chapter 10 – ancient rome

Location – The Italian Peninsula is located in
southern Europe.
It is strategically located between
western Europe, North Africa, and
western Asia.
Shape – The Italian Peninsula is shaped like a
woman’s boot that is about to kick Sicily.
Boundaries – Mediterranean Sea (south), Adriatic
Sea (east), and Tyrrhenian Sea
(west), Alps (north)
Rivers – Tiber River – midway down the Italian
Po River – northern section of the Italian
Mountains – Alps (north)
Apennine Mts. – running down the
eastern side of the Italian peninsula
“Backbone of the Italian Peninsula”
Landforms (Terrain) - similar to Greece
mountainous with some
fertile plains (Latium Plain –
around Rome)
Climate – Warm and moist most of the year – great
conditions for growing grapes and olives
Legend – The king was overthrown by his
brother. The new king attempted to drown his infant
nephews. The babies were put in a basket and
thrown into the Tiber River. The basket drifted to
shore where a female wolf found it. The wolf cared
for the babies until a shepherd found them and took
them home. When they got older, they discovered
who they were and killed the evil king. They
founded a city on the banks of the Tiber River. The
brothers fought over the naming of the city, and
Romulus killed Remus. The city was named Rome
after its first king, Romulus.
Early People of Rome – Latins – as villages
united they became known as Romans
Etruscans – came from the north – skilled
builders & farmers taught Romans
how to build aqueducts and make
better weapons and ships
Greeks–crossed the Adriatic Sea to settle on the
Italian Peninsula
Roman Society – Citizens and non-citizens
Citizens were divided into two groups
– Patricians and Plebeians
Patricians – members of Rome’s noble
families – owned large farms
Plebeians – men who farmed, traded, and
made things for a living
(such as farmers, soldiers, and
merchants). Plebeians served in
the army and paid taxes.
Majority of citizens were plebeians.
Republic – means “public things” in Latin
Citizens have the right to vote, or choose
their leaders. People elected to represent
the people are called representatives.
Senate – governing body – made up entirely of
Consuls – two patricians chosen to manage the
government and the army
The two consuls had the power to
stop the other consul from taking action if he
did not agree.
Dictator - someone who has total control
over the people
Appointed by the consuls in time
of an emergency.
Plebeians often spoke out against the power of
the patricians. Patricians owned much of the land
around Rome and the plebeians were forced to rent
land from the patricians. Plebeians threatened to
revolt and stop serving in the army.
To get a say in the government the plebeians:
1) Refused to serve in the army
2) Refuse to pay taxes
Also, threatened to leave Rome and start
own city.
The threat worked. Plebeians could …
1) Elect officials called Tribunes
2) Tribunes could veto a government action by
the Senate
3) Had their rights protected
4) Elect their own assembly.
5) Eventually, passed laws for all of Rome.
The Senate was forced to meet the plebeians
demands. The citizen assembly appointed men to
protect the rights of the plebeians. These men were
called tribunes. Initially there were only two
tribunes appointed. Over time the tribunes
numbered ten men. They became very powerful.
However, the patricians still had more power than
the plebeians.
GOVERNMENT (Similar to the United States)
 Senate – controlled by the patricians
- determined how Rome would act
toward other governments
- controlled all the money collected and
spent by the republic
 Consuls – two men elected by the citizen
- served as Rome’s army
- served as powerful judges
 Tribunes – eventually 10 men elected by the
citizen assembly
- protect the rights of the plebeians
Structure of Government Under the Republic
2 Consuls
Senate (300
Head of
1 year term
Life term
Consuls chose the
Elected the 2
Ran the
Advised the
overseeing the
consuls. Advised
work of other
officials including
the Assembly.
(commanded) the
including tax
Approved or
Voted on laws
disapproved laws suggested by
Acted as judges
made by the
In an emergency,
consuls could
Made decisions
choose a dictator
Declared war or
– a single ruler to relationships with
make quick
foreign powers
Both consuls had
to agree on their
decisions. Each
had the power to
Veto the other. In
Latin, veto means
“I forbid.”
Wealthy Romans – Boys and some girls went to
school. Some were home tutored by Greek slaves.
Main meal was eaten in the late afternoon. Wealthy
citizens consumed fish, birds, olive oil with herbs,
dates, and pork. Poor citizens ate wheat and barley,
bread, olives, and meat scraps.
Roman clothing – light and comfortable due to the
- Men wore long togas made of
woolen cloth. This came from
the Etruscans.
Women wore two layers of tunics.
They also wore gold jewelry with
precious gems.
Plebeians wore short togas and
tunics to make it easier to work in.
PUNIC WARS – three – all won by Rome
Main cause – control of Sicily
1st Punic War – Hannibal’s father, Hamilcar led an
unsuccessful attack on Rome. Hamilcar made
Hannibal swear revenge on Rome.
2nd Punic War – Hannibal’s plan was to surprise
Rome by attacking from the north. He led his troops
through Spain, Gaul (present day France), over the
Alps and onto the Italian peninsula. His plan
worked and Rome lost battle after battle. Finally, a
Roman general, Scipio, decided to attack Carthage
hoping to get Hannibal and his troops to leave Rome
and return to their homeland to defend it. The
Carthaginians returned home only to be defeated at
the Battle of Zama (outside of Carthage). The defeat
of Hannibal gave Rome control over Carthage’s vast
territory. Rome became the most powerful nation in
the Mediterranean region.
A famous Roman general who took advantage of the
republic’s weakened condition after the Punic Wars.
He conquered many foreign lands (including France
and Belgium) and returned to Rome to take part in a
civil struggle for control of Rome. With the help of
money from Cleopatra (Egypt), Caesar was able to
win control of Rome and declared himself dictator.
A dictator is someone who rules with absolute
power. Government under a dictator is called a
Julius Caesar made important changes in Rome,
such as the calendar, land to his soldiers, free grain
to the poor citizens, increased jobs and citizenship to
many people not born in Rome. This angered many
patricians in the Senate and a plot to kill Caesar was
launched. On March 15, as Caesar was attending to
business on the floor of the Senate, he was stabbed
to death. According to legend, a friend warned
Caesar to “Beware of the Ides of March.” The
senators who killed Caesar believed they have saved
the republic from dictatorship.
After Caesar’s death a 14 year civil war broke out
for control of the government. The winner was
Octavian, Caesar’s grand-nephew and adopted son.
He took the name “Augustus”, or “honored one” as a
sign of his new power. The month of August is
named after him.
Life under Augustus was good and Rome prospered.
His rule began the Pax Romana, “the Roman Peace.”
This would last for nearly 200 years.
Augustus was not the only emperor during this
period. There were good emperors and bad
emperors. Some are listed below.
Claudius (followed
Caligula)– tried to
improve conditions in the
Marcus Aurelius –
lowered taxes and helped
the poor
Caligula – declared
himself a god – was
mentally cruel and
Nero – followed Claudius
– poisoned his
stepbrother and murdered
his wife and his mother
Accomplishments during the Pax Romana (lasted for
nearly 200 years)
 Building of roads - “All roads lead to Rome”
 Construction of beautiful public buildings and
arenas (Pantheon, Colosseum)
The Colosseum was a famous Roman arena.
Site of mock sea battles, gladiator fights, and
persecution of Christians. At one point in time,
the Colosseum had a canvas retractable roof.
Roman architecture consisted of domes and
 Building of aqueducts (brought water into the
city from higher locations)
 Roman Forum (similar to the Greek agora)
 Theaters and public baths
 Police and fire protection
 Trade and business prospered
Much of the legal system in the U.S. is based on the
principles, or basic rules, the Romans developed.
Similar to Hammurabi’s Code of Laws in Babylon,
Rome had the Twelve Tables. The Twelve Tables
were laws covered everything from marriage to
slavery. They were posted in Rome’s Forum. The
Forum was a gravel clearing in the middle of Rome
and was the center of life in Rome (similar to the
Greek agora).
 Language helped unite the Roman Empire.
 Romans brought their Latin language with them
to the lands they conquered.
 Latin is the basis for many languages spoken
today. These are called Romance languages.
 Romance languages include Italian, French,
Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian.
Jesus lived during the time of the Roman Empire.
He was a Jew from the southern part of the Roman
province of Palestine. During his ministry, he
healed sick people and performed many miracles.
He had twelve special followers called apostles.
Jesus was put to death because those in power were
afraid that he was becoming too popular and might
lead a revolt and take control. After his death,
resurrection, and ascension into heaven, his disciples
continued Jesus’ work and spread Jesus’ teachings
throughout the empire.
Early Christians were persecuted. It was against the
law to be a Christian. Christians were forced to
practice their religion in secret. Catacombs were
underground burial rooms for Christians.
Emperor Constantine made Christianity equal to all
other religions and outlawed the persecution of
Christians. Before he died, he was baptized. At that
point, many Romans followed the example of
Constantine and became Christians. In A.D. 380,
emperor Theodosius made Christianity Rome’s
official religion.
Christians called Peter the first bishop of Rome.
Later, Christians would give the bishop of Rome the
title pope – from the Latin word for “father.”
Causes for the decline
 Invasions from northern tribes (Germanspeaking peoples)
- Cities and farmlands were destroyed.
- Roads were unsafe to travel. Trade suffered.
- isolationism
 Empire got too big
- Difficulties with communication, collecting
taxes, and transporting army from one place
to another
• Army weakened
- Because the army battled for control of
government, it got weaker as a fighting
- Many Romans refused to serve in the army.
- Hired mercenaries (paid fighters). They
were not loyal to the empire and did not stop
Empire is divided in two. Diocletian, in an
effort to make the empire more controllable,
divided the empire into two sections, Eastern
Roman Empire and the Western Roman
Empire. Diocletian became the head of the
wealthy Eastern Roman Empire and put some
of his generals in charge of the west. The
people in the west felt abandoned by their
Constantine became emperor when Diocletian
retired. He attempted to reunite the east and the
west, but he stayed in the east. He established a new
capital city called Constantinople (Byzantium – site
of old Greek city). The city still exists today as
Istanbul, Turkey. After Constantine died, the
Empire divided & split again. As time passed, the
division became greater and the west grew weaker.
In addition the west continued to be plagued by
invasions by barbarians from northern tribes.
Finally the last ruler was removed from Rome and
the western empire collapsed. The Eastern Roman
Empire became known as the Byzantine Empire and
lasted another 1,000 years.
While the empire was dividing, Christians began to
disagree about the role of the emperor in religion. In
the east, the emperor was also the head of the church
and appointed church officials. In the west, the
church looked to the pope for leadership. They
believed the pope had authority over all Christians
including the emperor. The Byzantine Christians
strongly disagreed. Finally in 1054, the Christian
church split in two. The eastern church became
known as the Byzantine Orthodox Church. The
western church became known at the Roman
Catholic Church.
The Legacy of Rome
Roman alphabet
Road construction
Construction material (cement & marble)
Architecture – domes and arches
Government – republic – three branches of
Primitive mail service
Water system
Languages – Latin – Romance Languages
(Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French &
Spread of Christianity