Psychology 11

Psychology 11
Chapter 4: Sensation and Perception
Module 9: Sensation (pgs. 157 – 177)
1. Define ‘sensation’ and ‘perception’.
2. Differentiate between bottom-up processing and top-down processing.
3. What is the difference between an absolute threshold and a difference threshold?
4. What is signal detection theory and how is it used in modern psychology?
5. Define ‘sensory adaptation’ and give some examples of the benefits of sensory
adaptation in everyday life.
6. What is selective attention?
7. Using a diagram, identify the major parts of the visual system, indicating the role
each part plays in our ability to see.
8. Describe the following theories of color vision: a) trichromatic color theory and
b) opponent-process theory
9. Identify the major components of the auditory system and the function of each.
10. How does one identify where sound is coming from?
11. How is pain beneficial to human beings?
12. Identify the four basic tastes and determine which tastes we are naturally attracted
to and why we naturally avoid others
13. Differentiate among taste, smell and flavor.
14. Identify the four basic touch sensations, and outline effective ways to control pain
according to the gate-control theory of pain.
15. Differentiate between the two body senses: the kinesthetic sense and the
vestibular sense.
Module 10: Perception (pgs. 183 – 201)
1. What contribution did the Gestalt psychologists make to the study of human
2. Using the Gestalt concept of perception, describe the following and their
importance: a) figure and ground; b) similarity; c) proximity; d) closure; and
e) continuity.
3. Explain the importance of depth perception in our lives.
4. Describe the two major binocular depth cues and how they help us perceive
depth: a) retinal disparity and b) convergence.
5. Describe the following monocular depth cues and how they influence our
perception: a) relative size; b) relative motion; c) interposition; d) relative height;
e) texture gradient; f) relative clarity; g) linear perspective.
6. Describe the two phenomenon that cause us to perceive motion when nothing is
moving: a) stroboscopic motion and b) the phi phenomenon.
7. Explain the concept of perceptual constancy as it relates to size, shape and color
and brightness.
8. Define perceptual set and give some examples of how this mindset affects our
interpretation of everyday experiences.
9. How does context influence perception?
10. Describe the following illusions: a) the Muller-Lyer illusion; b) the Ames room
11. What is ESP? What criticisms have been made of ESP research?
12. What do people believe in ESP?
CHAPTER 4 TEST (Date:___________)