Not r e Dame S en io r Schoo l (A foundation of the Company of Mary Our Lady) Burwood House Cobham Surrey KT11 1HA Telephone: (01932) 869990 Fax: (01932) 589481 e-mail: Headmistress: Mrs Bridget Williams, M.A., N.P.Q.H., B.Ed. (Oxon) APPOINTMENT OF HEAD OF INFORMATION CENTRE TECHNOLOGY (ICT) SEPTEMBER 2011 JOB DESCRIPTION Notre Dame Senior School is a Roman Catholic Independent day school for 390 girls aged 11-18. The Headmistress is a member of GSA and CISC (Catholic Independent Schools Conference). Mrs Williams, the Head of the Senior School, was appointed in September 2003. Notre Dame, Cobham was established in 1937 by the Sisters of the Order of the Company of Mary. The Company of Mary was founded in France in the 17th century by St Jeanne de Lestonnac and has over 300 educational establishments throughout the world. Notre Dame Preparatory School occupies the same site but has a separate Head and Senior Management Team. The two schools work together with a common Financial Controller and Board of Governors and most of the girls progress from our Prep School to Senior School. The Sisters of the Company of Mary continue to play a very important role in the pastoral life of the school ensuring that the ethos is maintained. The facilities which the School offers are beneficial to the ICT curriculum. The department is well resourced with equipment and support provision. ICT has a high profile within the school. It is taught throughout from Year 7 to Upper Sixth. The ICT Department aims to create a culture of interest and enthusiasm for the subject, to provide real experiences of the subject through fieldwork activities and to create enquiring minds. ICT is a popular option at GCSE. GCSE AQA GCSE is currently taught in Year 10 and Year 11. One controlled assessment is planned for the Spring Term in Year 10 and one in Year 11. Registered Charity No: 1081875 www. Currently the ICT Department has one full-time and two part-time members of staff. This position would suit someone looking for a first appointment as HOD although more experienced teachers may wish to apply. PERSONAL QUALITIES The successful applicant should encourage pupils to strive for the very highest standards, whilst building up their self-confidence through a teamwork approach. Excellent communication skills, teamwork, flexibility and leadership qualities are essential. The successful applicant will work closely with other Heads of Departments as well as the subject leader for ICT in the Preparatory School. The successful applicant will also be expected to play an active part in the pastoral care of girls through his/her position as Head of ICT, showing qualities such as empathy, compassion and sensitivity to all. Registered Charity No: 1081875 www. MAIN DUTIES OF HEAD OF ICT JOB PURPOSE To provide professional leadership and management for ICT to GCSE and A2 level, within the school to secure high quality teaching, effective use of resources and the highest standards of learning and achievement for all pupils. OBJECTIVES To ensure pupil entitlement to a broad and challenging curriculum, taking into account the requirements of the national curriculum To ensure high standards of pupil achievement at all levels To foster enjoyment and satisfaction in the study of ICT by pupils To enhance the teaching of the subject PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITY AREAS A B C D Strategic direction of the subject(s) Teaching, learning and the curriculum Leading and managing staff Managing Resources KEY TASKS A1 A2 A3 To establish a vision and development plans for the ICT Department in respect of pupils of all ages and abilities To establish, develop and implement policy and schemes of work for ICT in accordance with school policy, and taking into account the requirements of the national curriculum, recent inspection findings and research evidence To monitor and evaluate the effects of subject policies and plans, establishing clear targets for improving and sustaining pupil achievement A4 A5 To contribute to whole school policy making through Heads of Departments meetings To participate willingly and lead the ICT Department contribution in a range of school functions and Open Days B1 B2 To lead the teaching of ICT by example To set expectations for the work of all staff involved in the teaching of ICT and to take action to secure improvements where necessary To monitor and evaluate progress and achievements in ICT by all pupils, analysing data in line with school policies To enhance the learning experience of pupils by arranging visits, lectures or other curriculumenhancing activities as appropriate, and in accordance with school policies To keep up to date with all aspects of curriculum development To develop cross-curricular links as appropriate B3 B4 B5 B6 C1 To develop effective working relationships with all members of the department, support staff, parents, senior managers and governors C2 C3 To provide induction and support for new staff To provide clear direction and support in cases of disciplinary problems Registered Charity No: 1081875 www. C4 C5 C6 To participate in the professional development and review of staff as required by school policy To lead professional development in ICT To arrange for all members of the department to be aware of academic developments in the subject D1 D2 To participate in the deployment of staff involved in the teaching of ICT To establish, maintain and develop appropriate resources for the teaching of ICT and the provision of a stimulating learning environment To ensure the effective and efficient management and organisation of learning resources including information technology To manage the financial resources allocated to the ICT Department effectively and efficiently To apply rules appertaining to the health and safety of those engaged in the work of the department; to include the writing of the ICT Department Health and Safety Policy, observance of regulation and to ensure the safe storage of chemicals and equipment D3 D4 D5 Application Forms together with the names and addresses of at least two referees, should reach the Headmistress by Tuesday, 8 March 2011 at 12 Noon. The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Notre Dame School operates its own pay scale and the salary offered will reflect the seniority of the post. There is also a staff School fees remission Scheme. Notre Dame participates in the Teachers’ Pension Scheme. The appointment will be subject to a medical examination at the expense of the School. Sept 2011 Registered Charity No: 1081875 www.