AP Statistics

AP Statistics
Chapter 3 & 4
Group Assignment: Due ______________
This project must be presented in the form of a typed coherent paper.
1. Create a testable scenario with explanatory and response variables. You can
survey people or run an experiment. Hand in a proposal stated the topic
and categorical variable on ________________.
2. (20 pts)Collect the data in a chart. (25 - 30 sets of numbers.) Clearly state
the explanatory and response variable. Give a detailed explanation of how
your data was collected. State problems that occurred from collecting your
data, ex: Do you think the people you used represent everyone?, Were all
of the questions that you asked clear?, How would you collect this data in
an ideal situation? (Do not say there were no problems.)
3. (10 pts) Create a scatter plot of this data. Describe the scatter plot and
explain any outliers.
4. (10 pts) Create a new scatter plot containing categorical variables of your
choice. Describe your findings.
5. (10 pts) Calculate the equation for the least squares regression line. Define
all variables. Draw in the LSRL into your scatter plot.
6. (10 pts) Calculate the correlation of your data and explain it with respect to
your data.
7. (10 pts) Calculate the coefficient of determination of this data and explain it
with respect to your data.
8. (10 points) Draw a residual plot and analyze it. Provide a table showing the
explanatory, response, predicted and residual values. State if there are any
influential points and give an explanation to why they may be there.
9. (10 points) State whether the relationship between your two variables
involves causation, common response, or confounding. Then identify
possible lurking variable(s). Draw a diagram of the relationship in which
each circle represents a variable. By each circle, write a brief description of
the variable.
10. (10 pts) Create a presentation to demonstrate your findings and display
your graphs to the class.