CHD 145 – Teaching Art, Music, and Movement to Children (3 CR.) Northern Virginia Community College-Manassas Monday 7:00 – 9:40 Crème de la Crème Child Care Center 16351 Navigation Drive Woodbridge, VA 22191 PH: 703-580-8887 Monday 7:00 – 9:40 Spring Semester 2012 - First 8 Weeks Instructors: Jill Sobon, Adjunct Instructor, M.Ed ( Debi Stepien, Adjunct Instructor, M.Ed. ( Office Hours/location: by appointment, email CHD 145 is a hybrid course that combines class instruction with independent study outside the classroom. Students should have Internet Access and basic computer skills. Classes will meet in class on the dates listed in this syllabus. During the week, students will complete assignments using the computer. This course will be team taught. Text: Creative Activities for Young Children, 10th edition, M. Mayesky, Wadsworth Cenegage Learning. ISBN-13:978-1-111-29809-8 Course Description Focuses on children’s exploration, play, and creative expression in the areas of art, music, and movement. Emphasis will be on developing strategies for using various open-ended media representing a range of approaches in creative thinking. Addresses strategies for intervention and support for exceptional children and English Language Learners. Lecture 2 hours. Laboratory 2 hours. Total 4 hours per week. General Course Purpose To prepare the student to provide for the development of children’s creativity in art, music and movement using materials and activities which promote thinking and exploration of materials and concepts. Course Prerequisites/Co-requisites Functional literacy in the English language; reading at the 12th grade level. Course Objectives Upon completing the course, the student will be able to: 1 Describe the developmental characteristics of young children as they relate to the areas of art, music and movement. 2 Create age and stage appropriate learning experiences for children in the areas of art, movement, and music. 3 Demonstrate techniques for differentiated instruction and process learning in the areas of art, music and movement. 4 Explain the importance of culturally diverse activities in the areas of art, music and movement. 5Demonstrate techniques for adapting art, music and movement instruction for children with special needs. 6 Provide rationale and employ techniques for ongoing assessment in art, music and movement activities with children. 7 Identify and apply learning standards as they relate to art, music and movement: the Virginia Foundation Blocks, the Child Development Milestones, the Virginia Standards of Learning, and Core Competencies for Early Childhood Professionals. Major Topics to be Included • Play, development and creativity • Developmental levels of art, music and movement • Creative environments • Communicating with families • Varieties of media appropriate for young children 1 Note: Due to occasional messy lab activities and/or music/movement, please wear comfortable shoes and clothes that you do not mind getting messy. Student Responsibilities-General Information All students are expected to abide by the rules and policies in the Northern Virginia Community College Student Handbook. Classroom Courtesy Please turn off cell phones and pagers. If class is held at an off-campus location (a child care center), adhere to the center’s policy regarding bringing in outside food items (i.e. consideration of children’s food allergies). Smoke in designated locations only. Use restroom as needed, preferably at breaks. Snack and drinks are permitted as long as they do not interfere with your classmates’ learning experience, preferably at breaks. Confidentiality Adhere to the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct when discussing children, families, colleagues, and community/society. For more information, visit Emergency Plan In case of emergency, please follow the emergency procedures discussed on the first day of class and as posted in the classroom. E-mail Information on grades and other confidential matters will only be sent to your official NVCC e-mail account. You may program your official NVCC account to forward information onto other e-mail addresses if you desire. For email set up information go to: Emails will be answered within 48 hours. Inclement Weather/Unforeseen Class Cancellations Students are expected to keep up with the syllabus if class is cancelled for any reason. If the college campus is closed, all classes on and off that campus are closed. If the off-site class facility itself if closed, the class is cancelled (even if the college is open). Instructor may assign additional assignments in the event lecture and/or class participation is cancelled to ensure course material is covered. For this reason, students should check their college email often. Resources 1. The Manassas Campus Writing Center is a resource to help you improve your writing skills. For a detailed listing of the services provided go to: or visit 112A Howsmon Hall, which can also be reached by phone at 703-257-6645. 2. The Manassas Campus Computer Lab is a resource to help you with your computer skills. It is located in Howsmon Hall, second floor, room 209. The phone number is 703-257-6638/6520. 3. The Manassas Campus library is a resource to help you research your project topic. It is located on the first floor of Colgan Hall. The phone number is 703-257-6640. Call for times. 4. The Manassas Campus Testing Center is where students will go if in need of extended test time or other accommodations. Blackboard This class has a blackboard space. Class notes, some assignments, the syllabus and other information will be posted there. To access the website, go to: You can access Blackboard from any computer lab on campus or with any internet connection. Accommodations Students who have special accommodations must inform the instructor at the first class session. Scholarships for Summer 2012 Questions about your scholarship or the courses offered through the Early Childhood Program? Email Asst. Professor Kathleen Ludlow at at or visit her website at 2 Plagiarism Plagiarism will not be tolerated and may result in a failing grade for the course. All students are responsible to view plagiarism information at the following links before completing written assignments: (click on “research guides”, click on “citing sources”, then click on “citing sources and avoiding plagiarism” to read the information from our college regarding this) Course Requirements for CHD 145 Reading Assignments Students are responsible for reading all required assignments from the text as well as any extra reading assignments made by the instructor. It is important to keep up with your reading assignments so that you will be able to participate in class discussions. Reading assignments should be completed for each week of in class and online instruction. Attendance/Class Participation-10% of final grade Attendance and class participation is a graded component of this class. Students are expected to participate in class discussions which include whole group or small group sessions. In-class activities are considered to part of the participation grade. Notify the instructor if you plan to miss a class. If you miss a class, be sure to keep up with the course syllabus and contact a classmate for detailed information regarding notes and assignments. It is your responsibility to keep up with assignments. Missing more than 1 class will negatively affect your final grade. Missing 2 or more classes may result in an "F" (failure) grade for this course at the discretion of the instructor. Written Assignments 1. Blackboard Postings/Readings/Discussions: (15% of final grade – Week 1, 2, 3 Online) Students will read websites, articles, and/or books covering different topics pertaining teaching children art, music and movement. Write a one to two paragraph summary of the website, article, or book that clearly explains the benefit it has for your peers to gain knowledge from the chosen source. Cite your source. Your book lists many good sources for information. Write another paragraph that outlines your personal reflection and how it will improve your practice in instructing in art, music, and movement. Your three paragraph reflection for each topic should be posted online on the Blackboard site Discussion Board under the appropriate forum. You are also responsible for responding (see * below) to at least one other student. Write a 3 paragraph posting for each topic below: A) Creativity in early childhood B) Classroom environments that promote creativity C) The role of art in child development *Responses should be a minimum of three sentences and reflect time and effort. Responding with “I like that article also" will not count as a response entry. You must respond to one person per topic and you must choose a different person to respond to each time. 2. Dramatic Play Prop Box (10% of final grade): For one of the on line sessions, you will complete a review of a Power Point and search applicable websites in order to develop your own dramatic play prop box. Prop box will be shared with classmates at the following class session. 3. Reflection (10% of final grade) For one of the on line sessions, you will review assigned videos and a finger play song booklet. You will choose at least three finger plays to teach children. You will engage in the activities with children and write a 1 page typed reflection. 4. Lesson Plan (10% of final grade) Design a lesson related to music, art, or movement for a group of children in an early childhood setting. Your lesson plan must include the procedures and materials used, and evidence active participation by the children. Your plan should model sensitivity to children from varying backgrounds, ethnicities, and cultures. This lesson will be one of the components of your project. 3 5. Project (15% of final grade): You will complete a weekly block plan focused on a theme and integrate creative activities of art, music, and movement. You will complete an individual lesson plan for one such activity. You will implement your lesson plan in a classroom or a family day care home. A poster will be developed that includes pictures of the children engaged in the activity along with your captions and reflections. You will present this information to classmates. Midterm and Final Exam (15% each for 30% of total grade) Both exams will consist of information from the text, class lectures, and class discussions. The exams may include true/false, matching, multiple-choice, short answer, and essay. Both exams are open book and notes. Items to be Purchased by Student 1. Textbook 2. Supplies for typing or computer printing as needed (if no computer…the college has computers in the library, lab and writing center for student use with a small fee for printing). Evaluation/Grading All assignments must be completed to receive a grade for the course. Grades may be accessed any time at The final grade for each student will be computed with Excel and will be assessed as follows: Grades: A=100%-90% B=89%-90% C=79%-70% D=69%-60% 4 F=59% and below Class Date Week 1 In class 1/11 SLO 4 Course Content Creativity and Aesthetics Inst:Jill Week 1 Online 4 Week 2 In class 1/18 Week 2 Online 3 Inst:Debi Creative environments 3 Creative environments Week 3 In class 1/25 Week 3 Online 1,2 Week 4 In class 2/1 Inst:Jill 1,2 Art and Child Development Art and Child Development Week 4 Online 3, 4, 5 Setting up your art program and activities Dramatic Play Week 5 In class 2/8 Week 5 Online 3,4,5 Dramatic Play Week 6 In class 2/15 Week 6 Online Week 7 In class 2/22 Week 7 Online Week 8 In class 2/29 Week 8 Online 2,3,4,5 Creativity and Aesthetics Inst:Debi Inst:Jill 1, 2, 6 1, 2,6 Inst:Jill 2, 7 2, 7 Inst:Debi 2, 7 2, 7 Inst:Debi 2,7 Music and Movement Music and Movement Teaching Art, Music, Movement Teaching Art, Music, Movement Teaching Art, Music, Movement Teaching Art, Music, Movement Teaching Art, Music, Movement Readings Instructional Delivery Syllabus Chapters 1-4 Lecture, small groups Student’s choice of books, articles, web resources Blackboard Chapters 5-7 Student’s choice of books, articles, web resources Chapters 8-10 Student’s choice of books, articles, web resources Blackboard Lecture, Small groups Student’s choice of related websites Chapters 14-15 Blackboard Power point Chapters 16-17 Chapters 18-20 All previous readings Chapters 21-23 All previous readings Chapters 24-26 Blackboard Discussion Board Topic A Due 1/18 Textbook Blackboard Textbook Blackboard Blackboard Discussion Board Topic B Due 1/25 Textbook Blackboard Textbook Blackboard Lecture, Small groups Blackboard Resources Textbook Blackboard Lecture, small groups Chapters 11-13 Finger play songs from Dr. Jean website Related Assignment Due Blackboard Discussion Board Topic C Due 2/1 Textbook Blackboard Textbook Blackboard Dramatic Play Prop Box Due 2/8 Assessmen t Tool Discussion/ Midterm ?s Blackboard Rubric Discussion/ Midterm ?s Blackboard Rubric Discussion/ Midterm ?s Blackboard Rubric Discussion/ Midterm ?s Internet Research Prop Box Rubric Lecture, Small groups, Midterm Exam Textbook Blackboard Midterm Exam Web videos: Finger plays Reflection Due 2/15 Internet Research Reflection Rubric Textbook Blackboard CD’s Textbook Blackboard Discussion/ Final ?s Textbook Blackboard Project Rubric Project Presentation Textbook Blackboard Project Rubric Textbook Blackboard Final Exam Final Exam Textbook Blackboard Project Rubric Lecture, participation music/dance Black board Power points Students Present Projects Black board Power points Students Present Final Exam Black board Power points 5 Lesson Plan & Project Presentation Due 2/22 Project Rubric