Date: ________________ Name/Pd.: _____________________________________ Vocabulary Quiz ~ Unit 6 (30pts.) DIRECTIONS: Using the word bank below, fill in the following blanks. Each word is only used once. ANAMOLUS ASPERSION BIZARRE BRUSQUE CAJOLE CASTIGATE CONTRIVE DEMAGOGUE DISABUSE ENNUI FETTER HEINOUS IMMUTABLE INSURGENT MEGALOMANIA SINECURE SURREPITITOUS TRANSGRESS TRANSMUTE VICARIOUS Synonyms & Antonyms: 1. Synonym: to mock, treat with contempt, snicker/sneer at ________________________ 2. Synonym: funeral, extremely gloomy, doleful ________________________ 3. Synonym: a warning or caution to discourage a behavior ________________________ 4. Synonym: self-evident, a universally accepted principal ________________________ 5. Synonym: a rule of conduct or action, principle ________________________ 6. Synonym: a general pardon, forgiveness ________________________ 7. Synonym: dull, uninteresting, lifeless & colorless ________________________ 8. Synonym: bulky, clumsy, impractical, not easily carried ________________________ 9. Synonym: self-government, political control ________________________ 10.Synonym: steal, swipe, take, rob ________________________ 11.Antonym: tangle, enmesh, trap ________________________ 12.Antonym: hide, conceal cover up ________________________ 13.Antonym: a godsend, a blessing, a source of reward ________________________ 14.Antonym: stimulant/stimulating, create energy ________________________ 15.Antonym: loose, permissive, ignores moral standards ________________________ 16.Antonym: docile, cooperative, predictable ________________________ 17.Antonym: permanent, immoral, imperishable ________________________ 18.Antonym: bland, mild, helpful ________________________ 19.Antonym: unjust, one-sided, unfair ________________________ 20.Antonym: detrimental, unhealthy, unbeneficial ________________________ Fill In The Blank: DIRECTIONS: Using the word bank below, fill in the following blanks. Each word is only used once. AMNESTY AUTONOMY AXIOMATIC BLAZON CAVEAT FILCH FRACTIOUS SEPULCHRAL SOPORIFIC STRAITLACED 11. What hurt my feelings was not so much his refusal to give me a job as the ___________________________ way in which he told me, screaming “NO!” 12. Although she is well into middle age, my Aunt Sally seems unable to __________________________ herself of the idea that she is still a teenager. 13. Have you ever heard of anything as __________________________ and totally “outlandish” as an experimental technique to test the intelligence of cows?! 14. An __________________________ group at the convention refused to (except / accept) the choices of the regular party leaders. *(Circle the correct form of “accept/except” in the sentence for bonus.) 15. He may have kept within the letter of the law, but there is no doubt that he has __________________________ the accepted moral code. 16. For ancient Romans, fleeing from the battlefield was the most __________________________ act of cowardice a soldier could commit. 17. A favorite ploy of the __________________________ is to appoint a convenient scapegoat (person to blame) upon whom a misguided populace can vent its anger. 18. By casting __________________________ on the ability and character of others, you reveal the misgivings you have about yourself. 19. I cannot understand how she was able to __________________________ a meeting between two people who had refused to have anything to do with each other. 20. The President complained that the government bureaucracy was hobbling his programs with __________________________ of red tape. Bonus Section We will soon be studying the tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. In the tradition of the Vowel-less Knights, you must try to decode the messages by adding in the missing vowels (A, E, I, O, U, and Y). Hint 1: All of the statements have to deal with the issue of war. Hint 2: Words made up of all vowels must be added as well. Ex. you, a 1. 2. f cnnt smltnsl knw prvnt nthr th nm nr nd prpr fr wr. rslf, wll sccmb n vr bttl. __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Wr s rgrdd s nthng bt th cntntn f stt plc wth thr mns. __________________________________________________________________________________ Bonus Section We will soon be studying the tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. In the tradition of the Vowel-less Knights, you must try to decode the messages by adding in the missing vowels (A, E, I, O, U, and Y). Hint 1: All of the statements have to deal with the issue of war. Hint 2: Words made up of all vowels must be added as well. Ex. you, a 2. 2. f cnnt smltnsl knw prvnt nthr th nm nr nd prpr fr wr. rslf, wll sccmb n vr bttl. __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Wr s rgrdd s nthng bt th cntntn f stt plc wth thr mns. __________________________________________________________________________________ SAT Prep Section (6 pts.): Below are more practice SAT sentence completion questions. You should show your work by “TALKING TO THE SENTENCE,” just like we’ve done in class. Explain/write notes to show how you eliminated options and why you kept others. You will be graded on your WORK, not just the answer. *Hints: Remember to consider the parts of speech, context clues such as synonyms/antonym references, and the process of elimination! 1. Although alarmed by the ____ , Professor McQuillan had no reason to doubt the ____ of her student's results, for this student was nothing if not reliable. A. conclusions - folly B. deductions - impudence C. implications - veracity D. errors - truth E. inferences - invalidity 2. As were many colonial administrators, Gregory was ____ in his knowledge of the grammar of the local language, though his accent was ____ . A. deficient - poor B. competent - adequate C. faultless - awful D. well-versed - effective E. erratic - eccentric 3. Though Adam Bede is presented to us by the author as ____ fiction, there are none of the life-like meanderings of the story of Amos Barton. A. realistic B. romantic C. imaginative D. educational E. entertaining SAT – C, C, A 1. You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war. 2.If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. Sun Tzu, who wrote The Art of War, and this quote comes from chapter 3. 3. War is regarded as nothing but the continuation of state policy with other means. Karl Von Clausewitz, who wrote On War.