Constitution and By Laws OF Tukarica Lodge Order of the Arrow Record of Changes 6 Nov 2004 Originally Adopted I. Name and Affiliation Tukarica Lodge is chartered through the Ore-Ida Council of the Boy Scouts of America, and is headquartered in Boise, Idaho. The totem of the Lodge is the cougar or mountain lion, and the name tukarica comes from the Shoshoni, literally meaning sheep-eater. In-Mut-Too-Yah-Lat-Lat Lodge was originally chartered in 1944 as the Thunder City Lodge to the Oregon Idaho Council (later the Ore-Ida Council) with headquarters in Nampa, Idaho. The lodge totem was the Thunderbird or Thunder Eagle. It changed its name in 1959 to In-MutToo-Yah-Lat-Lat, the Nez Perce name for Chief Joseph and literally translates as Thunder coming up over the land from the water. Lemonti Lemooto Lodge 365 was chartered in 1947 to the Mountain View Council, headquartered in Boise, Idaho. Its totem was Mountain Ram. The two councils merged in 1967-68 to form the current Ore-Ida Council with headquarters in Boise, Idaho. The merger became official on January 1, 1968. With the council merger, the two lodges also merged. The lodge retained the lodge number 266 from In-Mut-Too-Yah-LatLat, changing the name of the lodge to Tukarica Lodge. Also See Appendix 4: The Legend of Tukarica. II. Purpose The Lodge is recognized as the organization providing service and effective camp promotion for the Ore-Ida Council. We are committed to quality youth leadership development through a youth-led program; to bringing our Ideals, Traditions, and Spirit to every unit through an active membership at the unit level. All of this we shall accomplish in a spirit of brotherhood and cheerful service. To achieve this we incorporate the purpose of the Order of the Arrow as an integral part of the Ore-Ida Council through positive youth leadership under the guidance of selected capable adults. To recognize those campers—Scout and Scouters—who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives and by such recognition cause other campers to conduct themselves in such manner as to warrant recognition. To develop and maintain camping traditions and spirit. To promote Scout camping, which reaches its greatest effectiveness as a part of the unit's camping program, both year-round and in the summer camp, as directed by the Council Camping Committee. To crystallize the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others III. Lodge Membership (For complete membership requirements of the Order of the Arrow, see the Guide for Officers and Advisers). Registered members in good standing of Tukarica Lodge must: have been inducted into the Order of the Arrow; be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America and the Ore-Ida Council; and have paid lodge dues for the current year. Individuals not meeting requirements #2 and #3 above will be classified as inactive until both requirements are again met. Only members whose dues are current are authorized to wear the lodge flap. As a courtesy, members whose dues are in arrears should remove the lodge flap from their uniform, but may continue to wear the National OA hanging device. Only registered lodge members under the age of twenty-one have the right to vote in any decisions of the Lodge. Absentee or proxy voting is prohibited. Ordeal Membership: Requirements for candidate membership is contained in the current Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers. o Procedures for Ordeal candidate selection, recognition, induction, and ceremonies will be conducted in accordance with national guidelines. o All elections must be conducted by a Lodge or Chapter Election Team. o Candidates must complete the Ordeal induction within one year of their election or selection as a candidate. Brotherhood Membership: Requirements for sealing Brotherhood membership is contained in the current Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers. o Procedures for Brotherhood membership, recognition, induction, and ceremonies will be conducted in accordance with national guidelines. o The Lodge will facilitate brotherhood attainment by conducting classes during Ordeals and other specified functions. Vigil Honor: Selection to the Vigil Honor will be in accordance with the current Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers. o Selection, recognition, induction, and ceremonies will be conducted in accordance with national guidelines. o The Vigil Committee is responsible for the selection, recognition and induction of members to the Vigil Honor (see the Vigil Committee). Membership Transfer Policy: Members of the Order of the Arrow may be official, dues-paying members of only one lodge. Upon transfer from another Council to the Ore-Ida Council, OA members are encouraged to transfer lodge membership upon payment of dues. Transferring Vigil members will be interviewed by the Lodge Adviser; Brotherhood and Ordeal members may continue with their honor level provided they have proof of membership or it is obtainable through their prior lodge affiliation. In unusual circumstances, the Key Three has the authority to use its own discretion to determine acceptable evidence of prior membership. IV. Officers Lodge Chief: The Lodge Chief is a member of the Council Board of Directors as the official representative of the lodge. He is a member of the Lodge Key Three. He attends and chairs all Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) meetings. He is responsible for annual planning, the creation of Lodge goals, objectives, and the Program Plan Book published every Dec 31st. With the concurrence of the Lodge Adviser, he may appoint members to vacant lodge positions and youth committee chairmen. He recruits other Arrowmen to assist the lodge as needed. He is responsible for communicating with and training Chapter Chiefs in their duties and responsibilities. His vote on the Executive Committee is cast solely for the purpose of breaking a tie vote. He promotes lodge, section and national OA events. He may not hold any other chapter or lodge position. Past Lodge Chief: The immediate past Lodge Chief is a member of and attends LEC meetings as a voting member if still under the age of 21. He is chairman of the Lodge Awards Banquet, counselor & mentor to the lodge chief and promotes attendance at lodge activities. He is active in training and has a standing invitation to Key Three meetings. Vice-Chief of Administration: He attends LEC meetings as a voting member and assumes all duties of the lodge chief in his absence. He records and maintains meeting minutes with a concise record of attendance, motions, amendments, and other business. He handles correspondence as directed by the lodge chief. He is the standing Chairman of the Finance Committee and is responsible to turn-over all lodge records to new officers at the end of their term of office. He promotes lodge, section and national OA events. Vice-Chief of Membership: He attends LEC meetings as a voting member and coordinates with the Ceremonies and Dance teams. He receives reports of unit elections from the Chapters and provides training at the April LEC for all Chapter Membership Vice-Chiefs. He is responsible for tracking membership dues and registrations, “active” attendance of members at lodge events and submits a written year-end membership report. He promotes lodge, section and national OA events. Vice-Chief of Publications: He attends LEC meetings as a voting member and gathers articles, pictures and photographs of interest and is Editor for the Lodge. He is responsible for the Cougar Tracks with deadlines of Feb/May/July/Oct before each lodge event. He promotes lodge, section and national OA events. Vice-Chief of Service: He attends LEC meetings as a voting member and assumes all duties of the lodge chief in the event of the absence of the Chief and the Vice-Chief of Administration. He is responsible for lodge service projects and Ordeal work project assignments. He heads the lodge camp promotion program and is a member of and attends meetings of the Council Camping Committee. He is also responsible for maintaining the Where to go Camping book with updates as necessary. He instructs and trains the Chapter Service Vice-Chiefs. Vice-Chief of the Ceremony Team: He is elected by members of the Ceremony Teams and attends LEC meetings as a voting member. He coordinates and reports on lodge ceremonies and is responsible for Downhill Meetings at the Scout Service Center for candidates before each Ordeal. He trains and instructs chapter Ceremony ViceChiefs Vice-Chief of the Dance Team: Elected by members of the Dance Team and attends LEC meetings as a voting member, reporting on Dance Team activities. He is responsible for recruiting new dance team members and maintains their own dance schedule of events. Chapter Officers Chapter Chiefs lead all chapter activities and attends LEC meetings as a voting member. Membership Vice-Chiefs coordinate unit contacts and elections Brotherhood Attainment Vice-Chiefs help candidates and Elangomats learn more Service Vice-Chiefs organize and help complete service projects for units, the chapter, and the lodge Ceremonies Vice-Chiefs work with the ceremonies team V. Election of Officers A. Elections are conducted during the annual business meeting held during the Fall Fellowship each year. The term of office for all lodge and chapter officers, committee chairmen, and other appointments is for a calendar year, ending December 31. The official term of office begins January 1 each year. The current Chief and the newly-elected Chief are encouraged to work together to provide a smooth transition in leadership for the Lodge. Any youth member in good standing is eligible for any elected office of the lodge or chapter, provided that they will not attain the age of 21 during their term of office. A particular honor level of membership is not a requirement for any elected or appointed position. Only registered lodge members in good standing, under the age of twenty-one, have the right to vote in lodge or chapter elections. Voting will be by secret ballot. Sample ballots are included as Appendix 2 of the By Laws. B. Nominations must be in writing, submitted to the Lodge Adviser (or Chapter Adviser for Chapter elections) or their designee. A nominee must be willing to fulfill the duties of the position, and attend the annual Lodge Leadership Development Class in December. Members may be self-nominated or nominated by another youth member in good standing. No second is required for any nomination. However, it is customary to personally ask the person before placing their name in nomination for any position. A member need not be present at the meeting in order to be nominated or elected, but must have informed the Lodge or Chapter Adviser that they are willing to accept the position. The nominating form requires the approval of the nominee’s unit leader, Chapter, or Lodge Adviser. A nominating form is included as Appendix 1 of the By Laws, and shall be posted on the Lodge website. A notice of nominations and elections will be included in the Cougar Tracks, or the mailing of the Fall Fellowship announcement, and will include the positions to be elected, duties of the officers and a nominating petition. The nominating meeting will be chaired by a neutral individual who is not seeking an elected lodge (or chapter) position. Nominations will be accepted first for Chief, and the election for that position will be conducted immediately after nominations for that position are closed. Nominees (or their designee) will be given the opportunity to give a short statement prior to each balloting. Nominations and elections of the Vice-Chiefs will be conducted in the same manner, in the following order: Administration, Membership, Publications, and Service. If there is no nomination for a position, it will be passed over and the Lodge Chief may fill the position by appointment, with the concurrence of the Lodge Adviser. C. Voting: The following voting procedures shall be used for Lodge Officers: 1. After the nominations for a given office are declared closed, each Chapter Chief or designated youth representative, shall poll his delegates who are younger than 21 to determine how they will cast their votes. Such a poll shall be taken before each ballot. 2. Each Chapter represented by at least one youth member may cast 10 votes for each office on all ballots. The Chapter Chief or designated youth representative must cast the 10 votes in proportion to the poll of the delegates (in whole votes, not fractions). The Lodge Chief, in consultation with the Lodge Adviser and/or Scout Executive, has final authority to determine any questions about whether a delegation is officially representing a Chapter at the meeting. Such judgments shall be based on competent authority, such as written or verbal certification by the chapter chief, chapter adviser, or staff adviser. In no case shall adults vote or cast ballots. 3. A nominee must receive a majority (one vote more than fifty percent) of the votes cast on a given ballot to be elected (abstentions do not count as votes cast). Where a majority is not achieved, the nominee(s) receiving the least number of votes is (are) dropped and another ballot is taken. This procedure continues until one nominee achieves a majority and is declared elected, or until two ballots in succession result in tie votes and the balloting is declared deadlocked. 4. When balloting is declared deadlocked, the youth conducting the election (Note: This is the Lodge Chief or a youth appointed by the Lodge Chief and approved by the Lodge Adviser) will announce to the voting delegates that one more ballot will be taken to break the tie and, if another tie results, the winner will be determined by the toss of a coin; the coin will be allowed to hit the ground and will be “called,” in advance by the oldest candidate. 5. Chapter Officers will be elected by the eligible members of the chapter present at the annual business meeting. Each member present is entitled to cast one vote. No absentee or proxy balloting is permitted. The provisions of 3 and 4 above also apply to chapter elections. VI. Committees “Every Arrowman should serve on one or more committees. In this way, all members share responsibility for lodge activities and projects. Lodge officers should not be burdened with all the details of committee meeting and related projects.” (Guide to Officers and Advisers) Committees of the Lodge and chapters are specified and described by the By Laws. VII. Dues, Fees, and Assessments All dues, fees and other assessments are established in the By Laws of this organization. VIII. Lodge Meetings The Lodge shall schedule events and meetings in order to provide the best program for its membership and to meet its goals and obligations to the Council. They shall include, but are not limited to the following events: Spring Banquet Spring Ordeal/Brotherhood Fall Ordeal/Brotherhood Fall Fellowship Lodge Leadership Development Course Special Council and OA Activities All Lodge events will be included in the Council’s Annual Planning Calendar, and care will be taken to avoid conflict with other council, area, regional and national events. Activities may be scheduled, rescheduled, or cancelled by the LEC. A. The Lodge Executive Committee is the primary operating committee of the Lodge and shall meet monthly at a time and place designated by the Key Three of the Lodge. During any month of a scheduled lodge activity, the LEC may meet in conjunction with the activity. An agenda will be e-mailed and/or posted to the Lodge website prior to scheduled meetings. Official minutes will be kept and published of all LEC meetings in which any issue of substantive interest to the membership is decided or discussed. B. The Lodge Key Three assures the proper operation of the Lodge in between LEC or general membership meetings, and in an emergency (i.e. an unforeseen situation, not of a reoccurring nature) they have the authority to act on behalf of the Lodge and its membership. They shall meet prior to LEC meetings and events. Such meetings may be accomplished in person, by telephone, or other method as they find workable. No official minutes of Key Three meetings will be kept. C. Special Meetings of the Key Three may be called by any two of its three members. Special Meetings of the Lodge Executive Committee may be called by the Lodge Chief, with the approval of the Lodge or Staff Adviser. Special Meetings of the Lodge itself may be called by the LEC, with the approval of the Key Three. The Scout Executive may call any of these bodies into special session. IX. Lodge, Chapter and Committee Advisers Each youth holding a leadership position in the Lodge or Chapter should have an adult adviser assigned who is to provide them with advice, direction, and encouragement within the specifics of their position function or as directed by higher authority. They are appointed with the approval of the Scout Executive, and report to the Chapter or Lodge Adviser, as their position dictates. All appointments are for a calendar year, expiring December 31 and may be renewed from year to year. The Lodge Adviser will evaluate the effectiveness of all adult advisers prior to the end of each year, and will discuss the evaluations with the Staff Adviser and Scout Executive during their annual recommendation for appointment process. A. Lodge Adviser a. The Lodge Adviser is appointed by the Scout Executive on an annual basis and serves as a member of the Council Board of Directors. b. They are responsible for submitting a lodge budget each year. c. They interpret Order of the Arrow policy for the Lodge in consultation with the Section Adviser, Area Chairman, and the Lodge Staff Adviser, as needed. d. They advise the lodge officers and LEC in planning and conducting lodge and council events, and works with the Staff Adviser to ensure successful events. They work "behind the scenes" through the Lodge Chief and the LEC. e. They hold no other primary or associate adviser position in the Order of the Arrow during their term. f. They aid in the organization and operations of new chapters, or in the reorganization of merged, dropped, or inactive chapters within the Lodge as requested by the LEC, Key Three, or the Council Scout Executive. g. They assure that the Lodge is operating according to the rules as approved by the Lodge, the Council Board of Directors, and the National OA Committee. h. They report to the Scout Executive on a regular basis. i. They meet and communicate with the Lodge Chief and Lodge Staff Adviser (the Key Three) on a regular basis. j. They meet and communicate with each Chapter Adviser in the Lodge on a regular basis. B. Chapter Advisers Chapter Advisers are appointed by the Lodge Adviser with the concurrence of the Scout Executive, and serve for a calendar year term, expiring December 31 of each year, which may be renewed from year to year. a. They are responsible for submitting a chapter budget each year. b. They advise the chapter officers in planning and conducting chapter, lodge and council events and works with the Chapter Chief and District Executive to ensure successful events. He works "behind the scenes" through the Chapter Chief and the other chapter officers and advisers. c. They aid in the organization and operations of the Chapter, and may provide assistance to other chapters within the Lodge as requested by the LEC, Key Three, or the Council Scout Executive. d. They assure that the Chapter is operating according to the rules as approved by the Lodge, the Council Board of Directors, and the National OA Committee. e. They report to the Lodge Adviser on a regular basis. f. They meet and communicate with the Chapter Chief and District Executive (the Chapter Key Three) on a regular basis, holding Key Three Meetings at least quarterly. g. They meet and communicate with the various chapter and committee advisers on a regular basis. C. Other Lodge, Chapter and Committee Advisers The Lodge Adviser, with the concurrence of the Scout Executive, may appoint Associate Advisers, committee, and other advisers as necessary for the proper operation of the Lodge. Their duties are assigned by, and they report to the Lodge Adviser, or other appropriate adviser as assigned. Chapter Advisers, with the concurrence of the Lodge Adviser and Scout Executive may appoint Associate Advisers and committee advisers as necessary for the proper operation of the Chapter. Their duties are assigned by, and they report to the Chapter Adviser, or other appropriate adviser as assigned. X. Publications A. Cougar Tracks: The Lodge shall publish a newsletter at least five times each year (prior to lodge activities), and at other times as may become necessary. It will be mailed to all members of the Lodge. The name of this newsletter will be “The Cougar Tracks.” Its purpose is to communicate with the membership about up-coming events, and will contain a list of officers and advisers, informative articles, membership and registration information, solicitation of officer’s nominations, and other information as appropriate. B. Plan Book: The Lodge Executive Committee is responsible for publishing a Lodge Plan Book annually. This is to be published by in-coming officers by the Fall Fellowship. It will be mailed to all members with a membership renewal letter. C. Where to Go Camping: The Lodge will publish a Where to Go Camping Book, or a supplement to an existing publication. This publication may be in paper or electronic format, and will be distributed annually with other camp promotion information to all Troops and Teams within the council. D. Lodge website: The lodge will maintain a website in accordance with BSA and OA standards and rules. Its purpose is to allow easier access to information about the OA in general, and the Lodge, in particular. XI. Amendments This Constitution may be amended by a three-quarters affirmative vote at any regular meeting of the Lodge Executive Committee, provided that the amendment had been submitted, in writing, and a first reading and discussion took place during the previous regularly-scheduled meeting; or, They may be amended by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the general membership at the annual business meeting, provided that the amendment was submitted to the LEC, in writing, and in sufficient time for notice to be published in the preceding issue of the Cougar Tracks. XII. Severability and Authority Nothing in this Constitution and By Laws may conflict with the national policy of the Boy Scouts of America or the Order of the Arrow. In any such event, national policy automatically supersedes. This Constitution is adopted under authority granted by the charter issued by the Boy Scouts of America and the National Order of the Arrow Committee. By Laws 1. Lodge Insignia A. Lodge members may purchase an unlimited number of general-issue lodge flaps. Special patches and flaps for service and awards may be limited by the LEC for specific purposes (e.g. the annual attendance flaps). Special event patches and flaps (e.g. NOAC, Jamboree, etc.) may have a restricted release to non-contingent members. B. General-issue lodge patches and flaps may be worn by any member of the Lodge in good standing. Standard issue membership lodge flaps have color-coded borders; Ordeal – black bordered, Brotherhood – red bordered, Vigil – white bordered. Members may generally purchase these flaps, but may only wear the flap associated with their membership. C. Specific event patches and flaps may generally be purchased by any member of the lodge, but worn only by contingent members or those in attendance at the event. Contingent members may be offered special discounted rates on specific event patches, flaps, and other memorabilia. D. Discounted rates are offered to all members during official lodge functions while shopping at the Lodge Trading Post. E. Patches, flaps and other lodge memorabilia, excess to the needs of the Lodge, may be offered for sale to non-members and collectors outside of the Lodge. F. Pricing, discounts, and specials for all patches, flaps, and other trading post items are established by the Trading Post Adviser, in consultation with the LEC. 2. Meeting Rules All meetings of the Lodge and chapters shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised (see By Laws Appendix 3). 3. Quorum Unless otherwise provided herein, the Lodge Executive Committee requires a quorum of five voting members to conduct the business of the Lodge at any regularly scheduled or special meeting, except that fewer may adjourn until a specific time. Unless otherwise provided herein, the annual or any special meeting of the Lodge requires a quorum of twenty-one voting members to conduct business, except that fewer may adjourn until a specific time. 4. Dues, Fees, and Assessments a. Annual Membership Dues are $8.00 per member, payable by December 1 each year. The membership year begins December 1 of each year. One dollar is credited annually to the various chapter budgets (when submitted) for each member in good standing of the chapter. Dues may be paid annually or for a 3-year or 5-year period. Dues paid in advance are not refundable. However, an Arrowman who transfers, and provides proof of membership in another lodge, may request a rebate of unused dues in increments of a full year. A dues renewal notice will be mailed to each member prior to December 1. A member whose dues are not paid by the Spring Banquet will be considered delinquent, and such delinquent members retain no rights of membership until dues are paid. A delinquent dues notice will be sent to each delinquent member following the spring banquet. b. Dues increases must first be proposed by the Lodge Key Three and approved by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the Lodge Executive Committee, and may take affect no earlier than December 1st. Members who have paid dues in advance (3 or 5 year program) will be considered members in good standing and any dues increase will not become effective until their regular renewal date. c. Ordeal Induction Fees are $36.00, which covers the cost of food, a Lodge Flap, a Tukarica Lodge Medallion, the Order of the Arrow Handbook, Ordeal Sash, a Hanging Arrow Pin, BSA Insurance, a New Member Booklet, and Lodge dues paid through December 1st. d. Brotherhood Induction Fees are $28 and include everything above except dues, the hanging pin, booklet and OA Handbook. e. Vigil Induction Fees, by virtue of the honor bestowed upon the member, are paid by the Lodge and include the Vigil Sash, card and certificate. f. Event Fees are established in the annual budget. 5. Committees a. Lodge Executive Committee (LEC): Membership of the Lodge Executive Committee consists of youth serving as lodge officers, including the immediate past lodge chief, chapter chiefs, and the youth lodge committee chairmen. Voting members of the LEC are the elected lodge officers and Chapter Chiefs under the age of 21. Adult members of the committee are the Lodge Adviser, Staff Adviser, the Scout Executive, Chapter Advisers, Associate Advisers, Committee Advisers and the Chairman of the Council Camping Committee. The LEC is also responsible for the Annual Lodge Plan Book and conducting the Lodge Leadership Development Course (LLDC) the first Saturday of December. They will promote and recruit for national and regional training sessions such as National Leadership Seminars (NLS), National Lodge Adviser Training Seminar (NLATS), and Section Conclave classes. The LEC, upon the recommendation of the Key Three, may create additional committees and commensurate duties as may be necessary for the proper functioning of the lodge. b. Awards Committee: Chaired by the immediate past Lodge Chief, the committee will meet at the Fall Fellowship to help establish the awards and program for the Spring Banquet. The Committee will be responsible for a budget for which the estimate should be within $500.00 of breaking even. c. Finance Committee: Recommends an annual budget, which is due prior to the December LLDC each year. As per the National Lodge Budget and Financial Records booklet, the committee should: a. Request estimates and forecasts for events, committees, and chapter needs. b. Draft a Budget c. Obtain a Key Three review d. Obtain LEC approval e. Create a record book for the next fiscal year Budget Addendums may be made through the Finance Committee or Key Three. d. e. f. g. The Lodge, chapters, and committees are to submit budget items to this committee no later than the Fall Fellowship. This committee also issues regular finance reports and is headed by the Lodge Vice-Chief of Administration; the Lodge Adviser will appoint the Committee Adviser. Others may be appointed as necessary by the Key Three. Membership Committee: Made up of Membership and Brotherhood Attainment Vice-Chief from each chapter, the meeting is led by the Lodge Membership ViceChief. They meet annually at the April LEC for training, election information, and Elangomat assignments. The committee also meets before each Ordeal to send out letters to Ordeal and Brotherhood candidates. The Unit Elections Committee is also part of this Committee. Service Committee: Suggests projects, obtains necessary approval, and makes complete plans for getting the work done. This committee works with the Council Camping Committee, Property Committee, Camp Ranger and Camp Director. One project of this committee is the Where to Go Camping CD annual update. This committee is made up of chapter service Vice-Chiefs and members at large. The committee is chaired by the Lodge Service Vice-Chief who also coordinates with the Food Service Committee, Ceremonies Vice-Chief and Dance Team Vice-Chief. Lodge Heritage and Memorabilia Committee: Chaired by the Lodge Historian (if appointed). Teaches scouts and scouters the history and heritage of the Lodge, and about the hobby of collecting. They are the “keepers of the flame” for Lodge history and memorabilia. This committee has the task of tracking all past officers, Founder’s Award recipients, and Vigil members; maintaining those records up-to-date in the Lodge Planning Book each year. This committee will also help in creating a photo album at the end of each year. Ceremony and Dance Teams: Open to all lodge members, these teams are a primary arm in promoting the Lodge within the Council through Crossing Ceremonies, Arrow of Light Ceremonies, Dances, and Eagle Ceremonies. The teams meet regularly and have other functions such as competitions and Ordeal h. i. j. k. ceremonies. They may be established and organized as separate Scouting units, with charter organizations outside of the lodge structure. Food Service Committee: Helps at each lodge event and assists youths in learning to create menus, procure food and produce, and prepare great food for large gatherings. Publications Committee: Publicizes the LEC notes, the Trail Points articles, the Cougar Tracks before each lodge event, and other letters or mailings of information as may become necessary. The Publications Committee will work to provide photographs, articles, interviews, and promotions that are newsworthy for the Lodge membership. The photographs collected will be used at the annual banquet and then given to the Lodge Heritage and Memorabilia Committee for possible inclusion in a Lodge scrapbook. This committee prepares newsletters, maintains the official Lodge website, organizes and operates the network of OA Troop/Team Representative to keep units informed. This committee meets 5 times a year, one month before each lodge event, to prepare the mailings. Vigil Committee: The Vigil Committee will function in accordance with the current rules of the Order of the Arrow, contained in the Order of the Arrow Handbook, and Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers, including any revisions by the national office. The committee is responsible for the nomination and election of members to the Vigil Honor, and will oversee all Vigil ceremonies. The committee is responsible for maintaining the historical list of Vigil Honor members for the lodge. Founder’s Committee: The Founder’s Committee is responsible for reviewing lodge membership rolls annually to select eligible members for nomination for the Founder’s Award. Selection will be in accordance with the current guidelines of the Order of the Arrow, contained in the Order of the Arrow Handbook, and Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers, including any revisions by the national office. 6. Finance Policies for the Lodge: a. The Lodge and Chapters will use the national form, Lodge Money Earning Application for any fundraising outside of normal Trading Post activities. b. The Lodge will use the national Lodge Budget Worksheet for its annual report to the Council Board of Directors. c. The Vice-Chief of Administration will maintain an inventory of all lodge and chapter properties, using the Inventory of Lodge Property form, which will also be a part of the annual report to the Council Board of Directors. All property is owned by the legal entity, Ore-Ida Council, Inc., an Idaho corporation, and its use is at the sole discretion of the Council. d. The Vice-Chief of Administration, in conjunction with the Finance Committee will keep a record of annual income and expenditures (see the Lodge Budget and Financial Records booklet) and provide a report of the lodge custodial account balance at all LEC meetings. 7. Council Financial Support The Order of the Arrow urges its membership to support the financial goals of the Boy Scouts of America, as well as the Ore-Ida Council. There are many opportunities for giving, both individually and as an organization. James E. West Endowment: The Tukarica Lodge has traditionally provided a James E. West Endowment each year in the name of the outgoing Lodge Chief, or other deserving individual(s). Friends of Scouting: Lodge members are encouraged to give to the Friends of Scouting Campaign. Gifts in kind: The Lodge has donated many things to the Council in the past, such as a portable sound system, camp projects, video recorders and televisions for the Council, flagpoles, and other gifts. Grants - Camperships and Scoutreach funding: “Many Lodges hold an annual social affair to which members’ friends and family, or the community at large, are invited. These functions often serve as a means of raising fund to provide camp scholarships or for other worthwhile lodge projects. Typical events include hayrides, fish fries, annual banquets, winter carnivals, canoe trips, barbecues, and winter campouts” (GOA 2002, p. 9). 8. Calendar A Lodge Calendar will be published each year, incorporated into the Council Planning Calendar, the Cougar Tracks, and the Lodge webpage. The Calendar will include, but is not limited to the following, relevant information for the membership. Lodge Executive Committee Meetings Spring Banquet Spring Ordeal/Brotherhood N.O.A.C. (when scheduled) Fall Ordeal/Brotherhood W1C Section Conclave Fall Fellowship National Leadership Seminar (NLS) Lodge Leadership Development Course Special Council and OA Activities 9. Special Activity Award The Lodge will present an appropriate award to Arrowmen who attend all five Lodge events during a calendar year. An Arrowman attending a national, section, or regional event during the year, may substitute it for no more than one of the five lodge events. 10. American Indian Outfits The wearing of Native American outfits or regalia is encouraged when worn properly, and in accordance with national OA rules. The Dance and Ceremony Teams will determine the appropriateness of regalia worn by their members. The Vice-Chiefs and Advisers of the two teams will determine the appropriateness of other outfits or regalia at Lodge functions, with the LEC having final disposition on any questions. 11. Amendment Unless otherwise provided herein, these By Laws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote at any regular meeting of the Lodge Executive Committee, provided that the amendment had been submitted, in writing, and a first reading and discussion took place during the previous regularly-scheduled meeting; or, They may be amended by a majority vote of the general membership at the annual business meeting, provided that the amendment was submitted to the LEC, in writing, and in sufficient time for notice to be published in the preceding issue of the Cougar Tracks. Appendix 1: Nominating Petition Official Nominating Petition This is the official nominating petition for Tukarica Lodge, and must be completed and submitted for the approval of the Lodge Adviser or their designee prior to nomination for office (or Chapter Adviser for Chapter officers). Nominating petitions may be submitted beginning October 1 of each year. The Adviser may require an interview to ascertain the qualifications of the nominee. This petition may be submitted by a candidate or any other member in good standing in the Lodge. If submitted by a member other than the candidate, the petition must be countersigned by the candidate to acknowledge his agreement to serve in the position. This form is also available on the Lodge webpage. Please print or type in a legible manner. Nomination I nominate ____________________________________________ as a candidate for the position(s) indicated below in Tukarica Lodge or the Chapter indicated. ______________________________________________________ Date ________________ Name of Arrowman submitting this nomination Check each position for which you are submitting a nomination for this member. Lodge Chief Lodge Vice-Chief of Administration Lodge Vice-Chief of Membership Lodge Vice-Chief of Publications Lodge Vice-Chief of Service Lodge Vice-Chief of the Treasury Chapter Chief of the ___________________________________ Chapter Chapter Vice-Chief of Administration Chapter Vice-Chief of Membership Chapter Vice-Chief of Brotherhood Attainment Chapter Vice-Chief of Service Nominee’s Acceptance I accept nomination to the position(s) marked above in the belief that I am willing and able to make the commitment in order to satisfactorily discharge the duties of the office should I be elected to it. I have read the duties and discussed any questions with the appropriate adviser. ______________________________________________ ________________ Nominee’s Signature Date Approval I attest that the Arrowman nominated for the position(s) above sets a good example of a youth leader, living up to the Scout Oath and Law in his everyday life. They have my support to serve as an officer of the Order of the Arrow. ______________________________________________ Signature of Unit Leader, Chapter or Lodge Adviser _________________ Date Lodge or Chapter Review I certify that the above Scout meets all of the requirements for holding office in the Lodge or Chapter positions for which he was nominated. I am satisfied that the nominee is fully aware of the responsibilities of the position he seeks and will serve well in that capacity. ______________________________________________ _________________ Signature of the Chapter or Lodge Adviser Date Appendix 2: Sample Ballots Lodge Ballot By casting this vote, I certify that I represent the members of my chapter under the age of 21 who are members in good standing of the Tukarica Lodge. Each Chapter has 10 votes, which are apportioned in whole votes to candidates in accordance with the polling of chapter delegates. Blank or illegible ballots will not be recorded. This ballot is cast by _________________ for the position of (please check the box next to the correct office) (Write Chapter or District name here) Lodge Chief Lodge Vice-Chief of Administration Lodge Vice-Chief of Membership Lodge Vice-Chief of Publications Lodge Vice-Chief of Service Lodge Vice-Chief of the Treasury Clearly Print the name and the number of votes for each nominee on the lines below. The total number of votes may not add up to more than 10. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Ballot By casting this vote, I certify that I am under the age of 21 and a member in good standing of the Tukarica Lodge and the appropriate Chapter. Every effort will be made to record your ballot properly. However, blank or illegible ballots will not be recorded. This ballot is cast for the position of (please check the box next to the correct office) Chapter Chief Chapter Vice-Chief of Administration Chapter Vice-Chief of Membership Chapter Vice-Chief of Brotherhood Attainment Chapter Vice-Chief of Service Clearly Print the name of the nominee to receive your vote on the line below: _______________________________________________________________________ Appendix 3: Quick Guide to Parliamentary Procedure for Meetings May you interrupt the speaker? Do you need a second? Is it debatable? Can it be Amended What vote is needed? Can it be Reconsidered? Quick Guide to Parliamentary Procedure* Adjourn the meeting I move that we adjourn N Y N N majority N Call for an intermission I move that we recess for… N Y N Y majority N Complain about heat, noise, etc. I rise to a question of privilege Y N N N No Vote N (usually) Suspend further consideration of an issue I move to table the motion N Y N N majority N End debate and amendments I move the previous question N Y N N 2/3 N Postpone discussion for a certain time I move to postpone the discussion until… N Y Y Y majority Y Give closer study of something I move to refer the matter to committee N Y Y Y majority Y Amend a motion I move to amend the motion by… N Y Y Y majority Y Introduce business (make a motion) I move that… N Y Y Y majority Y Y N N N No Vote N To Do This: You Say This: Protest a breach of rules or conduct I rise to a point of Order Suspend rules temporarily I move to suspend the rules so that… N Y N N 2/3 N Avoid considering an improper matter I object to consideration of this motion Y N N N 2/3 ~ Request information Point of Information Y N N N No Vote N Take up a matter previously tabled I move to take from the table… N Y N N majority N Reconsider an action already taken I move to reconsider the vote on… Y Y ~ N majority N * This is intended as a quick reference guide and is not intended to replace Robert’s Rules of Order (Newly Revised), which should be used for more information. Appendix 4: The Legend of Tukarica The Legend of Tukarica One day the Thunder Eagle, Mut-Too-Yah-Lat-Lat, was flying high over the mountains when he spotted the Mountain Ram, Lemonti Lemooto, being stalked by a Mountain Lion. As the Thunder Eagle and the Ram were brothers of the Arrow, the Eagle swooped down from the sky to warn his brother. Before the warning could be given, the Lion attacked and severely wounded the Mountain Ram just as the Eagle arrived to stop the attack. The Mountain Lion was so surprised by the intervention of the Thunder Eagle, that he let the Ram live and moved off to a small clump of trees to see what would happen next. The Thunder Eagle tried to help his brother the Mountain Ram but the Ram was too weak and would surely die. The Lion thought, "Why should these two be such good friends?" He made up his mind to get closer and find the answer. Carefully he crept towards the Thunder Eagle and his wounded comrade. As the Thunder Eagle sensed the approach of the Lion he made up his mind to defend his brother with his life, if need be. Now, being wise and having council with his Elders often, the Thunder Eagle, Mut-Too-Yah-Lat-Lat, turned to meet his foe. The Lion was crouched and ready to fight, but the Eagle said, "Mighty Mountain Lion, why have you attacked my brother; what has he done to deserve this?" The Lion, expecting a fight, was again surprised by the actions of the Eagle. As the Thunder Eagle stood his ground calmly, yet with firmness, the Lion said, "In order for me to live here in these mountains alone, I must hunt those that I can catch to prove my mighty strength, to show all that I must be respected, or I shall surely perish." "To me," said the Eagle, "it shows that you are alone and in need of comradeship and a purpose in life. This Mountain Ram, called Lemonti Lemooto, and I have been brothers for many years. We are those who practice service to others and we are a part of the Brotherhood of the Arrow, which teaches us the way to a higher goal in this life. I will not let you hurt my brother Lemonti Lemooto, further, but I fear that he is too weak to go on with his duties. What are you going to do about the void you have surely made?" "I knew not of your brotherhood," said the Lion, "but wish to do that which is right. Your words of wisdom are true. I am in need of comradeship if I am to grow in this life. Will you take me to your Elders so I might join with you in your quest for service to others?" "No!" said the Thunder Eagle, "It is not for me to say you may join. You must be chosen by those with whom you live and work." At this the Mountain Lion jumped to a high rock and spoke to the wind. "Carry this message to the mountains and the plains, I Tukarica (the sheep eater), wish to undo the deed I have done. Tell me how I may do this. Soon the wind began to bring the answer. "You must join with the Thunder Eagle and Mountain Ram to form one strong being to do the work of all three. In this union you will have the wisdom of the Thunder Eagle, Mut-Too-Yah-Lat-Lat; the sure footedness and gentleness of the Mountain Ram, Lemonti Lemooto; strength and courage to go on will come from you Tukarica. The Eagle and the Ram said, "Yes, let us join to make the strongest brotherhood there is, and because you have chosen to join, we will be called Tukarica (the sheep eater) to remind us of what this great day has meant to our Brotherhood of the Arrow. We will soar straight and true as the arrow in our service to others." And from that day to this, the mighty Tukarica has served those of the mountains and the plains of this, our land. Appendix 5: Code of Conduct CODE OF CONDUCT 1. All participants must register with the Council and pay the appropriate fees for all events. 2. Unless otherwise authorized by the Lodge Adviser, all youth members will camp in the designated campsite with their chapter, or the area specified by their elangomat. 3. All members will attend the ceremonies appropriate for their honor level unless excused for reason, i.e. kitchen duty, etc. Appropriate Native American outfits are encouraged if you have them. 4. All members will observe ordeal candidate rules when in the vicinity of candidates. 5. All members and candidates will be treated with dignity and respect at all times. 6. The field uniform with OA sash will be worn for all meals except during activities or work projects. 7. All members are expected to attend flag ceremonies. During Ordeal, Saturday morning’s ceremony will be conducted in silence since candidates will be present. 8. Vehicles are restricted to the designated parking areas except for loading and unloading. Private vehicles may be allowed in other areas of the camp for work projects only as directed by those assigning the projects. Except to meet reasonable accommodation requirements of Federal and State law, vehicles will not be used for travel to any ceremonies or other functions while in camp. 9. All members are expected to work on during work or service projects. Meet in the dining hall after ordeal flag ceremony for assignments. 10. No firearms (except ceremonial), illegal drugs or alcohol are allowed at BSA functions or on BSA property. 11. All members are expected to live up to the ideals of the Scout Oath and Law at all times. 12. It is the duty of all Arrowmen to take corrective action if any of these rules are not being followed or candidates are not observing candidate rules. 13. Everyone needs adequate rest so please observe quiet hours beginning at midnight or other designated hours. 14. Dogs and pets are not allowed in camp. If parents, or those providing transportation, bring a dog or dogs, they must remain QUIETLY in the vehicle, not on a leash outside. Please help us comply. 15. Members only: If you bring your RV, trailer, camper etc., please remember one of the purposes of the OA is to promote camping. Refer to item #2. There will be no tent camping in areas designated for RV's. 16. Violation of this Code of Conduct may result in expulsion.