Syllbus File

Al Hussein Bin Talal University
Princess Aaesheh Bint Al-Hussein College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Course Syllabus
Course Title: Pharmacology
Credit Hours:
3 Hours
Course Number: 0901203
Course Year Level: 2st
Faculty Member:
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Academic Year: 20
/ 20
Course Description
This course provides a study of drug classifications, actions, therapeutic uses and methods of administration of
the most common used drugs. In addition, basic principles of pharmacology will also be discussed.
General Learning Objectives
Upon completion of the course the student will be expected at a beginning level to:
a. Demonstrate an understanding of terminology related to Pharmacology
b. Describe and categorize drug classification systems.
c. Demonstrate an understanding of therapeutic uses and the adverse effects of drugs.
d. Describe Disease states in relation to anatomy and physiology of the body
e. Relate disease states to medical drugs, by classification, that are used in the diagnosis, prevention and
treatment of disease states
f. Locate information sources and interpret the drug information data provided for health care
Issue Date: August 2015
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Al Hussein Bin Talal University
Princess Aaesheh Bint Al-Hussein College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Course Syllabus
Specific Learning Objectives
Basic Principles:
1. Describe the two primary properties of a drug receptor, and how a receptor differs from
an inert binding site.
2. List four different types of targets (receptors) by which drugs can interact to exert their
biological effects.
3. Define the following drug properties: agonist, antagonist, partial agonist, affinity,
efficacy, potency.
4. Describe a typical dose-response curve for a drug, and label the positions on the curve
that are used to define drug potency and efficacy.
5. Describe several different signal transduction mechanisms by which agonists exert their
6. Explain the difference between selectivity and specificity of drug effect, and which is
more commonly observed.
7. Describe what is meant by the term Therapeutic Window.
8. Describe and explain the effect(s) of competitive and non-competitive antagonists on the
dose-response curve for an agonist.
9. Explain how a quantal dose-response curve is constructed.
10. Explain what is meant by additive and synergistic drug effects.
11. Define the terms ED50, LD50, TD50 , and Therapeutic Index.
1. Understand the importance of drug distribution with regard to efficacy and toxicity of
2. Explain how drug distribution may contribute to terminate the actions of some drugs.
3. Define the concepts of loading dose, maintenance dose, volume of distribution, clearance,
elimination half-life.
4. Explain the difference between first-order, zero order and dose-dependent kinetics of
drug elimination.
5. List examples of commonly prescribed drugs that follow zero-order, first-order and dosedependent kinetics.
6. Describe the concept of "steady-state" with regard to plasma drug concentrations.
7. Explain the importance of different pharmacokinetic parameters on the duration of drug
8. Describe what is meant by a one-compartment and two-compartment model of drug
distribution and elimination.
9. Explain the importance of drug distribution with regard to efficacy and toxicity of drugs.
10. Explain how drug distribution may contribute to terminate the actions of some drugs.
11. Explain the determinants of hepatic drug clearance.
Issue Date: August 2015
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Al Hussein Bin Talal University
Princess Aaesheh Bint Al-Hussein College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Course Syllabus
12. Explain the difference between pre-systemic clearance (first-pass metabolism) and
systemic clearance.
13. Explain the importance of plasma protein binding and hepatic blood flow with regard to
hepatic clearance of drugs.
14. Explain the changes in hepatic drug clearance associated with liver disease.
Autonomic Pharmacology:
1. Describe the different roles of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the
nervous system in homeostasis and general physiology.
2. Describe the physiological responses produced by activation of the sympatho-adrenal
system in fight or flight situations.
3. Explain what tone is.
4. Apply knowledge of predominant tone to regulation of singly-innervated and dualinnervated organs.
5. Define the different cholinergic and adrenergic receptor subtypes, and describe their
physiological roles.
6. List examples of selective cholinergic and adrenergic agonists and antagonists, and
describe their effects on different organ systems.
7. Cite several examples of indirectly acting sympathomimetic drugs.
8. Describe the effects of autonomic drugs on vision (accomodation), and their use in the
treatment of glaucoma.
1. Explain the properties of autocoids, including biogenic amines, eicosanoides and their
inhibitors, peptides and analogs, and smooth muscle/endothelial autocoids.
2. Explain the mechanisms of action, use and adverse effects of immunosupressive drugs
and drugs used to treat acquired disorders of immune responsiveness.
3. Describe the mechanism of action, use, and adverse effects of drug used for the treatment
of skin disorders (e.g. sunscreen, retin-A, methotrexate)
Anticancer Pharmacology:
1. List different types of drugs used to treat different forms of cancer.
2. Explain the mechanisms of action, use, and adverse effects of drugs used to treat different
forms of cancer.
Cardiovascular Pharmacology:
1. Describe the mechanisms of action, use, and adverse effects of drugs used in the
treatment of disorders of the cardiovascular system including:
coronary and peripheral vasodilators
Issue Date: August 2015
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Al Hussein Bin Talal University
Princess Aaesheh Bint Al-Hussein College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Course Syllabus
antiarrhythmic drugs
antihypertensive drugs
drugs used to treat hypotension and shock
drugs altering cholesterol and lipid metabolism
inotropic drugs and other drugs used to treat heart failure
Renal Pharmacology:
1. Describe the mechanism of action, use, and adverse effects of drugs used in the treatment
of disorders of the renal and urinary system including:
diuretics & antidiuretic drugs
drugs and fluids used to treat volume, electrolyte and acid-base disorders
drugs used to enhance renal perfusion (e.g. dopamine)
angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor antagonists
Respiratory Pharmacology:
1. Describe the mechanisms of action, use, and adverse effects of drugs used in the
treatment of disorders of the respiratory system (e.g. expectorants, mucolytics,
decongestants, cough suppressants, bronchodilators, anti-inflammatory drugs).
Hematopoietic Pharmacology:
1. Describe the mechanisms of action, use and adverse effects of drugs used to treat
disorders of the hematopoietic system including:
blood and blood products
drugs stimulating erythrocyte production (erythropoietin)
drugs stimulating leukocyte production (e.g.G-CSF , GM-CSF)
anticoagulants, thrombolytic drugs
antiplatelet drugs
chelating agents
GI Pharmacology:
1. Describe the mechanisms of action, use, and adverse effects of drug used for the
treatment of disorders of the gastrointestinal system including:
drugs used to alter GI motility (e.g. antidiarrheal drugs, antiemetics, prokinetics,
fluid replacement (e.g. oral rehydration)
drugs used to treat peptic ulcer and gastroesophageal reflux (e.g. antacids, motility drugs,
Issue Date: August 2015
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Al Hussein Bin Talal University
Princess Aaesheh Bint Al-Hussein College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Course Syllabus
CNS Pharmacology:
1. Describe the adverse effects of ethanol on the central nervous system.
2. Describe the mechanisms involved in the development of drug tolerance and drug
dependence, and be able to cite examples that are clinically relevant.
3. Describe the mechanisms of action, use, and adverse effects of drugs used to treat
disorders of the nervous system including:
local and general anesthetics
hypnotics& anxiolytics
antipsychotics, antidepressants and mood-stabilizing drugs
CNS stimulants (e.g. amphetamines)
antiparkinsonian drugs
neuromuscular junction blocking agents
antimigraine drugs
Endocrine Pharmacology:
1. Describe the mechanisms of action, use, and adverse effects of drugs used for the
treatment of the endocrine system including:
hormones and hormone analogs
stimulators of homrone production (e.g. sulfonylureas)
inhibitors of hormone production (e.g. thiouracils)
hormone antagonists
potentiators of hormone action (e.g. thiazolidinediones, demeclocycline)
Antimicrobial and Antiviral Pharmacology:
1. Describe the mechanisms of action, use, and adverse effects of drugs used for the
treatment of infectious diseases including:
antifungal drugs
antimalarial drugs
antiparasitic drugs
antimycobacterial (e.g. antituberculosis) drugs
Issue Date: August 2015
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Al Hussein Bin Talal University
Princess Aaesheh Bint Al-Hussein College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Course Syllabus
antiviral and anti-HIV drugs
1. Describe special terms or acronyms which are used to define toxicity or safety.
2. Describe the basis of selective toxicity.
3. Describe the toxic effects of common household products.
4. Explain the basis for distinguishing acute vs. chronic toxicity.
5. Describe the general treatment of poisoning for specific agents
6. List at least one good chelating agent for each of the major heavy metals.
7. List antidotes for specific agents and their mechanisms
8. Describe the three aims of treatment of a poisoned patient.
9. Describe the general ways to prevent absorption of ingested drugs or chemicals.
10. Indicate the appropriate laboratory tests to determine whether a patient has been
11. List the agents or procedures used to detoxify or eliminate poisons from the body after
they have been absorbed.
Instructional Resources
Online Data Base.
Library Resources Textbook, CDs, Journals.
Audiovisual Materials.
Overhead projector
Teaching & Learning Methods
Lecture, discussion, dialogue within and among small groups, internet streamed video,
CD-ROMs, computer assisted instruction, case studies, role playing
Issue Date: August 2015
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Al Hussein Bin Talal University
Princess Aaesheh Bint Al-Hussein College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Course Syllabus
Evaluation Scheme
Expected Date
First Exam
Second Exam
Final Exam
Participation and
Course Contents
Duties / Tasks
1. Introduction to pharmacology :
- Basic terms.
- Drug regulation.
- Names and information.
- Drug Dosage forms.
- Routes of drug administration.
The Autonomic nervous system:
- Introduction.
- Cholinergic agents: Muscarinic agonists and antagonists,
- Cholinesterase inhibitors,
- Neuromuscular blocking agents
- Adrenergic agonists and antagonists.
Issue Date: August 2015
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Cardiovascular System
- Diuretics, Drugs acting on the Rennin-AngiotensinAldosterone system, Calcium Channel Blockers,
and Vasodilators.
Al Hussein Bin Talal University
Princess Aaesheh Bint Al-Hussein College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Course Syllabus
Cardiovascular System
- Antihypertensive drugs, Drugs for angina pectoris,
Drugs for Cardiac Arrhythmias
Antimicrobial therapy:
- Introduction.
- Drugs that weaken bacterial cell wall, Inhibitors of
protein synthesis, Folate antagonists, Urinary
tract antiseptics and Quinolones,
Antimicrobial therapy:
Antimycobacterial, Antifungal, Antiprotozoal,
Anthelmintic drugs, and Antiviral drugs.
- Basic Principles of Chemotherapy
- Cancer Chemotherapy
- Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and
- Opioid Analgesics.
Drugs Affecting Gastrointestinal Tract
- Drugs for Peptic Ulcer, Laxatives and
Antidiarrheal agents.
Drugs for Diabetes Mellitus
Central nervous system:
- Introduction.
- CNS Neurotransmitters
- CNS Depressants: Sedative, Hypnotic & Anxiolytic
Drugs, Anesthetics and Antiepileptic drugs
Central nervous system:
- CNS stimulants
- Neurodegenerative Disorders: Parkinsonism Disease
and Alzheimer’s Disease
- Antidepressants and Antipsychotic drugs
Final Exam
Issue Date: August 2015
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Al Hussein Bin Talal University
Princess Aaesheh Bint Al-Hussein College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Course Syllabus
References, Textbook
H.P. Range, M.M. Dale, J.M. Ritter and P.K. Moore,
5th Ed
Book Website
Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 5th Ed., by Richard A. Lahne, 2004..
Student Responsibilities and Academic Conduct:
There are a number of expectations to achieving the goals of this course and successfully
passing the Adult Health Nursing II. They include:
A. Attendance: Your success in this class will depend on regular attendance and punctuality.
1) Attendance is expected at every class, for those who miss more than 15% of
lecture hours with or without acceptable excuse will be dismissed from the
2) If class is missed, students should get missed information from lecture
from a classmate. Instructors will not provide missed information.
3) In the case of a critical life event, homework, quizzes, and exams may be
made up, at the discretion of the faculty.
B. Reading:
1. Reading of textbook assignments should be done before the topic is presented in class
to ensure a basic understanding of the topic before lecture.
C. Active Participation in class discussions:
1. Active participation is important to successful learning. You will be encouraged to join in
on class discussions, share relevant experiences, and ask questions. Emphasis is placed on
practicing English in order to promote English fluency.
1. Meet the course teacher at the posted office hours or by appointment.
Issue Date: August 2015
Revision Date:
Al Hussein Bin Talal University
Princess Aaesheh Bint Al-Hussein College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Course Syllabus
2. Avoid cheating, academic misconduct, fabrication, and plagiarism. Such behaviors will
lead to disciplinary action as described in the students’ handbook.
3. Cell phones are required to be turned off during class time.
4. Students are expected to participate in an orderly manner. Students whose behaviors
distract from the learning process will be asked to leave for the day and will count as an
absence. This includes talking during class time
Issue Date: August 2015
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