
Checklist for questions for end-of-project reflection.
This checklist contains a number of questions for end-of-project reflection. The answers to these
will help you to improve your future work and become more effective in what you do. The questions
are categorized in three categories:
Questions related to improvement of future projects
Questions related to enhancing your own organizational resources and culture
Questions related to enhancing relations with stakeholders
Get together with your colleagues and try to formulate concrete answers to all the questions.
Below, you find an example of a filled-in checklist. An empty checklist is offered for your use on the
next page.
Checklist for questions for end-of-project reflection: Example of a filled-in checklist
Answer (example)
Questions related to improvement of future projects
1. What lessons did this project provide for
Importance of matching resources with ambition level,
planning more effective projects in the future? importance of taking time for mid-term evaluation
2. What starting points (contacts, ideas, etc) did Ideas for Open Homes – residents who have made
this project provide for future projects?
investments invited to show them to others
3. Which new fields of action did this project
Co-operating with municipalities for common heating
open up for your organization?
systems for a residential area
4. How were your core competencies enhanced Communication skills enhanced
by this project?
5. Which of your organizational weaknesses and Need for more coordination of work
strengths were illustrated by this project?
6. What new knowledge was created which is
Methods for with residents in ‘ordinary’ contexts
also valuable for other organizations?
Questions related to enhancing your own organizational resources and culture
7. How did this project contribute to the stability
of your funding?
8. How did this project help to increase the
security, commitment and competence of your
9. What did your organization learn from this
project about technical, social, political, local
10. How did this project contribute to your
organizational culture by developing shared
knowledge, values and tools?
11. How did this project help to develop a clearer
understanding of what success means to
Allowed exploration of a new topic for about a year
Work that is personally meaningful for our staff
Some: e.g. communication skills
By showing the limits of certain kinds of projects.
Questions related to enhancing your relations with stakeholders
12. What new knowledge did you gain about endusers and other key stakeholder through this
13. How did this project improve your relations
with local stakeholders?
14. How did this project improve your relations
with national-level stakeholders?
15. How did this project enhance the credibility of
your organization?
16. What competencies were created outside
your organization through this project that are
valuable for you?
17. How did this project help your stakeholders to
understand each other’s positions better?
18. What lasting networks of stakeholders were
created by this project that will endure after
the project?
Lots: e.g. residents’ willingness to invest, ways of
engaging service providers
Significantly: close relations to e.g. municipality
Somewhat: visibility toward ministries etc.
Collaborative network that continues work in similar
topics and in the same geographical area
At least it helped the municipality and programme
managers to understand residents better
Co-operation with the same parties will continue for at
least 4 more years in a new project
Checklist for questions for end-of-project reflection: Empty checklist for your use
Answer (example)
Questions related to improvement of future projects
1. What lessons did this project provide for
planning more effective projects in the future?
2. What starting points (contacts, ideas, etc) did
this project provide for future projects?
3. Which new fields for action did this project open
up for your organization?
4. How were your core competencies enhanced
by this project?
5. Which of your organisational weaknesses and
strengths were illustrated by this project?
6. What new knowledge was created which is also
valuable for other organizations?
Questions related to enhancing your own organizational resources and culture
7. How did this project contribute to the stability of
your funding?
8. How did this project help to increase the
security, commitment and competence of your
9. What did your organization learn from this
project about technical, social, political, local
10. How did this project contribute to your
organizational culture by developing shared
knowledge, values and tools?
11. How did this project help to develop a clearer
understanding of what success means to you?
Questions related to enhancing your relations with stakeholders
12. What new knowledge did you gain about endusers and other key stakeholder through this
13. How did this project improve your relations with
local stakeholders?
14. How did this project improve your relations with
national-level stakeholders?
15. How did this project enhance the credibility of
your organization?
16. What competencies were created outside your
organization through this project that are
valuable for you?
17. How did this project help your stakeholders to
understand each other’s positions better?
18. What lasting networks of stakeholders were
created by this project that will endure after the