Honors English 10

North Brookfield Public Schools
Curriculum: HN English ________________
Non-fiction/The Essay
Glencoe Literature:
The Reader’s Choice
1. Students will be able to identify
and define various types of essays
including persuasive, personal
narrative, classification, extended
definition, and process analysis.
2. Students will be able to write a
solid, well developed, and strongly
supported five paragraph persuasive
3. Students will be able to pick out the
focus of an author’s essay.
4. Students will be able to analyze
components of a non-fiction work in
order to evaluate their effectiveness.
From Kaffir Boy
“Living Well. Living Good”
“First Impressions, from De
“An American Master”
“Typhoid Fever, from
Angela’s Ashes”
“Terwilliger Bunts One
from An American
“On Women’s Right to
“I’ve Been to the
“What I see in Lincoln’s
Supplemental essays from
Can vary slightly from year
to year
Grade: 10 _____
DOE Curriculum Standard/Strand
1. Language Strand - Standard 5 – Students will
identify rhetorically functional sentence structure
(parallelism, properly placed modifiers; Identify
correct mechanics (semicolons, colons, hyphens),
correct usage (tense consistency), and correct
sentence structure (parallel structure).
2. Reading and Literature Strand – Standard 13 –
Students will analyze the logic and use of evidence in
an author's argument. Students will analyze and
explain the structure and elements of nonfiction
3. Composition Strand – Standard 19 – Students will
write well-organized essays (persuasive, literary,
personal) that have a clear focus, logical development,
effective use of detail, and variety in sentence
4. Composition Strand – Standard 22 – Students will
use knowledge of standard English conventions in
their writing, revising, and editing.
5. Language Strand - Oral Presentation - Students will
make oral presentations that demonstrate appropriate
consideration of audience, purpose, and the
information to be conveyed.
1. Readings of essays
2. Classroom discussion
3. Emphasis on fiveparagraph essay technique
for persuasive writing
4. Research and present a
persuasive speech
1. Quizzes
2. Homework and
discussion on published
3. Creation of a well
developed persuasive essay
4. Critical analysis of a
non-fiction work
5. Biographical narrative
Short Story
Glencoe Literature:
The Reader’s Choice
1. Students will be able to identify
and define the various aspects of the
short story, including plot, character,
setting, point of view, symbolism,
tone, irony, and theme.
2. Students will be able to compare
and contrast different aspects of short
3. Students will apply their
knowledge of short stories by creating
an original short story.
“The Open Window”
“The Californian’s Tale”
“The Summer People”
“The Book of the Dead”
“An Astrologer’s Day”
“Civil Peace”
“The Masque of the Red
“Two Kinds”
“The Car We Had to Push”
“Tuesday Siesta”
“Contents of the Dead
Man’s Pocket”
“When Mr. Pirzada Came to
“To Da-duh, in Memoriam”
“The Censors”
“A Child’s Christmas in
“Winter Night”
Can vary slightly from year
to year
1. Language Strand - Standard 2 – Students will
pose questions, listen to the ideas of others, and
contribute their own information or ideas in group
discussions or interviews in order to acquire new
2. Reading and Literature Strand – Standard 8 –
Students will identify the basic facts and main ideas
in a text and use them as the basis for interpretation.
3. Reading and Literature Strand – Standard 11 –
Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge
of theme in a literary work and provide evidence from
the text to support their understanding.
4. Reading and Literature Strand – Standard 12 –
Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge
of the structure and elements of fiction and provide
evidence from the text to support their understanding.
5. Composition Strand – Standard 19 – Students
will write with a clear focus, coherent organization,
and sufficient detail.
6. Composition Strand – Standard 22 – Students
will use knowledge of standard English conventions
in their writing, revising, and editing.
1. Readings of short stories
2. Classroom discussion
3. Creation of an original
short story
4. Analysis of the plot,
character, setting, point of
symbolism, tone, irony, and
theme of short stories
1. Quizzes and tests
2. Extension of a published
short story
3. Creation of an original
short story
4. Critical analysis of
similarities across short
North Brookfield Public Schools
Curriculum: HN English ________________
Continue Short Story
1. Students will be able to identify
and define the various aspects of the
novel, including plot, character,
setting, point of view, symbolism,
tone, irony, and theme.
2. Students will be able to follow and
write about the development of
themes through the course of novels.
3. Students will be able to create
thorough character analyses.
4. Students will be able to identify
the characteristics of writing that
makes up an author’s style.
Teacher selection year to
year from the following or
other suitable choices:
Fahrenheit 451
A Separate Peace
To Kill a Mockingbird
Appropriate videos of the
novels when applicable
Grade: 10 _____
DOE Curriculum Standard/Strand
Language Strand –
1. Standard 2 – Students will pose questions, listen
to the ideas of others, and contribute their own
information or ideas in group discussions or
interviews in order to acquire new knowledge.
Reading and Literature Strand
1. Standard 8 – Students will identify the basic facts
and main ideas in a text and use them as the basis for
2. STANDARD 9: Making Connections - Students
will deepen their understanding of a literary or nonliterary work by relating it to its contemporary context
or historical background.
3. Standard 11 – Students will identify, analyze, and
apply knowledge of theme in a literary work and
provide evidence from the text to support their
4. Standard 12 – Students will identify, analyze, and
apply knowledge of the structure and elements of
fiction and provide evidence from the text to support
their understanding.
5. STANDARD 15: Style and Language - Students
will identify and analyze how an author’s words
appeal to the senses, create imagery, suggest mood,
and set tone and provide evidence from the text to
support their understanding.
Composition Strand
1. Standard 19 – Students will write with a clear
focus, coherent organization, and sufficient detail.
6. Composition Strand – Standard 22 – Students
will use knowledge of standard English conventions
in their writing, revising, and editing.
1. Readings of novels
2. Classroom discussion
3. Use of appropriate video
4. Analysis of the plot,
character, setting, point of
symbolism, tone, irony, and
theme of novel
1. Quizzes and tests
3. Compose critical essay
analyzing a novel
Continue Novel
1. Students will be able to identify
and define various terms associated
with drama. (chorus, ode, aside,
dramatic irony, etc.)
2. Students will be able to recognize
the differences in classical,
Elizabethan, and modern drama.
3. Students will be able to read drama
Glencoe Literature:
The Reader’s Choice
A Marriage Proposal
Juilius Caesar
Reading and Literature –
STANDARD 9: Making Connections - Students will
deepen their understanding of a literary or non-literary
work by relating it to its contemporary context or
historical background.
STANDARD 10: Genre - Students will identify, analyze,
and apply knowledge of the characteristics of different
STANDARD 11: Theme - Students will identify,
analyze, and apply knowledge of theme in a literary
work and provide evidence from the text to support
their understanding.
STANDARD 16: Myth, Traditional Narrative, and
Classical Literature - Students will identify, analyze,
and apply knowledge of the themes, structure, and
elements of myths, traditional narratives, and classical
literature and provide evidence from the text to support
their understanding.
STANDARD 17: Dramatic Literature - Students will
identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the themes,
structure, and elements of drama and provide evidence
from the text to support their understanding.
STANDARD 18: Dramatic Reading and Performance Students will plan and present dramatic readings,
recitations, and performances that demonstrate
appropriate consideration of audience and purpose.
Strand 4 - Media
STANDARD 26: Analysis of Media - Students will
identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the
conventions, elements, and techniques of film, radio,
video, television, multimedia productions, the Internet,
and emerging technologies, and provide evidence from
the works to support their understanding.
1. Readings of drama
2. Watching the play in
3. Performing a small
scene or
monologue/soliloquy in
front of the class.
1. Quizzes/Tests
2. Homework and
discussion on readings
3. Dramatic recitation
4. Critical essay on Julius
Caesar or Antigone
5. Research project on
Greek or Elizabethan
North Brookfield Public Schools
Curriculum: HN English ________________
Continue Drama
Grade: 10 _____
DOE Curriculum Standard/Strand
1. Students will be able to identify
and define the various types and
forms of poems, such as lyric,
dramatic narrative, ballad, sonnet
haiku, etc.
2. Students will be able to identify
and define various poetic terms
dealing with figurative language and
sound devices.
3. Students will be able to analyze
poems in terms of speaker,
characterization, theme, etc.
4. Students will be able to compare a
poet’s biographical information to
his/her poetry in order to understand
the writer’s influences.
4. Students will be able to apply
knowledge of poetry in creation of
original works.
Choice of a selection found
in Glencoe Literature:
The Reader’s Choice and
other outside resources.
Language Strand –
1. Standard 2 – Students will pose questions, listen
to the ideas of others, and contribute their own
information or ideas in group discussions or
interviews in order to acquire new knowledge.
2. Standard 6: Formal and Informal English Students will describe, analyze, and use appropriately
formal and informal English.
Reading and Literature Strand
1. Standard 8 – Students will identify the basic facts
and main ideas in a text and use them as the basis for
2. Standard 10: Genre - Students will identify,
analyze, and apply knowledge of the characteristics of
different genres.
3. Standard 11 – Students will identify, analyze, and
apply knowledge of theme in a literary work and
provide evidence from the text to support their
4. Standard 14 - Poetry - Students will identify,
analyze, and apply knowledge of the theme, structure,
and elements of poetry and provide evidence from the
text to support their understanding.
5. Standard 15: Style and Language - Students will
identify and analyze how an author’s words appeal to
the senses, create imagery, suggest mood, and set tone
and provide evidence from the text to support their
Composition Strand
1. Standard 20 –Consideration of Audience and
Purpose - Students will write for different audiences
and purposes.
1. Readings of poems
2. Classroom discussion
3. Creation of original
4. Analysis of poetry
1. Quizzes and tests
2. Research paper on
famous poet with analysis
of his/her poems
3. Homework
North Brookfield Public Schools
Curriculum: HN English ________________
1. Students will be able to identify
and define the various aspects of the
novel, including plot, character,
setting, point of view, symbolism,
tone, irony, and theme.
2. Students will be able to follow and
write about the development of
themes through the course of novels.
3. Students will be able to create
thorough character analyses.
4. Students will be able to identify
the characteristics of writing that
makes up an author’s style.
Teacher selection year to
year from the following or
other suitable choices:
Fahrenheit 451
A Separate Peace
To Kill a Mockingbird
Appropriate videos of the
novels when applicable
Grade: 10 _____
DOE Curriculum Standard/Strand
Language Strand –
1. Standard 2 – Students will pose questions, listen
to the ideas of others, and contribute their own
information or ideas in group discussions or
interviews in order to acquire new knowledge.
Reading and Literature Strand
1. Standard 8 – Students will identify the basic facts
and main ideas in a text and use them as the basis for
2. STANDARD 9: Making Connections - Students
will deepen their understanding of a literary or nonliterary work by relating it to its contemporary context
or historical background.
3. Standard 11 – Students will identify, analyze, and
apply knowledge of theme in a literary work and
provide evidence from the text to support their
4. Standard 12 – Students will identify, analyze, and
apply knowledge of the structure and elements of
fiction and provide evidence from the text to support
their understanding.
5. STANDARD 15: Style and Language - Students
will identify and analyze how an author’s words
appeal to the senses, create imagery, suggest mood,
and set tone and provide evidence from the text to
support their understanding.
Composition Strand
1. Standard 19 – Students will write with a clear
focus, coherent organization, and sufficient detail.
6. Composition Strand – Standard 22 – Students
will use knowledge of standard English conventions
in their writing, revising, and editing.
1. Readings of novels
2. Classroom discussion
3. Use of appropriate video
4. Analysis of the plot,
character, setting, point of
symbolism, tone, irony, and
theme of novel
1. Quizzes and tests
3. Compose critical essay
analyzing a novel
Arthurian Legend
Glencoe Literature:
The Reader’s Choice
1. Students will be able to identify
and define various terms associated
with Arthurian legends. (legend,
chivalry, heroic tradition, epic poetry,
2. Students will recognize the changes
in legends through time matching the
issues of the age.
3. Students will understand the use of
“Arthur Becomes King,
from The Once and Future
from Le Morte d’ Arthur
Monty Python and the Holy
“Marriage of King Arthur”
“The Adventures of Sir
From Don Quixote
Reading and Literature –
Standard 8: Students will identify the basic facts and
main ideas in a text and use them as the basis for
STANDARD 9: Making Connections - Students will
deepen their understanding of a literary or non-literary
work by relating it to its contemporary context or
historical background.
STANDARD 10: Genre - Students will identify, analyze,
and apply knowledge of the characteristics of different
STANDARD 11: Theme - Students will identify,
analyze, and apply knowledge of theme in a literary
work and provide evidence from the text to support
their understanding.
STANDARD 16: Myth, Traditional Narrative, and
Classical Literature - Students will identify, analyze,
and apply knowledge of the themes, structure, and
elements of myths, traditional narratives, and classical
literature and provide evidence from the text to support
their understanding.
STANDARD 26: Analysis of Media - Students will
identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the
conventions, elements, and techniques of film, radio,
video, television, multimedia productions, the Internet,
and emerging technologies, and provide evidence from
the works to support their understanding.
1. Readings of Arthurian
2. Discussion of different
aspects of legends
emphasized in different
3. Watching Holy Grail as
example of parody
4. Reading Don Quixote as
an example of parody
1. Quizzes/Tests
2. Homework and
discussion on readings
3. Essay on function of
North Brookfield Public Schools
Curriculum: HN English ________________
1. Students will be able to identify
and define the various aspects of the
novel, including plot, character,
setting, point of view, symbolism,
tone, irony, and theme.
2. Students will be able to follow and
write about the development of
themes through the course of novels.
3. Students will be able to create
thorough character analyses.
4. Students will be able to identify
the characteristics of writing that
makes up an author’s style.
Teacher selection year to
year from the following or
other suitable choices:
Fahrenheit 451
A Separate Peace
To Kill a Mockingbird
Appropriate videos of the
novels when applicable
Grade: 10 _____
DOE Curriculum Standard/Strand
Language Strand –
1. Standard 2 – Students will pose questions, listen
to the ideas of others, and contribute their own
information or ideas in group discussions or
interviews in order to acquire new knowledge.
Reading and Literature Strand
1. Standard 8 – Students will identify the basic facts
and main ideas in a text and use them as the basis for
2. STANDARD 9: Making Connections - Students
will deepen their understanding of a literary or nonliterary work by relating it to its contemporary context
or historical background.
3. Standard 11 – Students will identify, analyze, and
apply knowledge of theme in a literary work and
provide evidence from the text to support their
4. Standard 12 – Students will identify, analyze, and
apply knowledge of the structure and elements of
fiction and provide evidence from the text to support
their understanding.
5. STANDARD 15: Style and Language - Students
will identify and analyze how an author’s words
appeal to the senses, create imagery, suggest mood,
and set tone and provide evidence from the text to
support their understanding.
Composition Strand
1. Standard 19 – Students will write with a clear
focus, coherent organization, and sufficient detail.
6. Composition Strand – Standard 22 – Students
will use knowledge of standard English conventions
in their writing, revising, and editing.
1. Readings of novels
2. Classroom discussion
3. Use of appropriate video
4. Analysis of the plot,
character, setting, point of
symbolism, tone, irony, and
theme of novel
1. Quizzes and tests
3. Compose critical essay
analyzing a novel
Finish Novel
Review for Finals