How Rap Music Affect Peoples

Jonathan Wright
2nd Block
October 11, 2012
How Rap Music Affect Peoples
Rap music is a popular form of entertainment and expression among American
teenagers. Many people argue if rap music is positive or negative. Some any argue rap
music should be banned, while others hold it is a freedom of choice. Studies have been
conducted to asses the effects of listening to rap music on teenagers and young adults.
Findings and opinions are mixed, but overall they a direct link between rap music and
aggressive or deviant behaviors cannot be established. Some people believe that rap
music has had considerable influence on children and teenagers, most of which has been
negative. (Copley) They claim that the lyrics are often violent and especially insulting to
women. Many people they say rap has contributed to aggression among young people
and to behavior that disrespect women. Others argue that rap music is a creative
expression for many young people and that violent behavior cannot be directly linked to
rap music. (Rap: the Musical Controversy) Regardless of which side of the argument one
takes, it cannot be denied that rap music is prominent and influential in American culture,
and as with all things may have positive and negative effects.
Unfortunately rap music is not perceived by many Americans as an art form, but
as a fad which they hope will hope will soon fade away. In a world in which people are
constantly confronted with violent acts such as rape, assault, murder, school shootings,
and other violence’s, society is eager and anxious to find and remove all causes of these
cultural ills. American Heritage Dictionary, rap music is defined as a style of music
associated with urban street gangs and characterized by violent, tough talking, often
misogynistic lyrics. (American Heritage Dictionary) Some would say that rap music is
the common entertainment to blame for violence in today’s youth.
Music has shown to markedly improve the learning abilities of young children.
Rap music is truly an American minority artist Creation of which students need to be
proud. Rap is influenced and inspired by other types of music. (Serpmedia) Rap music
has become the most popular type of music in the U.S. Rap music can give people
entertainment and can also tell a story in someone’s life. Popularity of Run DMC rap had
crossed over on the music charts and radio stations all over the world. (The Origination of
Rap) Rap music was about having fun, being able to express what youth were feeling and
a way to keep youth out of trouble. There are many youth that find rap music an
exceptional source of entertainment. However rap music has changed dramatically in the
past 30 years.
The issue of rap music’s so called negative effect on teenagers as well as young
adults has become more serious in recent years. There are studies that can to a certain
degree link crime or negative activities to rap music. One study found that young subjects
who watched violent rap videos were more accepting of violent actions particularly
against women. Additionally those who watched either violent or nonviolent rap videos
were more inclined to express materialistic attitudes and favor potentially acquiring
possession through crime, as well as holding more negative views on the likelihood of
succeeding through academic pursuits. Another study found that adolescent females, after
watching rap videos depicting women in sexually subordinate roles, were more inclined
to express acceptance of violence against women in a dating situation. However,
increased acceptance of crime and violence appears to be linked with viewing violent or
sexist rap videos rather than listening to rap music on its own. (Copley)
Denise Herd’s article explores the role of changing images of violence in rap
music lyrics from the 1970s to the 1990s. The results indicate that there has been a
dramatic and sustained increase in the level of violence in rap music. Young men who
had previous exposure to rap music were the subject of an experiment in which
researchers had one group listen to rap music with lyrics. Another group listened to rap
music with lyrics, and the third group neither listen to the music nor read the lyrics. After
the exposure, none of the subjects held more negative attitudes toward women, but those
who read and heard the lyrics were more inclined to express adversarial sexual beliefs.
Supporters of rap music say the songs demonstrate a different face of American
culture than the one we usually see on television or in newspapers. They think it’s
important for rappers voices to be heard. Other people argue that some individuals who
listen to rap were probably violent before ever hearing this type of music. Thus rap music
cannot be blamed for violent actions. Writers of rap lyrics often say their lyrics express
their anger but the lyrics do not make them angrier. Some actually argue that being able
to express themselves through rap lyrics is therapeutic. Still others say that rap is a form
of creative expression this generation’s poetry. (Rap: The Musical Controversy)
People argue if rules should be enforced to prevent rap artists from talking about
violence, especially violence against women? (Rap: The Musical Controversy) However
some parents are worried about the messages conveyed by rap music and asked the music
industry to label CDs with a warning. Many rap music that has no place in a free society.
Yes, rap music does affect people. As most rap songs are about money, drugs,
girls, club, and whatnot, it can affect one to want to do things involving those things.
However, not all rap songs affect people in that way. Some rap songs aren’t about those
things, which songs, that don’t are more likely to not really affect people. The rap genre
in and of itself is too young to have had a lasting effect, though its imagery is everyday in
the cultural interactions of young people. When taking in to consideration the effects of
rap music, one should ask when the questions originated and the validity of the
statements, while also acknowledging that the effects are not always negatives in nature.
Even though there is no direct correlation between rap music and the crimes or
mischievous behaviors of teenagers, the physiological effect it has on them has been
proven to be negative. (Copley) Many people continue to hold the belief that the blame
cannot be placed on rap music and videos but instead deeper causes of problems with the
violent teenagers should be evaluated and treated.