter’s unknowing girlfriend.
Benz had had the leading role in the dramatic thriller “Circle of Friends” on Lifetime. She stars in
the upcoming indie feature KILL YOUR DARLINGS, a dark, road trip comedy about suicide.
Benz in most recognizable for her role as the evil vampire, ‘Darla’ which she originated
on The WB’s “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and continued the character on the hit series, “Angel.”
She also enjoyed a recurring role on the cult series “Roswell.”
Her feature film work includes AS GOOD AS IT GETS, ‘Ursula’ in GEORGE OF THE
JUNGLE 2, the Tri-Star feature JAWBREAKER and THE BROTHERS for Sony/Screen Gems.
Benz television episodic work includes “Navy NCIS,” “Peacemakers,” “King of
Queens,” “Supernatural” and “CSI Miami.” She starred with Marsha Mason in the Hallmark
feature “The Long Shot” and starred in the DreamWorks/Steven Spielberg miniseries “Taken” for
the Sci-Fi Channel. Julie joined a stellar cast, which included S. Epatha Merkerson and Jimmy
Smits, in HBO’s Emmy® winning “Lackawanna Blues,” produced by Halle Berry. Benz can also
be heard as the voice of ‘Captain Miranda Keys’ in the popular video game Halo 2.
At the age of three, Benz began skating and competed professionally until she was
sixteen. She was ranked thirteenth in the U.S. and competed in both singles and ice dancing. Her
training was rigorous, but allowed Benz to travel throughout the United States and around the
globe. Benz, a native of Pittsburg, and the daughter of a vascular surgeon, comes from a long line
of doctors. She was determined to be the first female doctor in the family. However, when her
skating career ended due to injury, she stepped off the ice and on to the stage when she auditioned
for a local community play and won the part. Soon after, she attended an acting seminar with two
well-known West Coast casting directors and a New York based manager Vincent Cirrincione,
who has represented her ever since that time. After studying acting at NYU, she moved to Los
Angeles to pursue her career.
COLIN SALMON (Paul Budiansky) is one of the UK’s leading film and Television
actors whose talent and presence first became recognized when he played the co-lead alongside
Dame Helen Mirren in Emmy® Award-winning “Prime Suspect II.”
Since this time, Colin Salmon has gone on to play numerous roles in successful UK and
international productions. In 2007, as well as filming PUNISHER: WAR ZONE, Colin
completed filming diverse roles on four more feature films all due for release in 2008, as well as
in Director Anthony Minghella’s HBO/BBC television series “The No.1 Ladies Detective
Agency” (based on the international best selling book series of the same title).
Colin Salmon’s film credits include BLOOD—THE LAST VAMPIRE (produced by Bill
FLOWER) which filmed in China, the UK indie film CLUBBED (Formosa Films) based on the
best-selling autobiography from the critically acclaimed writer Geoff Thompson, in which Colin
plays the co-lead; THE BANK JOB with Jason Statham, and NAKED IN LONDON another UK
indie film (all due for release 2008).
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Earlier film credits for which Colin is known include his role as ‘Charles Robinson’ in
NOT ENOUGH), Woody Allen’s MATCH POINT, and THE STATEMENT directed by Norman
Jewison and starring Michael Caine. He portrayed the lead character of ‘Maxwell Stafford’ in
AVP: ALIEN VS. PREDATOR and ‘One’ in RESIDENT EVIL both directed by Paul Anderson.
His internationally successful TV roles include, ‘David Tyrel’, the head teacher, in “Hex”
for Sky One, in which Colin also sung the jazz song, “Close Your Eyes”; ‘Supt. Nathaniel
Johnson’ in US TV cop series, “Keen Eddie”; ‘Peter Locke’ in the BBC 1 innovative paranormal
drama series, “Sea of Souls” (Series 2), ‘Colin Thorpe’, the Club owner, in Lynda La Plante’s
“Trial & Retribution Ii” for ITV 1, and guest starring as ‘Chief Clerk Willy Radcliff’ in awardwinning writer, G. F. Newman’s, BBC 1 “Judge John Deed.” His most recent TV appearances
were the BBC political drama “Party Animals” (2007) and ‘Dr. Moon’ in the BBC’s “Dr Who.”
Colin Salmon is also appearing in the title role of ‘Jonas Moore’, in the pioneering
Internet drama “The Many Adventures of Jonas Moore” (Nominated MIPCOM (2008) and
“Webby Awards” (2008).
Colin Salmon plays Trumpet and has his own jazz quartet playing at venues such as The
Dorchester Grill Room and at events such as The Cheltenham Jazz Festival (UK).
DOUG HUTCHISON (Loony Bin Jim) recently completed the horror western THE
BURROWERS for Lionsgate and DAYS OF WRATH with Laurence Fishburne. His film credits
the Academy® Award nominated THE GREEN MILE as the troublemaking prison guard Percy
Wetmore and starring roles in BAIT with Jamie Foxx, I AM SAM with Sean Penn, THE
SALTON SEA with Val Kilmer, and NO GOOD DEED with Samuel Jackson.
Notable television guest appearances include “CSI,” “Law & Order: Special Victims
Unit”, “The Practice,” “The X-Files,” “Boomtown” and “Millennium.”
Doug attended The Julliard School in addition to honing his craft under the tutelage of
Sanford Meisner.
DASH MIHOK (Soap) was recently seen as the chilling ‘Alpha Male’ in the Will Smith
sci-fi thriller I AM LEGEND. This is his second time working with Lexi Alexander. He was the
lead in her Academy Award® nominated live action short JOHNNY FLYNTON.
Named after the mystery writer Dashiell Hammett and raised in New York City, Dash
Mihok came up through the New York theater world and was affiliated with the esteemed City
Kids Repertory. His big break came in 1996, when he was cast as ‘Benvolio’ in WILLIAM
SHAKESPEARE’S ROMEO + JULIET, director Baz Luhrmann’s adaptation of the classic
romantic tragedy. Still more success came as Dash won the part of ‘Lieutenant Doll’ in Terrence
Malick’s critically lauded World War II epic THE THIN RED LINE.
He’s worked steadily ever since, appearing in films as varied as THE PERFECT
STORM, opposite George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg; DARK BLUE, opposite Kurt Russell
and Ving Rhames; BASIC, opposite John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson; CONNIE AND
CARLA, opposite Nia Vardalos and Toni Collette; and the disaster hit THE DAY AFTER
TOMORROW opposite Dennis Quaid and Jake Gyllenhaal.
More recently, Mihok appeared in the period thriller HOLLYWOODLAND with Adrien
Brody and Ben Affleck; the independent feature 10th AND WOLF with James Marsden; and the
family film FIREHOUSE DOG.
On television, Dash played real-life character Paull Janszen in the Pete Rose biopic
HUSTLE for ESPN. His other recent work includes “Pushing Daisies,” “Ghost Whisperer,” “Law
& Order,” “CSI” and the CBS telefilm “Murderous Intent.” He also had a recurring role on the
WB series “Felicity.”
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Though best known for his roles in television and film such as ‘Newman’ in “Seinfeld”
and ‘Nedry’ in JURASSIC PARK, WAYNE KNIGHT (Microchip) started in the theatre and
began his Broadway career with a three year run in “Gemini” in 1979. He subsequently appeared
in Larry Gelbart's “Mastergate,” as ‘Ivan’; in “Art” with George Segal, and Buck Henry and in
last season’s “Sweet Charity” with Christina Applegate.
Knight's most recent stagework was in Measure For Pleasure at The Public Theatre,
which was developed though the aid of the Sundance Playwrights Festival.
He has starred regularly in six television series including his role as ‘Officer Don Orville'
in “Third Rock From The Sun” and sketch comedy series for Fox and Channel 4 in the UK.
His numerous films include JFK, BASIC INSTINCT, TO DIE FOR, RAT RACE, DEAD
AGAIN and DIRTY DANCING. Children know him from SPACE JAM and his voice work in
animated films and series ranging from TOY STORY 2 and TARZAN to the current Nickelodeon
series “Catscratch” as 'Mr. Blick.'
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LEXI ALEXANDER (Director) is an award-winning writer, director and producer.
Born in Mannheim, Germany, Alexander was a World and European Karate Champion.
At age 19, after touring the world participating in competitions, Alexander decided to take up
residence in California to pursue her goal of becoming a filmmaker.
Alexander enrolled in the Joanne Baron Studio of Dramatic Arts and the Piero Dusa
Acting Conservatory, while taking classes in directing, producing and writing at UCLA. To
finance her education and living expenses, Alexander worked as a stuntwoman specializing in
martial arts.
Alexander combined her extensive knowledge of boxing and filmmaking to write and
direct the 2003 Academy Award-nominated JOHNNY FLYNTON. The movie, a true story
about a boxer accused of murdering his wife and convicted on circumstantial evidence, focused
on the moral ambiguities of professional fighting.
Following the success of JOHNNY FLYNTON, Alexander co-wrote, directed and
produced GREEN STREET HOOLIGANS, which follows a wrongfully expelled Harvard
undergrad, Elijah Wood, as he moves to London, where he is introduced to the violent
underworld of football hooliganism. The film was released in 2005. GREENSTREET
HOOLIGANS won many awards and was the only movie ever to win both the Jury and Audience
awards at SWSX Film Festival where it premiered.
After the first screenplay he ever wrote won "Best Screenplay of The Competition" at the
New York International Independent Film Festival, NICK SANTORA (Writer), a former
attorney (Columbia, 1996), was hired to write an episode for "The Sopranos." After that
incredible experience, he decided to leave New York and move to Los Angeles to try his hand at
screenwriting full time.
Soon thereafter he was hired as a staff writer for the CBS drama "The Guardian" where
he was promoted to Co-Producer in less than a year. From there he went on to write and
Producer "Law & Order" and write and Co-Executive Produce "Prison Break."
Nick also created and Executive Produces the hit reality show "Beauty & The Geek".
Nick has also enjoyed writing feature films, having been a credited writer on the Lions
Gate/Marvel feature "The Punisher: War Zone" and recently completing “The Throwback”, a
feature for Mayhem Pictures and Walden Media.
Nick also wrote and produced the film “The Longshots” starring Ice Cube.
Nick's incredibly versatile career took an even more interesting turn when his first novel,
"Slip & Fall" was published and became a National Best Seller within its first week.
Nick is thrilled to be able to share his good fortune with his beautiful wife and daughter.
ART MARCUM (Writer) was raised in Santa Cruz, California and is a graduate of
Stanford University.
After college Art worked briefly in television news in Washington D.C. before
moving to Los Angeles to pursue a career in film. Art co-wrote IRON MAN and is
represented by Nicole Clemens and Dan Rabinow at ICM.
MATT HOLLOWAY (Writer) was raised in the Philadelphia area. He now lives and
works in Los Angeles. Matt is a co-writer of IRON MAN.
GALE ANNE HURD (Producer) is one of the most innovative and respected producers
in the entertainment industry. She has produced more than two-dozen feature films that have
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generated billions of dollars in revenue, and earned Oscar® nominations and numerous awards.
Hurd has distinguished herself by championing paradigm-shifting technological innovations, and
carving out a preeminent position within the previously all-male ranks of epic-scaled, sci-fi
action-adventure productions.
As the chairman of her own production entity, Valhalla Motion Pictures, Hurd is
continually developing a broad range of projects. Hurd produced the new well received big
screen adaptation of THE INCREDIBLE HULK for Marvel Studios. The film, directed by Louis
Leterrier, stars two-time Academy Award nominee Edward Norton, Liv Tyler, Academy Award
nominee Tim Roth and Academy Award winner William Hurt, and was released by Universal
Pictures on June 13, 2008. It was Universal’s top summer box office hit.
Hurd’s other recent films include the futuristic sci-fi thriller AEON FLUX starring
Academy Award winners Charlize Theron and Frances McDormand for Paramount
Pictures/MTV and THE PUNISHER, based on the classic Marvel comic property, which was one
of the top grossing independent films in 2004. Prior to that, Hurd produced THE HULK, the epic
fantasy-adventure based on the Marvel Comic character, directed by Academy Award® winner
Ang Lee.
In addition, Hurd served as executive producer of TERMINATOR 3: RISE OF THE
MACHINES, the third in her TERMINATOR trilogy. Directed by Jonathan Mostow, the
characters in the film were based on those created by Hurd and James Cameron in the 1984
classic THE TERMINATOR. T3 was an international hit, grossing more than $420 million
worldwide in its theatrical run.
A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Stanford University, Hurd began her entertainment career
as an executive assistant to filmmaker Roger Corman, at whose legendary New World Pictures
she learned all aspects of the business. Rising to become New World’s head of marketing and
later one of its producers, Hurd displayed the creative talent and business skills that continue to
define her career.
In 1984, Hurd earned a place in film history with the first of many event-films she would
produce: TERMINATOR, which she also co-wrote, directed by James Cameron. A worldwide
success, the film was followed in 1986 by ALIENS, the blockbuster sequel to Ridley Scott’s 1979
sci-fi thriller ALIEN. Uncharacteristic of Hollywood films at the time, both featured women in
the role of action heroines. In 1988, Hurd produced ALIEN NATION starring James Caan and
Mandy Patinkin, which was adapted into an acclaimed Fox TV series. Hurd continued in the
action-adventure genre with 1989’s THE ABYSS, a groundbreaking film in its own right.
ALIENS received seven nominations and two Oscars® and THE ABYSS won for best visual
effects and garnered three additional Oscar® nominations.
During the 1990’s, Hurd consolidated her reputation as one of the most successful
producers in filmmaking. In 1991, TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY was released; that
year’s top grossing film and a technological tour de force. Its achievements in the realm of visual
effects were rewarded with yet another Oscar®.
Soon thereafter, Hurd took a brief hiatus from action-adventure production, forming No
Frills Films in order to pursue the development and production of low-budget, high-quality
feature films. The results were the critically acclaimed and award-winning films TREMORS,
SAFE PASSAGE, and the Spirit Award and Sundance Audience Award winning indie THE
WATERDANCE, all of which demonstrated the breadth of her professional and creative abilities.
In 1996, Hurd returned to event filmmaking with the Academy Award®-winning THE GHOST
AND THE DARKNESS, followed in 1997 by DANTE’S PEAK, THE RELIC and the mega-hit
ARMAGEDDON, which was the number one film at the box office in 1998. The political
comedy DICK, starring Kirsten Dunst, Michelle Williams and Will Ferrell, was released in 1999,
and was included in many top 10 lists nationwide.
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Hurd has also produced a number of distinguished TV films, including HBO’s Emmynominated “Sugartime,” starring John Turturro and Mary-Louise Parker, the Emmy-winning
“Cast A Deadly Spell” starring Julianne Moore and directed by Martin Campbell and “Witch
Hunt” starring Dennis Hopper and Penelope Ann Miller directed by Paul Schrader. Hurd also
executive produced the 21 episode action series “Adventure Inc.” starring Michael Biehn.
Hurd is well known for her service to the entertainment community and her charitable
work. She serves as a board member of the Producers Guild of America, is on the Board of
Trustees for the Southern California Chapter of the International Women’s Forum, as well as
Waterkeeper Alliance, founded by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.; and was honored by Global Green
USA with the Entertainment Industry Environmental Leadership Award presented by Mikhail
Gorbachev in 2004. Hurd was also honored with the Telluride Tech Festival Award of
Hurd’s other honors include the Crystal Award from Women in Film and the New York
Women in Film & Television’s Loreen Arbus Award for those who take action and effect
change. Hurd is the owner of the popular, award-winning bar/restaurant, Vertical Wine Bistro, in
Pasadena, California.
JACK MURRAY (Co-Producer) has been working in the film industry for over twenty
years. He recently executive produced the 3D remake of MY BLOODY VALENTINE.
PUNISHER: WAR ZONE marks the second movie project Jack has produced for Lionsgate
Films, the first being Jessica Alba’s THE EYE.
Jack started his producing career on the successful comedy DATE MOVIE for New
Regency Pictures.
Prior to this, Jack has been a UPM and Production Supervisor on numerous movies
Jack got his start in the film industry working with director Mark Rydell in the late 80s
while completing his MFA at USC’s School of Cinema. After a few years as a staff production
executive for Disney’s Touchstone Pictures, Jack became an independent Production Supervisor
ROBERT SHORT’s (Visual Effects Supervisor) two decades of outstanding technical,
creative and artist achievement in the field of entertainment have brought to life many of the
screens most indelible character icons.
Short won a Best Make-Up Oscar® for the high-spirited innovative creature effects in
BEETLE JUICE which redefined the boundaries of horror and humor. He was also nominated for
two BAFTA Awards in Best Achievement in Make-Up and Best Achievement in Special Effects
for the Tim Burton classic.
He has fostered a unique blend of styles and techniques in the design and creation of his
characters. From the outrageous BEETLE JUICE afterlife inhabitants to the enchanting mermaid
from SPLASH to the man eating sharks of LETHAL WEAPON 4, to the inspirational heart light
of E.T. and development of the terrorizing design of THE PREDATOR.
He was the on set visual effects supervisor of NBC’s TV series “Surface” and supervising
Herbie the Love Bug’s on set performance in Disney’s HERBIE FULLY LOADED.
He also helped I.L.M. reinvent E.T.’s heart light for the enhanced 20th anniversary
release of E.T.: THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL. Short’s latest storyboard contributions were
utilized on the Fox series “Vanished,” “Justice” and the Warner Bros. feature SUBLIME.
In addition Short's fantasy mermaid creations have been seen in Disney's Wonderful
World of Color’s “Sabrina Down Under” and his dynamic super hero costumes were featured in
the Disney TV movie UP, UP AND AWAY, directed by Robert Townsend. The arrival of Sega's
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Dreamcast System and its survival/horror Blue Stinger game introduced a dozen of Short's highly
acclaimed deranged creature designs to the high tech world of computer games.
Some of Short’s previous credits include COCOON, KINDERGARTEN COP, ACE
OF THE UNIVERSE and the television series “The Flash.”
STEVE GAINER, ASC (Director of Photography) began his career by working at the
Paramount Pictures Camera Department. He then worked for five years, as manager of the
Paramount Film Lab, gaining a unique understand of film and ways it can be chemically
manipulated. He then graduated to shooting films for Roger Corman’s Concorde New Horizons
While there, he worked on over twenty films, shooting first unit on six. This fast-paced
style of shooting facilitated Gainer’s next career move into music videos. He has since shot over
two hundred videos and commercials.
A chance meeting on a music video set, led to Steve landing the role of cinematographer
on BULLY, controversial Director Larry Clark’s film exploration of youth culture. This film
served as a launching pad for Gainer’s career in indie films.
He has since worked with Clark three more times, and also with John Waters on A
DIRTY SHAME starring Tracey Ullman and Johnny Knoxville.
He was director of photography on Gregg Araki’s critically acclaimed MYSTERIOUS
SKIN, a poetic but uncompromising study of the long-term effects of childhood sexual abuse.
Steve’s work on this film is what drew Lexi Alexander to Steve.
ANDREW NESKOROMNY (Production Designer) was the production designer on
he was nominated for an Art Director’s Guild Award (shared) for SEABISCUIT. In 1994, he was
nominated for Emmy® Award for outstanding achievement in art direction for series (shared) for
Other credits as art director include MEET THE FOCKERS, THE SUM OF ALL
FEARS, ALIEN RESURRECTION, DEEP IMPACT and the television series “Masters of
Science Fiction.”
WILLIAM YEH (Editor) edited the Quentin Tarantino-produced biker movie HELL
RIDE, which screened at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival. He also edited the science-fiction cult
favorite EQUILIBRIUM for director Kurt Wimmer, and the two collaborated again for
Yeh edited the upcoming thriller SHUTTLE and also worked as an editor on Paul
Schrader's DOMINION: PREQUEL TO THE EXORCIST. His other credits include the family
(Associate Editor).
After beginning his career on the set of Roger Corman's unreleased version of THE
FANTASTIC FOUR, Yeh moved to the cutting room, where he worked on such films as
ODETTE GADOURY (Costume Designer) most recently designed the costumes with
Joanna Johnston for Paramount Studios THE SPIDERWICK CHRONICLES. She worked with
Director Paul McGuigan on LUCKY NUMBER SLEVIN, which starred an ensemble cast
including Josh Hartnett, Morgan Freeman, Ben Kingsley, Lucy Liu and Bruce Willis. This was
her second film with the director, following WICKER PARK, which also starred Josh Hartnett.
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Gadoury's other recent feature film credits include SECRET WINDOW, starring Johnny
Depp, John Turturro and Maria Bello, directed by David Koepp, KART RACER and LOST
JUNCTION. For 2003's A DIFFERENT LOYALTY, starring Sharon Stone, Gadoury designed
selected wardrobe for Stone.
Among Gadoury's previous film credits are: THE ART OF WAR starring Wesley Snipes;
TWO THOUSAND AND NONE starring John Turturro; THE BONE COLLECTOR starring
Denzel Washington and Angelina Jolie, directed by Philip Noyce; SNAKE EYES starring
Nicolas Cage, Carla Gugino and Gary Sinise, directed by Brian De Palma; L’AGE DE BRAISE,
For television, Gadoury has designed the costumes for the made-for-television movies
TO DIE, ACTE, IMPRESSION/TRIBUTE TO DEBUSSY (for which she received a Gemini
nomination, Canada’s primetime television awards, for Best Costumes), INNOCENCE,
DERNIER CRI and DOUBLE OR NOTHING. She also worked on the Canadian television series
“Juliette Pomerieau” for which she received her second Gemini nomination for Best Costumes.
Born in Canada, Gadoury graduated from the University of Quebec, Montreal with a
degree in visual arts and art history. The following year she was accepted at the prestigious
National Theater School of Canada (ENT) where she received a diploma in scenery. It was at that
time that she met François Barbeau, the famous Canadian costume designer and stage director.
This meeting marked a turning point in Gadoury's career. She absorbed Barbeau's passion for
costume design and it's application in stage direction and scenery, going on to assist him on more
than 40 theater productions. Gadoury began her professional career in costume design in
television, and then segued into film.
PAT E. JOHNSON (Stunt Coordinator) is a renowned martial arts stunt coordinator
and motion picture choreographer and also a legendary American karate instructor and champion.
PUNISHER: WAR ZONE is Pat’s third collaboration with Lexi Alexander. Their previous films
together are the critically acclaimed GREEN STREET HOOLIGANS and Alexander’s directorial
debut JOHNNY FLYNTON, which was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Short Film,
Live Action.
After doing such a great job on the authenticity of the fight scenes and the tournament in
THE KARATE KID, Johnson went on to choreograph the action sequences in such films as
“Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” (both the original and sequels
which together earned over 1/2 billion dollars) and BATMAN AND ROBIN.
He was also the stunt coordinator for MORTAL KOMBAT – THE MOVIE, released in
1995, and is the choreographer for MORTAL KOMBAT – THE LIVE TOUR, which visited over
200 arenas around the USA in the fall of 1995.
Mirroring the on-screen 'history' of fictional Karate Kid sensei John Kreese, Pat Johnson
began his Karate training in 1963 while stationed in Korea with the United States Army. Johnson
met and taught at Chuck Norris' school in Los Angeles and later became Captain of his
undefeated Black Belt Team, which won 33 consecutive National and International Titles (196873).
In 1972, Johnson landed a featured role in the movie ENTER THE DRAGON, which
starred Bruce Lee. This led to his career behind the scenes as a choreographer and stunt
coordinator. Johnson holds a 9th Degree Black Belt Master and a Senior Black Belt of the
National Tang Soo Do Congress (NTC). In 1968, he formulated the Penalty Point System of
Karate Tournament Rules. In 1970, he was National Grand Champion. In 1975-76, he was
Winner of the Golden Fist Award as the "Best Karate Referee in America." He has been inducted
into NASKA Black Belt Hall of Fame (1990), and the AKKA Hall of Fame (1994). At age 53,
Pat Johnson retired from competition and has served as the personal fitness and martial arts
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trainer of many celebrities including Priscilla Presley, Bob Barker, William Friedkin and Steve
McQueen with whom he worked on McQueen’s last film, the action comedy THE HUNTER.
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Production Manager
Simon Abbott
First Assistant Director
Second Assistant Director
John McKeown
Renato De Cotiis
Executive in Charge of Production
Donna Sloan
Frank Castle
Billy / Jigsaw
Loony Bin Jim
Paul Budiansky
Martin Soap
Agent Miller
Captain Ross
Cristu Bulat
Mrs. Gordlock
Asylum Orderly
Mrs. Cesare
Micro's Mother
TV News Reporter
Arm Candy
Bodyguard #2
Plastic Surgeon
Motel Manager
Banger #1
Banger #2
Father Mike
Harlem Gangleader
Ray Stevenson
Dominic West
Doug Hutchison
Colin Salmon
Wayne Knight
Dash Mihok
Julie Benz
Stephanie Janusauskas
Mark Camacho
Romano Orzari
Keram Maliki-Sanchez
Larry Day
Ron Lea
Tony Calabretta
T.J. Storm
Carlos Gonzalez-Vio
David Vadim
John Dunn Hill
Niko Nikolov
Aubert Pallascio
Francis B. Goldberg
Pat Fry
Robert Harrop
Linda Smith
Lynne De Bel
Bill Hall
Matt Holland
Bjanka Murgel
Brent Skagford
James Murray
Cas Anvar
Ethan Gould
Michael Paterson
Kane Chan
Steven P. Park
Edward Yankie
Tracy Phillips
Giovanni Cipolla
- 23 -
Frank's Son
Alpha Dog
Nicki's Mom
Nicki's Dad
Old Man
Cesare Wiseguy
FBI Van Agent
Ice Team Leader
Andrew Farmer
Jean-Loup Yale
Miro Bedard
Edouard Keller
Marco Desjean
Lise Sita
Nick Sita
Oleg Popkov
Eric Dauphin
Stephane Byl
Jon Barton
Action Sequence Supervisor
Stunt Coordinator (Montreal)
Assistant to Stunt Coordinator (Montreal)
Assistant Fight Choreographer
Stunt Coordinators (Vancouver)
Frank Castle Stunt Double (Montreal)
Frank Castle Stunt Double (Vancouver)
Billy/Jigsaw Stunt Double
Loony Bin Jim Stunt Double
Pat Johnson
Jean Frenette
Barbara Bernhardt
Jeff Wolfe
Scott Ateah
Owen Walstrom
Jeff Wolfe
Glenn Ennis
Jonathan Bergeron
Jean-Francois Lachapelle
Stunt Doubles
Seydina Balde
Mike Chute
Annie Carignan
Naomi Frenette
Robyn McNicoll
Michael Scherer
Fraser Aitcheson
Stunt Bodyguard #1
Asylum Doctor
Lee Villeneuve
David Rigby
Dave McKeown
Marcello Bezina
Alexandre Cadieux
Alain Berard
Gilbert Larose Jr.
Mic Jones
Stephane Dargis
Sylvain Bourgeois
Peter Neri
Rodney Alexander
Anthony McRae
Jeff Ong
Russel Yuen
Kevin Kelsall
Louis Paquette
Jason Cavalier
Stephane Julien
John D. Ross
Christopher McGuire
Shawn Orr
Felix Famelart
Paul Rutledge
Alain Chanoine
Neon Cobran
Larry Lam
Alan Chu
Marc-Andre Brisebois
Jean Frenette
- 24 -
Johnny Goar
Mike Chute
Jonathan Rooney
Mathieu Ledoux
Jeremy Lavalley
Stephane Lefebvre
Martin Morel
Heath Stevenson
Dean Lockwood
Alistair King
Jere Gills
Peter Seaborn
Yan Lecomte
Alan Legros
Francois Gauthier
Andre Laperriere
Norman Roy
Dan Redford
Mike Dobbin
Valerie Fraser
Dean Hart
Robert Mushnici
Christian Deans
"A" Camera Operator / Steadicam
First Assistant "A" Camera
Second Assistant "A" Camera
'B' Camera Operator
First Assistant "B" Camera
Second Assistant "B" Camera
Camera Trainee
Video Assist
Multimedia Technician
Stills Photographers
First Assistant Camera
First Assistant Camera
Intern/Assistant Director of Photography
First Assistant Editors
David Crone
Martin Lebel
Sylvaìn Dupuìs
Dominique Ricard
Yves Drapeau
Serge Hughes
Marc Lemieux
Karine Simard
Julie Garceau
Emma Severin
Takashi Seida
Jonathan Wenk
Ian Clément
Denis Fortier
Stephanie Hinton
Assistant Editor
Post Production P.A.
Mark Tuminello
Stefanie Guadagnino
Julie Garces
Richard Eisenstein
Post Production Supervisor
Carl Pedregal
Post Production Manager
Post Production Coordinator
Post Production Assistant
Mark W. McCoy
Ariana Young
Matt Russell
Post Production Accounting
Emily Rice
Liam Hearne
Post Production Liaison (Montreal)
Philip Stilman
- 25 -
Script Supervisor
Milena Popovic
Sound Mixer
Claude LaHaye
Claude Hazanavicius
Catherine Bellazzi
Marc "Haz" Hazanavicius
Philippe Lavigné
Francis Peloquin
Simon Plouffe
Boom Operators
Sound Department Assistant
Key Grips
Michel Periard
Daniel Robidoux
Paul Tremblay
Pierre Charpentiere
Stephen Wells
Best Boy Grip
Dolly Grips
Jean-Yves Denis
Michel Durochen
Vincent Dubord
Sandrin Olivier
Pierre Lepine
Dominic Thibault
Christian Sauvageau
Martin Tremblay
Marc-André Stronikowski
Paul Duchesne
Luc Truchon
Etienne Tremblay
Steven McMahon
Marcel Breton
Key Rigging Grip
Best Boy Rigging Grip
Mario Roussy
Claude Sauvageau
Rigging Grips
Eric-Robert Joseph
Francis Comeau
Patrice Tremblay
Guillaume Canniccioni
Samuel Eusanio
Manuel Daigneault
Guillaume Darchen
Frederic Calve
Nicolas Calve
Clerinx Jooat
François Ouellette
Marc-Andre Thibault
Super Technocrane Technician
Daniel Moïse
Best Boy Electric
Eames Gagnon
Patrick Rainville
Martin Beaudry
Marc Bonin
Constant Lavallée
Alexandre Curzi
Sebastien Lauzon
Nicolas Tardif
Jonathan Barbeau
Maxime Cloutier
Roger W. Robìchaud
Dany Bourque
Pierre Luc Bédard
Mario Savoie
Olivier Hetu
Eric Turenne
Christian Bergeron
- 26 -
Louis Cloutier
Marc-Antoine Palmieri
Vincent Fournier
Michel Robitaille
Pierre Daudelin
David Dube
Jacques Levesque
Robert Brassard
Hugo Mercure
Ugo Brochu
Guy Ferland
Pierre Malo
Sébastien "Le Jeune" Gariépy
John-John Harris
Damien Girouard
Key Rigging Gaffer
Rigging Gaffers
Marco Venditto
Sylvain Jouvet
Christian Chabot
René Guillard
Julien Brisebois
Mathieu Gagnon
Alain Deniger
Best Boy Rigging Electricians
Rigging Electricians
Alexandre Marien
Benoit Leduc
David Beaudry
Franck Farina-Schroll
Jean Berthiaume
Mathieu Gosselin
Eric Legendre
Denis Zawadski
Pier-Yves Larouche
Léo Lecours-Pelletier
Yves Arseneau
Pierric Jouvante
Martin Gagnon
Sébastien Savoie
Trollo Pietro
Joël Bellefleur
Patrick Bourbonnière
Mathieu Savoie
Simon Frasier
Pierre Yves Larouche
Laurie Gendron
Pascal Painchaud
Richard Dufresne
Sophie Auclair
Marc Parenteau
Michel Brouillard
Christophe Pommiès
Maxime Imbeau
André Nicholas Malouf
Jean-Francois Abran
Jean Lavasseur
Gabriel Cohen
David Hatin
Sebastien Bourbonnière
Lighting Department Coordinator
Console Operator
Electronic Board Operator
Generator Operators
Marie-Chantal Crete
Sylvain Desormeaux
Pierre-Luc Bédard
Francis Alarie
Michel Parent
Eric Morin
George Hryszyn
Erìc Simard
Andre Belaieff
Art Directors
Martin Gendron
Jean Kazemirchuk
Guy Pigeon
Assistant Art Directors
- 27 -
Art Department Coordinator
Assistant Art Department Coordinator
Set Designers
Graphic Designer
Model Maker
Art Department Staff Assistant
Art Department Runners
Key Set Decorator
Set Decorators
Charlotte Rouleau
Vincent Gingras-Liberali
Carrie Foster
Stephanie Aubin
Céline Lampron
Lucie S. Tremblay
Alex Touikan
Frederic Amblard
Mathieu Verreault
Henry Fong
Trong-Kim Nguyen
Mathieu Giguère
Vania Khandjian
Mathieu Jacques
Josie-Anne Lemieux
Suzanne Cloutier
François Sénécal
Annika Krausz
Michel Clément
Andrew Law
Anne Faubert
Julie Longpre
José F. Varela
Vincent Brabant
Jean-Philippe Marsan
Ricardo Montemiglio
Assistant Set Decorators
On Set Dresser
Head Greensman
Roger Paquin
Sylvain Grenier
Marie Claude Bolduc
Felix Matte
Diane Leblanc
Xavier Nolet
Dylan La Frenière
Key Property Master
On Set Property Master
On Set Property Assistant
Property Assistants
Lise Pharand
Martin Handfield
Josée Bolduc
Katia-Kim Depatie
Rosalie Rioux-Massé
Weapons Coordinator
Assistant Weapons Coordinator
Weapons Supervisor
Weapons Technicians
Christian Labrie
Carol Pitre
Paul Barrette
Marie-France Denoncourt
Brent Radford
Alexandre Préfontaíne
Vincent Marion
- 28 -
Construction Coordinator
Assistant Construction Coordinator
Key Head Carpenter
Head Carpenters
Martin Chalifoux
Frederic Mainville
Claude Desmarais
François Gagnon
Jean-Rock Gagnon
Joel Servais
Marc Bacon
Pascal Neumann
Octavian Aldéa
Emil Beauchamps
Benoit Beaudry
Pascal Bélanger
Yves Bernier
Daniel Blais
Dominique Brais
André Campeau
Benoit Charest
Christophe Chateauvert
Julien Coté
Marie-Claude Dubuc
Marc Dupuis
Stéphane Fortin
Gaétan Gagné
Michel Gauthier
Yannick Girard
Mario Guitar
Dominic Jacques
Michel Labranche
Philippe Laliberté
Christophe Louboutin
Jean Malouin
Georges Moreault
Mathieu Pagé
Guillaume Piette
Yves Poiré
Carol Proulx
Michel Richard
Anne Roy
Pascal Tremblay
Charles Vallières
Michel Avoine
Maxime Beaudet
Guy Beaumont
Martin Berger
Martin Berry
Olivier Bonin
Michael Bucy
Gilles Carrier
Olivier Charest
Alain Cloutier
Etienne Courchesnne
Jean-Francois Dumas
Laurent Falour
Pascal Fournier
Marie-Josée Gagnon
Mathieu Germain
France Goulet
Daniel Harding
Louis-David Jobin
Antoine Lafortune
Robert Lalonde
Jean Luyet
Marc Maltais
Doris Morin
Paquette, Pierre
Louis-Philippe Plante
Luc Potvin
Marc Rainville
Francis Rivard
Martin Savaria
Stéphane Turpin
Key Scenic Painter/Head Painter
Assistant Head Painter
Assistant Head Painter 2nd Unit
On Set Painters
- 29 -
Eric Barrette
Frédéric Beaudoin
Pascal Beauregard
Richard Berger
Denis Bigue
Roger Bourguoin
Claude Cadieux
Mario Chamberland
Alain Charron
Normand Cornut
Réjean Devin
Michel Dupont
Michel Fazi
Yannick Fraser
Pierre Gagnon
Sébastien Gervais
Cédric Guénette
Luc Houle
Dimitri Kaliviotis
Catherine Lafortune
Vincent Lessard
Richard Majeau
Claude Montplaisir
Serge Noel
Robbie Paquin
Yann Poiré
Renaud Pouliot
Jean-Philippe Richard
Jonathan Rochefort
Michel Thibault
Simon Valiquette
Mario Pare
Alexis Robert
Christian Corvellec
Renée Boulais
Luc De Schutter
Jean-Francois Merlot
Haissam Abdallah
Jacqui Pare
Vincent Giguère-Santini
Odile Rodier
Pascale Turgeon
Christine Delezenne
Ann Leduc
Melissa Mihalovic
Caroline Turbide
Vincent Ronse
Assistant Painters
Léa Giguère-Santini
Annie Laurier
Patrick Lortie
Etienne Ouellette
Diana Taneva
Benoit Camerlain
Scenic Painters
Vasil Nikov
Jean Déry
Hendrik Van Woundenberg
Christian Corvellec
Kylie Sandford
Christine Giguere
Philippe Girard
Philippe Du Berger
Jean Larose
Oscar Lopez
Marc Labrie
Marco Lavallee
Eric Gosselin
Daniel Leclerc
Yanick Veilleux
Paul-François Sampson
Francois Blanchard
Maryse Elie
Magali Lefrançois
Laurent Pereira
Maryse Labrie
Mario Santini
Annie Bouchard
Bruno Lavoie
Sylvain Masson
Mathieu Levesque-Blouín
André Boisvert
Jimmy Henley
Suzanne Beauchemin Pascale Dupré
Julie Leblanc
Martine Bacon
Scenic Technicians
Benoìt Robitaille
Mike Lambert
Louis-Frédéric Denommé
Jérémie Picher
Francois Gosselin
Yves Garant
Mario Barriere
Luc Gagnier
Anthony Bourgoin
Stephane Caron
Marc Choquette
François Gascon
Nicolas Clouâtre
Jean-Pierre Gosselin
Key Sculptor-Moulder
Alain Dallaire
Fabìen Chevrìer
Costume Supervisor
Assistant Costume Designer
Costume Illustrator
Simonetta Mariano
Rosalie Clermont-Bilodeau
Sara-Maude Duguay
Josee Philibert
Claudia Manseau
Tereska Gesing
David Ouellet
Valérie Lévesque
Laurence Lacoste
Anick Fournier
Michelle Pepin
Assistant Costumers
Extras Costumers
- 30 -
Key Dresser
Breakdown Artist
Costumes Department Runner
Jean-Francois Desjardins
Marie-Claude Emond
Viviane Charest
Marie-Maude Grenier
Julie Chénard
Myriam St-Louis
Hélene Bélanger
Chantal Dargis
Mireille Roy
Sabrine Canuel
Chloe Giroux-Bertrand
Caroline Breárd
Marcella Lepore
Micheline Cossette
Valerie Bordeleau
Olivier Proulx
Eugènie Clermont
Valérie Laverdière
Catherine Lanouette
Melanie Turcotte
Domìnìc Prévost
Bruno Morin
Sylvie Théberge
Niamh de Buitleár
Faustine Berthet
Eric Beaudet
Department Head Make-Up Artist
Key Make-Up Artist
Make-Up Artist
Assistant Make-Up Artist
Melissa Purino
Magalie Metivier
Christophe Giraud
Christine Carriere
Key Prosthetic Make-Up Artist
Special Effects Make-Up Artists
Adrien Morot
Bruno Gatier
Maxime F. X. Leduc
Olivier Xavier
Serge Lavigueur
Department Head Hairstylist
Assistant Hairstylists
Sabin Paradis
Chantal Bergeron
Nathalie Garon
Annie Binette
Second Unit Key Hairstylists
Gaetan Landry
Corald Giroux
Ron Rolfe
Cynthia Patton
Assistant Dressers
Extras Dressers
Assistant Extras Dressers
Costumes Buyers
Specialized Costumes Technicians
Costumes Technicians
Assistant Hairstylists
Location Manager
Assistant Location Managers
Pierre Brunet
Dominique Leroutier
- 31 -
Location Scouts
Location Site Representative
Assistant to Location Department
Special Effects Coordinator
Safety Coordinator (Pyrotechnics)
Special Effects Best Boy
Key Special Effects Rigger
Special Effects Key Technician
Special Effects Senior Technician
Special Effects Floor Technicians
Special Effects Technicians
Special Effects Shop Coordinator
Special Effects Runner
Production Coordinators
Assistant Production Coordinator
Travel Coordinator
Production Secretary
Office Assistants
Unit Manager
Assistant Unit Managers
Set Production Assistant
Truck Production Assistant
Set Runner
Back Set Production Assistant
Unit Production Assistants
Additional Unit Production Assistants
Swing Production Assistants
- 32 -
Pierre Bédard
Moise Piuze
Jane Lu
Josee Aubé
Marie-Claude Nantel
Ryal Cosgrove
Paul Dupont
Dana B. Campbell
Martin St. Antoine
Gary Coates
Dave Pollack
Tim Winchester
Andy Antoine
Mike Cozens
Marc Reichel
Kevin Grant
Suzanne Simard
Rob Langshaw
Yves Desjardins
Victorine Tamafo
Nathalie Jean
Ruth Charest
Esteban Sanchez
Eva Quintero
Blanche-Mathilde Moreau-Lépine
Nadia Saidani
Deborah Iannone
Christian Ménard
Luc-Eric Duhamel
Philippe Cadieux
Jean-Francois Lalonde
Patrick Lamarre
Sylvain Chalifoux
Michèle Vinet-Mathieu
Carole-Anne "Karmen" Mantha
Anie LeBlanc
Sinan Saber
Simon Marcotte
Andrée-Anne Godbout
Jonathan Gauthier
Emilie Blake
Jacynthe Labrosse
Chantal Allard
Domenico Cicione
Laurence Beauregard
Charles Peloquin
Paul Gillot
Dany Curadeau
Francois Lamoureux
Jose Sicotte-Doddridge
Jacky McCarthy
Transportation Coordinator
Assistant Transportation Coordinator
Head Driver
Head Driver (Swing)
Driver for Ray Stevenson
Driver for Dominic West
Philippe Montel
Valérie Binette
Tasso Mathiopoulos
Patrick Legault
David Leblanc
Ian Vandewalle
Nicholas Carasoulis
Marcel Robidoux
Maxime Dufort
David Dufresne
Martin Fradette
Martin Stuart Forbes
Manon Rufer
Bernard Sills
Roger Vaillancourt
Valerie Milot
Jean Brodeur
Tania Veri
Steve Leblanc
Christian Bourque
Katerine Lambert
Audrey Mariane Beuzet
Base Camp Operator
Denis Décarie
Second Second Assistant Director
Third Assistant Director
Additional Third Assistant Directors
Jacinthe Noreau
Stephane Byl
Alexandre Bernard
Lili-Anne Crevier
Manon Celestin
Natalia Ortelli
Saber Sinan
Holly Brace-Lavoie
Julie Gamache-Maher
Jacinthe Hamelin
Production Accountant
First Assistant Accountants
Nathalie Laporte
Veronica E. Miller
Jocelyne Gagné
Edith Plourde
Julie Montplaisir
Nicole Chow
Rosanna Bruni
Ghislaine Servant
Soto Katakos
Daniel Leclerc
Johanne Desrosiers
Martine-Helene Juteau
Colleen McKeag
Second Assistant Accountants
Third Assistant Accountant
Payroll Accountant
First Assistant Payroll Accountant
Second Assistant Payroll Accountant
Accounting Clerks
- 33 -
Assistant to Ms. Alexander
Personal Assistant to Ms. Alexander
Assistant to Ms. Hurd (Los Angeles)
Assistant to Ms. Hurd (Montreal)
Assistant to Mr. Gavanski & Mr. Murray
Charles-David Deschenes
Richard Karp
Kris Henigman
Jessica Hunt
Samantha Ellison
Additional Casting by
Lucie Robitaille
Extras Casting by
Johanne Titley
Mark Weinberg
Military Advisors
Jon Barton
Matt Sigloch
Dialect Coach
Bob Corff
Assistant Chefs
Crew Call Catering
Luc Champagne
Louis Champagne
François Desaulniers
François Gagnon
Kyriakos Gicas
Philippe Sarrailh
Head Craftperson
Assistant Craftpersons
Michel Bachand
Brett Hansen
Myriam Chimot
Ana Maria Lyrio
Florence Brunet-Doré
Marie-Claude Poirier
Amelie Joyal
Robert Harrison
Set Security
Michel Leduc
Céline Amos
Linda Coté
Luc Desautels
Stephane Desmarteaux
Efimov Valeri
Isabelle Gingras
Marc-Andre Hache
Gerard Leclerc
Josée Bégin
Sebastien Bérizu
Rene Bouchard
Boutouis Mohamed
Charles Delwaide
Jean De Senneville
David Dinel
Adil Esalhi
Martin Gourd
Pierre Labelle
Yanick LeFebune
Benhacine Boualem
Francois Brautt
Louise Bouchard
- 34 -
Stephane Cormier
Pierre Dery
Simon Desgroseilliers
Lungu Doru
Michel Gibeault
Jean-Marc Grenier
Normand LaTulippe
Christian Beaudin
Frédéric Berger
Dominic Boisuert
Cyril Casciano
Benoit Chenard
Patrick Louiseize
Pascal Ménard
Louis-Carl Nard
Roland Petre
Claudine Savoie
Manon St. Cyr
Sylvie Tremblay
Mikael Chibok
Chantal Marcuzzo
Alain Minville
Vitali Nozdrarchev
Frédéric T-Poitras
Omar Senoussaoui
Philippe St. Cyr
Luc Vinet
Ulysse Légaré-Oghiguían
Richard Marsan
Jason Molnar
Paquereau Rudolphe
Andre Savard
Nadia Shipovalnikov
Gabriel Fortin-Taíllon
Dany Zarifeh
Clearance Supervisor Rights & Clearances
Nutan Khanna
Unit Publicist
Electronic Press Kit
Electronic Press Kit Produced By
Puelo Deir
Jonas Stolpe
Sam Hurwitz Productions
Second Unit (Montreal)
Second Unit Director
Production Manager
First Assistant Director
Second Assistant Director
Third Assistant Director
Additional Assistant Directors
Doug Coleman
Jaime Alberto Tobon
Robert Ditchburn
Caroline Landry
Éric Raby
Anik Drapeau
Roxanna Macedo
Julie Bougie-Boyer
Yanick Di Vito
Ariane Côté-Chénier
Director of Photography
Brian Sweeney
"A" Camera Operator / Steadicam
First Assistant "A" Camera
Second Assistant "A" Camera
"B" Camera Operator
First Assistant "B" Camera
Second Assistant "B" Camera
"C" Camera Operator
"C" Camera Operator
First Assistant "C" Camera
Second Assistant "C" Camera
Clapper / Loader
Robert Guertin
Patrick Beaulac
René Fréchette
Alfonso Maiorana
Éric Godbout
Ann Berrie
Geoffroy St-Hilaire
Martin Falardeau
Patrck Bernier
Chloe Giroux-Lachance
Isabelle Dallaire-Rioux
Video Assist
Assistant Video Assist
Video Assist Operator
Video Playback
Remote Head Technician
Ron Casseus
Jean-François Gravel
Alexandre Bouchard
François Ouellette
Glen Beauchamp
Script Supervisor
Marie-Chantal Crete
- 35 -
Sound Mixers
Michel Lecoufle
Louis Desparois
François Guérin
Anick Fleury
Boom Operators
Key Grip
Best Boy Grip
Bertrand Dupuis
Pascal Courchesne
Joel Gariépy
Colin Noël
Massimo Gallizzi
Mathieu Gélinas
Amélie Douville
Rémi Giroux
Jean-François Dubé
Louis Mailloux
Nicolas D'Annunzio
Jean-Claude Robichaud
Sylvain Girouard
Jonathan Fournier
William Clément
Yanka Pelletier
Conrad Roy
Best Boy Rigging Grip
Rigging Grips
Luc Girard
Colin Noel
Luc Charlebois
Stéphane Girard
Stéphane Savard
Chantal Dostie
Best Boy Electric
Charles "Carlo" Beetz
Jeff Scott
Daniel P. Goyens
Chris Bertrand
Alec Comtois
Louis Cloutier
Alain Apollon
Stephane Sorenson
Jean-Roger Ledoux
Denis "Girock" Giroux
Jean-Francois Dasylva-Larue
Ysabelle Fugère
Christian Sirois
Michaël Boulonne
William Ted Ross
Hugo Rodier-Clément
Claude Pothier
André Dodier
Samuel Greffe Bélanger
Justin Lamarche
Mariusz Marciniak
Marie-Éve Lamarche
Rigging Gaffer
Best Boy Rigging Electric
Peter Mathys
Serge Raymond
Rigging Electricians
Daniel Chrétien Jr.
Michael Boulonne
Sinaj Lapointe
Alexandre Orsini
Jérôme Bouchard
Daniel Prevost
David Ladent
Benoit Morin
- 36 -
Marciniak Mariusz
Michel Paquette
Maxime Langlois
Alessandro Gallizzi
Robert René
André Potvin
Karine Boudreault
Stephen Goyens
Yuri Padrón Rodriguez
Éric Grimard
Charles Proulx
Charles Beach
Alexis De Plater
Yanick Champagne
Mitchell Mathys
Stéphane Sorensen
Generator Operators
Francis Alarie
Stéphane Boisvert
Jean Décarie
Stéphane Bourbonniere
Normand Simpson
Production Manager (Preproduction)
Pierre Laberge
Art Director
Assistant Art Director
Art Department Coordinator
Set Designer
Graphic Designer
Colombe Raby
Jean-Charles Claveau
Cécile Braemer
Raymond Larose
Sophie Grenier
Set Decorator
On Set Dresser
On Set Assistant Dresser
Art Department Staff Assistant
Assistant Set Dressers
Amélie Léonard
Claude Beaupré
Patrick Parle
Manon Doré
Alexandre Carrier
Étienne Carrier
Property Master
Assistant Property
Fabrice Callagher
Nicolas Godbout
Myriam Bélanger
Barbara Utde
Donald M. Beaulieu
Key Costumer
Extras Costumer
Extras Costumer Assistants
Caterina Chamberland
Geneviève Hébert
Chantal Di Filippo
Chantal Cardinal
Noémie Poulin
Dominic Prevost
Micheline Laniel
Armando Tremblay
Costume Technicians
Wardrobe Swing
Key Make-Up Artist
Make-Up Artist
Assistant Make-Up Artists
Sophie Lebeau
Audrey Bitton
Christine Carriere
Mélanie Rodrigue
- 37 -
Special Effects Make-Up Artist
Special Effects Assistant Make-Up Artists
Bruno Gatien
Remy Couture
Shawn Stevenson
Assistant Hairstylist
Linda Gordon
Sophie Labrecque
Location Manager
Location Scouts
Patrick Goulet
Anne-Marie Giard
Stéphane Devost
Special Effects Foreman
Special Effects Senior Pyrotechnician
Special Effects Technicians
Marc T. Reichel
Yvon "Chico" Charbonneau
Adam Charbonneau
Jean-Francois Aubin
Mathieu Hardenne
Production Coordinator
Office Assistants
Sandra Borromeo
Marie-Josée Ferron
Hélène Lafrance
Unit Manager
Assistant Unit Manager
Unit Set Production Assistant
Truck Production Assistant
Back-Up Production Assistant
Additional Truck Production Assistant
Unit Production Assistants
Didier Communaux
Simon Paquin
Amélie Carrizey
Serge Pominville
Véronique Audet
Guénaël Charrier
Jacynthe Labrosse
Additional Unit Production Assistants
Stéphane Boucher
Jean-Philippe Gagnon
Patrick Chevrier
Myléne Papillon
Marie-Christine Bourgeois
Diane Durocher
Chanel Lavoie
Gael Giraud
Rodolphe Paquereau
Alexandrine Bourdouxhe Stéphanie Brodeur
Ariane Caumartin
Laurence Rivard
Alexandre Bouchard
Martin Brasseur
Christine Deita
Françoíse Gravelle
Claudine Labelle
Hugo Longtin
Bernard Mauran
Set Runner
Unit Swing
Walter Diaz
Marin Valois
Transportation Coordinator
Transportation Captain
Danny Turgeon
Stéphane Durocher
Manoel Freitas
Geneviève Mailloux
André Boucley
Diane Boisvert
Charles Boucley
Benjamin E. Negrete
- 38 -
Head Craftperson
Assistant Craftpersons
Michel Martowski
Maxime Bouchard
Kristel Tremblay
Sylvain Prevost
Vancouver Unit
Production Manager
Chris Foss
Second Assistant Director
Kathy Houghton
"A" Camera Operator
First Assistant "A" Camera
Second Assistant "A" Camera
"B" Camera Operator
First Assistant "B" Camera
Second Assistant "B" Camera
Focus Puller
Video Assist
Stills Photographer
Junichi Hosoi
Nick Watson
Jeremy Spofford
Tony Mirza
Dave Lourie
Sarah Mather
Robert Finnigan
Cam Hayduk
George Collins
Joe Lederer
Script Supervisor
Susan Lambie
Sound Mixer
Boom Operator
Sound Assistant
Ruth Huddleston
Bob Holbrook
George Criston Widule
Key Grip
Best Boy Grip
Dolly Grips
Fraser Boyle
Darren Gregory
David Dibdin
James J. Williams
Steve Morgan
Keith Flanagan
Brian Steadman
Igor Beuhler
David Allan Brown
Tony Derkach
Carl Jensen
Robert Little
Seth Hettrick
Dean Lavoie
Stephen Arnott
Key Rigging Grip
Best Boy Rigging Grip
Rigging Grip
Best Boy Electric
Lamp Operators
Tom Kolafa
Saubrie Mohamed
John Pirozok
Geoff Preston
David Roughley
- 39 -
Rene Spooner
Kevin Stachow
Neal Swakum-Peck
Mitchell Warner
John D. Williams
Larry Chubey
Paul Cunninghim
Jason Eaton
Stephen David Goad
Trevor Q. Gray
Robert Hahn
Robin Craig Hall
Stewart Henshaw
James M. Jackson
Dennis Jones
Nicholas Kandie
Todd "Justice" Lapp
Lee Smith
Todd MacLand
Darren Sinclair
Garth Duncan
Don Gillie
Benn Harrison
Jeff Schwingenschleegl
Lee Washburn
John Woods
Wes Gilmore
Frank Olic
Gilbert Jamault
Mark Wagner
John Dines
Key Rigging Gaffer
Best Boy Rigging Electrician
Rigging Lamp Operators
Starlight Operator
Generator Operators
Art Director
Graphic Designer
Storyboard Artist
Catherine Schroer
Carlos A. Bolbrugge
Ling Yang
Key Set Decorator
Lead Dresser
On Set Dresser
Set Dressers
Set Decorating Buyer
Shane Vieau
Michael "Jovo" Jovanovski
Christopher Wishart
Anthony Chrusrcz
Mike Church
Richard M. Connelly
Sharon Falck
Leah Gejdos
Sergio Laville
Yan-Frédéric D'Amour
Property Master
Assistant Property Master
Terry Weaver
Gavin De West
- 40 -
Construction Coordinator
Construction Foreman
Lead Metal Fabricator
On Set Carpenters
John William Beatty
Kevin Tomecek
Vernon Winn
Chris Rodgers
Michael Blue Quirk
Lea York
Scott Weisenburger
Tron Duquette
Michael Farina
Jeff Hoenhous
Construction Assistant
Lead Labourer
Paint Coordinator
On Set Paint
Scenic Painters
Marko T. Lytviak
Natasha Muir
Yvonne Simone M. Silvestre
Michael Watson
Heather Augustin
Ron Davitt
Mark Goobie
Assistant Costume Designer
Truck Costumer
Linda Leduc
Kelly Bruhm
Set Supervisor
Marie Jeanne Melawson
Make-Up Artist
Ladan Mojallal
Hair Department Head
Key Hairstylist
Jessica Rain
Sharron Markell
Location Manager
Assistant Location Managers
Bruce Brownstein
Dominic Main
Flemming Lund
Kinnon Ross
Brent Cross
Trainee Assistant Location Manager
Production Assistant
Special Effects Coordinator
Shop Foreman
Special Effects Assistants
Set Wireman
Jak Osmond
Denys Guillemette
Bleau Fortier
Darren Marcoux
Rob Mackie
Josh Benjamin
Colin Osmond
Valerie Fraser
Dean Hart
Kevin Doyle
Production Coordinator
Assistant Production Coordinator
Michele MacInnes
Karen Pelrine
Safety Riggers
- 41 -
Second Assistant Production Coordinator
Office Assistant
Laura Obenaus
Lucy Parr
Key Production Assistants
Dylan Kilgour
Amanda Egilsson
Danielle Hickman
Ryan Maier
Dave Meade
Andrew Pavlik
Jennifer Rowlands
Ryan Regnier
Derrick Rodger
Nadav-Sacha Santo
Charles Schrodt
Victor Semenoff
Jason Still
Daniel White
Aaron Wintringham
Sean Wolput
Stepanyak Yaroslav
David Bentley
David Bertrand
Marie-Ève Boutin
Dane Dolan
Sarah Estacaille
Brent Fulton
Julien Graham
Jessica Hoyles
Luke King
Production Assistants
Transportation Coordinator
Transportation Captain
Transportation Co-Captain
Cast Drivers
Dave Byerley
Ron Gavin
Scott Delaplace
John O'Toole
Colin Banner
Guy Steer
Joe O'Neil
Andy Earle
Peggy Archibald
Robert Buxton
Wayne Cuthbert
G Boileau
Ross "Grizz" Wilkinson
Kim Howes
Ted Bradford
D.M. Callander
N. Wayne Cuthbert
Curt Martell
RG Miller
Red Murphy
- 42 -
Set Decorating Driver
Water Truck Driver
Third Assistant Director
Trainee Assistant Director
Academy Film Production Coordinator
Production Accountant
First Assistant Accountant
Payroll Accountant
Casting Associate
Additional Extras Casting
Armour Supplier
First Aid/ Craftperson
Assistant Craftperson
First Aid
Set Security
Assistant Chefs
First Assistant Director
Bijesh C. Ram
Seann Traviller
L.N. Felix Fanzega
Ken (K.J.) Johnson
Scott Kenyon
Ted Wassenaar
Wayne Hedman
Karin Behrenz
Haylee Marie Hubscher
Catharina Hourcade
Dale Braun
Tania Susi
Kylie Tanke
Erin Toner
Sandra-Ken Freeman
Tom Felcan
Robert Fournier
Leverna Piper
Giselle Fredette
Louise Hetherington
Kim Howes
Tim McGuinness
Rick Nicholson
Patrick P. Pon
Anthony Sabatini
Santino Scardillo
Hugo Schellenberg
Donald Silvaw
Hans Syriste
David Wallander
Loralee Wilson
David R. Archibald
Ken A. Butler
Tom Chavez
Michael G. Cromien
Bill Henderson
Marcel J.E. Lalonde
Samuel Lee
Truffles Fine Foods
Nin Rai
Trevor Malkinson
Gabriella Pirocchi
Mark Crofton
Second Unit (Vancouver)
Carl Mason
Second Assistant Director
Josy Capkun
- 43 -
Director of Photography
Brian Sweeney
"A" Camera Operator
First Assistant "A" Camera
Second Assistant "A" Camera
"B" Camera Operator
First Assistant "B" Camera
Second Assistant "B" Camera
Video Assist
Pieter Stathis
Cam Hayduc
Aki Shigematsu
Gary Viola
Ian Seabrook
Mark A. Gordon
Noah Richoz
Assistant Director Production Assistant
Dustin Lee Abram
Script Supervisor
Lana Krotenko
Sound Mixer
Boom Operator
Sebastian Salm
Colin Smith
Key Grip
Best Boy Grip
Dolly Grips
Anthony Creery
Ivor Pedersen
Gary Stockport
TJ Sampson
David R. Zimmerman
Best Boy Electric
Lamp Operators
Generator Operators
Calen Zantolas
Todd Mikolas
Simon Bookless
Chris Madden
Jeffery Seeger
On Set Dresser
Vance Irvine
Sound Design & Editorial by
Supervising Sound Editor/Sound Designer
Supervising Sound Editor
Supervising ADR Editor
Sound Effects Editors
Gregory Hedgepath, MPSE
Frank T. Smathers
Bobbi Banks, MPSE
Paul Hackner, MPSE
Jussi Tegelman
Foley Artists
Sean Rowe
Katie Rose
Mark Goebel
Patrick Weise
Tom Ozanich
Michael Babcock
Mark Purcell
Foley Assistant
Foley Mixer
Re-Recording Mixers
Sound Re-Recording
Re-recording Facilities provided by
- 44 -
Dolby Sound Consultant
Trevor Ward
ADR Voice Casting
ADR Cast
Barbara Harris
Andreana Weiner
Tanya Vidal – Dublin
Carlyle King
Barbara Iley
Ruth Zalduondo
Vernon Scott
John Demita
Terence Mathews
Angel Oquendo
Jeffrey Todd Fischer
Jason Pace
Jeremy Maxwell
AVID Editing Systems provided by
Electric Picture Solutions
Main titles by PIC
Pamela Green
Jarik van sluijs
Julio Ferrario
Stephan Burle
Chris Coogan
Bau Luu
Visual Effects by 2G Digital Post, Inc.
Spencer Hecox
Brian Holter
Efram Potelle
Izzy Weiss
Chuck Filliettaz, CEO
Visual Effects by CIS London Ltd.
VFX Production Manager
VFX Producer
VFX Editor
VFX Supervisor
CG Supervisor
CG Artists
Nick Drew
Becky Roberts
Collette Nunes
Paddy Eason
Sean “Catfish” Lewkiw
Sally Goldberg
Jonathon Opgenhaffen
Danielle Brooks
David Wahlberg
Hugh Macdonald
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Visual Effects by XY&Z Visual Effects
Visual Effects Supervisor
Mike Uguccioni
Jamie Baxter
Trinh Baxter
Chris Ervin
Drew Redford
Geoff Leavitt
Roger Mocenigo
Michael Shelton
Visual Effects by PIXEL MAGIC
Visual Effects Supervisor
On-Set Visual Effects Supervisor
General Manager
Technical Production Supervisor
VFX Coordinator
3D Artists
Compositing/Paint Artists
Ray McIntyre
Adam Howard
Ray Scalice
Victor Di Michina
Bruce Golin
David Ridlen
Kevin Kipper
Mike Ash
Craig Hilditch
Steve Lloyd
Anthony Barcelo
Brad Moyan
James Hattin
Tyler Foell
Patrick Flanagan
John McConnell
Digital Intermediate and Opticals by
Technicolor Digital Intermediates
A Technicolor Company
Digital Film Colorist
Digital Intermediate Producer
Digital Intermediate Editor
Imaging Technicians
Digital Restoration
V.P. of Independent Feature Services
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Tony Dustin
Carl Moore
Mark Sahagun
Floyd Burks
John Herndon
Jonathan Mecenas
Todd Mitchell
Scott Osborn
Doug Richardson
John Kearns
LaNelle Mason
Erin Nelson
Brad Sutton
Wilson Tang
Christian Zak
V.P. of Production and Operations
V.P. of Imaging
V.P. of Color Imaging R & D
Data Technicians
Video Technicians
Production Technology
Color Timer
Lab Contact
Tim Belcher
Chris Kutcka
Joshua Pines
Cynthia Lemus
Ray Horta
Andy Chua
Ashley Farber
Ron Perez
Jada Budrick
Frank Figueroa
Ronnie Leidelmeijer
Daniel Williams
Mike Tosti
Richard Alcala
Paul Turang
Prints by Technicolor
Aidan Stanford
Josh Moore
Stock Footage supplied by
Sony Stock Footage
Negative Services by Negative People Inc.
Supervisor of Production
Curtis A. Miller
Supervisor of Production
Rosemary Lara
Manager of Production
Bree Bailey
Manager of Production Accounting
Mark Pedante
Production Department Coordinator
Ami Cohen
Assistant to Mr. Paseornek
Lindsey Ramey
Assistant to Mr. Sacchi
Jina Jones
Assistant to Ms. Sloan
Ricky Miller
Executive Vice President, Business & Legal Affairs
Assistant to Mr. Melnik
Vice President, Business & Legal Affairs
Manager, Business & Legal Affairs
Business & Legal Affairs
Business & Legal Affairs
Robert Melnik
Lindsay Gores
Charlyn Adkins
Bill Jacks
Neil Ollivierra
Cassius Shuman
Co-President, Theatrical Marketing
Co-President, Theatrical Marketing
Vice President, Assets and Unit Publicity
Tim Palen
Sarah Greenberg
Yon Elvira
President of Music
Music Executive
Jay Faires
Tracy McKnight
- 47 -
General Manager & EVP, Business Affairs
Clearance & Licensing
Supervisor, Film & TV Music
Supervisor, Financial/Music Budgets
Soundtracks & Digital Music
Lenny Wohl
Jeanne Fay
Jennifer Jones
Diana Beas
Chris Brown
Chris Fagot
Michael Prupas
President of Production
Irene Litinsky
Assistant to Mr. Prupas
Natasha Arora
Assistant to Ms. Litinsky
Loïc Bernard
Chief Financial Officer
Sandy Jesion
Production Accountant
Nancy Partheniou
VP, Business Affairs
Lorri Faughnan
Camera Cranes & Dollies by
Lighting and Grip Equipment Provided by
Production services provided by
Locations Michel Trudel
Locations Michel Trudel
Grip Eclipse
Dwight Crane
Muse Entertainment Enterprises Inc.
Production Financing Provided by
Norman Starr, Senior Vice President
City National Bank
Insurance Provided by
Services Inc.
AON / Albert G. Ruben Ins.
Completion Guaranty Provided by
Brian Kingman
Film Finances Canada Ltd.
Completion Guaranty Provided by
Film Finances, Inc., Erica
Produced with the participation of
Tax Credit
Quebec Production Services
Gestion SODEC
The Canadian Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit
The Province of British Columbia Production Services Tax Credit
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Music Orchestrated and Conducted by
Score Mixed by
Music Editor
Music Coordinator
Susie Benchasil
Peter Boyer
Tim Simonec
Mark Curry
Joshua Winget
Cana Sharai
Score Available for Licensing on
"Let's Get Away"
Written by Rick Riso and Mark Gasbarro
Performed by Rick Riso
Courtesy of 5 Alarm Music
"Come See Me Tonight"
Written by Homer Greencastle
Performed by Jonny Savarino
Courtesy of 5 Alarm Music
"Lucky For A Lifetime"
Written by Rick Riso and Mark Gasbarro
Performed by Rick Riso
Courtesy of 5 Alarm Music
Written by Robert Swire Thompson
Performed by Pendulum
Courtesy of Warner Music U.K. Ltd.
By arrangement with Warner Music Group Film & TV Licensing
"The Past Is Proof"
Written by Senses Fail, Lyrics by Buddy Nielson
Performed by Senses Fail
Courtesy of Vagrant Records
Written by Gaspard Auge and Xavier de Rosnay
Performed by Justice
Courtesy of Ed Banger Records
Under exclusive license to Because Music
Written by Kerli Koiv and Thomas Who
Performed by Kerli
Courtesy of The Island Def Jam Music Group
Under license from Universal Music Enterprises
"Butterfly Wings"
Written by Scott Benzel, Michael Fisher and Stuart Kupers
Performed by Machines Of Loving Grace
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Courtesy of Mammoth Records
"Historia Calamitatum"
Written by Joseph Principe, Timothy McIlrath, Brandon Barnes and Zach Blair
Performed by Rise Against
Courtesy of Geffen Records
Under license from Universal Music Enterprises
"Fairy In The Music Box"
Written by Annabel Dudley
Courtesy of 5 Alarm Music
Written by Shaun Morgan, Dale Stewart, and John Humphrey
Performed by Seether
Courtesy of Wind-Up Records, LLC
"America The Beautiful"
Performed and Arranged by Terence Jay
"The Evil That Men Do"
Written and Performed by Dash Mihok and Daniel Freedman
Courtesy of DZE Music and Daniel Freedman Music
Written and Performed by Slipknot
Courtesy of Roadrunner Records
"Final Six"
Written by Tomas Araya, Jeff Hanneman, Kerry King and Dave Lombardo
Performed by Slayer
Courtesy of American
"War Zone"
Lyrics by Rob Zombie
Music by Rob Zombie and John 5
Performed by Rob Zombie
Courtesy of Geffen Records
"Take Me Away"
Written by 7 Days Away
Performed by 7 Days Away
Courtesy of Lionsgate
"Days of Revenge"
Written by Rob Lind
Performed by Ramallah
Courtesy of I Scream Records
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Special Thanks to
Deborah Deplete
Benoit Robitaille
Dane Davis
Danny Dorsa
David Dorsa
Henry Fong
Isabella Gavanski
Julie Raymond
John Dunn Hill
Lexi Gainer
Linda Smith
Lynne De Bell
Marco Lavelle
Mark Manuel
Marie Josée Perrault
Micro Beard
Romano Orzari
Rand McNally
Real Capuano
Sophie Grenier
Stephanie Janusauskas
Tabor K. Thomas
Tommy Woo
Veronica Dorsa
AIM Productions, Inc.
Allen Gallery/Globe Art Distributors Inc.
American Media, Inc.
Corbis Canada, Ltd.
Davie Brown Entertainment
Daylight Factory Café
Dimension Plus
Eggspectation Restaurants, LLC
Films Media Group
Firstlight Associated Photographers
Galleries Arte Montréal
Isaac Statue S.R.L.
Left Bank Art
McGraw-Hill Education
Pepsi Cola
Prop star
San Francisco Music Box
Tauscher Books
Tru King Enterprise Inc.
Urban Outfitters Inc.
Vice Records
Volga Lounge
National Baseball Hall of Fame Library of Cooperstown, N.Y.
Filmed with
Motion Picture Film Provided by
Fuji Film
Camera and Lenses
Color by
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© 2008 MHF Zweite Academy Film GmbH & Co. KG. TM & © 2008 Marvel Characters, Inc.
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MARVEL, THE PUNISHER and all MARVEL character names and distinctive likenesses
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