name _____________________
Rise of Islam
(reread chapter 9 homework)
During the Abbasid period (750-1258),
the status of women
Abbasid period, slavery existed in
decreased due to Persian influence
cities and rural areas; typical of
unskilled occupations
3* Bedouin religion before Muhammad
Bedouins—Arab nomads; combined
animism & polytheism
Muslim belief system
Five pillars of Faith
Describe Byzantine resistance to
Muslim attacks
More effective than Sasanids (Persia),but lost
land in Egypt,, Syria, & Palestine
Muhammad’s flight to Medina. Impact?
Term: hijra (hegira), 622 CE. Many people
convert to Islam:+ effect: attracts poor
Difference between Islam & Hinduism
Islam stresses egalitarianism (equality),
Hinduism is based on the caste system.
Describe urbanization in the Abbasid period
Despite political breakdown (disintegration),
towns continued to grow rapidly
Crusades. Examples of cultural exchange
adopted by Europeans
Scientific learning, Arab numbers, military
technology, language
10 Seljuk Turk conquest of Baghdad in 1055.
Impact? (context: during Abbasid period)
Turks restored stability despite challenges
posed by Fatimid Egypt & Byzantine empire
Africa. West Africa (Ghana, Mali, Songhay)
& East African trading cities
(reread chapter 15 homework)
11 Weakness of Africa’s commercial economy?
Loss of natural resources.
They exported gold bullion & raw materials
to obtain manufactured goods
12 Who conquered Ghana? When? Impact?
Almoravids (Berbers);
1076  spread of Islam to West Africa
13 Reason for Songhay’s downfall.
Invasion: well-armed Moroccan Muslim
armies seeking gold
14 Impact of slave trade due to Muslim
Slavery became diffused & slave trade
then developed quickly
contact. (Sahara, West Africa)
15 East African towns. Traded with whom?
(see Mombasa, Kilwa, Mogadishu, p. 377)
Persian Gulf, India, China, markets in the
hinterlands west of the urbanized coast
16 African societies NOT associated with
a writing system
Islam or Christianity lacked …
17 East Africa. Extent of Islam’s penetration? Spread mainly to coastal cities and towns;
not much penetration into the interior.
Eastern & Western Europe
(reread homework to chapters 10, 12)
18 Significance of Byzantine Empire!
Answer:Survived almost 1000 years;
scholars kept Rome’s cultural achievements
Constantinople major urban center; culture
spread to Russia and throughout Balkans
19 Byzantine’s greatest impact was on …
20 Who conquered the Byzantines? Impact?
21 During the Middle Ages northern regions
of eastern and western Europe struggled to
establish …
22 Impact of Justinian’s reconquest
(circa 565)
23 Impact of Justinian’s code
24 economic result of Byzantine conflict with
Arab Muslims
Russia: religion, churches (onion domes)
& Cyrillic alphabet
1453; Ottoman Turks  new water routes
for Europeans
political identities because unsafe roads
 decentralized governments
Weakened empire’s defenses on Eastern
border with the Persians
Strengthened & organized Roman law
25 similarity between China & Byzantine
In Byzantine Empire, small farmers were
weakened by heavy taxes, leading
to greater ARISTOCRATIC estates.
Elaborate & well-trained bureaucracy
26 greatest concentration of urbanization
Italy and the low countries (Netherlands)
after the tenth century (hint: Venice, Genoa)
27 main result of the Crusades on Europe
Cultural diffusion and economic revival
based on trade
28 European intellectual endeavors before
1000? After 1000?
Before: limited to copying ancient texts
After: synthesis of rationalism & theology (Aquinas)
Read about Aquinas on p.408!
29 European women’s roles
30 Hundred Years War. (1337-1453)
The Americas prior to 1492 (ch.12)
31 in 1492, the population of the Americas
Were married or were nuns; assisted men;
more limitations on roles; involved in local
Both England and France emerged as
stronger centralized governments
Close to that of Europe
was …
32 practice common to Aztec and Inca
tribute system
33 During the postclassical era (600-1450)
Entirely separate from those of the Old World
American societies were …
34 civilization that preceded Aztecs? Where?
35 first Aztec form of government
Toltecs, central Mexico
(memory device: Ol’Teo’ma’Tol’Az)
36 Impact of Aztec expansion and conquest
The Aztec clan-based society became more
East Asia: China, Japan, Korea,
37 political situation after the fall of the Han
38 name first 7 Chinese dynasties in order
39 reunification of China; When? How?
40 The Tang supported the revival of the
41 During Song Empire, the scholar gentry
Period of disunity;
ruled by non Chinese nomads; Buddhism
eclipsed Confucianism
Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han,
Sui, Tang, Song
Sui, 589; with help of nomadic warrior elite
Confucian scholar gentry, often at the
expense of the aristocracy (why?)
Continued its ascent over aristocracy &
42 Japan. The Taika reforms were an attempt remake Japanese monarch into an absolutist
Chinese Emperor
to …
43 Rise of Samurai. Social Impact.
Peasants reduced to serf status (bound to
the land)
44 Japanese feudal period; memorize KAT
Kamakura, Ashikaga, Tokugawa
45 China failed to assimilate Vietnamese. Why? Chinese imports didn’t impact or impress
46 religious preference of the Korean elite?
Buddhism, which it spread to Japan in the
47 Russia, at the time of the Mongol invasion? split into small kingdoms located on
trading cities
It became Russia’s leading political center due
48 Mongol impact on Moscow …
to collection of tribute
49 favored military tactic of Chinggis (Genghis)
Fake retreat followed by attack from the flanks
Khan …
50 How did Mongols weaken centers of
Islamic civilization?
51 How the Yuan (Mongols) weakened
scholar gentry
52 extent of Timur-i lang’s conquest
(a.k.a. Timur, read top of p.336)
53 Song Dynasty trade patterns focused on …
54 In order to expand its economy, the
Tang dynasty strengthened its …
Cities destroyed from Central Asia to
Mediterranean; mosques destroyed
They didn’t reinstate the civil service
Persia, south Russia, India, Fertile Crescent
Trade growth along the Pacific coast and
Southeast Asia
Infrastructure: waterways, canals, and roads
(see bottom of p.280)
55 One reason the economy of Tang China
Tributary system (read p.279)
prospered was the development of the …
56 The Japanese novel, The Tale of Genji
Was significant because …
it was among the earliest Japanese literary
works (discussed on p.295)
Miscellaneous questions
57 another reason why the West began new
trade routes after 1400
Technological barriers had been overcome
i.e. lateen sails, compass
58 why Italy emerged as Renaissance center
Central location on Mediterranean Sea; brought
back goods & ideas (contact w/scholars)
59 Renaissance characteristics
Humanism, interest in nature &
things of this world (temporal)
60 European demographic changes; 1300s, 1400s
Urbanization, growth of urban economy,
decline of feudalism
61 Ming China’s most famous explorer?
Places he traveled to? What he collected?
Zheng He; Strait of Malacca, India, East Africa;
collected tribute
62 Greatest Muslim empire after Abbasid’s
fall & Mongol withdrawal?
Ottoman Empire; Constantinople became
Istanbul. (see Hagia Sophia)
63 Greatest Ottoman leader?
Sulieman the Magnificent. (p.526)
Rise of Islam
Abbasid period, status of women
Abbasid period, slavery existed in
3* Bedouin religion before Muhammad
name _____________________
(reread chapter 9 homework)
Bedouins—Arab nomads; combined
Muslim belief system
Describe Byzantine resistance to
Muslim attacks
More effective than Sasanids (Persia),but lost
land in Egypt,, Syria, & Palestine
Muhammad’s flight to Medina. Impact?
Term: hijra (hegira), 622 CE. Many people
convert to Islam:+ effect: attracts poor
Difference between Islam & Hinduism
Islam stresses egalitarianism (equality),
Hinduism is based on the ____________
Describe urbanization in the Abbasid period Despite political breakdown (disintegration),
towns continued to grow rapidly
Crusades. Examples of cultural exchange
adopted by Europeans
10 Seljuk Turk conquest of Baghdad in 1055.
Impact? (context: during Abbasid period)
Turks restored stability despite challenges
posed by Fatimid Egypt & Byzantine empire
Africa. West Africa (Ghana, Mali, Songhay)
& East African trading cities (ch.15)
11 Weakness of Africa’s commercial economy?
They exported gold bullion & raw materials
to obtain manufactured goods
12 Who conquered Ghana? When? Impact?
13 Reason for Songhay’s downfall.
14 Impact of slave trade due to Muslim
contact. (Sahara, West Africa)
15 East African towns. Traded with whom?
(see Mombasa, Kilwa, Mogadishu, p. 377)
Persian Gulf, India, China, markets in the
hinterlands west of the urbanized coast
16 African societies NOT associated with
Islam or Christianity lacked …
17 East Africa. Extent of Islam’s penetration? Spread mainly to coastal cities and towns;
not much penetration into the interior.
Eastern & Western Europe
(reread homework to chapters 10, 12)
18 Significance of Byzantine Empire!
Answer: Survived almost 1000 years;
Constantinople major urban center; culture
spread to Russia and throughout Balkans;
19 Byzantine’s greatest impact was on …
20 Who conquered the Byzantines? Impact?
21 During the Middle Ages northern regions
of eastern and western Europe struggled to
establish …
22 Impact of Justinian’s reconquest
(circa 565)
23 Impact of Justinian’s code
24 economic result of Byzantine conflict with
Arab Muslims
Weakened empire’s defenses on Eastern
border with the Persians
In Byzantine Empire, small farmers were
weakened by heavy taxes, leading
to greater ARISTOCRATIC estates.
25 similarity between China & Byzantine
greatest concentration of urbanization
Italy and the low countries (Netherlands)
after the tenth century (hint: Venice, Genoa)
27 main result of the Crusades on Europe
Cultural diffusion and economic revival
based on trade
28 European intellectual endeavors before
1000? After 1000?
Before: limited to copying ancient texts
After: synthesis of rationalism & theology (Aquinas)
Read about Aquinas on p.408!
29 European women’s roles
30 Hundred Years War. (1337-1453)
The Americas prior to 1492 (ch.12)
31 in 1492, the population of the Americas
Were married or were nuns; assisted men;
more limitations on roles; involved in local
Both England and France emerged as
stronger centralized governments
was …
32 practice common to Aztec and Inca
33 During the postclassical era (600-1450)
Entirely separate from those of the Old World
American societies were …
34 civilization that preceded Aztecs? Where?
35 first Aztec form of government
Toltecs, central Mexico
(memory device: Ol’Teo’ma’Tol’Az)
36 Impact of Aztec expansion and conquest
East Asia: China, Japan, Korea,
37 political situation after the fall of the Han
Period of disunity;
ruled by non Chinese nomads; Buddhism
eclipsed Confucianism
38 name first 7 Chinese dynasties in order
39 reunification of China; When? How?
40 The Tang supported the revival of the
Sui, 589; with help of nomadic warrior elite
41 During Song Empire, the scholar gentry
Continued its ascent over aristocracy &
42 Japan. The Taika reforms were an attempt remake Japanese monarch into an absolutist
Chinese Emperor
to …
43 Rise of Samurai. Social Impact.
44 Japanese feudal period; memorize KAT
45 China failed to assimilate Vietnamese. Why? Chinese imports didn’t impact or impress
46 religious preference of the Korean elite?
47 Russia, at the time of the Mongol invasion?
split into small kingdoms located on
trading cities
48 Mongol impact on Moscow …
49 favored military tactic of Chinggis (Genghis)
Fake retreat followed by
Khan …
50 How did Mongols weaken centers of
Islamic civilization?
51 How the Yuan (Mongols) weakened
scholar gentry
They didn’t reinstate the
52 extent of Timur-i lang’s conquest
(a.k.a. Timur, read top of p.336)
53 Song Dynasty trade patterns focused on …
Trade growth along the Pacific coast and
Southeast Asia
54 In order to expand its economy, the
Tang dynasty strengthened its …
(see bottom of p.280)
55 One reason the economy of Tang China
prospered was the development of the …
56 The Japanese novel, The Tale of Genji
was significant because …
(read p.279)
it was among the earliest Japanese literary
works (discussed on p.295)
Miscellaneous questions
57 another reason why the West began new
trade routes after 1400
i.e. lateen sails, compass
58 why Italy emerged as Renaissance center
59 Renaissance characteristics
60 European demographic changes; 1300s, 1400s
61 Ming China’s most famous explorer?
Places he traveled to? What he collected?
62 Greatest Muslim empire after Abbasid’s
fall & Mongol withdrawal?
Ottoman Empire; Constantinople became
Istanbul. (see Hagia Sophia)
63 Greatest Ottoman leader?
Sulieman the Magnificent. (p.526)