Adolescent Brain Development The brain continues to change throughout the teenage years becoming fully developed by age 25. Parts of the Brain under construction during the teenage years: Temporal Lobes o o o Handle auditory information. Deep down within the temporal lobes is a structure called the hippocampus, and it is responsible for memory. The part of the brain between, seven and 11, that works really efficiently and is growing/ developing a lot Handles memory and shows tremendous growth. Cerebellum o muscle coordination, coordination of thinking and processing, social navigation Cerebral Cortex o Thickening of grey matter Neural Growth - Synaptic Growth Spurt o o Between seven and 11, the brain undergoes a huge spurt of growth of neurons and synapses or connections just like they were doing around 18 months to two. Most of this growth is in the temporal lobes and in the parietal lobes. Synaptic Pruning o o o o o o Sculpting of the teen brain Selective pruning which takes place mostly in the frontal lobes. The adolescent loses approximately 3 percent of the gray matter (neuron bodies responsible for information processing) “use-it-or-lose-it” - Neural connections, or synapses, that get exercised are retained, while those that don’t are lost. How you spend your time is crutial. You are hard-wiring your brain in adolescence for the rest of your life. Do you want to hard-wire it for sports and playing music and doing mathematics–or for lying on the couch in front of the television?" Starting around 11 the brain is pruning away, sculpting away excess material, excess connections, to make a more refined, more efficient, more adult brain. Myelination o o o o o o o o Myelination: wrapping white matter (myelin) around other synapses/ connections to stabilize and strengthen them. The last part of the brain to myelinate is the frontal lobes. Not complete in the frontal lobes of the brain until around 18 to 20 or later. Myelination on a neuron allows it to operate more efficiently. Myelination happens in the temporal and parietal lobes before it happens in the frontal lobes. Teens are moving from concrete to abstract thinking. Teens tend to become very idealistic & cause-oriented. Girls myelinate 1-2 years earlier than boys and are perhaps ready for curriculum that boys may not be ready for Blue = myelination Red = pruning of grey matter Prefrontal Lobes o o CEO of the brain, behind the forehead The last area of the brain to develop o o The prefrontal lobes are responsible for: Reasoning ability, problem solving, cognitive flexibility “can you change your mind fluidly solving problems” Planning behaviour, goal and priority setting, strategizing Adolescents have a great deal of difficulty prioritizing. Planning and organization of multiple tasks. Adolescents are terrible at multitasking. Impulse inhibition. Teens experience a greater desire & need for thrill-seeking than any other age group. Teens tend to exhibit the “it can’t happen to me” syndrome also known as the “invincible fable.” Determining cause and effect relationships. Determining right from wrong. Teens tend to exhibit a “justice” orientation and a strong belief in individual rights. They are quick to point out inconsistencies between adults’ words and their actions. They begin to question rules and adult decisions They have difficulty seeing shades of gray seeing little room for error. Emotional control Ability to make sound judgments o o o o o o o o o o o o o Emotional Control o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o The amygdala is responsible for processing incoming sensory information Responsible for “fight or flight response” When experiencing danger you fight back or run The amygdala develops before the frontal lobes develop. The role of the amygdala is to hold emotional memory. Adolescents are not good at reading emotions. Adolescents tend to label neutral or ambiguous facial expressions and tones as negative. (Mistaking shock and surprise for fear) Because teens use their amygdala instead of their cortex Teens lack the ability to reflect especially in emotional situations Teens demonstrate a heightened level of self-consciousness. Teens tend to believe that everyone is as concerned with their thoughts and behaviors as they are. This leads teens to believe that they have an “imaginary audience” of people who are always watching them. Teens become more egocentric Teens tend to believe in the “personal fable,” that no one else has ever experienced similar feelings and emotions. There are real differences in an adolescent brain and an adult brain when they are in an emotional situation. Teens’ emotional experiences are more intense and may become overly dramatic in describing things that are upsetting to them. Teens engage in more risky behaviour Drugs and Alcohol o o Teen brains can get addicted faster and stronger than adult brains Drugs and alcohol cause more long term affects and damage (Hippocampus development – affecting memory) The Importance of Sleep o o o Sleep is one of the best things you can do for your brain. In the adolescent brain circadian rhythms are set much later; the sleep-wake cycle does not begin until 11:00pm or 12:00 midnight. R EM sleep is most important for learning and making improvements in memory How to make the best of your teenage brain o o o o o o o o o o o o If you are argumentative join in on debates Engage in more hands-on experiences Try on adult roles (part-time jobs, volunteering) Exercise regularly to increase learning capacity Explore a variety of different activities and experiences to capitalize on the plasticity of the brain Get 9.5 hours of sleep each night Try yoga or meditating Eat breakfast every morning Avoid the risks of drugs and alcohol Reduce stress by learning coping skills Have positive relationships with your parents, spend quality time with them Seek support from mentors Eventually you will: o o o o Broaden your thinking abilities: think abstractly and hypothetically; discern underlying principles of various phenomena & apply them to new situations; Think about the future, considering many possibilities & logical outcomes. Have greater perspective-taking = more empathy & concern of others & new interest in societal issues. See things as relative not absolute