Troop Leading Procedures 1. RECEIVE THE MISSION* conduct a METT-T analysis to determine the requirements for his Warning Order. * Determine and set time table based on actions that must be done to prepare your unit for operations. Conduct an initial recon (normally map recon) to more fully understand the terrain and time requirements for the mission (rough terrain, river crossings will require more time allocated for movement. START YOUR TIME TABLE AT MISSION TIME AND WORK BACKWARDS (reverse planning). You must give your subordinates the necessary time to prepare their units (1/3rd 2/3rd rule) Example time schedule: 0600 assault position established, 0530 move to AP, 0400 leaders recon complete/finalize plan, 0300 leaders recon, 0230 ORP established, 0001 depart friendly lines, 2330 begin movement, 2200 inspections, 2000 rehearsals, 1900 chow, 1630 brief backs, 1530 plt order, 1430 warning order update, 1300 receive opord from commander, 1215 issue warning order, 1200 receive warning order from commander 2. ISSUE A WARNING ORDER* Issue as soon as possible, do not wait for more information. Subordinate leaders can take a simple statement as "we need to be prepared to move in 1 hour" and start making a lot happen. Issue the best Warning Order you can and update it as needed. 3. MAKE A TENTATIVE PLAN* Develop a Mission Analysis by answering or providing the following: What is the mission and the commander's intent- 2 levels up and for your immediate commander What is the PURPOSE What are your assigned, specified, and implied tasks What are your mission-essential tasks What are your constraints and limitations Restate the mission What is your tentative time schedule * Estimate the situation and determine a course of action by answering or providing the following: How will terrain effect you and the enemy-movement, cover, etc. use OCOKA How will the weather effect you and the enemy-visibility, survivability, special equipment What is the enemies situation , most probable courses of action, intentions, and capabilities What is the friendly situation, courses of action, troops and time available What are the decisive points to the operation- and what must be achieved in order to accomplish the mission Determine the purpose of the main and supporting efforts Determine the essential tasks for subordinate units (main and supporting) Task organize squads to accomplish each mission Assign C2 HQs Assign all organic and attached units Establish your control measures Prepare a COA sketch and statement REPEAT THIS PROCESS FOR EACH COURSE OF ACTION different COA may have a different decisive point, tasks, or purposes. Analyze, compare, wargame each COA with subordinate leaders. MAKE YOUR COA DECISION-must stand alone, accomplish the commander's intent, and offers the best chance for success. 4. INITIATE MOVEMENT- this could be moving closer to the FEBA, into isolation, pulling a recon squad back into the perimeter. The instructions for this movement can be covered in the WARNO. REMEMBER, plan fires for all movements 5. CONDUCT RECONNAISSANCEThis is a continuos process from map to leaders recon. Must be done to confirm or adjust the plan. Leaders recon of objective is critical to confirming the plan and a crucial part to the operation. REMEMBER THIS, if you are compromised what will be the consequences. You are trying to confirm your plan not see every inch of the objective. 6. COMPLETE THE PLANYou must be prepared to adjust your tentative plan based on the results of the Ldr recon. A previously wargamed COA may be the better option now, or the location of key targets may be different and you need to adjust your control measures or your movement order. 7. ISSUE THE ORDERMaximize the use of visual aids, when the leader issues the ORDER prior to the LDR recon, he issues a FRAGO to finalize the plan prior to execution. 8. SUPERVISEThe best plan can and will fail if not supervised, disseminated properly, and managed accordingly. Briefbacks must be conducted at the very minimum, but ideally you want to include rehearsals, inspections, and continuous refinement when time allows. REHEARSALS are critical to success and often bring out problems not previously realized. Rehearsals will give your soldiers a picture of events as a reference. Conduct Actions on the Objective rehearsals, Special teams, mission essential tasks, etc.