30.05.2015 ANALYTICAL REPORT about the work of the teacher-psychologist special class CSU SSh №1 M.Gorky for the 2014-2015 academic year 1. The purpose and object of the research objectives. In the 2014-2015 school year, the aim of my work was to provide psychological and pedagogical support of personal development of children with OBP in the educational process of a comprehensive school. The object of the analytical report is the diagnosis, prevention, correctional and educational activities. In this academic year, the subject of study was the analysis of the psychological examination of a special class of students. The objectives of the work of the psychologist in the school year were:1. Изучение психолого-педагогической ситуации в классе: monitoring to study adaptation possibilities of schoolboys, cognitive and personality sphere of pupils; group and individual diagnosis on the basis of observation; correctional work with children on the basis of diagnosis. 2.Vyyavlenie of the child, the development of recommendations for a differentiated approach in the process of training and education. 3. Prevention of intellectual and emotional overload failures of students in the learning process. 2. Diagnostic direction. In the 2014-2015 school year, our school operates a special class of children with mental retardation, in which 7 children learn. At the age of 11 to 13 years. View personal files of students showed that all students were transferred from boarding №4 for children with OBP in the class of correctional - developing training based on the decision of medical, psychological and educational commission and the statement by the parents to transfer their child to a class of correction of secondary school. The curriculum includes an hour rhythm two hours of rehabilitative training that is educational psychologist. In September 2014 CSU SSh № 1 was conducted diagnosis of cognitive processes: memory ("Remember a couple", "auditory memory", "Determination of short-term memory," "arbitrary visual memory"), attention ("proof-test", "Table Gorbova -Shulte "), Group intelligence tests, questionnaires to assess the level of the school H. Luskanovoy motivation, anxiety questionnaire Phillips test of character accentuation Shmisheka, Methods Eysensk« EPI ». The study of readiness were identified the following results: Surname School anxiety switch stability auditory arbitrary method motivation attention attention memory visual «Memorizing (level) memory 10 words» (level) Alexandrova good high exhaustion low low III Increased by the end fatigue. of the task. exhaustion (163,5) attention. Gorbunov positive Optimal exhaustion low low II Good long-term attitude by the end memory. to the school, of the task. but the school (152,5) draws extracurricular activities Zvenkov low Optimal Best result below low II norm (197,5) average Zuev positive Optimal 179 below norm III Poor memory. attitude average counterinhibition to the school, Instability but the school attention. draws Levchenko Sichihin Skripkin extracurricular activities negative low relationship school High low low Optimal Surname 185,5 low norm II norm 183,5 178 high below average low norm III II norm norm mental accentuation development character (level) Alexandrova low 1,3,4,10 Gorbunov near to the norm Zvenkov low Zuev near to the norm Levchenko near to the norm Sichihin near to the norm Skripkin low Type of temperament Hidden melancholy (the result is subject to doubt), an introvert. excitable type Hidden melancholic, introverted. Average Impulsive severity choleric, an Stuck type. introvert. pedantic type Restrained melancholic, introverted. excitable type Active choleric, an extrovert. AffectiveRestrained excitable type melancholic, introverted. Average Hidden severity melancholy hyperthymic, (the result is anxious-fearful, subject to affective and doubt), an exalted type introvert. Summing up the results of diagnostics, the following conclusions. Compared with the results of the diagnosis carried out in September 2014, the results of the April 2015 diagnosis differ. Intellectual development is significantly increased. The level perklyucheniya, stability of attention, visual memory arbitrary. Auditory memory has remained at the same level. 3. Psycho work. Psycho work was carried out with students of special classes. development of informative sphere. Classes are held two times a week for 30 minutes. Classes are held on the development of thinking, attention, perception, memory, imagination and arbitrary behavior. As a result, employment success of children in school have improved, and I noted, and teachers improvement in behavior in the classroom, so that children become less distracted, it was interesting to learn. I was recommended to the parents to continue to work with children of the same areas and during the summer holidays. With students who have found low adaptation, classes were held, mostly in group form. Actively involve parents, how to help the child to adapt to the new conditions is possible only together. 4. Educational and advisory work. In the 2014-2015 academic year, I spent and educational and consulting work. Counseling is conducted with the following categories: teaching staff and parents. Key questions that the staff treated: psycho-pedagogical characteristics of children, personal difficulties, relationships with parents. Key questions that addressed parents: adaptation to school, the child's academic performance and raise responsibility, independence and obedience, intellectual development. To work with the parents, I will deliver a speech at parents' meetings with the themes: "Adaptation of fifth graders," "Problems of interpersonal relationships in adolescence." At the information booth for parents I have posted advice on the topic "If a child is guilty" and "What to do to get your child was not aggressive." Also during the year, I consulted with my parents on the upbringing and education of children on the basis of the psychological examinations by their own request or on the recommendation of teachers. For students I interviewed on the following topics: "I and the school", "How do I cope with the emotions: conflicts with teachers and parents," "What situation at school cause me anxiety and fear?", "Student" may "disciple" should Group counseling of students in this year, I did not hold, and individual counseling focused mainly personal and educational issues (relationships with teachers, classmates and friends, and their parents). 5. Conclusions and recommendations. I believe that I have all planned for 2014-2015 academic year activities (surveys, presentations, consultations) have been met. However, revealed the following: the lack of interest of teachers and parents, the lack of interaction between teachers, parents and psychologists. In this regard, I would like to recommend the following: 1. The pupils leaders - to increase the number of classroom activities aimed at forming a united team of students closer to the team, to attract parents of students to work with children. 2. The subject teachers working in special classes - to coordinate its work with pupils with their class teachers, parents. 3. Parents - show increased interest in the education of their children, their success in their studies and school life. 4. The educational psychologist of the school - improve the work aimed at the coordination of joint efforts of all participants in the educational process - the students, the class teacher, subject teachers and parents (holding joint training, the development of individual recommendations, etc.); continue practicing skills group correctional and development work and to continue to work with groups; develop criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of its activities in key areas and to adapt existing programs. Teacher-psychologist Rozhko О.А.