1 Medical Diagnosis: Diverticulousis. Respiratory Failure, Biographic Data: Client’s Initials: M. D. Room: 34-05 D Sex: Surgical Procedure: None Female Date: N/A Age: 72 years old Religion: Unknown Health History: Diverticulosis, Respiratory Failure, Occupation: Retired Teacher Incontinent Bowel, Incontinent Bladder Admitting Date: 03/07/2007 Reason for Admission: Diverticulosis. Respiratory Failure Data: S= Subjective; O=Objective NURSING DIAGNOSIS (Indicate Source) FORM PES STATEMENT NURSE’S ACTION (Implementation Usual hours of sleep each night at home: Unable The abscence of familiar stimuli and the Fatigue r/t lack of sleep aeb Keep enivroment quiet for to assess. =O presence of unfamiliar stimuli in the hospital, client stating “I did not sleep sleeping, (e.g., avoid use of Hours of sleep each night in the hospital: Unable can prevent people from sleeping. (K&Ep. a lot last night.” intercoms, lower the volume on to assess. = O 1117) radio and television, keep beepers on non audio mode, anticipate Sleep disturbances (insomnia, enuresis, sleepwalking): Unable to assess. =O Sleep is a basic human need and is essential for alarms on intravenous [IV] pumps, health. When people are deprived of rest, they talk quietly in unit. Signs of sleepiness during the day (yawning, c/o are often irritable, depressed and tired. fatigue, irritability, dark circle under eyes, nap during the day): Client stated through an (K&Ep.1114) Assess client for signs of interpreter “I did not sleep a lot last night.” =S; depression: depressed mood state, Client was seen napping during the day. =O; Client flat affect, statements of was irritable during the day.=O hopelessness, poor appetite. LAGUARDIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE City University of New York SCR 110 NURSING ASSESSMENT PROCESS TOOL Student: Louise Margaret Tomas Date: November 15th, 2007 R E S T & A C T I V I T Y ROM of joints of each extremity: ROM in both upper extremities are good. ROM in L lower extremity is good. Client has foot drop in R lower extremity. =O Muscular strength of each extremity: Muscular strength in both upper extremities; and R lower extremity are good. Muscle strength in L lower extremity was poor; client was not able to move R lower extremity.= O Posture, gait, balance, coordination (include coordination of hands): Client’s hand coordination was good; client was bed bound; gait could not be assessed.= O Degree of mobility (indicate): ability to walk, ability to sit, ability to turn self or move in bed: Client unable to turn self in bed without assistance. =O Assistive measures for ambulation or mobility: Client is fully dependant to ambulate. = O Level of activity prescribed: Ability to perform ADL: Cluster all factors that may affect mobility (pain, traction, altered LOC, SOB, surgery, limited Motion is essential for proper functioning of bones and muscles. Limited range of motion may cause the joints to be pulled into a flexed position where the muscles shorten and the joints become permanently fixed in a flexed position. (K&Ep.1059& 1060) Impaired physical mobility r/t decreased muscle strength and mass, aeb, paralysis, limited ROM, inability to perform ADL. Perform passive ROM exercises twice a day unless contraindicated. Provide opportunities for socialization and sensory stimulation. Ensure that the client is not over sedated. Individuals who are inactive because of illness or injury are at risk for many problems that can affect major body systems. (K&Ep. 1068) Risk for disuse syndrome r/t muscloskeletal inactivity, deterioration of body systems aeb altered LOC, immobility. Observe the client's diet and medication intake. Perform ROM excersises. Unused muscles atrophy, losing most of their strength and normal function. (K&Ep. 1068) Observe and document skin integrity several times a day. Mobility is an essential part of living. Mobility Assess for constipation. R.O. 8/03 2 ROM, decreased muscular strength, age, paralysis): is vital to independence. A fully immobilized person is vulnerable and dependent. (K&Ep. 1059) identify the factors that contribute to undernutrition in hospital patients. Client was observed napping during the day. =O Limited ROM in R lower extremity. =O Client unable to turn self in bed without assistance. =O Reposition client every 2 hours. Perform ROM exercises Physical activity produces progressive health benefits, (K&Ep.1065) Activity affects mental well being and the effectiveness of body functioning. (K&Ep. 1059) Position the client so that joints are in the normal anatomical alignment at all times. The amount of ADL a client is able to perform without experiencing adverse effects is related to activity tolerance. (K&Ep.1065) Reposition client every 2 hours and observe skin Monitor peripheral circulation. Mobility can be affected by any disorder that affects the respiratory system. (K&Ep. 1067) Review drug profile for potential side effects that may increase risk of injury. Identify all the clients medications and ensure that all health care staff have access to the information. Carry out the 3 safety checks and identify the 6 rights prior to administering medications. E L I M I N A T I O N URINARY: Voiding pattern: time, frequency, incontinent, urgency, dysuria: Client is incontinent= O Urine: quantity each voiding or amount in bedside bag, clarity, color, odor, concentration: Urinalysis: pH 4.8 (norm = 4.5-8 ), Specific Gravity 1.02 (norm = 1.01-1.025 ), Blood (norm = ), Protein (norm = ), WBC (norm = ), Bacteria none present (norm = none present ), Nitrites (norm = ), Leukocytes esterase (norm= ) Assistive measures for urination (foley catheter, external sheath, suprapubic catheter, urinary diversion) Other factors that may affect normal urinary elimination (immobility, meds fluid intake, poor Incontinence can cause physical problems such as skin break down and psychosocial problems such as embarrassment and social withdrawal. (K & E p. 1261) Risk for impaired skin integrity r/t bladder incontinence and immobility. Make sure client’s diaper is changed so there is no build of urine that is causative to the client’s skin. Provide support to the patient so they will not be embarrassed of their incontinence. R.O. 8/03 3 muscle tone, enlarged prostate, surgical/ diagnostic procedures, use of foley, etc.) Client is immobile. =O Client is incontinent (bladder)= O E L I M I N A T I O N A C C E P T A N C E BOWEL: Abdominal shape, firmness, presence of distention and tenderness: Client’s abdomen is not distended and is tender to touch. =O Presence of bowel sounds: Bowel sounds were present in all four quadrants. =O Bowel evacuation pattern: Date of last BM: 11/15/2007 Stool (quantity, color, odor and consistency) Was unable to assess. Assistive measures for bowel elimination (laxatives, enemas, suppositories) Other factors that may affect bowel elimination (immobility, diet, fluid intake, meds, colostomy, surgery, GI illness, etc.) Client is immobile. =O Client is incontinent (bowel). =O Ability to communicate: Client only able to speak Spanish. =O Appropriateness of communication: Unable to assess. Response indicating stress: Unable to assess. Self-concept: Unable to assess. Significant others/support systems: Client had numerous pictures of family and friends posted above her bed. =O Recent family changes/crises: Unable to assess. Spiritual status: Unable to assess. Cultural/ethnic influences: Client is from the Dominican Republic. =O Growth and development: compare client’s psychosocial development at present with the appropriate stage for client’s age according to Erickson: Unable to assess. Activity stimulates peristalsis. Immobility can cause weak muscles and weak muscle is often ineffective in controlling defecation. Impaired mobility may limit the clients’ inability to respond to the urge to defecate. (K & E p.1229) Risk for constipation r/t immobility. Assess client’s abdomen to observe for distention. Change client’s diaper after defecation to keep skin integrity. Incontinence is the loss of voluntary ability to control fecal and gaseous discharges through the anal sphincter. A client may experience incontinence because of a poorly functioning anal sphincter. (K & Ep. 1231) Individuals with diminished ability to convey or receive information are at risk for injury. (K&E p671) Monitor client’s bowel movements in order to maintain a pattern. Risk for injury r/t clients inability to communicate, as evidenced by clients language barrier between client and health care professional. Prior to beginning any invasive surgical procedure, confirm the correct client, the correct procedure, and the correct site of the procedure using active or passive communication techniques. Learn a few phrases in client’s native tongue. Emotional health depends on a social environment that is free of excessive tension and does not isolate the person from others. Culture and social interactions also influence how a person perceives, experiences, and copes with health and illness. Each culture has ideas about health. Hispanics use "hot and cold" foods to regulate and maintain health ( K&E p. 178) Risk for situational low self esteem r/t physical illness, functional impairment (immobility) decreased power/control over environment aeb client being bed ridden and unable to communicate. Risk for loneliness r/t social isolation, physical isolation, Demonstrate respect for and accept client. Establish therapuetic relationship and spend time with client. Assist the client with identifying lonliness as a feeling and the causes related to lonliness. Evaluate the clients desire for R.O. 8/03 4 aeb hospitalization and no family interaction. social interaction in to actual social interaction. Explore ways to increase the clients support system and participation in groups and organizations. Monitor and promote supportive social contacts. If the client is comfortable with touch, hold the clients hand or place a hand gently on the clients arm. Provide appropriate religious materials or music. Identify, develop, and implement culturally appropriate spiritual nursing interventions. Erikson believes that life is a sequence of levels of achievement. The greater the task achievement, the healthier the personality of the person. Failure to achieve these tasks is damaging to the ego. The client is at the stage of generatively vs. stagnation. (K&E p. 357) and is in a state of stagnation Delayed growth and development r/t prescribed dependence, separation from significant others, effects of physical disability aeb listlessness, altered LOC, lack of motor, social and expressive skills. Asses and identify for possible environmental conditions, which may be a contributing factor to altered growth and development. Identify coexisting health or medical conditions that may be contributing to to the alteration in growth and development R.O. 8/03 5 Delayed growth and development r/t separation from significant others, effects of physical disability as evidence by listlessness, lack of motor, social and expressive skills. S A F E T Y Immediate Environment: Space ventilation, lighting, temperature, noise, cleanliness: Client’s environment was well lit, clean, and free from clutter and well ventilated. The room temperature was not too hot or too cold .=O Level of consciousness: Client was awake and alert =O Orientation to person, place and time: Client was oriented times 3= O Memory (immediate recall, recent, remote): Unable to assess. Pupil Testing: PERRLA= O Senses (taste, touch, smell, sight, hearing) Note any assistive measures for sensory deficit (i.e. Glasses, contact lenses, hearing aid): No assistive measures for sensory deficit was seen. =O Allergies: Unknown People who have impaired mobility due to paralysis, muscle weakness, and poor balance or coordination are prone to injury. Clients with spinal cord injury and paralysis maybe unable to move even when they perceive discomfort. Clients with leg casts often have poor balance and fall easily. Clients weakened by illness or surgery are not always fully aware of their condition. (K&E p670-671) Risk for impaired skin integrity related to immobility/incontinence/long nails, fowlers position AEB patient being confined to bed and unable to move and incontinent of urine and stool Monitor skin color, temperature, edema, moisture and appearance. Turn and position client every 2 hours Pad bony prominences to alleviate pressure. Keep client clean and dry of fecal and urine and lotion skin. Impaired skin integrity r/t R.O. 8/03 6 Cluster all factors that place the client at risk for physical injury (altered LOC, altered senses, restricted mobility, age, etc.): S A F E T Y S A F E T Y Condition of hair, mucous membrane, nails: Client’s hair was white. Client’s mucous membranes were pink and intact. The nail beds were pink as well. =O Condition of skin (describe: turgor, edema, surgical wound, pressure ulcer, rash, drainage): Client’s skin turgor was good. =O Cluster all factors that place the client at risk for altered skin integrity (immobility, incontinence, malnutrition, dehydration, anemia, impaired circulation, edema, diarrhea): Client is immobile. Client is incontinent bowel and bladder. Pain (location, duration, nature, how it is relieved): No pain was evident. =O Temperature (oral, rectal, axillary): Oral Temperature: 97.8 F Cluster all factors that place the client at risk for biological injury (altered skin integrity, decreased WBC, IV, foley, surgery, other invasive procedures, malnutrition, cancer, AIDS, chemotherapy, etc.): Client has tracheotomy. Lab results: WBC: Reports: (norm = ), Culture Moisture from incontinence makes the epidermis more easily eroded and susceptible to injury. Digestive enzymes in feces also contribute to skin excoriation. Any accumulation of secretions or excretions is irritating to the skin, harbors microorganisms, and makes the individual prone to skin breakdown and infection. (K&E p858) immobility, resting in the Fowlers position. Minimize exposure of skin impairment and other areas to moisture from incontinence, perspiration or wound drainage. Do not position client on site of skin impairment. Select a topical treatment that will maintain a moist wound healing environment and that is balanced with the need to absorb exudate. Evaluate for use of speciality matresses, beds or devices as appropriate. Maintain the head of the bed at the lowest possible degree of evaluation to reduce shear and friction forces. Nosocomial infections are common in hospital surgical and intensive care units. The urinary and respiratory tracts and the bloodstream and wounds are the most common sites of infection. (p.631) Risk for infection related to invasive devices AEB tracheotomy. Wash hands before and after each patient care activity. Ensure aseptic handling of all surgical sites and invasive devices. Other lab results: PT: (norm = ), PTT: (norm = ), INR: (norm = ) Fluid and electrolyte balance: Lab results: Na: 139 (norm= 135-143), K: 3.7 (norm = 3.5-5.3), CL: 109 (norm = 95-111), Ca: (norm = ), BUN: 12 (norm = 5-25 ), Creatinine: 0.6 (norm = 0.5-1.4 ) I & O for two previous daysDate: Intake: IV: PO: ; Output: Urine: Other: ; Date: Intake: IV PO ; Output: Urine: Other: Unable to assess as client is incontinent bladder. =O . R.O. 8/03 7 IV fluid (type, amount, solutions added, rate cc/hr., gtts/min): Cluster all signs and symptoms of FVE or FVD (skin turgor, I&O lab data, mucous membrane, weight, urine, vital signs, edema, ascitis, etc.): Cluster all factors that place the client at risk for fluid and electrolyte imbalance (surgery, NPO, decreased food and fluid intake, diuretics, IV, GI drainage or suction, abnormal I&O CHF, renal impairment, liver disease, diabetes, etc.): O X Y G E N A T I O N Alcohol and/or unprescribed drug use: Prescribed medication: action, purpose, side effects (attach drug cards): Skin: warmth and color (include lips, nail beds, lower extremities): Skin was dry and cool to touch. Lips and nail beds were pink. = O Capillary refill: upper extremities less than 2 seconds, lower extremities less than 2 seconds V/S: B/P: lying down 125/ 54, sitting , pulse pressure Pulse: rate 67/ min , rhythm good rhythm quality strong Apical/radial pulse: apical , radial , pulse deficit Indicate + or - : brachial R ,L ; femoral R ,L ; popliteal R ,L ; posterior tibial R ,L ; dorsalis pedis R ,L Quality of pulses on lower extremities: Assistive measure for circulation (anti-embolic stockings, sequential compression device): Cluster all factors that may effect the cardiovascular system (immobility, CHF, DM, PVD, thrombosis, HTN, surgery, anemia, etc.): Immobility affects the respiratory system by causing decreased respiratory movement, pooling of respiratory secretions, atelectasis and hypostatic pneumonia. (K&Ep1069) Care for the client with a tracheotomy reduces the risk for infection. (K&Ep. 1315) The Fowlers position may result in shearing forces on the skin, especially in the sacral area. Normal breathing is silent but many sounds occur when there is the presence of fluid in the lungs. (K&Ep. 506) Breathing pattern ineffective r/t artificial airway, immobility aeb adventitious breath sounds bubbling sound and presence of secretions resting in the fowlers position and using 2 pillows. Airway clearance ineffective r/t presence of artificial airway, smoking, retained secretions aeb dyspnea and adventitious breath sounds. Monitor for symptoms of heart failure and decreased cardiac output. Note results of EKG and chest radiograph Administer oxygen as needed Monitor oxygen saturation and blood gas Position the client in the semi fowlers position Provide suctioning as needed O X Y G Respiration rate 18/ min, rhythm good rhythm, depth labored breathing. =O Smoking (never, smokes presently, amount, for how many years, used to smoke, when stopped): Unable to assess Estimate of activity intolerance: presence of dyspnea at rest and/or with exertion, pulse rate: Breath sounds, presence of cough, presence of secretions (describe): Position the client to optimize respiration. Clear secretions by suctioning as necessary. Use a closed in line suction system. R.O. 8/03 8 E N A T I O N Position for sleep (number of pillows, Fowlers’ or semi Fowlers’ position): 2 pillows; SemiFowlers Position. =O Assistive measures for respiration (02, coughing and deep breathing exercises, suction, incentive spirometer, chest physiotherapy, etc.): Client has tracheotomy. =O Hyperoxygenate before and between endo tracheal suctioning. Lab results: Lab RBC (norm = ), HGB (norm = ), HCT (norm = ) ABG: pH (norm = ), PCO2 (norm = ), PO2 (norm = ), HCO3 ( norm = ), O2 saturation (norm = ) Other factors that may affect the respiratory system (immobility, pleural effusion, lung cancer, COPD, asthma, etc…): N U T R I T I O N Height: 5’ 2 ; Weight: 183 , BMI: 33 Normal weight range for this client (according to age and height): 128lbs-143lbs General Appearance (muscular, obese, normal weight, underweight, emaciated): Client is over weight. =O Condition of teeth/gums/tongue: Gums and tongue are pink. =O Ability to swallow: Client able to swallow. =O Diet prescribed: Soft mechanical chew. =O Describe appetite, percentage of food and fluid intake: Client drank 2 four fluid ounce cartons of milk; and 1 eight fluid ounce can of ensure. = O Previous eating patterns: Unable to assess. Assistive measures for nutrition: tube feeding, adaptive silverware, hyperalimentation: When a person is immobile, the muscles of the body are not being used. Unused muscles atrophy (decrease in size). As a result, the body may not require as much protein and other nutrients, causing an imbalance in nutrition as excess nutrients are eliminated and not used. (K&E, 1068, 1173) The normal daily liquid and calorie requirements for adults age 18 and up are 22002700 mL and 2000-2500 calories. (K&E, 1356) Obtaining clients previous eating patterns provides information about what types of foods are eaten and the frequency and amount. The nurse can then predict which foods are in Imbalanced nutrition: more than body requirements r/t immobility aeb low muscle mass. Monitor clients protein intake. Provide an adequate amount of protein according to activity level. Provide an adequate amount of daily ROM exercises to make use of energy and nutrients. Ensure that the client receives his/her daily feedings on a regular schedule. Place client in a low Fowler's position to prevent aspiration. R.O. 8/03 9 N U T R I T I O N Health conditions that may affect nutrition (cancer, chemotherapy, GI and liver disease, diabetes, anorexia, n+v, diarrhea, altered LOC, etc.): Other factors that may affect nutrition: knowledge deficit, culture, religion, economic status, lifestyle, psychological factors, alcohol and drugs): Lab results: Serum albumin: (norm = ), Blood glucose: (norm = ); Lipid profile: HDL (norm = ), LDL (norm = ), Total Cholesterol (norm = ), triglycerides (norm = ) Urine glucose: norm = ), Urine acetone: (norm = ) Cluster all clinical signs of malnutrition: altered lab, skin and hair condition, activity tolerance, weight, mucus membranes, GI, vitality, neurologic, etc.): excess or deficient, which may predispose the client to imbalanced nutrition. (K&E, 1193, 1196) Client is immobile. =O Client is over weight. =O R.O. 8/03