MINUTES OF MEETING CONCHO VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE September 14, 2011 The Executive Committee of the Concho Valley Council of Governments (CVCOG) met on Wednesday, September 14, 2011 @ 2801 W. Loop 306, Suite A, San Angelo, Texas. Members present were: Ralph Sides, Chairman, Sterling County Judge Andrew Murr, Vice Chairman, Kimble County Judge Charlie Bradley, Secretary, Schleicher County Judge Allen Amos, Concho County Judge Jerry Bearden, Mason County Judge Roy Blair, Coke County Judge Mike Brown, Tom Green County Judge Richard Cordes, Menard County Judge Fred Deaton, Crockett County Judge Larry Isom, Reagan County Judge John Nanny, Irion County Commissioner Danny Neal, McCulloch County Judge Alvin New, Mayor, City of San Angelo Miguel Villanueva, Sutton County Commissioner Members absent were: Drew Darby, Texas State Representative Harvey Hilderbran, Texas State Representative Lanny Layman, SAISD Board Trustee BUSINESS CALL TO ORDER Chairman Sides announced the presence of a quorum, and called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Judge Blair gave the invocation and Chairman Sides led the pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Upon a motion by Judge Brown, seconded by Commissioner Nanny the minutes of the August 10, 2011 meeting of the Committee were approved as published. APPROVAL OF CHECKS Upon a motion by Judge Amos, seconded by Judge Isom, CVCOG checks in excess of $2,000 written since the last meeting were unanimously approved. Minutes of Meeting CVCOG Executive Committee 9/14/11 Page 2 REPORT FROM BUDGET COMMITTEE AND APPROVAL OF CVCOG ANNUAL BUDGET FOR FY 2011-2012 CVCOG budget committee members for this year were Judge Bradley, Judge Deaton and Mayor New. The committee met on September 13, 2011 with CVCOG staff. Judge Deaton asked Nancy Pahira, CVCOG Director of Finance, to review the budget with the committee. The budget committee recommended approval of the CVCOG FY 2011-2012 budget as follows: Upon a motion by Judge Deaton, seconded by Judge Bradley, the FY 2011-2012 Fringe Rate of 52.2% was unanimously approved. CVCOG is reflecting a 15.6% increase in employee health insurance. AUTHORIZATION TO SIGN AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CVCOG AND THE DEPARTMENT OF AGING & DISABILITY SERVICES Upon a motion by Judge Bearden, seconded by Judge Murr, authorization for Executive Director to sign amendment of the contract between the Concho Valley Council of Governments and the Department of Aging and Disabilities Services for FFY 2012-2013 for operation of the Older Americans Act Program was unanimously approved. DISCUSSION & ACTION ON CVCOG’S INTENTIONS ON CONTINUING TEXAS REVIEW & COMMENT SYSTEM (TRACS) After a lengthy discussion, Judge Bearden made a motion for CVCOG Executive Committee withdraw from the Texas Review & Comment System (TRACS) and requested the CVCOG staff develop a draft blanket letter of acknowledgement to send to any applicant that submits for a review to CVCOG. This letter would demonstrate compliance on the applicant’s part, but remove CVCOG from review or comment. The draft letter will be brought before this Executive Committee on October 12, 2011 for approval. The motion was seconded by Judge Isom, and was unanimously approved. REVIEW & COMMENT Upon a motion by Judge Brown, seconded by Judge Deaton, the committee unanimously offered friendly support of the following application: The City of Robert Lee has applied to multiple agencies for assistance in this emergency water situation and it is imperative for the City to obtain the Region’s review of this project as soon as possible to keep their relief project on schedule. Robert Lee does not have the funds to construct this line, so State and Federal Aid will be required to address this emergency. The project will include the installation of a 10-inch potable water pipeline from the Robert Lee Water Treatment Plant to the Bronte Water Treatment Plant, a booster pump station at the Bronte Water Treatment Plant, a metering station at the Bronte Water Treatment Plant and related appurtenances Minutes of Meeting CVCOG Executive Committee 9/14/11 Page 3 APPROVAL OF THE MANDATORY PEACE OFFICER TRAINING PLAN Jim Koca, CVCOG Director of Criminal Justice reported that the plan has been scrapped due to the fact that the Workforce Solutions Austin office stated that the Workforce does not fund the Public Sector jobs for teaching. Therefore the CVCOG Criminal Justice Program is going to move forward in researching more avenues of bringing in more funds for Criminal Justice training. No action on this item. DISCUSSION & APPROVAL OF CVCOG’S APPLICATION FOR A TIGER GRANT ON BEHALF OF WESTERN TOWERS Upon a motion by Judge Amos, seconded by Judge Brown, approval for CVCOG to apply for a Tiger Grant on behalf of Western Towers for construction of a rail spur and ingress/egress upgrades in Harriett, Tom Green County, Texas was approved by a vote of 13 to 1 with Mayor Alvin New voting opposed. REPORTS AND INFORMATION ITEMS Review monthly CVCOG Balance Sheet & Bank Reports Monthly CVCOG staff travel report September 2011 Head Start Director’s Report including Budget OTHER BUSINESS Copy of Memorandum was sent to all committee members regarding HB-1951 State Fire Marshal’s Office (SFMO) inspect buildings leased by state agencies. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 2:58 p.m. Duly adopted at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Concho Valley Council of Governments this 12th day of October 2011. Ralph Sides, Chairman Charlie Bradley, Secretary