Role Play Prep Room Essentials Take with You

I’m Going to Disneyworld….
Will YOU be a DECA member,
compete at District and State and go
with me??
The Basics
Test Taking Tips
Series Events
Orlando, Florida
District Competition
January 2015
State Competition
February 25-27, 2015
Downtown Sheraton, Dallas, Texas
International Competition
April 25-April 28, 2015
Orlando, Florida
Accounting Applications
Apparel and Accessories
Automotive Services Marketing
Business Finance Series
Business Services Marketing
Food Marketing
Hotel and Lodging Management
Human Resources
Marketing and Management
Quick Serve Restaurant Management
Restaurant and Food Service Mgmt.
Retail Merchandising
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
Principles of Business Management and
Principles of Finance
Principles of Hospitality and Tourism
Principles of Marketing
For 1st year students Only
NEW This Year…
Personal Financial Literacy
Business Law and Ethics
Buying and Merchandising
Financial Analysis
Hospitality Services
Marketing Communications
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
Travel and Tourism Marketing
7 total student teams …
2 students per team per teacher
Read the question before you look at the answer.
Come up with the answer in your head before looking at the
possible answers, this way the choices given on the test won’t throw
you off or trick you.
Eliminate answers you know are not right.
Read all the answers before choosing your answer.
If there is no penalty for guessing, always take an educated guess
and select an answer.
Don’t keep changing your answer, usually your first choice is the
right one, unless you miss-read the question.
A positive choice is more likely to be true than a negative one.
Textbook glossary
Tests, Performance Indicators, written events, role play interviews, any
interaction with a judge
How to take a test is important.
What you do when you grade the test is equally important.
We celebrate the answers we got correct BUT what do we
do with all of the wrong answers??
• Prep Room Essentials
• Take with You:
2 - #2 Sharpened Pencils
1 – 5 Function Calculator
Be in Dress Code
Have Your Photo ID
• You will Receive:
Participant Instructions
2 Sheets of Scratch Paper
May create item for judge with 1 sheet of paper
Participant Instructions
10 minutes to Prep
Scan the scenario
Read the Performance
Indicators on the bottom
Each PI worth 18 points on Judge Evaluation
Make Notes
Use During Prep
Hit all PI’s
Use during meeting with Judge
Meeting/ Presenting to Judge
Greeting – Depends on the situation
Do you stand or sit?
Eye Contact
Immediately get into your role
Judge asks Minimum
3 questions
Don’t let judge get off track
How do you exit or close?
Practice Today
Role Play with a partner
Receive role play scenario
10 minutes to prep
Students will present to judge & answer 3
Students will receive Immediate feedback from
Students will have 2 role plays with 2 different
judges at State (1 role play at District)
• Email Sandra Hinesly
• Texas DECA State Advisor