The Contender PowerPoint Lesson Plan
Written by Cheryl Stoltenberg & Jennifer Wilson
Title: A Contender PowerPoint Presentation Grade Level/Subject:
Illinois Learning Standards and/or Skill Standards:
9 English
STATE GOAL 3: Write to communicate for a variety of purposes.
C. Communicate ideas in writing to accomplish a variety of purposes.
Write for real or potentially real situations in academic, professional and civic contexts (e.g., college applications, job applications, business letters, petitions).
Using available technology, produce compositions and multimedia works for specified audiences.
STATE GOAL 4: Listen and speak effectively in a variety of situations.
A. Listen effectively in formal and informal situations.
Apply listening skills as individuals and members of a group in a variety of settings (e.g., lectures, discussions, conversations, team projects, presentations, interviews).
B. Speak effectively using language appropriate to the situation and audience.
Deliver planned informative and persuasive oral presentations using visual aids and contemporary technology as individuals and members of a group; demonstrate organization, clarity, vocabulary, credible and accurate supporting evidence.
The novel, The Contender by Robert Lipstye is about a young man who attempts to be a boxer. The novel discusses how this young man overcome obstacles and never gives up.
The students will chose a famous person who the feel exemplifies the qualities of the main character (Albert) and research them briefly. Once the research is completed the students will create a PowerPoint presentation. They will present their PowerPoint to the class.
will identify and list the characteristics of the main character (Albert) in the novel,
The Contender.
will select a famous person who exemplifies characteristics they listed about the main character.
will conduct research to find basic information about this person.
will create and present a PowerPoint presentation on this famous person.
Academic Principles:
They will learn how to conduct basic research and put that information together in an organized manner. They will be able to learn presentation skills by presenting the information to their peers.
CTE Application:
Students will be using Microsoft PowerPoint which will allow the students to practice their typing and presentation skills.
Reading Strategy Details:
Before Reading:
Prior to reading The Contender students will preview the reading selection using the “Book Map”. They will fill in the book map and make predictions about what the novel will be about. Students and teacher will conduct a brief classroom discussion about the students ideas about what the book will be about.
During Reading:
While reading The Contender, students will conduct Sub Search Strategies. They will locate and list unfamiliar words, mark key statements (using post-it notes) that describe the main character (Albert).
After Reading:
Using the post-it notes students will list the characteristics of the main character
(Albert) in the novel.
Review the novel and the characteristics of the main character (Albert). Create a list of the characteristics on the board as a class. Have the students select a famous person that exemplifies similar characteristics.
Activities & Procedures:
Receive a lesson on how to conduct research, provided by the librarian in the learning center.
Create a list of questions to answer in the PowerPoint presentations. Sample questions may be:
What is their name?
Where are they from?
What do they do?
How old are they?
What are some of their accomplishments?
How are they similar to Albert?
How are they different than Albert?
Why did you select this person?
Allow students several days/class periods to answer the questions listed above.
Provide a lesson on how to use PowerPoint.
Allow several class periods for students to put together their PowerPoint presentations.
Have students present their PowerPoint.
The students will be assessed by their PowerPoint presentations. They will need to have all of the listed questions answered completely. They will be assessed on their
presentations, as well. A rubric should be created to assess their presentations based on the skills the particular class is working on.
Closing & Summarization:
Have students create a list of areas in their lives where PowerPoint would come in handy.
Have students grade themselves on their presentation. Have a one-on-one interview with each child to discuss their grade on the presentation and areas they can work on.
Materials Needed:
The novel, The Contender
The pre-reading book map
Post-it Notes
Notebook Paper
Whiteboard and markers
Articles, books, internet sites for researching
Computers with PowerPoint program
Data projector
Lipstye, Robert. The Contender. Publisher, year.